123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128 |
- ## Helper that is run after Nim's installation.
- ## We download mirror'ed mingw packages. The originals came from:
- ##
- ## https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20
- ## targetting%20Win32/Personal%20Builds/mingw-builds/6.3.0/threads-win32/
- ## dwarf/i686-6.3.0-release-win32-dwarf-rt_v5-rev1.7z/download
- ## https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20
- ## targetting%20Win64/Personal%20Builds/mingw-builds/6.3.0/threads-win32/
- ## seh/x86_64-6.3.0-release-win32-seh-rt_v5-rev1.7z/download
- ##
- import
- ui, asyncdispatch, httpclient, os, finish, registry, strutils, osproc
- type
- Actions = object
- addToPath, startMenu, mingw, aporia: bool
- Controls = object
- apply: Button
- bar: ProgressBar
- lab: Label
- const arch = $(sizeof(int)*8)
- proc download(pkg: string; c: Controls) {.async.} =
- let z = r"..\dist" / pkg & ".7z"
- if fileExists(z):
- c.lab.text = z & " already exists"
- return
- c.bar.value = 0
- var client = newAsyncHttpClient()
- proc onProgressChanged(total, progress, speed: BiggestInt) {.async.} =
- c.lab.text = "Downloading " & pkg & " " & $(speed div 1000) & "kb/s"
- c.bar.value = clamp(int(progress*100 div total), 0, 100)
- client.onProgressChanged = onProgressChanged
- await client.downloadFile("https://nim-lang.org/download/" & pkg & ".7z", z)
- c.bar.value = 100
- let p = osproc.startProcess("7zG.exe", getCurrentDir() / r"..\dist",
- ["x", pkg & ".7z"])
- if p.waitForExit != 0:
- c.lab.text = "Unpacking failed: " & z
- proc apply(a: Actions; c: Controls) {.async.} =
- if a.mingw:
- await download("mingw" & arch & "-6.3.0", c)
- if a.aporia:
- await download("aporia-0.4.0", c)
- if a.addToPath:
- let desiredPath = expandFilename(getCurrentDir() / "bin")
- let p = getUnicodeValue(r"Environment", "Path",
- var alreadyInPath = false
- for x in p.split(';'):
- if x.len == 0: continue
- let y = try: expandFilename(if x[0] == '"' and x[^1] == '"':
- substr(x, 1, x.len-2) else: x)
- except: ""
- if y == desiredPath: alreadyInPath = true
- if not alreadyInPath:
- addToPathEnv(desiredPath)
- if a.startMenu:
- createStartMenuEntry()
- c.apply.text = "Quit"
- proc main() =
- var mainwin = newWindow("Nim installer", 640, 280, true)
- mainwin.margined = true
- mainwin.onClosing = (proc (): bool = return true)
- let box = newVerticalBox(true)
- mainwin.setChild(box)
- var groupA = newGroup("Actions", true)
- box.add(groupA, false)
- var innerA = newVerticalBox(true)
- groupA.child = innerA
- let cbAddToPath = newCheckbox("Add Nim to PATH")
- innerA.add cbAddToPath
- let cbStartMenu = newCheckbox("Create start menu entry")
- innerA.add cbStartMenu
- var groupB = newGroup("Optional Components", true)
- box.add(groupB, false)
- var innerB = newVerticalBox(true)
- groupB.child = innerB
- let cbMingw = newCheckbox("Download Mingw")
- innerB.add cbMingw
- let cbAporia = newCheckbox("Download Aporia")
- innerB.add cbAporia
- var c = Controls(
- apply: newButton("Apply"),
- bar: newProgressBar(),
- lab: newLabel(""))
- innerB.add c.apply
- innerB.add c.bar
- innerB.add c.lab
- proc apply() =
- c.apply.text = "Abort"
- asyncCheck apply(Actions(addToPath: cbAddToPath.checked,
- startMenu: cbStartMenu.checked,
- mingw: cbMingw.checked,
- aporia: cbAporia.checked), c)
- c.apply.onclick = proc () =
- ui.quit()
- system.quit()
- c.apply.onclick = apply
- show(mainwin)
- pollingMainLoop((proc (timeout: int) =
- if hasPendingOperations(): asyncdispatch.poll(timeout)), 10)
- init()
- main()