testproject.html 37 KB

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  21. Modified from Chad Skeeters' rst2html-style
  22. https://bitbucket.org/cskeeters/rst2html-style/
  23. Modified by Boyd Greenfield
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  595. */
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  613. * http://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/clear-fix/
  614. */
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  936. bulge slightly. So, we're stuck with inheriting 1em,
  937. which is sad, because 0.8em looks better... */
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  961. <body onload="main()">
  962. <div class="document" id="documentId">
  963. <div class="container">
  964. <h1 class="title">testproject</h1>
  965. <div class="row">
  966. <div class="three columns">
  967. <div id="global-links">
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  976. Group by:
  977. <select onchange="groupBy(this.value)">
  978. <option value="section">Section</option>
  979. <option value="type">Type</option>
  980. </select>
  981. </div>
  982. <ul class="simple simple-toc" id="toc-list">
  983. <li>
  984. <a class="reference reference-toplevel" href="#6" id="56">Imports</a>
  985. <ul class="simple simple-toc-section">
  986. </ul>
  987. </li>
  988. <li>
  989. <a class="reference reference-toplevel" href="#7" id="57">Types</a>
  990. <ul class="simple simple-toc-section">
  991. <li><a class="reference" href="#A"
  992. title="A {.inject.} = enum
  993. aA"><wbr />A<span class="attachedType" style="visibility:hidden"></span></a></li>
  994. <li><a class="reference" href="#B"
  995. title="B {.inject.} = enum
  996. bB"><wbr />B<span class="attachedType" style="visibility:hidden"></span></a></li>
  997. </ul>
  998. </li>
  999. <li>
  1000. <a class="reference reference-toplevel" href="#8" id="58">Vars</a>
  1001. <ul class="simple simple-toc-section">
  1002. <li><a class="reference" href="#aVariable"
  1003. title="aVariable: array[1, int]"><wbr />a<wbr />Variable<span class="attachedType" style="visibility:hidden"></span></a></li>
  1004. </ul>
  1005. </li>
  1006. <li>
  1007. <a class="reference reference-toplevel" href="#12" id="62">Procs</a>
  1008. <ul class="simple simple-toc-section">
  1009. <li><a class="reference" href="#bar%2CT%2CT"
  1010. title="bar[T](a, b: T): T"><wbr />bar<span class="attachedType" style="visibility:hidden"></span></a></li>
  1011. <li><a class="reference" href="#isValid%2CT"
  1012. title="isValid[T](x: T): bool"><wbr />is<wbr />Valid<span class="attachedType" style="visibility:hidden"></span></a></li>
  1013. </ul>
  1014. </li>
  1015. <li>
  1016. <a class="reference reference-toplevel" href="#13" id="63">Funcs</a>
  1017. <ul class="simple simple-toc-section">
  1018. <li><a class="reference" href="#someFunc%2C"
  1019. title="someFunc()"><wbr />some<wbr />Func<span class="attachedType" style="visibility:hidden"></span></a></li>
  1020. </ul>
  1021. </li>
  1022. <li>
  1023. <a class="reference reference-toplevel" href="#17" id="67">Macros</a>
  1024. <ul class="simple simple-toc-section">
  1025. <li><a class="reference" href="#bar.m%2C"
  1026. title="bar(): untyped"><wbr />bar<span class="attachedType" style="visibility:hidden"></span></a></li>
  1027. </ul>
  1028. </li>
  1029. <li>
  1030. <a class="reference reference-toplevel" href="#18" id="68">Templates</a>
  1031. <ul class="simple simple-toc-section">
  1032. <li><a class="reference" href="#foo.t%2CSomeType%2CSomeType"
  1033. title="foo(a, b: SomeType)"><wbr />foo<span class="attachedType" style="visibility:hidden"></span></a></li>
  1034. </ul>
  1035. </li>
  1036. </ul>
  1037. </div>
  1038. <div class="nine columns" id="content">
  1039. <div id="tocRoot"></div>
  1040. <p class="module-desc">This is the top level module.
  1041. <p><strong class="examples_text">Examples:</strong></p>
  1042. <pre class="listing"><span class="Keyword">import</span>
  1043. <span class="Identifier">subdir</span> <span class="Operator">/</span> <span class="Identifier">subdir_b</span> <span class="Operator">/</span> <span class="Identifier">utils</span>
  1044. <span class="Identifier">doAssert</span> <span class="Identifier">bar</span><span class="Other">(</span><span class="DecNumber">3</span><span class="Other">,</span> <span class="DecNumber">4</span><span class="Other">)</span> <span class="Operator">==</span> <span class="DecNumber">7</span>
  1045. <span class="Identifier">foo</span><span class="Other">(</span><span class="Identifier">enumValueA</span><span class="Other">,</span> <span class="Identifier">enumValueB</span><span class="Other">)</span></pre></p>
  1046. <div class="section" id="6">
  1047. <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#6">Imports</a></h1>
  1048. <dl class="item">
  1049. <a class="reference external" href="subdir/subdir_b/utils.html">subdir/subdir_b/utils</a>
  1050. </dl></div>
  1051. <div class="section" id="7">
  1052. <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#7">Types</a></h1>
  1053. <dl class="item">
  1054. <a id="A"></a>
  1055. <dt><pre><a href="testproject.html#A"><span class="Identifier">A</span></a> <span><span class="Other">{</span><span class="Other pragmadots">...</span><span class="Other">}</span></span><span class="pragmawrap"><span class="Other">{.</span><span class="pragma"><span class="Identifier">inject</span></span><span class="Other">.}</span></span> <span class="Other">=</span> <span class="Keyword">enum</span>
  1056. <span class="Identifier">aA</span></pre></dt>
  1057. <dd>
  1058. The enum A.
  1059. </dd>
  1060. <a id="B"></a>
  1061. <dt><pre><a href="testproject.html#B"><span class="Identifier">B</span></a> <span><span class="Other">{</span><span class="Other pragmadots">...</span><span class="Other">}</span></span><span class="pragmawrap"><span class="Other">{.</span><span class="pragma"><span class="Identifier">inject</span></span><span class="Other">.}</span></span> <span class="Other">=</span> <span class="Keyword">enum</span>
  1062. <span class="Identifier">bB</span></pre></dt>
  1063. <dd>
  1064. The enum B.
  1065. </dd>
  1066. </dl></div>
  1067. <div class="section" id="8">
  1068. <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#8">Vars</a></h1>
  1069. <dl class="item">
  1070. <a id="aVariable"></a>
  1071. <dt><pre><span class="Identifier">aVariable</span><span class="Other">:</span> <span class="Identifier">array</span><span class="Other">[</span><span class="DecNumber">1</span><span class="Other">,</span> <span class="Identifier">int</span><span class="Other">]</span></pre></dt>
  1072. <dd>
  1073. </dd>
  1074. </dl></div>
  1075. <div class="section" id="12">
  1076. <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#12">Procs</a></h1>
  1077. <dl class="item">
  1078. <a id="bar,T,T"></a>
  1079. <dt><pre><span class="Keyword">proc</span> <span class="Identifier">bar</span><span class="Other">[</span><span class="Identifier">T</span><span class="Other">]</span><span class="Other">(</span><span class="Identifier">a</span><span class="Other">,</span> <span class="Identifier">b</span><span class="Other">:</span> <span class="Identifier">T</span><span class="Other">)</span><span class="Other">:</span> <span class="Identifier">T</span></pre></dt>
  1080. <dd>
  1081. </dd>
  1082. <a id="isValid,T"></a>
  1083. <dt><pre><span class="Keyword">proc</span> <span class="Identifier">isValid</span><span class="Other">[</span><span class="Identifier">T</span><span class="Other">]</span><span class="Other">(</span><span class="Identifier">x</span><span class="Other">:</span> <span class="Identifier">T</span><span class="Other">)</span><span class="Other">:</span> <span class="Identifier">bool</span></pre></dt>
  1084. <dd>
  1085. </dd>
  1086. </dl></div>
  1087. <div class="section" id="13">
  1088. <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#13">Funcs</a></h1>
  1089. <dl class="item">
  1090. <a id="someFunc,"></a>
  1091. <dt><pre><span class="Keyword">func</span> <span class="Identifier">someFunc</span><span class="Other">(</span><span class="Other">)</span> <span><span class="Other">{</span><span class="Other pragmadots">...</span><span class="Other">}</span></span><span class="pragmawrap"><span class="Other">{.</span><span class="pragma"><span class="Identifier">raises</span><span class="Other">:</span> <span class="Other">[</span><span class="Other">]</span><span class="Other">,</span> <span class="Identifier">tags</span><span class="Other">:</span> <span class="Other">[</span><span class="Other">]</span></span><span class="Other">.}</span></span></pre></dt>
  1092. <dd>
  1093. My someFunc.
  1094. </dd>
  1095. </dl></div>
  1096. <div class="section" id="17">
  1097. <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#17">Macros</a></h1>
  1098. <dl class="item">
  1099. <a id="bar.m,"></a>
  1100. <dt><pre><span class="Keyword">macro</span> <span class="Identifier">bar</span><span class="Other">(</span><span class="Other">)</span><span class="Other">:</span> <span class="Identifier">untyped</span></pre></dt>
  1101. <dd>
  1102. </dd>
  1103. </dl></div>
  1104. <div class="section" id="18">
  1105. <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#18">Templates</a></h1>
  1106. <dl class="item">
  1107. <a id="foo.t,SomeType,SomeType"></a>
  1108. <dt><pre><span class="Keyword">template</span> <span class="Identifier">foo</span><span class="Other">(</span><span class="Identifier">a</span><span class="Other">,</span> <span class="Identifier">b</span><span class="Other">:</span> <a href="subdir/subdir_b/utils.html#SomeType"><span class="Identifier">SomeType</span></a><span class="Other">)</span></pre></dt>
  1109. <dd>
  1110. This does nothing
  1111. </dd>
  1112. </dl></div>
  1113. </div>
  1114. </div>
  1115. <div class="row">
  1116. <div class="twelve-columns footer">
  1117. <span class="nim-sprite"></span>
  1118. <br/>
  1119. <small>Made with Nim. Generated: 1970-01-02 03:46:40 UTC</small>
  1120. </div>
  1121. </div>
  1122. </div>
  1123. </div>
  1124. </body>
  1125. </html>