1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006100710081009101010111012101310141015101610171018101910201021102210231024102510261027102810291030103110321033103410351036103710381039104010411042104310441045104610471048104910501051105210531054105510561057105810591060106110621063106410651066106710681069 |
- #
- #
- # The Nim Compiler
- # (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
- #
- # See the file "copying.txt", included in this
- # distribution, for details about the copyright.
- #
- # Algorithms for the abstract syntax tree: hash tables, lists
- # and sets of nodes are supported. Efficiency is important as
- # the data structures here are used in various places of the compiler.
- import
- ast, hashes, intsets, strutils, options, lineinfos, ropes, idents, rodutils,
- msgs
- when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem):
- import std/assertions
- proc hashNode*(p: RootRef): Hash
- proc treeToYaml*(conf: ConfigRef; n: PNode, indent: int = 0, maxRecDepth: int = - 1): Rope
- # Convert a tree into its YAML representation; this is used by the
- # YAML code generator and it is invaluable for debugging purposes.
- # If maxRecDepht <> -1 then it won't print the whole graph.
- proc typeToYaml*(conf: ConfigRef; n: PType, indent: int = 0, maxRecDepth: int = - 1): Rope
- proc symToYaml*(conf: ConfigRef; n: PSym, indent: int = 0, maxRecDepth: int = - 1): Rope
- proc lineInfoToStr*(conf: ConfigRef; info: TLineInfo): Rope
- # these are for debugging only: They are not really deprecated, but I want
- # the warning so that release versions do not contain debugging statements:
- proc debug*(n: PSym; conf: ConfigRef = nil) {.exportc: "debugSym", deprecated.}
- proc debug*(n: PType; conf: ConfigRef = nil) {.exportc: "debugType", deprecated.}
- proc debug*(n: PNode; conf: ConfigRef = nil) {.exportc: "debugNode", deprecated.}
- proc typekinds*(t: PType) {.deprecated.} =
- var t = t
- var s = ""
- while t != nil and t.len > 0:
- s.add $t.kind
- s.add " "
- t = t.lastSon
- echo s
- template debug*(x: PSym|PType|PNode) {.deprecated.} =
- when compiles(c.config):
- debug(c.config, x)
- elif compiles(c.graph.config):
- debug(c.graph.config, x)
- else:
- error()
- template debug*(x: auto) {.deprecated.} =
- echo x
- template mdbg*: bool {.deprecated.} =
- when compiles(c.graph):
- c.module.fileIdx == c.graph.config.projectMainIdx
- elif compiles(c.module):
- c.module.fileIdx == c.config.projectMainIdx
- elif compiles(c.c.module):
- c.c.module.fileIdx == c.c.config.projectMainIdx
- elif compiles(m.c.module):
- m.c.module.fileIdx == m.c.config.projectMainIdx
- elif compiles(cl.c.module):
- cl.c.module.fileIdx == cl.c.config.projectMainIdx
- elif compiles(p):
- when compiles(p.lex):
- p.lex.fileIdx == p.lex.config.projectMainIdx
- else:
- p.module.module.fileIdx == p.config.projectMainIdx
- elif compiles(m.module.fileIdx):
- m.module.fileIdx == m.config.projectMainIdx
- elif compiles(L.fileIdx):
- L.fileIdx == L.config.projectMainIdx
- else:
- error()
- # --------------------------- ident tables ----------------------------------
- proc idTableGet*(t: TIdTable, key: PIdObj): RootRef
- proc idTableGet*(t: TIdTable, key: int): RootRef
- proc idTablePut*(t: var TIdTable, key: PIdObj, val: RootRef)
- proc idTableHasObjectAsKey*(t: TIdTable, key: PIdObj): bool
- # checks if `t` contains the `key` (compared by the pointer value, not only
- # `key`'s id)
- proc idNodeTableGet*(t: TIdNodeTable, key: PIdObj): PNode
- proc idNodeTablePut*(t: var TIdNodeTable, key: PIdObj, val: PNode)
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- proc lookupInRecord*(n: PNode, field: PIdent): PSym
- proc mustRehash*(length, counter: int): bool
- proc nextTry*(h, maxHash: Hash): Hash {.inline.}
- # ------------- table[int, int] ---------------------------------------------
- const
- InvalidKey* = low(int)
- type
- TIIPair*{.final.} = object
- key*, val*: int
- TIIPairSeq* = seq[TIIPair]
- TIITable*{.final.} = object # table[int, int]
- counter*: int
- data*: TIIPairSeq
- proc initIiTable*(x: var TIITable)
- proc iiTableGet*(t: TIITable, key: int): int
- proc iiTablePut*(t: var TIITable, key, val: int)
- # implementation
- proc skipConvCastAndClosure*(n: PNode): PNode =
- result = n
- while true:
- case result.kind
- of nkObjUpConv, nkObjDownConv, nkChckRange, nkChckRangeF, nkChckRange64,
- nkClosure:
- result = result[0]
- of nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkConv, nkCast:
- result = result[1]
- else: break
- proc sameValue*(a, b: PNode): bool =
- result = false
- case a.kind
- of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit:
- if b.kind in {nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit}: result = getInt(a) == getInt(b)
- of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit:
- if b.kind in {nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit}: result = a.floatVal == b.floatVal
- of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit:
- if b.kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}: result = a.strVal == b.strVal
- else:
- # don't raise an internal error for 'nim check':
- #InternalError(a.info, "SameValue")
- discard
- proc leValue*(a, b: PNode): bool =
- # a <= b?
- result = false
- case a.kind
- of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit:
- if b.kind in {nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit}: result = getInt(a) <= getInt(b)
- of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit:
- if b.kind in {nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit}: result = a.floatVal <= b.floatVal
- of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit:
- if b.kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}: result = a.strVal <= b.strVal
- else:
- # don't raise an internal error for 'nim check':
- #InternalError(a.info, "leValue")
- discard
- proc weakLeValue*(a, b: PNode): TImplication =
- if a.kind notin nkLiterals or b.kind notin nkLiterals:
- result = impUnknown
- else:
- result = if leValue(a, b): impYes else: impNo
- proc lookupInRecord(n: PNode, field: PIdent): PSym =
- result = nil
- case n.kind
- of nkRecList:
- for i in 0..<n.len:
- result = lookupInRecord(n[i], field)
- if result != nil: return
- of nkRecCase:
- if (n[0].kind != nkSym): return nil
- result = lookupInRecord(n[0], field)
- if result != nil: return
- for i in 1..<n.len:
- case n[i].kind
- of nkOfBranch, nkElse:
- result = lookupInRecord(lastSon(n[i]), field)
- if result != nil: return
- else: return nil
- of nkSym:
- if n.sym.name.id == field.id: result = n.sym
- else: return nil
- proc getModule*(s: PSym): PSym =
- result = s
- assert((result.kind == skModule) or (result.owner != result))
- while result != nil and result.kind != skModule: result = result.owner
- proc fromSystem*(op: PSym): bool {.inline.} = sfSystemModule in getModule(op).flags
- proc getSymFromList*(list: PNode, ident: PIdent, start: int = 0): PSym =
- for i in start..<list.len:
- if list[i].kind == nkSym:
- result = list[i].sym
- if result.name.id == ident.id: return
- else: return nil
- result = nil
- proc sameIgnoreBacktickGensymInfo(a, b: string): bool =
- if a[0] != b[0]: return false
- var alen = a.len - 1
- while alen > 0 and a[alen] != '`': dec(alen)
- if alen <= 0: alen = a.len
- var i = 1
- var j = 1
- while true:
- while i < alen and a[i] == '_': inc i
- while j < b.len and b[j] == '_': inc j
- var aa = if i < alen: toLowerAscii(a[i]) else: '\0'
- var bb = if j < b.len: toLowerAscii(b[j]) else: '\0'
- if aa != bb: return false
- # the characters are identical:
- if i >= alen:
- # both cursors at the end:
- if j >= b.len: return true
- # not yet at the end of 'b':
- return false
- elif j >= b.len:
- return false
- inc i
- inc j
- proc getNamedParamFromList*(list: PNode, ident: PIdent): PSym =
- ## Named parameters are special because a named parameter can be
- ## gensym'ed and then they have '\`<number>' suffix that we need to
- ## ignore, see compiler / evaltempl.nim, snippet:
- ##
- ## .. code-block:: nim
- ##
- ## result.add newIdentNode(getIdent(c.ic, x.name.s & "\`gensym" & $x.id),
- ## if c.instLines: actual.info else: templ.info)
- for i in 1..<list.len:
- let it = list[i].sym
- if it.name.id == ident.id or
- sameIgnoreBacktickGensymInfo(it.name.s, ident.s): return it
- proc hashNode(p: RootRef): Hash =
- result = hash(cast[pointer](p))
- proc mustRehash(length, counter: int): bool =
- assert(length > counter)
- result = (length * 2 < counter * 3) or (length - counter < 4)
- proc rspaces(x: int): Rope =
- # returns x spaces
- result = rope(spaces(x))
- proc toYamlChar(c: char): string =
- case c
- of '\0'..'\x1F', '\x7F'..'\xFF': result = "\\u" & strutils.toHex(ord(c), 4)
- of '\'', '\"', '\\': result = '\\' & c
- else: result = $c
- proc makeYamlString*(s: string): Rope =
- # We have to split long strings into many ropes. Otherwise
- # this could trigger InternalError(111). See the ropes module for
- # further information.
- const MaxLineLength = 64
- result = nil
- var res = "\""
- for i in 0..<s.len:
- if (i + 1) mod MaxLineLength == 0:
- res.add('\"')
- res.add("\n")
- result.add(rope(res))
- res = "\"" # reset
- res.add(toYamlChar(s[i]))
- res.add('\"')
- result.add(rope(res))
- proc flagsToStr[T](flags: set[T]): Rope =
- if flags == {}:
- result = rope("[]")
- else:
- result = nil
- for x in items(flags):
- if result != nil: result.add(", ")
- result.add(makeYamlString($x))
- result = "[" & result & "]"
- proc lineInfoToStr(conf: ConfigRef; info: TLineInfo): Rope =
- result = "[$1, $2, $3]" % [makeYamlString(toFilename(conf, info)),
- rope(toLinenumber(info)),
- rope(toColumn(info))]
- proc treeToYamlAux(conf: ConfigRef; n: PNode, marker: var IntSet,
- indent, maxRecDepth: int): Rope
- proc symToYamlAux(conf: ConfigRef; n: PSym, marker: var IntSet,
- indent, maxRecDepth: int): Rope
- proc typeToYamlAux(conf: ConfigRef; n: PType, marker: var IntSet,
- indent, maxRecDepth: int): Rope
- proc symToYamlAux(conf: ConfigRef; n: PSym, marker: var IntSet, indent: int,
- maxRecDepth: int): Rope =
- if n == nil:
- result = rope("null")
- elif containsOrIncl(marker, n.id):
- result = "\"$1\"" % [rope(n.name.s)]
- else:
- var ast = treeToYamlAux(conf, n.ast, marker, indent + 2, maxRecDepth - 1)
- #rope("typ"), typeToYamlAux(conf, n.typ, marker,
- # indent + 2, maxRecDepth - 1),
- let istr = rspaces(indent + 2)
- result = rope("{")
- result.addf("$N$1\"kind\": $2", [istr, makeYamlString($n.kind)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"name\": $2", [istr, makeYamlString(n.name.s)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"typ\": $2", [istr, typeToYamlAux(conf, n.typ, marker, indent + 2, maxRecDepth - 1)])
- if conf != nil:
- # if we don't pass the config, we probably don't care about the line info
- result.addf("$N$1\"info\": $2", [istr, lineInfoToStr(conf, n.info)])
- if card(n.flags) > 0:
- result.addf("$N$1\"flags\": $2", [istr, flagsToStr(n.flags)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"magic\": $2", [istr, makeYamlString($n.magic)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"ast\": $2", [istr, ast])
- result.addf("$N$1\"options\": $2", [istr, flagsToStr(n.options)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"position\": $2", [istr, rope(n.position)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"k\": $2", [istr, makeYamlString($n.loc.k)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"storage\": $2", [istr, makeYamlString($n.loc.storage)])
- if card(n.loc.flags) > 0:
- result.addf("$N$1\"flags\": $2", [istr, makeYamlString($n.loc.flags)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"r\": $2", [istr, n.loc.r])
- result.addf("$N$1\"lode\": $2", [istr, treeToYamlAux(conf, n.loc.lode, marker, indent + 2, maxRecDepth - 1)])
- result.addf("$N$1}", [rspaces(indent)])
- proc typeToYamlAux(conf: ConfigRef; n: PType, marker: var IntSet, indent: int,
- maxRecDepth: int): Rope =
- var sonsRope: Rope
- if n == nil:
- sonsRope = rope("null")
- elif containsOrIncl(marker, n.id):
- sonsRope = "\"$1 @$2\"" % [rope($n.kind), rope(
- strutils.toHex(cast[ByteAddress](n), sizeof(n) * 2))]
- else:
- if n.len > 0:
- sonsRope = rope("[")
- for i in 0..<n.len:
- if i > 0: sonsRope.add(",")
- sonsRope.addf("$N$1$2", [rspaces(indent + 4), typeToYamlAux(conf, n[i],
- marker, indent + 4, maxRecDepth - 1)])
- sonsRope.addf("$N$1]", [rspaces(indent + 2)])
- else:
- sonsRope = rope("null")
- let istr = rspaces(indent + 2)
- result = rope("{")
- result.addf("$N$1\"kind\": $2", [istr, makeYamlString($n.kind)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"sym\": $2", [istr, symToYamlAux(conf, n.sym, marker, indent + 2, maxRecDepth - 1)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"n\": $2", [istr, treeToYamlAux(conf, n.n, marker, indent + 2, maxRecDepth - 1)])
- if card(n.flags) > 0:
- result.addf("$N$1\"flags\": $2", [istr, flagsToStr(n.flags)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"callconv\": $2", [istr, makeYamlString($n.callConv)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"size\": $2", [istr, rope(n.size)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"align\": $2", [istr, rope(n.align)])
- result.addf("$N$1\"sons\": $2", [istr, sonsRope])
- proc treeToYamlAux(conf: ConfigRef; n: PNode, marker: var IntSet, indent: int,
- maxRecDepth: int): Rope =
- if n == nil:
- result = rope("null")
- else:
- var istr = rspaces(indent + 2)
- result = "{$N$1\"kind\": $2" % [istr, makeYamlString($n.kind)]
- if maxRecDepth != 0:
- if conf != nil:
- result.addf(",$N$1\"info\": $2", [istr, lineInfoToStr(conf, n.info)])
- case n.kind
- of nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit:
- result.addf(",$N$1\"intVal\": $2", [istr, rope(n.intVal)])
- of nkFloatLit, nkFloat32Lit, nkFloat64Lit:
- result.addf(",$N$1\"floatVal\": $2",
- [istr, rope(n.floatVal.toStrMaxPrecision)])
- of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit:
- result.addf(",$N$1\"strVal\": $2", [istr, makeYamlString(n.strVal)])
- of nkSym:
- result.addf(",$N$1\"sym\": $2",
- [istr, symToYamlAux(conf, n.sym, marker, indent + 2, maxRecDepth)])
- of nkIdent:
- if n.ident != nil:
- result.addf(",$N$1\"ident\": $2", [istr, makeYamlString(n.ident.s)])
- else:
- result.addf(",$N$1\"ident\": null", [istr])
- else:
- if n.len > 0:
- result.addf(",$N$1\"sons\": [", [istr])
- for i in 0..<n.len:
- if i > 0: result.add(",")
- result.addf("$N$1$2", [rspaces(indent + 4), treeToYamlAux(conf, n[i],
- marker, indent + 4, maxRecDepth - 1)])
- result.addf("$N$1]", [istr])
- result.addf(",$N$1\"typ\": $2",
- [istr, typeToYamlAux(conf, n.typ, marker, indent + 2, maxRecDepth)])
- result.addf("$N$1}", [rspaces(indent)])
- proc treeToYaml(conf: ConfigRef; n: PNode, indent: int = 0, maxRecDepth: int = - 1): Rope =
- var marker = initIntSet()
- result = treeToYamlAux(conf, n, marker, indent, maxRecDepth)
- proc typeToYaml(conf: ConfigRef; n: PType, indent: int = 0, maxRecDepth: int = - 1): Rope =
- var marker = initIntSet()
- result = typeToYamlAux(conf, n, marker, indent, maxRecDepth)
- proc symToYaml(conf: ConfigRef; n: PSym, indent: int = 0, maxRecDepth: int = - 1): Rope =
- var marker = initIntSet()
- result = symToYamlAux(conf, n, marker, indent, maxRecDepth)
- import tables
- const backrefStyle = "\e[90m"
- const enumStyle = "\e[34m"
- const numberStyle = "\e[33m"
- const stringStyle = "\e[32m"
- const resetStyle = "\e[0m"
- type
- DebugPrinter = object
- conf: ConfigRef
- visited: Table[pointer, int]
- renderSymType: bool
- indent: int
- currentLine: int
- firstItem: bool
- useColor: bool
- res: string
- proc indentMore(this: var DebugPrinter) =
- this.indent += 2
- proc indentLess(this: var DebugPrinter) =
- this.indent -= 2
- proc newlineAndIndent(this: var DebugPrinter) =
- this.res.add "\n"
- this.currentLine += 1
- for i in 0..<this.indent:
- this.res.add ' '
- proc openCurly(this: var DebugPrinter) =
- this.res.add "{"
- this.indentMore
- this.firstItem = true
- proc closeCurly(this: var DebugPrinter) =
- this.indentLess
- this.newlineAndIndent
- this.res.add "}"
- proc comma(this: var DebugPrinter) =
- this.res.add ", "
- proc openBracket(this: var DebugPrinter) =
- this.res.add "["
- #this.indentMore
- proc closeBracket(this: var DebugPrinter) =
- #this.indentLess
- this.res.add "]"
- proc key(this: var DebugPrinter; key: string) =
- if not this.firstItem:
- this.res.add ","
- this.firstItem = false
- this.newlineAndIndent
- this.res.add "\""
- this.res.add key
- this.res.add "\": "
- proc value(this: var DebugPrinter; value: string) =
- if this.useColor:
- this.res.add stringStyle
- this.res.add "\""
- this.res.add value
- this.res.add "\""
- if this.useColor:
- this.res.add resetStyle
- proc value(this: var DebugPrinter; value: BiggestInt) =
- if this.useColor:
- this.res.add numberStyle
- this.res.addInt value
- if this.useColor:
- this.res.add resetStyle
- proc value[T: enum](this: var DebugPrinter; value: T) =
- if this.useColor:
- this.res.add enumStyle
- this.res.add "\""
- this.res.add $value
- this.res.add "\""
- if this.useColor:
- this.res.add resetStyle
- proc value[T: enum](this: var DebugPrinter; value: set[T]) =
- this.openBracket
- let high = card(value)-1
- var i = 0
- for v in value:
- this.value v
- if i != high:
- this.comma
- inc i
- this.closeBracket
- template earlyExit(this: var DebugPrinter; n: PType | PNode | PSym) =
- if n == nil:
- this.res.add "null"
- return
- let index = this.visited.getOrDefault(cast[pointer](n), -1)
- if index < 0:
- this.visited[cast[pointer](n)] = this.currentLine
- else:
- if this.useColor:
- this.res.add backrefStyle
- this.res.add "<defined "
- this.res.addInt(this.currentLine - index)
- this.res.add " lines upwards>"
- if this.useColor:
- this.res.add resetStyle
- return
- proc value(this: var DebugPrinter; value: PType)
- proc value(this: var DebugPrinter; value: PNode)
- proc value(this: var DebugPrinter; value: PSym) =
- earlyExit(this, value)
- this.openCurly
- this.key("kind")
- this.value(value.kind)
- this.key("name")
- this.value(value.name.s)
- this.key("id")
- this.value(value.id)
- if value.kind in {skField, skEnumField, skParam}:
- this.key("position")
- this.value(value.position)
- if card(value.flags) > 0:
- this.key("flags")
- this.value(value.flags)
- if this.renderSymType and value.typ != nil:
- this.key "typ"
- this.value(value.typ)
- this.closeCurly
- proc value(this: var DebugPrinter; value: PType) =
- earlyExit(this, value)
- this.openCurly
- this.key "kind"
- this.value value.kind
- this.key "id"
- this.value value.id
- if value.sym != nil:
- this.key "sym"
- this.value value.sym
- #this.value value.sym.name.s
- if card(value.flags) > 0:
- this.key "flags"
- this.value value.flags
- if value.kind in IntegralTypes and value.n != nil:
- this.key "n"
- this.value value.n
- if value.len > 0:
- this.key "sons"
- this.openBracket
- for i in 0..<value.len:
- this.value value[i]
- if i != value.len - 1:
- this.comma
- this.closeBracket
- if value.n != nil:
- this.key "n"
- this.value value.n
- this.closeCurly
- proc value(this: var DebugPrinter; value: PNode) =
- earlyExit(this, value)
- this.openCurly
- this.key "kind"
- this.value value.kind
- if value.comment.len > 0:
- this.key "comment"
- this.value value.comment
- when defined(useNodeIds):
- this.key "id"
- this.value value.id
- if this.conf != nil:
- this.key "info"
- this.value $lineInfoToStr(this.conf, value.info)
- if value.flags != {}:
- this.key "flags"
- this.value value.flags
- if value.typ != nil:
- this.key "typ"
- this.value value.typ.kind
- else:
- this.key "typ"
- this.value "nil"
- case value.kind
- of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit:
- this.key "intVal"
- this.value value.intVal
- of nkFloatLit, nkFloat32Lit, nkFloat64Lit:
- this.key "floatVal"
- this.value value.floatVal.toStrMaxPrecision
- of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit:
- this.key "strVal"
- this.value value.strVal
- of nkSym:
- this.key "sym"
- this.value value.sym
- #this.value value.sym.name.s
- of nkIdent:
- if value.ident != nil:
- this.key "ident"
- this.value value.ident.s
- else:
- if this.renderSymType and value.typ != nil:
- this.key "typ"
- this.value value.typ
- if value.len > 0:
- this.key "sons"
- this.openBracket
- for i in 0..<value.len:
- this.value value[i]
- if i != value.len - 1:
- this.comma
- this.closeBracket
- this.closeCurly
- proc debug(n: PSym; conf: ConfigRef) =
- var this: DebugPrinter
- this.visited = initTable[pointer, int]()
- this.renderSymType = true
- this.useColor = not defined(windows)
- this.value(n)
- echo($this.res)
- proc debug(n: PType; conf: ConfigRef) =
- var this: DebugPrinter
- this.visited = initTable[pointer, int]()
- this.renderSymType = true
- this.useColor = not defined(windows)
- this.value(n)
- echo($this.res)
- proc debug(n: PNode; conf: ConfigRef) =
- var this: DebugPrinter
- this.visited = initTable[pointer, int]()
- #this.renderSymType = true
- this.useColor = not defined(windows)
- this.value(n)
- echo($this.res)
- proc nextTry(h, maxHash: Hash): Hash =
- result = ((5 * h) + 1) and maxHash
- # For any initial h in range(maxHash), repeating that maxHash times
- # generates each int in range(maxHash) exactly once (see any text on
- # random-number generation for proof).
- proc objectSetContains*(t: TObjectSet, obj: RootRef): bool =
- # returns true whether n is in t
- var h: Hash = hashNode(obj) and high(t.data) # start with real hash value
- while t.data[h] != nil:
- if t.data[h] == obj:
- return true
- h = nextTry(h, high(t.data))
- result = false
- proc objectSetRawInsert(data: var TObjectSeq, obj: RootRef) =
- var h: Hash = hashNode(obj) and high(data)
- while data[h] != nil:
- assert(data[h] != obj)
- h = nextTry(h, high(data))
- assert(data[h] == nil)
- data[h] = obj
- proc objectSetEnlarge(t: var TObjectSet) =
- var n: TObjectSeq
- newSeq(n, t.data.len * GrowthFactor)
- for i in 0..high(t.data):
- if t.data[i] != nil: objectSetRawInsert(n, t.data[i])
- swap(t.data, n)
- proc objectSetIncl*(t: var TObjectSet, obj: RootRef) =
- if mustRehash(t.data.len, t.counter): objectSetEnlarge(t)
- objectSetRawInsert(t.data, obj)
- inc(t.counter)
- proc objectSetContainsOrIncl*(t: var TObjectSet, obj: RootRef): bool =
- # returns true if obj is already in the string table:
- var h: Hash = hashNode(obj) and high(t.data)
- while true:
- var it = t.data[h]
- if it == nil: break
- if it == obj:
- return true # found it
- h = nextTry(h, high(t.data))
- if mustRehash(t.data.len, t.counter):
- objectSetEnlarge(t)
- objectSetRawInsert(t.data, obj)
- else:
- assert(t.data[h] == nil)
- t.data[h] = obj
- inc(t.counter)
- result = false
- proc strTableContains*(t: TStrTable, n: PSym): bool =
- var h: Hash = n.name.h and high(t.data) # start with real hash value
- while t.data[h] != nil:
- if (t.data[h] == n):
- return true
- h = nextTry(h, high(t.data))
- result = false
- proc strTableRawInsert(data: var seq[PSym], n: PSym) =
- var h: Hash = n.name.h and high(data)
- while data[h] != nil:
- if data[h] == n:
- # allowed for 'export' feature:
- #InternalError(n.info, "StrTableRawInsert: " & n.name.s)
- return
- h = nextTry(h, high(data))
- assert(data[h] == nil)
- data[h] = n
- proc symTabReplaceRaw(data: var seq[PSym], prevSym: PSym, newSym: PSym) =
- assert prevSym.name.h == newSym.name.h
- var h: Hash = prevSym.name.h and high(data)
- while data[h] != nil:
- if data[h] == prevSym:
- data[h] = newSym
- return
- h = nextTry(h, high(data))
- assert false
- proc symTabReplace*(t: var TStrTable, prevSym: PSym, newSym: PSym) =
- symTabReplaceRaw(t.data, prevSym, newSym)
- proc strTableEnlarge(t: var TStrTable) =
- var n: seq[PSym]
- newSeq(n, t.data.len * GrowthFactor)
- for i in 0..high(t.data):
- if t.data[i] != nil: strTableRawInsert(n, t.data[i])
- swap(t.data, n)
- proc strTableAdd*(t: var TStrTable, n: PSym) =
- if mustRehash(t.data.len, t.counter): strTableEnlarge(t)
- strTableRawInsert(t.data, n)
- inc(t.counter)
- proc strTableInclReportConflict*(t: var TStrTable, n: PSym;
- onConflictKeepOld = false): PSym =
- # if `t` has a conflicting symbol (same identifier as `n`), return it
- # otherwise return `nil`. Incl `n` to `t` unless `onConflictKeepOld = true`
- # and a conflict was found.
- assert n.name != nil
- var h: Hash = n.name.h and high(t.data)
- var replaceSlot = -1
- while true:
- var it = t.data[h]
- if it == nil: break
- # Semantic checking can happen multiple times thanks to templates
- # and overloading: (var x=@[]; x).mapIt(it).
- # So it is possible the very same sym is added multiple
- # times to the symbol table which we allow here with the 'it == n' check.
- if it.name.id == n.name.id:
- if it == n: return nil
- replaceSlot = h
- h = nextTry(h, high(t.data))
- if replaceSlot >= 0:
- result = t.data[replaceSlot] # found it
- if not onConflictKeepOld:
- t.data[replaceSlot] = n # overwrite it with newer definition!
- return result # but return the old one
- elif mustRehash(t.data.len, t.counter):
- strTableEnlarge(t)
- strTableRawInsert(t.data, n)
- else:
- assert(t.data[h] == nil)
- t.data[h] = n
- inc(t.counter)
- result = nil
- proc strTableIncl*(t: var TStrTable, n: PSym;
- onConflictKeepOld = false): bool {.discardable.} =
- result = strTableInclReportConflict(t, n, onConflictKeepOld) != nil
- proc strTableGet*(t: TStrTable, name: PIdent): PSym =
- var h: Hash = name.h and high(t.data)
- while true:
- result = t.data[h]
- if result == nil: break
- if result.name.id == name.id: break
- h = nextTry(h, high(t.data))
- type
- TIdentIter* = object # iterator over all syms with same identifier
- h*: Hash # current hash
- name*: PIdent
- proc nextIdentIter*(ti: var TIdentIter, tab: TStrTable): PSym =
- var h = ti.h and high(tab.data)
- var start = h
- result = tab.data[h]
- while result != nil:
- if result.name.id == ti.name.id: break
- h = nextTry(h, high(tab.data))
- if h == start:
- result = nil
- break
- result = tab.data[h]
- ti.h = nextTry(h, high(tab.data))
- proc initIdentIter*(ti: var TIdentIter, tab: TStrTable, s: PIdent): PSym =
- ti.h = s.h
- ti.name = s
- if tab.counter == 0: result = nil
- else: result = nextIdentIter(ti, tab)
- proc nextIdentExcluding*(ti: var TIdentIter, tab: TStrTable,
- excluding: IntSet): PSym =
- var h: Hash = ti.h and high(tab.data)
- var start = h
- result = tab.data[h]
- while result != nil:
- if result.name.id == ti.name.id and not contains(excluding, result.id):
- break
- h = nextTry(h, high(tab.data))
- if h == start:
- result = nil
- break
- result = tab.data[h]
- ti.h = nextTry(h, high(tab.data))
- if result != nil and contains(excluding, result.id): result = nil
- proc firstIdentExcluding*(ti: var TIdentIter, tab: TStrTable, s: PIdent,
- excluding: IntSet): PSym =
- ti.h = s.h
- ti.name = s
- if tab.counter == 0: result = nil
- else: result = nextIdentExcluding(ti, tab, excluding)
- type
- TTabIter* = object
- h: Hash
- proc nextIter*(ti: var TTabIter, tab: TStrTable): PSym =
- # usage:
- # var
- # i: TTabIter
- # s: PSym
- # s = InitTabIter(i, table)
- # while s != nil:
- # ...
- # s = NextIter(i, table)
- #
- result = nil
- while (ti.h <= high(tab.data)):
- result = tab.data[ti.h]
- inc(ti.h) # ... and increment by one always
- if result != nil: break
- proc initTabIter*(ti: var TTabIter, tab: TStrTable): PSym =
- ti.h = 0
- if tab.counter == 0:
- result = nil
- else:
- result = nextIter(ti, tab)
- iterator items*(tab: TStrTable): PSym =
- var it: TTabIter
- var s = initTabIter(it, tab)
- while s != nil:
- yield s
- s = nextIter(it, tab)
- proc hasEmptySlot(data: TIdPairSeq): bool =
- for h in 0..high(data):
- if data[h].key == nil:
- return true
- result = false
- proc idTableRawGet(t: TIdTable, key: int): int =
- var h: Hash
- h = key and high(t.data) # start with real hash value
- while t.data[h].key != nil:
- if t.data[h].key.id == key:
- return h
- h = nextTry(h, high(t.data))
- result = - 1
- proc idTableHasObjectAsKey(t: TIdTable, key: PIdObj): bool =
- var index = idTableRawGet(t, key.id)
- if index >= 0: result = t.data[index].key == key
- else: result = false
- proc idTableGet(t: TIdTable, key: PIdObj): RootRef =
- var index = idTableRawGet(t, key.id)
- if index >= 0: result = t.data[index].val
- else: result = nil
- proc idTableGet(t: TIdTable, key: int): RootRef =
- var index = idTableRawGet(t, key)
- if index >= 0: result = t.data[index].val
- else: result = nil
- iterator pairs*(t: TIdTable): tuple[key: int, value: RootRef] =
- for i in 0..high(t.data):
- if t.data[i].key != nil:
- yield (t.data[i].key.id, t.data[i].val)
- proc idTableRawInsert(data: var TIdPairSeq, key: PIdObj, val: RootRef) =
- var h: Hash
- h = key.id and high(data)
- while data[h].key != nil:
- assert(data[h].key.id != key.id)
- h = nextTry(h, high(data))
- assert(data[h].key == nil)
- data[h].key = key
- data[h].val = val
- proc idTablePut(t: var TIdTable, key: PIdObj, val: RootRef) =
- var
- index: int
- n: TIdPairSeq
- index = idTableRawGet(t, key.id)
- if index >= 0:
- assert(t.data[index].key != nil)
- t.data[index].val = val
- else:
- if mustRehash(t.data.len, t.counter):
- newSeq(n, t.data.len * GrowthFactor)
- for i in 0..high(t.data):
- if t.data[i].key != nil:
- idTableRawInsert(n, t.data[i].key, t.data[i].val)
- assert(hasEmptySlot(n))
- swap(t.data, n)
- idTableRawInsert(t.data, key, val)
- inc(t.counter)
- iterator idTablePairs*(t: TIdTable): tuple[key: PIdObj, val: RootRef] =
- for i in 0..high(t.data):
- if not isNil(t.data[i].key): yield (t.data[i].key, t.data[i].val)
- proc idNodeTableRawGet(t: TIdNodeTable, key: PIdObj): int =
- var h: Hash
- h = key.id and high(t.data) # start with real hash value
- while t.data[h].key != nil:
- if t.data[h].key.id == key.id:
- return h
- h = nextTry(h, high(t.data))
- result = - 1
- proc idNodeTableGet(t: TIdNodeTable, key: PIdObj): PNode =
- var index: int
- index = idNodeTableRawGet(t, key)
- if index >= 0: result = t.data[index].val
- else: result = nil
- proc idNodeTableRawInsert(data: var TIdNodePairSeq, key: PIdObj, val: PNode) =
- var h: Hash
- h = key.id and high(data)
- while data[h].key != nil:
- assert(data[h].key.id != key.id)
- h = nextTry(h, high(data))
- assert(data[h].key == nil)
- data[h].key = key
- data[h].val = val
- proc idNodeTablePut(t: var TIdNodeTable, key: PIdObj, val: PNode) =
- var index = idNodeTableRawGet(t, key)
- if index >= 0:
- assert(t.data[index].key != nil)
- t.data[index].val = val
- else:
- if mustRehash(t.data.len, t.counter):
- var n: TIdNodePairSeq
- newSeq(n, t.data.len * GrowthFactor)
- for i in 0..high(t.data):
- if t.data[i].key != nil:
- idNodeTableRawInsert(n, t.data[i].key, t.data[i].val)
- swap(t.data, n)
- idNodeTableRawInsert(t.data, key, val)
- inc(t.counter)
- iterator pairs*(t: TIdNodeTable): tuple[key: PIdObj, val: PNode] =
- for i in 0..high(t.data):
- if not isNil(t.data[i].key): yield (t.data[i].key, t.data[i].val)
- proc initIITable(x: var TIITable) =
- x.counter = 0
- newSeq(x.data, StartSize)
- for i in 0..<StartSize: x.data[i].key = InvalidKey
- proc iiTableRawGet(t: TIITable, key: int): int =
- var h: Hash
- h = key and high(t.data) # start with real hash value
- while t.data[h].key != InvalidKey:
- if t.data[h].key == key: return h
- h = nextTry(h, high(t.data))
- result = -1
- proc iiTableGet(t: TIITable, key: int): int =
- var index = iiTableRawGet(t, key)
- if index >= 0: result = t.data[index].val
- else: result = InvalidKey
- proc iiTableRawInsert(data: var TIIPairSeq, key, val: int) =
- var h: Hash
- h = key and high(data)
- while data[h].key != InvalidKey:
- assert(data[h].key != key)
- h = nextTry(h, high(data))
- assert(data[h].key == InvalidKey)
- data[h].key = key
- data[h].val = val
- proc iiTablePut(t: var TIITable, key, val: int) =
- var index = iiTableRawGet(t, key)
- if index >= 0:
- assert(t.data[index].key != InvalidKey)
- t.data[index].val = val
- else:
- if mustRehash(t.data.len, t.counter):
- var n: TIIPairSeq
- newSeq(n, t.data.len * GrowthFactor)
- for i in 0..high(n): n[i].key = InvalidKey
- for i in 0..high(t.data):
- if t.data[i].key != InvalidKey:
- iiTableRawInsert(n, t.data[i].key, t.data[i].val)
- swap(t.data, n)
- iiTableRawInsert(t.data, key, val)
- inc(t.counter)
- proc isAddrNode*(n: PNode): bool =
- case n.kind
- of nkAddr, nkHiddenAddr: true
- of nkCallKinds:
- if n[0].kind == nkSym and n[0].sym.magic == mAddr: true
- else: false
- else: false
- proc listSymbolNames*(symbols: openArray[PSym]): string =
- for sym in symbols:
- if result.len > 0:
- result.add ", "
- result.add sym.name.s
- proc isDiscriminantField*(n: PNode): bool =
- if n.kind == nkCheckedFieldExpr: sfDiscriminant in n[0][1].sym.flags
- elif n.kind == nkDotExpr: sfDiscriminant in n[1].sym.flags
- else: false