.gitignore 1.4 KB

  1. *
  2. !**/
  3. !*.*
  4. # Cache
  5. nimcache/
  6. rnimcache/
  7. dnimcache/
  8. *.o
  9. !/icons/*.o
  10. *.obj
  11. *.ilk
  12. *.exp
  13. *.pdb
  14. *.lib
  15. *.dll
  16. *.exe
  17. *.so
  18. *.dylib
  19. *.zip
  20. *.iss
  21. *.log
  22. *.pdb
  23. mapping.txt
  24. tags
  25. install.sh
  26. deinstall.sh
  27. doc/html/
  28. doc/*.html
  29. doc/pdf
  30. doc/*.idx
  31. /web/upload
  32. /build/*
  33. bin/*
  34. # iOS specific wildcards.
  35. *.mode1v3
  36. *.pbxuser
  37. *.perspective
  38. *.perspectivev3
  39. *.swp
  40. .DS_Store
  41. .tags
  42. project.xcworkspace/
  43. xcuserdata/
  44. # Generated files.
  45. /compile.json
  46. /compiler/nim.dot
  47. /reject.json
  48. /run.json
  49. /tools/dochack/dochack.js
  50. *.json
  51. /pkgstemp/**/*
  52. # for `nim doc foo.nim`
  53. /*.html
  54. lib/**/*.html
  55. #/testresults.html #covered by /*.html
  56. /testresults.json
  57. testament.db
  58. /tests/**/*.json
  59. /tests/**/*.js
  60. /csources
  61. /csources_v1
  62. /dist/
  63. # /lib/fusion # fusion is now unbundled; `git status` should reveal if it's there so users can act on it
  64. # Private directories and files (IDEs)
  65. .*/
  66. ~*
  67. # testament cruft; TODO: generate these in a gitignore'd dir (./build) in the first place.
  68. testresults/
  69. test.txt
  70. /test.ini
  71. tweeter.db
  72. tweeter_test.db
  73. /tests/megatest.nim
  74. /tests/ic/*_temp.nim
  75. /tests/navigator/*_temp.nim
  76. /outputExpected.txt
  77. /outputGotten.txt
  78. /t15148.txt
  79. /tests/vm/tfile_rw.txt
  80. /lib/pure/*.js
  81. !/.builds/
  82. !/.github
  83. # ignore debug dirs generated by dsymutil on OSX
  84. *.dSYM
  85. # for `nim c -r nimdoc/tester` etc; this can be in multiple places
  86. htmldocs
  87. ## these are not needed anymore unless checkout old older versions
  88. nimdoc.out.css
  89. # except here:
  90. !/nimdoc/testproject/expected/*