modulegraphs.nim 28 KB

  1. #
  2. #
  3. # The Nim Compiler
  4. # (c) Copyright 2017 Andreas Rumpf
  5. #
  6. # See the file "copying.txt", included in this
  7. # distribution, for details about the copyright.
  8. #
  9. ## This module implements the module graph data structure. The module graph
  10. ## represents a complete Nim project. Single modules can either be kept in RAM
  11. ## or stored in a rod-file.
  12. import std/[intsets, tables, hashes, strtabs, algorithm, os, strutils, parseutils]
  13. import ../dist/checksums/src/checksums/md5
  14. import ast, astalgo, options, lineinfos,idents, btrees, ropes, msgs, pathutils, packages, suggestsymdb
  15. import ic / [packed_ast, ic]
  16. when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem):
  17. import std/assertions
  18. type
  19. SigHash* = distinct MD5Digest
  20. LazySym* = object
  21. id*: FullId
  22. sym*: PSym
  23. Iface* = object ## data we don't want to store directly in the
  24. ## ast.PSym type for s.kind == skModule
  25. module*: PSym ## module this "Iface" belongs to
  26. converters*: seq[LazySym]
  27. patterns*: seq[LazySym]
  28. pureEnums*: seq[LazySym]
  29. interf: TStrTable
  30. interfHidden: TStrTable
  31. uniqueName*: Rope
  32. Operators* = object
  33. opNot*, opContains*, opLe*, opLt*, opAnd*, opOr*, opIsNil*, opEq*: PSym
  34. opAdd*, opSub*, opMul*, opDiv*, opLen*: PSym
  35. FullId* = object
  36. module*: int
  37. packed*: PackedItemId
  38. LazyType* = object
  39. id*: FullId
  40. typ*: PType
  41. LazyInstantiation* = object
  42. module*: int
  43. sym*: FullId
  44. concreteTypes*: seq[FullId]
  45. inst*: PInstantiation
  46. PipelinePass* = enum
  47. NonePass
  48. SemPass
  49. JSgenPass
  50. CgenPass
  51. EvalPass
  52. InterpreterPass
  53. GenDependPass
  54. Docgen2TexPass
  55. Docgen2JsonPass
  56. Docgen2Pass
  57. ModuleGraph* {.acyclic.} = ref object
  58. ifaces*: seq[Iface] ## indexed by int32 fileIdx
  59. packed*: PackedModuleGraph
  60. encoders*: seq[PackedEncoder]
  61. typeInstCache*: Table[ItemId, seq[LazyType]] # A symbol's ItemId.
  62. procInstCache*: Table[ItemId, seq[LazyInstantiation]] # A symbol's ItemId.
  63. attachedOps*: array[TTypeAttachedOp, Table[ItemId, LazySym]] # Type ID, destructors, etc.
  64. methodsPerGenericType*: Table[ItemId, seq[(int, LazySym)]] # Type ID, attached methods
  65. memberProcsPerType*: Table[ItemId, seq[PSym]] # Type ID, attached member procs (only c++, virtual,member and ctor so far).
  66. initializersPerType*: Table[ItemId, PNode] # Type ID, AST call to the default ctor (c++ only)
  67. enumToStringProcs*: Table[ItemId, LazySym]
  68. emittedTypeInfo*: Table[string, FileIndex]
  69. startupPackedConfig*: PackedConfig
  70. packageSyms*: TStrTable
  71. deps*: IntSet # the dependency graph or potentially its transitive closure.
  72. importDeps*: Table[FileIndex, seq[FileIndex]] # explicit import module dependencies
  73. suggestMode*: bool # whether we are in nimsuggest mode or not.
  74. invalidTransitiveClosure: bool
  75. interactive*: bool
  76. inclToMod*: Table[FileIndex, FileIndex] # mapping of include file to the
  77. # first module that included it
  78. importStack*: seq[FileIndex] # The current import stack. Used for detecting recursive
  79. # module dependencies.
  80. backend*: RootRef # minor hack so that a backend can extend this easily
  81. config*: ConfigRef
  82. cache*: IdentCache
  83. vm*: RootRef # unfortunately the 'vm' state is shared project-wise, this will
  84. # be clarified in later compiler implementations.
  85. repl*: RootRef # REPL state is shared project-wise.
  86. doStopCompile*: proc(): bool {.closure.}
  87. usageSym*: PSym # for nimsuggest
  88. owners*: seq[PSym]
  89. suggestSymbols*: SuggestSymbolDatabase
  90. suggestErrors*: Table[FileIndex, seq[Suggest]]
  91. methods*: seq[tuple[methods: seq[PSym], dispatcher: PSym]] # needs serialization!
  92. bucketTable*: CountTable[ItemId]
  93. objectTree*: Table[ItemId, seq[tuple[depth: int, value: PType]]]
  94. methodsPerType*: Table[ItemId, seq[LazySym]]
  95. dispatchers*: seq[LazySym]
  96. systemModule*: PSym
  97. sysTypes*: array[TTypeKind, PType]
  98. compilerprocs*: TStrTable
  99. exposed*: TStrTable
  100. packageTypes*: TStrTable
  101. emptyNode*: PNode
  102. canonTypes*: Table[SigHash, PType]
  103. symBodyHashes*: Table[int, SigHash] # symId to digest mapping
  104. importModuleCallback*: proc (graph: ModuleGraph; m: PSym, fileIdx: FileIndex): PSym {.nimcall.}
  105. includeFileCallback*: proc (graph: ModuleGraph; m: PSym, fileIdx: FileIndex): PNode {.nimcall.}
  106. cacheSeqs*: Table[string, PNode] # state that is shared to support the 'macrocache' API; IC: implemented
  107. cacheCounters*: Table[string, BiggestInt] # IC: implemented
  108. cacheTables*: Table[string, BTree[string, PNode]] # IC: implemented
  109. passes*: seq[TPass]
  110. pipelinePass*: PipelinePass
  111. onDefinition*: proc (graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym; info: TLineInfo) {.nimcall.}
  112. onDefinitionResolveForward*: proc (graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym; info: TLineInfo) {.nimcall.}
  113. onUsage*: proc (graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym; info: TLineInfo) {.nimcall.}
  114. globalDestructors*: seq[PNode]
  115. strongSemCheck*: proc (graph: ModuleGraph; owner: PSym; body: PNode) {.nimcall.}
  116. compatibleProps*: proc (graph: ModuleGraph; formal, actual: PType): bool {.nimcall.}
  117. idgen*: IdGenerator
  118. operators*: Operators
  119. cachedFiles*: StringTableRef
  120. TPassContext* = object of RootObj # the pass's context
  121. idgen*: IdGenerator
  122. PPassContext* = ref TPassContext
  123. TPassOpen* = proc (graph: ModuleGraph; module: PSym; idgen: IdGenerator): PPassContext {.nimcall.}
  124. TPassClose* = proc (graph: ModuleGraph; p: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode {.nimcall.}
  125. TPassProcess* = proc (p: PPassContext, topLevelStmt: PNode): PNode {.nimcall.}
  126. TPass* = tuple[open: TPassOpen,
  127. process: TPassProcess,
  128. close: TPassClose,
  129. isFrontend: bool]
  130. proc resetForBackend*(g: ModuleGraph) =
  131. g.compilerprocs = initStrTable()
  132. g.typeInstCache.clear()
  133. g.procInstCache.clear()
  134. for a in mitems(g.attachedOps):
  135. a.clear()
  136. g.methodsPerGenericType.clear()
  137. g.enumToStringProcs.clear()
  138. g.dispatchers.setLen(0)
  139. g.methodsPerType.clear()
  140. const
  141. cb64 = [
  142. "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N",
  143. "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
  144. "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n",
  145. "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",
  146. "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9a",
  147. "9b", "9c"]
  148. proc toBase64a(s: cstring, len: int): string =
  149. ## encodes `s` into base64 representation.
  150. result = newStringOfCap(((len + 2) div 3) * 4)
  151. result.add "__"
  152. var i = 0
  153. while i < len - 2:
  154. let a = ord(s[i])
  155. let b = ord(s[i+1])
  156. let c = ord(s[i+2])
  157. result.add cb64[a shr 2]
  158. result.add cb64[((a and 3) shl 4) or ((b and 0xF0) shr 4)]
  159. result.add cb64[((b and 0x0F) shl 2) or ((c and 0xC0) shr 6)]
  160. result.add cb64[c and 0x3F]
  161. inc(i, 3)
  162. if i < len-1:
  163. let a = ord(s[i])
  164. let b = ord(s[i+1])
  165. result.add cb64[a shr 2]
  166. result.add cb64[((a and 3) shl 4) or ((b and 0xF0) shr 4)]
  167. result.add cb64[((b and 0x0F) shl 2)]
  168. elif i < len:
  169. let a = ord(s[i])
  170. result.add cb64[a shr 2]
  171. result.add cb64[(a and 3) shl 4]
  172. template interfSelect(iface: Iface, importHidden: bool): TStrTable =
  173. var ret = iface.interf.addr # without intermediate ptr, it creates a copy and compiler becomes 15x slower!
  174. if importHidden: ret = iface.interfHidden.addr
  175. ret[]
  176. template semtab(g: ModuleGraph, m: PSym): TStrTable =
  177. g.ifaces[m.position].interf
  178. template semtabAll*(g: ModuleGraph, m: PSym): TStrTable =
  179. g.ifaces[m.position].interfHidden
  180. proc initStrTables*(g: ModuleGraph, m: PSym) =
  181. semtab(g, m) = initStrTable()
  182. semtabAll(g, m) = initStrTable()
  183. proc strTableAdds*(g: ModuleGraph, m: PSym, s: PSym) =
  184. strTableAdd(semtab(g, m), s)
  185. strTableAdd(semtabAll(g, m), s)
  186. proc isCachedModule(g: ModuleGraph; module: int): bool {.inline.} =
  187. result = module < g.packed.len and g.packed[module].status == loaded
  188. proc isCachedModule*(g: ModuleGraph; m: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
  189. isCachedModule(g, m.position)
  190. proc simulateCachedModule(g: ModuleGraph; moduleSym: PSym; m: PackedModule) =
  191. when false:
  192. echo "simulating ",, " ", moduleSym.position
  193. simulateLoadedModule(g.packed, g.config, g.cache, moduleSym, m)
  194. proc initEncoder*(g: ModuleGraph; module: PSym) =
  195. let id = module.position
  196. if id >= g.encoders.len:
  197. setLen g.encoders, id+1
  198. ic.initEncoder(g.encoders[id],
  199. g.packed[id].fromDisk, module, g.config, g.startupPackedConfig)
  200. type
  201. ModuleIter* = object
  202. fromRod: bool
  203. modIndex: int
  204. ti: TIdentIter
  205. rodIt: RodIter
  206. importHidden: bool
  207. proc initModuleIter*(mi: var ModuleIter; g: ModuleGraph; m: PSym; name: PIdent): PSym =
  208. assert m.kind == skModule
  209. mi.modIndex = m.position
  210. mi.fromRod = isCachedModule(g, mi.modIndex)
  211. mi.importHidden = optImportHidden in m.options
  212. if mi.fromRod:
  213. result = initRodIter(mi.rodIt, g.config, g.cache, g.packed, FileIndex mi.modIndex, name, mi.importHidden)
  214. else:
  215. result = initIdentIter(mi.ti, g.ifaces[mi.modIndex].interfSelect(mi.importHidden), name)
  216. proc nextModuleIter*(mi: var ModuleIter; g: ModuleGraph): PSym =
  217. if mi.fromRod:
  218. result = nextRodIter(mi.rodIt, g.packed)
  219. else:
  220. result = nextIdentIter(mi.ti, g.ifaces[mi.modIndex].interfSelect(mi.importHidden))
  221. iterator allSyms*(g: ModuleGraph; m: PSym): PSym =
  222. let importHidden = optImportHidden in m.options
  223. if isCachedModule(g, m):
  224. var rodIt: RodIter = default(RodIter)
  225. var r = initRodIterAllSyms(rodIt, g.config, g.cache, g.packed, FileIndex m.position, importHidden)
  226. while r != nil:
  227. yield r
  228. r = nextRodIter(rodIt, g.packed)
  229. else:
  230. for s in g.ifaces[m.position].interfSelect(importHidden).data:
  231. if s != nil:
  232. yield s
  233. proc someSym*(g: ModuleGraph; m: PSym; name: PIdent): PSym =
  234. let importHidden = optImportHidden in m.options
  235. if isCachedModule(g, m):
  236. result = interfaceSymbol(g.config, g.cache, g.packed, FileIndex(m.position), name, importHidden)
  237. else:
  238. result = strTableGet(g.ifaces[m.position].interfSelect(importHidden), name)
  239. proc systemModuleSym*(g: ModuleGraph; name: PIdent): PSym =
  240. result = someSym(g, g.systemModule, name)
  241. iterator systemModuleSyms*(g: ModuleGraph; name: PIdent): PSym =
  242. var mi: ModuleIter = default(ModuleIter)
  243. var r = initModuleIter(mi, g, g.systemModule, name)
  244. while r != nil:
  245. yield r
  246. r = nextModuleIter(mi, g)
  247. proc resolveType(g: ModuleGraph; t: var LazyType): PType =
  248. result = t.typ
  249. if result == nil and isCachedModule(g,
  250. result = loadTypeFromId(g.config, g.cache, g.packed,,
  251. t.typ = result
  252. assert result != nil
  253. proc resolveSym(g: ModuleGraph; t: var LazySym): PSym =
  254. result = t.sym
  255. if result == nil and isCachedModule(g,
  256. result = loadSymFromId(g.config, g.cache, g.packed,,
  257. t.sym = result
  258. assert result != nil
  259. proc resolveInst(g: ModuleGraph; t: var LazyInstantiation): PInstantiation =
  260. result = t.inst
  261. if result == nil and isCachedModule(g, t.module):
  262. result = PInstantiation(sym: loadSymFromId(g.config, g.cache, g.packed, t.sym.module, t.sym.packed))
  263. result.concreteTypes = newSeq[PType](t.concreteTypes.len)
  264. for i in 0..high(result.concreteTypes):
  265. result.concreteTypes[i] = loadTypeFromId(g.config, g.cache, g.packed,
  266. t.concreteTypes[i].module, t.concreteTypes[i].packed)
  267. t.inst = result
  268. assert result != nil
  269. proc resolveAttachedOp*(g: ModuleGraph; t: var LazySym): PSym =
  270. result = t.sym
  271. if result == nil:
  272. result = loadSymFromId(g.config, g.cache, g.packed,,
  273. t.sym = result
  274. assert result != nil
  275. iterator typeInstCacheItems*(g: ModuleGraph; s: PSym): PType =
  276. if g.typeInstCache.contains(s.itemId):
  277. let x = addr(g.typeInstCache[s.itemId])
  278. for t in mitems(x[]):
  279. yield resolveType(g, t)
  280. iterator procInstCacheItems*(g: ModuleGraph; s: PSym): PInstantiation =
  281. if g.procInstCache.contains(s.itemId):
  282. let x = addr(g.procInstCache[s.itemId])
  283. for t in mitems(x[]):
  284. yield resolveInst(g, t)
  285. proc getAttachedOp*(g: ModuleGraph; t: PType; op: TTypeAttachedOp): PSym =
  286. ## returns the requested attached operation for type `t`. Can return nil
  287. ## if no such operation exists.
  288. if g.attachedOps[op].contains(t.itemId):
  289. result = resolveAttachedOp(g, g.attachedOps[op][t.itemId])
  290. else:
  291. result = nil
  292. proc setAttachedOp*(g: ModuleGraph; module: int; t: PType; op: TTypeAttachedOp; value: PSym) =
  293. ## we also need to record this to the packed module.
  294. g.attachedOps[op][t.itemId] = LazySym(sym: value)
  295. proc setAttachedOpPartial*(g: ModuleGraph; module: int; t: PType; op: TTypeAttachedOp; value: PSym) =
  296. ## we also need to record this to the packed module.
  297. g.attachedOps[op][t.itemId] = LazySym(sym: value)
  298. proc completePartialOp*(g: ModuleGraph; module: int; t: PType; op: TTypeAttachedOp; value: PSym) =
  299. if g.config.symbolFiles != disabledSf:
  300. assert module < g.encoders.len
  301. assert isActive(g.encoders[module])
  302. toPackedGeneratedProcDef(value, g.encoders[module], g.packed[module].fromDisk)
  303. #storeAttachedProcDef(t, op, value, g.encoders[module], g.packed[module].fromDisk)
  304. iterator getDispatchers*(g: ModuleGraph): PSym =
  305. for i in g.dispatchers.mitems:
  306. yield resolveSym(g, i)
  307. proc addDispatchers*(g: ModuleGraph, value: PSym) =
  308. # TODO: add it for packed modules
  309. g.dispatchers.add LazySym(sym: value)
  310. iterator resolveLazySymSeq(g: ModuleGraph, list: var seq[LazySym]): PSym =
  311. for it in list.mitems:
  312. yield resolveSym(g, it)
  313. proc setMethodsPerType*(g: ModuleGraph; id: ItemId, methods: seq[LazySym]) =
  314. # TODO: add it for packed modules
  315. g.methodsPerType[id] = methods
  316. iterator getMethodsPerType*(g: ModuleGraph; t: PType): PSym =
  317. if g.methodsPerType.contains(t.itemId):
  318. for it in mitems g.methodsPerType[t.itemId]:
  319. yield resolveSym(g, it)
  320. proc getToStringProc*(g: ModuleGraph; t: PType): PSym =
  321. result = resolveSym(g, g.enumToStringProcs[t.itemId])
  322. assert result != nil
  323. proc setToStringProc*(g: ModuleGraph; t: PType; value: PSym) =
  324. g.enumToStringProcs[t.itemId] = LazySym(sym: value)
  325. iterator methodsForGeneric*(g: ModuleGraph; t: PType): (int, PSym) =
  326. if g.methodsPerGenericType.contains(t.itemId):
  327. for it in mitems g.methodsPerGenericType[t.itemId]:
  328. yield (it[0], resolveSym(g, it[1]))
  329. proc addMethodToGeneric*(g: ModuleGraph; module: int; t: PType; col: int; m: PSym) =
  330. g.methodsPerGenericType.mgetOrPut(t.itemId, @[]).add (col, LazySym(sym: m))
  331. proc hasDisabledAsgn*(g: ModuleGraph; t: PType): bool =
  332. let op = getAttachedOp(g, t, attachedAsgn)
  333. result = op != nil and sfError in op.flags
  334. proc copyTypeProps*(g: ModuleGraph; module: int; dest, src: PType) =
  335. for k in low(TTypeAttachedOp)..high(TTypeAttachedOp):
  336. let op = getAttachedOp(g, src, k)
  337. if op != nil:
  338. setAttachedOp(g, module, dest, k, op)
  339. proc loadCompilerProc*(g: ModuleGraph; name: string): PSym =
  340. result = nil
  341. if g.config.symbolFiles == disabledSf: return nil
  342. # slow, linear search, but the results are cached:
  343. for module in 0..<len(g.packed):
  344. #if isCachedModule(g, module):
  345. let x = searchForCompilerproc(g.packed[module], name)
  346. if x >= 0:
  347. result = loadSymFromId(g.config, g.cache, g.packed, module, toPackedItemId(x))
  348. if result != nil:
  349. strTableAdd(g.compilerprocs, result)
  350. return result
  351. proc loadPackedSym*(g: ModuleGraph; s: var LazySym) =
  352. if s.sym == nil:
  353. s.sym = loadSymFromId(g.config, g.cache, g.packed,,
  354. proc `$`*(u: SigHash): string =
  355. toBase64a(cast[cstring](unsafeAddr u), sizeof(u))
  356. proc `==`*(a, b: SigHash): bool =
  357. result = equalMem(unsafeAddr a, unsafeAddr b, sizeof(a))
  358. proc hash*(u: SigHash): Hash =
  359. result = 0
  360. for x in 0..3:
  361. result = (result shl 8) or u.MD5Digest[x].int
  362. proc hash*(x: FileIndex): Hash {.borrow.}
  363. template getPContext(): untyped =
  364. when c is PContext: c
  365. else: c.c
  366. when defined(nimsuggest):
  367. template onUse*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) = discard
  368. template onDefResolveForward*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) = discard
  369. else:
  370. template onUse*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) = discard
  371. template onDef*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) = discard
  372. template onDefResolveForward*(info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) = discard
  373. proc stopCompile*(g: ModuleGraph): bool {.inline.} =
  374. result = g.doStopCompile != nil and g.doStopCompile()
  375. proc createMagic*(g: ModuleGraph; idgen: IdGenerator; name: string, m: TMagic): PSym =
  376. result = newSym(skProc, getIdent(g.cache, name), idgen, nil, unknownLineInfo, {})
  377. result.magic = m
  378. result.flags = {sfNeverRaises}
  379. proc createMagic(g: ModuleGraph; name: string, m: TMagic): PSym =
  380. result = createMagic(g, g.idgen, name, m)
  381. proc uniqueModuleName*(conf: ConfigRef; m: PSym): string =
  382. ## The unique module name is guaranteed to only contain {'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_'}
  383. ## so that it is useful as a C identifier snippet.
  384. let fid = FileIndex(m.position)
  385. let path = AbsoluteFile toFullPath(conf, fid)
  386. var isLib = false
  387. var rel = ""
  388. if path.string.startsWith(conf.libpath.string):
  389. isLib = true
  390. rel = relativeTo(path, conf.libpath).string
  391. else:
  392. rel = relativeTo(path, conf.projectPath).string
  393. if not isLib and not belongsToProjectPackage(conf, m):
  394. # special handlings for nimble packages
  395. when DirSep == '\\':
  396. let rel2 = replace(rel, '\\', '/')
  397. else:
  398. let rel2 = rel
  399. const pkgs2 = "pkgs2/"
  400. var start = rel2.find(pkgs2)
  401. if start >= 0:
  402. start += pkgs2.len
  403. start += skipUntil(rel2, {'/'}, start)
  404. if start+1 < rel2.len:
  405. rel = "pkg/" & rel2[start+1..<rel.len] # strips paths
  406. let trunc = if rel.endsWith(".nim"): rel.len - len(".nim") else: rel.len
  407. result = newStringOfCap(trunc)
  408. for i in 0..<trunc:
  409. let c = rel[i]
  410. case c
  411. of 'a'..'z', '0'..'9':
  412. result.add c
  413. of {os.DirSep, os.AltSep}:
  414. result.add 'Z' # because it looks a bit like '/'
  415. of '.':
  416. result.add 'O' # a circle
  417. else:
  418. # We mangle upper letters too so that there cannot
  419. # be clashes with our special meanings of 'Z' and 'O'
  420. result.addInt ord(c)
  421. proc registerModule*(g: ModuleGraph; m: PSym) =
  422. assert m != nil
  423. assert m.kind == skModule
  424. if m.position >= g.ifaces.len:
  425. setLen(g.ifaces, m.position + 1)
  426. if m.position >= g.packed.len:
  427. setLen(, m.position + 1)
  428. g.ifaces[m.position] = Iface(module: m, converters: @[], patterns: @[],
  429. uniqueName: rope(uniqueModuleName(g.config, m)))
  430. initStrTables(g, m)
  431. proc registerModuleById*(g: ModuleGraph; m: FileIndex) =
  432. registerModule(g, g.packed[int m].module)
  433. proc initOperators*(g: ModuleGraph): Operators =
  434. # These are safe for IC.
  435. # Public because it's used by DrNim.
  436. result = Operators(
  437. opLe: createMagic(g, "<=", mLeI),
  438. opLt: createMagic(g, "<", mLtI),
  439. opAnd: createMagic(g, "and", mAnd),
  440. opOr: createMagic(g, "or", mOr),
  441. opIsNil: createMagic(g, "isnil", mIsNil),
  442. opEq: createMagic(g, "==", mEqI),
  443. opAdd: createMagic(g, "+", mAddI),
  444. opSub: createMagic(g, "-", mSubI),
  445. opMul: createMagic(g, "*", mMulI),
  446. opDiv: createMagic(g, "div", mDivI),
  447. opLen: createMagic(g, "len", mLengthSeq),
  448. opNot: createMagic(g, "not", mNot),
  449. opContains: createMagic(g, "contains", mInSet)
  450. )
  451. proc initModuleGraphFields(result: ModuleGraph) =
  452. # A module ID of -1 means that the symbol is not attached to a module at all,
  453. # but to the module graph:
  454. result.idgen = IdGenerator(module: -1'i32, symId: 0'i32, typeId: 0'i32)
  455. result.packageSyms = initStrTable()
  456. result.deps = initIntSet()
  457. result.importDeps = initTable[FileIndex, seq[FileIndex]]()
  458. result.ifaces = @[]
  459. result.importStack = @[]
  460. result.inclToMod = initTable[FileIndex, FileIndex]()
  461. result.owners = @[]
  462. result.suggestSymbols = initTable[FileIndex, SuggestFileSymbolDatabase]()
  463. result.suggestErrors = initTable[FileIndex, seq[Suggest]]()
  464. result.methods = @[]
  465. result.compilerprocs = initStrTable()
  466. = initStrTable()
  467. result.packageTypes = initStrTable()
  468. result.emptyNode = newNode(nkEmpty)
  469. result.cacheSeqs = initTable[string, PNode]()
  470. result.cacheCounters = initTable[string, BiggestInt]()
  471. result.cacheTables = initTable[string, BTree[string, PNode]]()
  472. result.canonTypes = initTable[SigHash, PType]()
  473. result.symBodyHashes = initTable[int, SigHash]()
  474. result.operators = initOperators(result)
  475. result.emittedTypeInfo = initTable[string, FileIndex]()
  476. result.cachedFiles = newStringTable()
  477. proc newModuleGraph*(cache: IdentCache; config: ConfigRef): ModuleGraph =
  478. result = ModuleGraph()
  479. result.config = config
  480. result.cache = cache
  481. initModuleGraphFields(result)
  482. proc resetAllModules*(g: ModuleGraph) =
  483. g.packageSyms = initStrTable()
  484. g.deps = initIntSet()
  485. g.ifaces = @[]
  486. g.importStack = @[]
  487. g.inclToMod = initTable[FileIndex, FileIndex]()
  488. g.usageSym = nil
  489. g.owners = @[]
  490. g.methods = @[]
  491. g.compilerprocs = initStrTable()
  492. = initStrTable()
  493. initModuleGraphFields(g)
  494. proc getModule*(g: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex): PSym =
  495. result = nil
  496. if fileIdx.int32 >= 0:
  497. if isCachedModule(g, fileIdx.int32):
  498. result = g.packed[fileIdx.int32].module
  499. elif fileIdx.int32 < g.ifaces.len:
  500. result = g.ifaces[fileIdx.int32].module
  501. proc moduleOpenForCodegen*(g: ModuleGraph; m: FileIndex): bool {.inline.} =
  502. if g.config.symbolFiles == disabledSf:
  503. result = true
  504. else:
  505. result = g.packed[m.int32].status notin {undefined, stored, loaded}
  506. proc rememberEmittedTypeInfo*(g: ModuleGraph; m: FileIndex; ti: string) =
  507. #assert(not isCachedModule(g, m.int32))
  508. if g.config.symbolFiles != disabledSf:
  509. #assert g.encoders[m.int32].isActive
  510. assert g.packed[m.int32].status != stored
  511. g.packed[m.int32].fromDisk.emittedTypeInfo.add ti
  512. #echo "added typeinfo ", m.int32, " ", ti, " suspicious ", not g.encoders[m.int32].isActive
  513. proc rememberFlag*(g: ModuleGraph; m: PSym; flag: ModuleBackendFlag) =
  514. if g.config.symbolFiles != disabledSf:
  515. #assert g.encoders[m.int32].isActive
  516. assert g.packed[m.position].status != stored
  517. g.packed[m.position].fromDisk.backendFlags.incl flag
  518. proc closeRodFile*(g: ModuleGraph; m: PSym) =
  519. if g.config.symbolFiles in {readOnlySf, v2Sf}:
  520. # For stress testing we seek to reload the symbols from memory. This
  521. # way much of the logic is tested but the test is reproducible as it does
  522. # not depend on the hard disk contents!
  523. let mint = m.position
  524. saveRodFile(toRodFile(g.config, AbsoluteFile toFullPath(g.config, FileIndex(mint))),
  525. g.encoders[mint], g.packed[mint].fromDisk)
  526. g.packed[mint].status = stored
  527. elif g.config.symbolFiles == stressTest:
  528. # debug code, but maybe a good idea for production? Could reduce the compiler's
  529. # memory consumption considerably at the cost of more loads from disk.
  530. let mint = m.position
  531. simulateCachedModule(g, m, g.packed[mint].fromDisk)
  532. g.packed[mint].status = loaded
  533. proc dependsOn(a, b: int): int {.inline.} = (a shl 15) + b
  534. proc addDep*(g: ModuleGraph; m: PSym, dep: FileIndex) =
  535. assert m.position ==
  536. if g.suggestMode:
  537. g.deps.incl m.position.dependsOn(
  538. # we compute the transitive closure later when querying the graph lazily.
  539. # this improves efficiency quite a lot:
  540. #invalidTransitiveClosure = true
  541. proc addIncludeDep*(g: ModuleGraph; module, includeFile: FileIndex) =
  542. discard hasKeyOrPut(g.inclToMod, includeFile, module)
  543. proc parentModule*(g: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex): FileIndex =
  544. ## returns 'fileIdx' if the file belonging to this index is
  545. ## directly used as a module or else the module that first
  546. ## references this include file.
  547. if fileIdx.int32 >= 0 and fileIdx.int32 < g.ifaces.len and g.ifaces[fileIdx.int32].module != nil:
  548. result = fileIdx
  549. else:
  550. result = g.inclToMod.getOrDefault(fileIdx)
  551. proc transitiveClosure(g: var IntSet; n: int) =
  552. # warshall's algorithm
  553. for k in 0..<n:
  554. for i in 0..<n:
  555. for j in 0..<n:
  556. if i != j and not g.contains(i.dependsOn(j)):
  557. if g.contains(i.dependsOn(k)) and g.contains(k.dependsOn(j)):
  558. g.incl i.dependsOn(j)
  559. proc markDirty*(g: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex) =
  560. let m = g.getModule fileIdx
  561. if m != nil:
  562. g.suggestSymbols.del(fileIdx)
  563. g.suggestErrors.del(fileIdx)
  564. incl m.flags, sfDirty
  565. proc unmarkAllDirty*(g: ModuleGraph) =
  566. for i in 0i32..<g.ifaces.len.int32:
  567. let m = g.ifaces[i].module
  568. if m != nil:
  569. m.flags.excl sfDirty
  570. proc isDirty*(g: ModuleGraph; m: PSym): bool =
  571. result = g.suggestMode and sfDirty in m.flags
  572. proc markClientsDirty*(g: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex) =
  573. # we need to mark its dependent modules D as dirty right away because after
  574. # nimsuggest is done with this module, the module's dirty flag will be
  575. # cleared but D still needs to be remembered as 'dirty'.
  576. if g.invalidTransitiveClosure:
  577. g.invalidTransitiveClosure = false
  578. transitiveClosure(g.deps, g.ifaces.len)
  579. # every module that *depends* on this file is also dirty:
  580. for i in 0i32..<g.ifaces.len.int32:
  581. if g.deps.contains(i.dependsOn(
  582. g.markDirty(FileIndex(i))
  583. proc needsCompilation*(g: ModuleGraph): bool =
  584. # every module that *depends* on this file is also dirty:
  585. result = false
  586. for i in 0i32..<g.ifaces.len.int32:
  587. let m = g.ifaces[i].module
  588. if m != nil:
  589. if sfDirty in m.flags:
  590. return true
  591. proc needsCompilation*(g: ModuleGraph, fileIdx: FileIndex): bool =
  592. result = false
  593. let module = g.getModule(fileIdx)
  594. if module != nil and g.isDirty(module):
  595. return true
  596. for i in 0i32..<g.ifaces.len.int32:
  597. let m = g.ifaces[i].module
  598. if m != nil and g.isDirty(m) and g.deps.contains(fileIdx.int32.dependsOn(i)):
  599. return true
  600. proc getBody*(g: ModuleGraph; s: PSym): PNode {.inline.} =
  601. result = s.ast[bodyPos]
  602. if result == nil and g.config.symbolFiles in {readOnlySf, v2Sf, stressTest}:
  603. result = loadProcBody(g.config, g.cache, g.packed, s)
  604. s.ast[bodyPos] = result
  605. assert result != nil
  606. proc moduleFromRodFile*(g: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex;
  607. cachedModules: var seq[FileIndex]): PSym =
  608. ## Returns 'nil' if the module needs to be recompiled.
  609. if g.config.symbolFiles in {readOnlySf, v2Sf, stressTest}:
  610. result = moduleFromRodFile(g.packed, g.config, g.cache, fileIdx, cachedModules)
  611. else:
  612. result = nil
  613. proc configComplete*(g: ModuleGraph) =
  614. rememberStartupConfig(g.startupPackedConfig, g.config)
  615. proc onProcessing*(graph: ModuleGraph, fileIdx: FileIndex, moduleStatus: string, fromModule: PSym, ) =
  616. let conf = graph.config
  617. let isNimscript = conf.isDefined("nimscript")
  618. if (not isNimscript) or hintProcessing in conf.cmdlineNotes:
  619. let path = toFilenameOption(conf, fileIdx, conf.filenameOption)
  620. let indent = ">".repeat(graph.importStack.len)
  621. let fromModule2 = if fromModule != nil: $ else: "(toplevel)"
  622. let mode = if isNimscript: "(nims) " else: ""
  623. rawMessage(conf, hintProcessing, "$#$# $#: $#: $#" % [mode, indent, fromModule2, moduleStatus, path])
  624. proc getPackage*(graph: ModuleGraph; fileIdx: FileIndex): PSym =
  625. ## Returns a package symbol for yet to be defined module for fileIdx.
  626. ## The package symbol is added to the graph if it doesn't exist.
  627. let pkgSym = getPackage(graph.config, graph.cache, fileIdx)
  628. # check if the package is already in the graph
  629. result = graph.packageSyms.strTableGet(
  630. if result == nil:
  631. # the package isn't in the graph, so create and add it
  632. result = pkgSym
  633. graph.packageSyms.strTableAdd(pkgSym)
  634. func belongsToStdlib*(graph: ModuleGraph, sym: PSym): bool =
  635. ## Check if symbol belongs to the 'stdlib' package.
  636. sym.getPackageSymbol.getPackageId == graph.systemModule.getPackageId
  637. proc fileSymbols*(graph: ModuleGraph, fileIdx: FileIndex): SuggestFileSymbolDatabase =
  638. result = graph.suggestSymbols.getOrDefault(fileIdx, newSuggestFileSymbolDatabase(fileIdx, optIdeExceptionInlayHints in graph.config.globalOptions))
  639. doAssert(result.fileIndex == fileIdx)
  640. iterator suggestSymbolsIter*(g: ModuleGraph): SymInfoPair =
  641. for xs in g.suggestSymbols.values:
  642. for i in xs.lineInfo.low..xs.lineInfo.high:
  643. yield xs.getSymInfoPair(i)
  644. iterator suggestErrorsIter*(g: ModuleGraph): Suggest =
  645. for xs in g.suggestErrors.values:
  646. for x in xs:
  647. yield x