12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 |
- from std/private/digitsutils import addInt
- template toLocation*(result: var string, file: string | cstring, line: int, col: int) =
- ## avoids spurious allocations
- # Hopefully this can be re-used everywhere so that if a user needs to customize,
- # it can be done in a single place.
- result.add file
- if line > 0:
- result.add "("
- addInt(result, line)
- if col > 0:
- result.add ", "
- addInt(result, col)
- result.add ")"
- proc isNamedTuple(T: typedesc): bool {.magic: "TypeTrait".}
- template tupleObjectDollar*[T: tuple | object](result: var string, x: T) =
- result = "("
- const isNamed = T is object or isNamedTuple(typeof(T))
- var count {.used.} = 0
- for name, value in fieldPairs(x):
- if count > 0: result.add(", ")
- when isNamed:
- result.add(name)
- result.add(": ")
- count.inc
- when compiles($value):
- when value isnot string and value isnot seq and compiles(value.isNil):
- if value.isNil: result.add "nil"
- else: result.addQuoted(value)
- else:
- result.addQuoted(value)
- else:
- result.add("...")
- when not isNamed:
- if count == 1:
- result.add(",") # $(1,) should print as the semantically legal (1,)
- result.add(")")