sysrand.nim 11 KB

  1. #
  2. #
  3. # Nim's Runtime Library
  4. # (c) Copyright 2021 Nim contributors
  5. #
  6. # See the file "copying.txt", included in this
  7. # distribution, for details about the copyright.
  8. #
  9. ## .. warning:: This module was added in Nim 1.6. If you are using it for cryptographic purposes,
  10. ## keep in mind that so far this has not been audited by any security professionals,
  11. ## therefore may not be secure.
  12. ##
  13. ## `std/sysrand` generates random numbers from a secure source provided by the operating system.
  14. ## It is a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator
  15. ## and should be unpredictable enough for cryptographic applications,
  16. ## though its exact quality depends on the OS implementation.
  17. ##
  18. ## | Targets | Implementation |
  19. ## | :--- | ----: |
  20. ## | Windows | `BCryptGenRandom`_ |
  21. ## | Linux | `getrandom`_ |
  22. ## | MacOSX | `SecRandomCopyBytes`_ |
  23. ## | iOS | `SecRandomCopyBytes`_ |
  24. ## | OpenBSD | `getentropy openbsd`_ |
  25. ## | FreeBSD | `getrandom freebsd`_ |
  26. ## | JS (Web Browser) | `getRandomValues`_ |
  27. ## | Node.js | `randomFillSync`_ |
  28. ## | Other Unix platforms | `/dev/urandom`_ |
  29. ##
  30. ## .. _BCryptGenRandom:
  31. ## .. _getrandom:
  32. ## .. _getentropy:
  33. ## .. _SecRandomCopyBytes:
  34. ## .. _getentropy openbsd:
  35. ## .. _getrandom freebsd:
  36. ## .. _getRandomValues:
  37. ## .. _randomFillSync:
  38. ## .. _/dev/urandom:
  39. ##
  40. ## On a Linux target, a call to the `getrandom` syscall can be avoided (e.g.
  41. ## for targets running kernel version < 3.17) by passing a compile flag of
  42. ## `-d:nimNoGetRandom`. If this flag is passed, sysrand will use `/dev/urandom`
  43. ## as with any other POSIX compliant OS.
  44. ##
  45. runnableExamples:
  46. doAssert urandom(0).len == 0
  47. doAssert urandom(113).len == 113
  48. doAssert urandom(1234) != urandom(1234) # unlikely to fail in practice
  49. ##
  50. ## See also
  51. ## ========
  52. ## * `random module <random.html>`_
  53. ##
  54. when not defined(js):
  55. import std/oserrors
  56. when defined(posix):
  57. import posix
  58. when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem):
  59. import std/assertions
  60. const
  61. batchImplOS = defined(freebsd) or defined(openbsd) or defined(zephyr)
  62. batchSize {.used.} = 256
  63. when batchImplOS:
  64. template batchImpl(result: var int, dest: var openArray[byte], getRandomImpl) =
  65. let size = dest.len
  66. if size == 0:
  67. return
  68. let
  69. chunks = (size - 1) div batchSize
  70. left = size - chunks * batchSize
  71. for i in 0 ..< chunks:
  72. let readBytes = getRandomImpl(addr dest[result], batchSize)
  73. if readBytes < 0:
  74. return readBytes
  75. inc(result, batchSize)
  76. result = getRandomImpl(addr dest[result], left)
  77. when defined(js):
  78. import std/private/jsutils
  79. when defined(nodejs):
  80. {.emit: "const _nim_nodejs_crypto = require('crypto');".}
  81. proc randomFillSync(p: Uint8Array) {.importjs: "_nim_nodejs_crypto.randomFillSync(#)".}
  82. template urandomImpl(result: var int, dest: var openArray[byte]) =
  83. let size = dest.len
  84. if size == 0:
  85. return
  86. var src = newUint8Array(size)
  87. randomFillSync(src)
  88. for i in 0 ..< size:
  89. dest[i] = src[i]
  90. else:
  91. proc getRandomValues(p: Uint8Array) {.importjs: "window.crypto.getRandomValues(#)".}
  92. # The requested length of `p` must not be more than 65536.
  93. proc assign(dest: var openArray[byte], src: Uint8Array, base: int, size: int) =
  94. getRandomValues(src)
  95. for j in 0 ..< size:
  96. dest[base + j] = src[j]
  97. template urandomImpl(result: var int, dest: var openArray[byte]) =
  98. let size = dest.len
  99. if size == 0:
  100. return
  101. if size <= batchSize:
  102. var src = newUint8Array(size)
  103. assign(dest, src, 0, size)
  104. return
  105. let
  106. chunks = (size - 1) div batchSize
  107. left = size - chunks * batchSize
  108. var srcArray = newUint8Array(batchSize)
  109. for i in 0 ..< chunks:
  110. assign(dest, srcArray, result, batchSize)
  111. inc(result, batchSize)
  112. var leftArray = newUint8Array(left)
  113. assign(dest, leftArray, result, left)
  114. elif defined(windows):
  115. type
  116. PVOID = pointer
  118. PUCHAR = ptr uint8
  119. NTSTATUS = clong
  120. ULONG = culong
  121. const
  122. STATUS_SUCCESS = 0x00000000
  124. proc bCryptGenRandom(
  125. hAlgorithm: BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE,
  126. pbBuffer: PUCHAR,
  127. cbBuffer: ULONG,
  128. dwFlags: ULONG
  129. ): NTSTATUS {.stdcall, importc: "BCryptGenRandom", dynlib: "Bcrypt.dll".}
  130. proc randomBytes(pbBuffer: pointer, cbBuffer: Natural): int {.inline.} =
  131. bCryptGenRandom(nil, cast[PUCHAR](pbBuffer), ULONG(cbBuffer),
  133. template urandomImpl(result: var int, dest: var openArray[byte]) =
  134. let size = dest.len
  135. if size == 0:
  136. return
  137. result = randomBytes(addr dest[0], size)
  138. elif defined(linux) and not defined(nimNoGetRandom) and not defined(emscripten):
  139. # TODO using let, pending bootstrap >= 1.4.0
  140. var SYS_getrandom {.importc: "SYS_getrandom", header: "<sys/syscall.h>".}: clong
  141. const syscallHeader = """#include <unistd.h>
  142. #include <sys/syscall.h>"""
  143. proc syscall(n: clong): clong {.
  144. importc: "syscall", varargs, header: syscallHeader.}
  145. # When reading from the urandom source (GRND_RANDOM is not set),
  146. # getrandom() will block until the entropy pool has been
  147. # initialized (unless the GRND_NONBLOCK flag was specified). If a
  148. # request is made to read a large number of bytes (more than 256),
  149. # getrandom() will block until those bytes have been generated and
  150. # transferred from kernel memory to buf.
  151. template urandomImpl(result: var int, dest: var openArray[byte]) =
  152. let size = dest.len
  153. if size == 0:
  154. return
  155. while result < size:
  156. let readBytes = syscall(SYS_getrandom, addr dest[result], cint(size - result), 0).int
  157. if readBytes == 0:
  158. doAssert false
  159. elif readBytes > 0:
  160. inc(result, readBytes)
  161. else:
  162. if osLastError().cint in [EINTR, EAGAIN]: discard
  163. else:
  164. result = -1
  165. break
  166. elif defined(openbsd):
  167. proc getentropy(p: pointer, size: cint): cint {.importc: "getentropy", header: "<unistd.h>".}
  168. # Fills a buffer with high-quality entropy,
  169. # which can be used as input for process-context pseudorandom generators like `arc4random`.
  170. # The maximum buffer size permitted is 256 bytes.
  171. proc getRandomImpl(p: pointer, size: int): int {.inline.} =
  172. result = getentropy(p, cint(size)).int
  173. elif defined(zephyr):
  174. proc sys_csrand_get(dst: pointer, length: csize_t): cint {.importc: "sys_csrand_get", header: "<random/rand32.h>".}
  175. # Fill the destination buffer with cryptographically secure
  176. # random data values
  177. #
  178. proc getRandomImpl(p: pointer, size: int): int {.inline.} =
  179. # 0 if success, -EIO if entropy reseed error
  180. result = sys_csrand_get(p, csize_t(size)).int
  181. elif defined(freebsd):
  182. type cssize_t {.importc: "ssize_t", header: "<sys/types.h>".} = int
  183. proc getrandom(p: pointer, size: csize_t, flags: cuint): cssize_t {.importc: "getrandom", header: "<sys/random.h>".}
  184. # Upon successful completion, the number of bytes which were actually read
  185. # is returned. For requests larger than 256 bytes, this can be fewer bytes
  186. # than were requested. Otherwise, -1 is returned and the global variable
  187. # errno is set to indicate the error.
  188. proc getRandomImpl(p: pointer, size: int): int {.inline.} =
  189. result = getrandom(p, csize_t(size), 0)
  190. elif defined(ios) or defined(macosx):
  191. {.passl: "-framework Security".}
  192. const errSecSuccess = 0 ## No error.
  193. type
  194. SecRandom {.importc: "struct __SecRandom".} = object
  195. SecRandomRef = ptr SecRandom
  196. ## An abstract Core Foundation-type object containing information about a random number generator.
  197. proc secRandomCopyBytes(
  198. rnd: SecRandomRef, count: csize_t, bytes: pointer
  199. ): cint {.importc: "SecRandomCopyBytes", header: "<Security/SecRandom.h>".}
  200. ##
  201. template urandomImpl(result: var int, dest: var openArray[byte]) =
  202. let size = dest.len
  203. if size == 0:
  204. return
  205. result = secRandomCopyBytes(nil, csize_t(size), addr dest[0])
  206. else:
  207. template urandomImpl(result: var int, dest: var openArray[byte]) =
  208. let size = dest.len
  209. if size == 0:
  210. return
  211. # see: which justifies using urandom instead of random
  212. let fd ="/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY)
  213. if fd < 0:
  214. result = -1
  215. else:
  216. try:
  217. var stat: Stat
  218. if fstat(fd, stat) != -1 and S_ISCHR(stat.st_mode):
  219. let
  220. chunks = (size - 1) div batchSize
  221. left = size - chunks * batchSize
  222. for i in 0 ..< chunks:
  223. let readBytes =, addr dest[result], batchSize)
  224. if readBytes < 0:
  225. return readBytes
  226. inc(result, batchSize)
  227. result =, addr dest[result], left)
  228. else:
  229. result = -1
  230. finally:
  231. discard posix.close(fd)
  232. proc urandomInternalImpl(dest: var openArray[byte]): int {.inline.} =
  233. when batchImplOS:
  234. batchImpl(result, dest, getRandomImpl)
  235. else:
  236. urandomImpl(result, dest)
  237. proc urandom*(dest: var openArray[byte]): bool =
  238. ## Fills `dest` with random bytes suitable for cryptographic use.
  239. ## If the call succeeds, returns `true`.
  240. ##
  241. ## If `dest` is empty, `urandom` immediately returns success,
  242. ## without calling the underlying operating system API.
  243. ##
  244. ## .. warning:: The code hasn't been audited by cryptography experts and
  245. ## is provided as-is without guarantees. Use at your own risks. For production
  246. ## systems we advise you to request an external audit.
  247. result = true
  248. when defined(js): discard urandomInternalImpl(dest)
  249. else:
  250. let ret = urandomInternalImpl(dest)
  251. when defined(windows):
  252. if ret != STATUS_SUCCESS:
  253. result = false
  254. else:
  255. if ret < 0:
  256. result = false
  257. proc urandom*(size: Natural): seq[byte] {.inline.} =
  258. ## Returns random bytes suitable for cryptographic use.
  259. ##
  260. ## .. warning:: The code hasn't been audited by cryptography experts and
  261. ## is provided as-is without guarantees. Use at your own risks. For production
  262. ## systems we advise you to request an external audit.
  263. result = newSeq[byte](size)
  264. when defined(js): discard urandomInternalImpl(result)
  265. else:
  266. if not urandom(result):
  267. raiseOSError(osLastError())