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- import unittest
- template t(a: int): string = "int"
- template t(a: string): string = "string"
- test "templates can be overloaded":
- check t(10) == "int"
- check t("test") == "string"
- test "previous definitions can be further overloaded or hidden in local scopes":
- template t(a: bool): string = "bool"
- check t(true) == "bool"
- check t(10) == "int"
- template t(a: int): string = "inner int"
- check t(10) == "inner int"
- check t("test") == "string"
- test "templates can be redefined multiple times":
- template customAssert(cond: bool, msg: string): typed {.immediate, dirty.} =
- if not cond: fail(msg)
- template assertion_failed(body: typed) {.immediate, dirty.} =
- template fail(msg: string): typed = body
- assertion_failed: check msg == "first fail path"
- customAssert false, "first fail path"
- assertion_failed: check msg == "second fail path"
- customAssert false, "second fail path"