123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537 |
- #
- #
- # Nim's Runtime Library
- # (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
- #
- # See the file "copying.txt", included in this
- # distribution, for details about the copyright.
- #
- # A simple mark&sweep garbage collector for Nim. Define the
- # symbol ``gcUseBitvectors`` to generate a variant of this GC.
- {.push profiler:off.}
- const
- InitialThreshold = 4*1024*1024 # X MB because marking&sweeping is slow
- withBitvectors = defined(gcUseBitvectors)
- # bitvectors are significantly faster for GC-bench, but slower for
- # bootstrapping and use more memory
- rcWhite = 0
- rcGrey = 1 # unused
- rcBlack = 2
- template mulThreshold(x): untyped = x * 2
- when defined(memProfiler):
- proc nimProfile(requestedSize: int)
- when hasThreadSupport:
- import sharedlist
- type
- WalkOp = enum
- waMarkGlobal, # we need to mark conservatively for global marker procs
- # as these may refer to a global var and not to a thread
- # local
- waMarkPrecise # fast precise marking
- Finalizer {.compilerproc.} = proc (self: pointer) {.nimcall, benign, raises: [].}
- # A ref type can have a finalizer that is called before the object's
- # storage is freed.
- GcStat = object
- collections: int # number of performed full collections
- maxThreshold: int # max threshold that has been set
- maxStackSize: int # max stack size
- freedObjects: int # max entries in cycle table
- GcStack {.final, pure.} = object
- when nimCoroutines:
- prev: ptr GcStack
- next: ptr GcStack
- maxStackSize: int # Used to track statistics because we can not use
- # GcStat.maxStackSize when multiple stacks exist.
- bottom: pointer
- when nimCoroutines:
- pos: pointer
- GcHeap = object # this contains the zero count and
- # non-zero count table
- stack: GcStack
- when nimCoroutines:
- activeStack: ptr GcStack # current executing coroutine stack.
- cycleThreshold: int
- when useCellIds:
- idGenerator: int
- when withBitvectors:
- allocated, marked: CellSet
- tempStack: CellSeq # temporary stack for recursion elimination
- recGcLock: int # prevent recursion via finalizers; no thread lock
- region: MemRegion # garbage collected region
- stat: GcStat
- when hasThreadSupport:
- toDispose: SharedList[pointer]
- gcThreadId: int
- additionalRoots: CellSeq # dummy roots for GC_ref/unref
- when defined(nimTracing):
- tracing: bool
- indentation: int
- var
- gch {.rtlThreadVar.}: GcHeap
- when not defined(useNimRtl):
- instantiateForRegion(gch.region)
- template gcAssert(cond: bool, msg: string) =
- when defined(useGcAssert):
- if not cond:
- cstderr.rawWrite "[GCASSERT] "
- cstderr.rawWrite msg
- quit 1
- proc cellToUsr(cell: PCell): pointer {.inline.} =
- # convert object (=pointer to refcount) to pointer to userdata
- result = cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](cell)+%ByteAddress(sizeof(Cell)))
- proc usrToCell(usr: pointer): PCell {.inline.} =
- # convert pointer to userdata to object (=pointer to refcount)
- result = cast[PCell](cast[ByteAddress](usr)-%ByteAddress(sizeof(Cell)))
- proc extGetCellType(c: pointer): PNimType {.compilerproc.} =
- # used for code generation concerning debugging
- result = usrToCell(c).typ
- proc unsureAsgnRef(dest: PPointer, src: pointer) {.inline, compilerproc.} =
- dest[] = src
- proc internRefcount(p: pointer): int {.exportc: "getRefcount".} =
- result = 0
- # this that has to equals zero, otherwise we have to round up UnitsPerPage:
- when BitsPerPage mod (sizeof(int)*8) != 0:
- {.error: "(BitsPerPage mod BitsPerUnit) should be zero!".}
- # forward declarations:
- proc collectCT(gch: var GcHeap; size: int) {.benign, raises: [].}
- proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: WalkOp) {.benign, raises: [].}
- proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: WalkOp) {.benign, raises: [].}
- proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: WalkOp) {.benign, raises: [].}
- # we need the prototype here for debugging purposes
- when defined(nimGcRefLeak):
- const
- MaxTraceLen = 20 # tracking the last 20 calls is enough
- type
- GcStackTrace = object
- lines: array[0..MaxTraceLen-1, cstring]
- files: array[0..MaxTraceLen-1, cstring]
- proc captureStackTrace(f: PFrame, st: var GcStackTrace) =
- const
- firstCalls = 5
- var
- it = f
- i = 0
- total = 0
- while it != nil and i <= high(st.lines)-(firstCalls-1):
- # the (-1) is for the "..." entry
- st.lines[i] = it.procname
- st.files[i] = it.filename
- inc(i)
- inc(total)
- it = it.prev
- var b = it
- while it != nil:
- inc(total)
- it = it.prev
- for j in 1..total-i-(firstCalls-1):
- if b != nil: b = b.prev
- if total != i:
- st.lines[i] = "..."
- st.files[i] = "..."
- inc(i)
- while b != nil and i <= high(st.lines):
- st.lines[i] = b.procname
- st.files[i] = b.filename
- inc(i)
- b = b.prev
- var ax: array[10_000, GcStackTrace]
- proc nimGCref(p: pointer) {.compilerproc.} =
- # we keep it from being collected by pretending it's not even allocated:
- when false:
- when withBitvectors: excl(gch.allocated, usrToCell(p))
- else: usrToCell(p).refcount = rcBlack
- when defined(nimGcRefLeak):
- captureStackTrace(framePtr, ax[gch.additionalRoots.len])
- add(gch.additionalRoots, usrToCell(p))
- proc nimGCunref(p: pointer) {.compilerproc.} =
- let cell = usrToCell(p)
- var L = gch.additionalRoots.len-1
- var i = L
- let d = gch.additionalRoots.d
- while i >= 0:
- if d[i] == cell:
- d[i] = d[L]
- when defined(nimGcRefLeak):
- ax[i] = ax[L]
- dec gch.additionalRoots.len
- break
- dec(i)
- when false:
- when withBitvectors: incl(gch.allocated, usrToCell(p))
- else: usrToCell(p).refcount = rcWhite
- when defined(nimGcRefLeak):
- proc writeLeaks() =
- for i in 0..gch.additionalRoots.len-1:
- c_fprintf(stdout, "[Heap] NEW STACK TRACE\n")
- for ii in 0..MaxTraceLen-1:
- let line = ax[i].lines[ii]
- let file = ax[i].files[ii]
- if isNil(line): break
- c_fprintf(stdout, "[Heap] %s(%s)\n", file, line)
- include gc_common
- proc initGC() =
- when not defined(useNimRtl):
- gch.cycleThreshold = InitialThreshold
- gch.stat.collections = 0
- gch.stat.maxThreshold = 0
- gch.stat.maxStackSize = 0
- init(gch.tempStack)
- init(gch.additionalRoots)
- when withBitvectors:
- init(gch.allocated)
- init(gch.marked)
- when hasThreadSupport:
- init(gch.toDispose)
- gch.gcThreadId = atomicInc(gHeapidGenerator) - 1
- gcAssert(gch.gcThreadId >= 0, "invalid computed thread ID")
- proc forAllSlotsAux(dest: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, op: WalkOp) {.benign.} =
- var d = cast[ByteAddress](dest)
- case n.kind
- of nkSlot: forAllChildrenAux(cast[pointer](d +% n.offset), n.typ, op)
- of nkList:
- for i in 0..n.len-1:
- forAllSlotsAux(dest, n.sons[i], op)
- of nkCase:
- var m = selectBranch(dest, n)
- if m != nil: forAllSlotsAux(dest, m, op)
- of nkNone: sysAssert(false, "forAllSlotsAux")
- proc forAllChildrenAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, op: WalkOp) =
- var d = cast[ByteAddress](dest)
- if dest == nil: return # nothing to do
- if ntfNoRefs notin mt.flags:
- case mt.kind
- of tyRef, tyString, tySequence: # leaf:
- doOperation(cast[PPointer](d)[], op)
- of tyObject, tyTuple:
- forAllSlotsAux(dest, mt.node, op)
- of tyArray, tyArrayConstr, tyOpenArray:
- for i in 0..(mt.size div mt.base.size)-1:
- forAllChildrenAux(cast[pointer](d +% i *% mt.base.size), mt.base, op)
- else: discard
- proc forAllChildren(cell: PCell, op: WalkOp) =
- gcAssert(cell != nil, "forAllChildren: 1")
- gcAssert(cell.typ != nil, "forAllChildren: 2")
- gcAssert cell.typ.kind in {tyRef, tySequence, tyString}, "forAllChildren: 3"
- let marker = cell.typ.marker
- if marker != nil:
- marker(cellToUsr(cell), op.int)
- else:
- case cell.typ.kind
- of tyRef: # common case
- forAllChildrenAux(cellToUsr(cell), cell.typ.base, op)
- of tySequence:
- when not defined(nimSeqsV2):
- var d = cast[ByteAddress](cellToUsr(cell))
- var s = cast[PGenericSeq](d)
- if s != nil:
- for i in 0..s.len-1:
- forAllChildrenAux(cast[pointer](d +% align(GenericSeqSize, cell.typ.base.align) +% i *% cell.typ.base.size), cell.typ.base, op)
- else: discard
- proc rawNewObj(typ: PNimType, size: int, gch: var GcHeap): pointer =
- # generates a new object and sets its reference counter to 0
- incTypeSize typ, size
- gcAssert(typ.kind in {tyRef, tyString, tySequence}, "newObj: 1")
- collectCT(gch, size + sizeof(Cell))
- var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, size + sizeof(Cell)))
- gcAssert((cast[ByteAddress](res) and (MemAlign-1)) == 0, "newObj: 2")
- # now it is buffered in the ZCT
- res.typ = typ
- when leakDetector and not hasThreadSupport:
- if framePtr != nil and framePtr.prev != nil:
- res.filename = framePtr.prev.filename
- res.line = framePtr.prev.line
- res.refcount = 0
- when withBitvectors: incl(gch.allocated, res)
- when useCellIds:
- inc gch.idGenerator
- res.id = gch.idGenerator
- result = cellToUsr(res)
- when useCellIds:
- proc getCellId*[T](x: ref T): int =
- let p = usrToCell(cast[pointer](x))
- result = p.id
- {.pop.}
- proc newObj(typ: PNimType, size: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} =
- result = rawNewObj(typ, size, gch)
- zeroMem(result, size)
- when defined(memProfiler): nimProfile(size)
- proc newObjNoInit(typ: PNimType, size: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} =
- result = rawNewObj(typ, size, gch)
- when defined(memProfiler): nimProfile(size)
- proc newObjRC1(typ: PNimType, size: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} =
- result = rawNewObj(typ, size, gch)
- zeroMem(result, size)
- when defined(memProfiler): nimProfile(size)
- when not defined(nimSeqsV2):
- {.push overflowChecks: on.}
- proc newSeq(typ: PNimType, len: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} =
- # `newObj` already uses locks, so no need for them here.
- let size = align(GenericSeqSize, typ.base.align) + len * typ.base.size
- result = newObj(typ, size)
- cast[PGenericSeq](result).len = len
- cast[PGenericSeq](result).reserved = len
- when defined(memProfiler): nimProfile(size)
- proc newSeqRC1(typ: PNimType, len: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} =
- let size = align(GenericSeqSize, typ.base.align) + len * typ.base.size
- result = newObj(typ, size)
- cast[PGenericSeq](result).len = len
- cast[PGenericSeq](result).reserved = len
- when defined(memProfiler): nimProfile(size)
- {.pop.}
- proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int, gch: var GcHeap): pointer =
- collectCT(gch, newsize + sizeof(Cell))
- var ol = usrToCell(old)
- sysAssert(ol.typ != nil, "growObj: 1")
- gcAssert(ol.typ.kind in {tyString, tySequence}, "growObj: 2")
- var res = cast[PCell](rawAlloc(gch.region, newsize + sizeof(Cell)))
- var elemSize, elemAlign = 1
- if ol.typ.kind != tyString:
- elemSize = ol.typ.base.size
- elemAlign = ol.typ.base.align
- incTypeSize ol.typ, newsize
- var oldsize = align(GenericSeqSize, elemAlign) + cast[PGenericSeq](old).len*elemSize
- copyMem(res, ol, oldsize + sizeof(Cell))
- zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[ByteAddress](res)+% oldsize +% sizeof(Cell)),
- newsize-oldsize)
- sysAssert((cast[ByteAddress](res) and (MemAlign-1)) == 0, "growObj: 3")
- when withBitvectors: incl(gch.allocated, res)
- when useCellIds:
- inc gch.idGenerator
- res.id = gch.idGenerator
- result = cellToUsr(res)
- when defined(memProfiler): nimProfile(newsize-oldsize)
- proc growObj(old: pointer, newsize: int): pointer {.rtl.} =
- result = growObj(old, newsize, gch)
- {.push profiler:off.}
- # ----------------- collector -----------------------------------------------
- proc mark(gch: var GcHeap, c: PCell) =
- when hasThreadSupport:
- for c in gch.toDispose:
- nimGCunref(c)
- when withBitvectors:
- incl(gch.marked, c)
- gcAssert gch.tempStack.len == 0, "stack not empty!"
- forAllChildren(c, waMarkPrecise)
- while gch.tempStack.len > 0:
- dec gch.tempStack.len
- var d = gch.tempStack.d[gch.tempStack.len]
- if not containsOrIncl(gch.marked, d):
- forAllChildren(d, waMarkPrecise)
- else:
- # XXX no 'if c.refCount != rcBlack' here?
- when defined(nimTracing):
- if gch.tracing:
- for i in 1..gch.indentation: c_fprintf(stdout, " ")
- c_fprintf(stdout, "start marking %p of type %s ((\n",
- c, c.typ.name)
- inc gch.indentation, 2
- c.refcount = rcBlack
- gcAssert gch.tempStack.len == 0, "stack not empty!"
- forAllChildren(c, waMarkPrecise)
- while gch.tempStack.len > 0:
- dec gch.tempStack.len
- var d = gch.tempStack.d[gch.tempStack.len]
- if d.refcount == rcWhite:
- d.refcount = rcBlack
- forAllChildren(d, waMarkPrecise)
- when defined(nimTracing):
- if gch.tracing:
- dec gch.indentation, 2
- for i in 1..gch.indentation: c_fprintf(stdout, " ")
- c_fprintf(stdout, "finished marking %p of type %s))\n",
- c, c.typ.name)
- proc doOperation(p: pointer, op: WalkOp) =
- if p == nil: return
- var c: PCell = usrToCell(p)
- gcAssert(c != nil, "doOperation: 1")
- case op
- of waMarkGlobal: mark(gch, c)
- of waMarkPrecise:
- when defined(nimTracing):
- if c.refcount == rcWhite: mark(gch, c)
- else:
- add(gch.tempStack, c)
- proc nimGCvisit(d: pointer, op: int) {.compilerRtl.} =
- doOperation(d, WalkOp(op))
- proc freeCyclicCell(gch: var GcHeap, c: PCell) =
- inc gch.stat.freedObjects
- prepareDealloc(c)
- when reallyDealloc: rawDealloc(gch.region, c)
- else:
- gcAssert(c.typ != nil, "freeCyclicCell")
- zeroMem(c, sizeof(Cell))
- proc sweep(gch: var GcHeap) =
- when withBitvectors:
- for c in gch.allocated.elementsExcept(gch.marked):
- gch.allocated.excl(c)
- freeCyclicCell(gch, c)
- else:
- for x in allObjects(gch.region):
- if isCell(x):
- # cast to PCell is correct here:
- var c = cast[PCell](x)
- if c.refcount == rcBlack: c.refcount = rcWhite
- else: freeCyclicCell(gch, c)
- when false:
- # meant to be used with the now-deprected `.injectStmt`: {.injectStmt: newGcInvariant().}
- proc newGcInvariant*() =
- for x in allObjects(gch.region):
- if isCell(x):
- var c = cast[PCell](x)
- if c.typ == nil:
- writeStackTrace()
- quit 1
- proc markGlobals(gch: var GcHeap) =
- if gch.gcThreadId == 0:
- when defined(nimTracing):
- if gch.tracing:
- c_fprintf(stdout, "------- globals marking phase:\n")
- for i in 0 .. globalMarkersLen-1: globalMarkers[i]()
- when defined(nimTracing):
- if gch.tracing:
- c_fprintf(stdout, "------- thread locals marking phase:\n")
- for i in 0 .. threadLocalMarkersLen-1: threadLocalMarkers[i]()
- when defined(nimTracing):
- if gch.tracing:
- c_fprintf(stdout, "------- additional roots marking phase:\n")
- let d = gch.additionalRoots.d
- for i in 0 .. gch.additionalRoots.len-1: mark(gch, d[i])
- proc gcMark(gch: var GcHeap, p: pointer) {.inline.} =
- # the addresses are not as cells on the stack, so turn them to cells:
- var c = cast[ByteAddress](p)
- if c >% PageSize:
- # fast check: does it look like a cell?
- var objStart = cast[PCell](interiorAllocatedPtr(gch.region, p))
- if objStart != nil:
- mark(gch, objStart)
- proc markStackAndRegisters(gch: var GcHeap) {.noinline, cdecl.} =
- forEachStackSlot(gch, gcMark)
- proc collectCTBody(gch: var GcHeap) =
- when not nimCoroutines:
- gch.stat.maxStackSize = max(gch.stat.maxStackSize, stackSize())
- when defined(nimTracing):
- if gch.tracing:
- c_fprintf(stdout, "------- stack marking phase:\n")
- prepareForInteriorPointerChecking(gch.region)
- markStackAndRegisters(gch)
- markGlobals(gch)
- sweep(gch)
- inc(gch.stat.collections)
- when withBitvectors:
- deinit(gch.marked)
- init(gch.marked)
- gch.cycleThreshold = max(InitialThreshold, getOccupiedMem().mulThreshold)
- gch.stat.maxThreshold = max(gch.stat.maxThreshold, gch.cycleThreshold)
- sysAssert(allocInv(gch.region), "collectCT: end")
- proc collectCT(gch: var GcHeap; size: int) =
- let fmem = getFreeMem(gch.region)
- if (getOccupiedMem(gch.region) >= gch.cycleThreshold or
- size > fmem and fmem > InitialThreshold) and gch.recGcLock == 0:
- collectCTBody(gch)
- when not defined(useNimRtl):
- proc GC_disable() =
- inc(gch.recGcLock)
- proc GC_enable() =
- when defined(nimDoesntTrackDefects):
- if gch.recGcLock <= 0:
- raise newException(AssertionDefect,
- "API usage error: GC_enable called but GC is already enabled")
- dec(gch.recGcLock)
- proc GC_setStrategy(strategy: GC_Strategy) = discard
- proc GC_enableMarkAndSweep() =
- gch.cycleThreshold = InitialThreshold
- proc GC_disableMarkAndSweep() =
- gch.cycleThreshold = high(typeof(gch.cycleThreshold))-1
- # set to the max value to suppress the cycle detector
- when defined(nimTracing):
- proc GC_logTrace*() =
- gch.tracing = true
- proc GC_fullCollect() =
- let oldThreshold = gch.cycleThreshold
- gch.cycleThreshold = 0 # forces cycle collection
- collectCT(gch, 0)
- gch.cycleThreshold = oldThreshold
- proc GC_getStatistics(): string =
- result = "[GC] total memory: " & $getTotalMem() & "\n" &
- "[GC] occupied memory: " & $getOccupiedMem() & "\n" &
- "[GC] collections: " & $gch.stat.collections & "\n" &
- "[GC] max threshold: " & $gch.stat.maxThreshold & "\n" &
- "[GC] freed objects: " & $gch.stat.freedObjects & "\n"
- when nimCoroutines:
- result.add "[GC] number of stacks: " & $gch.stack.len & "\n"
- for stack in items(gch.stack):
- result.add "[GC] stack " & stack.bottom.repr & "[GC] max stack size " & $stack.maxStackSize & "\n"
- else:
- result.add "[GC] max stack size: " & $gch.stat.maxStackSize & "\n"
- {.pop.}