123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696 |
- ======================
- Nim Tutorial (Part II)
- ======================
- :Author: Andreas Rumpf
- :Version: |nimversion|
- .. default-role:: code
- .. include:: rstcommon.rst
- .. contents::
- Introduction
- ============
- "Repetition renders the ridiculous reasonable." -- Norman Wildberger
- This document is a tutorial for the advanced constructs of the *Nim*
- programming language. **Note that this document is somewhat obsolete as the**
- `manual <manual.html>`_ **contains many more examples of the advanced language
- features.**
- Pragmas
- =======
- Pragmas are Nim's method to give the compiler additional information/
- commands without introducing a massive number of new keywords. Pragmas are
- enclosed in the special `{.` and `.}` curly dot brackets. This tutorial
- does not cover pragmas. See the `manual <manual.html#pragmas>`_ or `user guide
- <nimc.html#additional-features>`_ for a description of the available
- pragmas.
- Object Oriented Programming
- ===========================
- While Nim's support for object oriented programming (OOP) is minimalistic,
- powerful OOP techniques can be used. OOP is seen as *one* way to design a
- program, not *the only* way. Often a procedural approach leads to simpler
- and more efficient code. In particular, preferring composition over inheritance
- is often the better design.
- Inheritance
- -----------
- Inheritance in Nim is entirely optional. To enable inheritance with
- runtime type information the object needs to inherit from
- `RootObj`. This can be done directly, or indirectly by
- inheriting from an object that inherits from `RootObj`. Usually
- types with inheritance are also marked as `ref` types even though
- this isn't strictly enforced. To check at runtime if an object is of a certain
- type, the `of` operator can be used.
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- type
- Person = ref object of RootObj
- name*: string # the * means that `name` is accessible from other modules
- age: int # no * means that the field is hidden from other modules
- Student = ref object of Person # Student inherits from Person
- id: int # with an id field
- var
- student: Student
- person: Person
- assert(student of Student) # is true
- # object construction:
- student = Student(name: "Anton", age: 5, id: 2)
- echo student[]
- Inheritance is done with the `object of` syntax. Multiple inheritance is
- currently not supported. If an object type has no suitable ancestor, `RootObj`
- can be used as its ancestor, but this is only a convention. Objects that have
- no ancestor are implicitly `final`. You can use the `inheritable` pragma
- to introduce new object roots apart from `system.RootObj`. (This is used
- in the GTK wrapper for instance.)
- Ref objects should be used whenever inheritance is used. It isn't strictly
- necessary, but with non-ref objects, assignments such as `let person: Person =
- Student(id: 123)` will truncate subclass fields.
- **Note**: Composition (*has-a* relation) is often preferable to inheritance
- (*is-a* relation) for simple code reuse. Since objects are value types in
- Nim, composition is as efficient as inheritance.
- Mutually recursive types
- ------------------------
- Objects, tuples and references can model quite complex data structures which
- depend on each other; they are *mutually recursive*. In Nim
- these types can only be declared within a single type section. (Anything else
- would require arbitrary symbol lookahead which slows down compilation.)
- Example:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- type
- Node = ref object # a reference to an object with the following field:
- le, ri: Node # left and right subtrees
- sym: ref Sym # leaves contain a reference to a Sym
- Sym = object # a symbol
- name: string # the symbol's name
- line: int # the line the symbol was declared in
- code: Node # the symbol's abstract syntax tree
- Type conversions
- ----------------
- Nim distinguishes between `type casts`:idx: and `type conversions`:idx:.
- Casts are done with the `cast` operator and force the compiler to
- interpret a bit pattern to be of another type.
- Type conversions are a much more polite way to convert a type into another:
- They preserve the abstract *value*, not necessarily the *bit-pattern*. If a
- type conversion is not possible, the compiler complains or an exception is
- raised.
- The syntax for type conversions is `destination_type(expression_to_convert)`
- (like an ordinary call):
- .. code-block:: nim
- proc getID(x: Person): int =
- Student(x).id
- The `InvalidObjectConversionDefect` exception is raised if `x` is not a
- `Student`.
- Object variants
- ---------------
- Often an object hierarchy is overkill in certain situations where simple
- variant types are needed.
- An example:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- # This is an example how an abstract syntax tree could be modelled in Nim
- type
- NodeKind = enum # the different node types
- nkInt, # a leaf with an integer value
- nkFloat, # a leaf with a float value
- nkString, # a leaf with a string value
- nkAdd, # an addition
- nkSub, # a subtraction
- nkIf # an if statement
- Node = ref object
- case kind: NodeKind # the `kind` field is the discriminator
- of nkInt: intVal: int
- of nkFloat: floatVal: float
- of nkString: strVal: string
- of nkAdd, nkSub:
- leftOp, rightOp: Node
- of nkIf:
- condition, thenPart, elsePart: Node
- var n = Node(kind: nkFloat, floatVal: 1.0)
- # the following statement raises an `FieldDefect` exception, because
- # n.kind's value does not fit:
- n.strVal = ""
- As can been seen from the example, an advantage to an object hierarchy is that
- no conversion between different object types is needed. Yet, access to invalid
- object fields raises an exception.
- Method call syntax
- ------------------
- There is a syntactic sugar for calling routines:
- The syntax `obj.methodName(args)` can be used
- instead of `methodName(obj, args)`.
- If there are no remaining arguments, the parentheses can be omitted:
- `obj.len` (instead of `len(obj)`).
- This method call syntax is not restricted to objects, it can be used
- for any type:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- import std/strutils
- echo "abc".len # is the same as echo len("abc")
- echo "abc".toUpperAscii()
- echo({'a', 'b', 'c'}.card)
- stdout.writeLine("Hallo") # the same as writeLine(stdout, "Hallo")
- (Another way to look at the method call syntax is that it provides the missing
- postfix notation.)
- So "pure object oriented" code is easy to write:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- import std/[strutils, sequtils]
- stdout.writeLine("Give a list of numbers (separated by spaces): ")
- stdout.write(stdin.readLine.splitWhitespace.map(parseInt).max.`$`)
- stdout.writeLine(" is the maximum!")
- Properties
- ----------
- As the above example shows, Nim has no need for *get-properties*:
- Ordinary get-procedures that are called with the *method call syntax* achieve
- the same. But setting a value is different; for this a special setter syntax
- is needed:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- type
- Socket* = ref object of RootObj
- h: int # cannot be accessed from the outside of the module due to missing star
- proc `host=`*(s: var Socket, value: int) {.inline.} =
- ## setter of host address
- s.h = value
- proc host*(s: Socket): int {.inline.} =
- ## getter of host address
- s.h
- var s: Socket
- new s
- s.host = 34 # same as `host=`(s, 34)
- (The example also shows `inline` procedures.)
- The `[]` array access operator can be overloaded to provide
- `array properties`:idx:\ :
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- type
- Vector* = object
- x, y, z: float
- proc `[]=`* (v: var Vector, i: int, value: float) =
- # setter
- case i
- of 0: v.x = value
- of 1: v.y = value
- of 2: v.z = value
- else: assert(false)
- proc `[]`* (v: Vector, i: int): float =
- # getter
- case i
- of 0: result = v.x
- of 1: result = v.y
- of 2: result = v.z
- else: assert(false)
- The example is silly, since a vector is better modelled by a tuple which
- already provides `v[]` access.
- Dynamic dispatch
- ----------------
- Procedures always use static dispatch. For dynamic dispatch replace the
- `proc` keyword by `method`:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- type
- Expression = ref object of RootObj ## abstract base class for an expression
- Literal = ref object of Expression
- x: int
- PlusExpr = ref object of Expression
- a, b: Expression
- # watch out: 'eval' relies on dynamic binding
- method eval(e: Expression): int {.base.} =
- # override this base method
- quit "to override!"
- method eval(e: Literal): int = e.x
- method eval(e: PlusExpr): int = eval(e.a) + eval(e.b)
- proc newLit(x: int): Literal = Literal(x: x)
- proc newPlus(a, b: Expression): PlusExpr = PlusExpr(a: a, b: b)
- echo eval(newPlus(newPlus(newLit(1), newLit(2)), newLit(4)))
- Note that in the example the constructors `newLit` and `newPlus` are procs
- because it makes more sense for them to use static binding, but `eval` is a
- method because it requires dynamic binding.
- **Note:** Starting from Nim 0.20, to use multi-methods one must explicitly pass
- ``--multimethods:on`` when compiling.
- In a multi-method all parameters that have an object type are used for the
- dispatching:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c --multiMethods:on $1"
- type
- Thing = ref object of RootObj
- Unit = ref object of Thing
- x: int
- method collide(a, b: Thing) {.inline.} =
- quit "to override!"
- method collide(a: Thing, b: Unit) {.inline.} =
- echo "1"
- method collide(a: Unit, b: Thing) {.inline.} =
- echo "2"
- var a, b: Unit
- new a
- new b
- collide(a, b) # output: 2
- As the example demonstrates, invocation of a multi-method cannot be ambiguous:
- Collide 2 is preferred over collide 1 because the resolution works from left to
- right. Thus `Unit, Thing` is preferred over `Thing, Unit`.
- **Performance note**: Nim does not produce a virtual method table, but
- generates dispatch trees. This avoids the expensive indirect branch for method
- calls and enables inlining. However, other optimizations like compile time
- evaluation or dead code elimination do not work with methods.
- Exceptions
- ==========
- In Nim exceptions are objects. By convention, exception types are
- suffixed with 'Error'. The `system <system.html>`_ module defines an
- exception hierarchy that you might want to stick to. Exceptions derive from
- `system.Exception`, which provides the common interface.
- Exceptions have to be allocated on the heap because their lifetime is unknown.
- The compiler will prevent you from raising an exception created on the stack.
- All raised exceptions should at least specify the reason for being raised in
- the `msg` field.
- A convention is that exceptions should be raised in *exceptional* cases,
- they should not be used as an alternative method of control flow.
- Raise statement
- ---------------
- Raising an exception is done with the `raise` statement:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- var
- e: ref OSError
- new(e)
- e.msg = "the request to the OS failed"
- raise e
- If the `raise` keyword is not followed by an expression, the last exception
- is *re-raised*. For the purpose of avoiding repeating this common code pattern,
- the template `newException` in the `system` module can be used:
- .. code-block:: nim
- raise newException(OSError, "the request to the OS failed")
- Try statement
- -------------
- The `try` statement handles exceptions:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- from std/strutils import parseInt
- # read the first two lines of a text file that should contain numbers
- # and tries to add them
- var
- f: File
- if open(f, "numbers.txt"):
- try:
- let a = readLine(f)
- let b = readLine(f)
- echo "sum: ", parseInt(a) + parseInt(b)
- except OverflowDefect:
- echo "overflow!"
- except ValueError:
- echo "could not convert string to integer"
- except IOError:
- echo "IO error!"
- except:
- echo "Unknown exception!"
- # reraise the unknown exception:
- raise
- finally:
- close(f)
- The statements after the `try` are executed unless an exception is
- raised. Then the appropriate `except` part is executed.
- The empty `except` part is executed if there is an exception that is
- not explicitly listed. It is similar to an `else` part in `if`
- statements.
- If there is a `finally` part, it is always executed after the
- exception handlers.
- The exception is *consumed* in an `except` part. If an exception is not
- handled, it is propagated through the call stack. This means that often
- the rest of the procedure - that is not within a `finally` clause -
- is not executed (if an exception occurs).
- If you need to *access* the actual exception object or message inside an
- `except` branch you can use the `getCurrentException()
- <system.html#getCurrentException>`_ and `getCurrentExceptionMsg()
- <system.html#getCurrentExceptionMsg>`_ procs from the `system <system.html>`_
- module. Example:
- .. code-block:: nim
- try:
- doSomethingHere()
- except:
- let
- e = getCurrentException()
- msg = getCurrentExceptionMsg()
- echo "Got exception ", repr(e), " with message ", msg
- Annotating procs with raised exceptions
- ---------------------------------------
- Through the use of the optional `{.raises.}` pragma you can specify that a
- proc is meant to raise a specific set of exceptions, or none at all. If the
- `{.raises.}` pragma is used, the compiler will verify that this is true. For
- instance, if you specify that a proc raises `IOError`, and at some point it
- (or one of the procs it calls) starts raising a new exception the compiler will
- prevent that proc from compiling. Usage example:
- .. code-block:: nim
- proc complexProc() {.raises: [IOError, ArithmeticDefect].} =
- ...
- proc simpleProc() {.raises: [].} =
- ...
- Once you have code like this in place, if the list of raised exception changes
- the compiler will stop with an error specifying the line of the proc which
- stopped validating the pragma and the raised exception not being caught, along
- with the file and line where the uncaught exception is being raised, which may
- help you locate the offending code which has changed.
- If you want to add the `{.raises.}` pragma to existing code, the compiler can
- also help you. You can add the `{.effects.}` pragma statement to your proc and
- the compiler will output all inferred effects up to that point (exception
- tracking is part of Nim's effect system). Another more roundabout way to
- find out the list of exceptions raised by a proc is to use the Nim ``doc``
- command which generates documentation for a whole module and decorates all
- procs with the list of raised exceptions. You can read more about Nim's
- `effect system and related pragmas in the manual <manual.html#effect-system>`_.
- Generics
- ========
- Generics are Nim's means to parametrize procs, iterators or types
- with `type parameters`:idx:. Generic parameters are written within square
- brackets, for example `Foo[T]`. They are most useful for efficient type safe
- containers:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- type
- BinaryTree*[T] = ref object # BinaryTree is a generic type with
- # generic param `T`
- le, ri: BinaryTree[T] # left and right subtrees; may be nil
- data: T # the data stored in a node
- proc newNode*[T](data: T): BinaryTree[T] =
- # constructor for a node
- new(result)
- result.data = data
- proc add*[T](root: var BinaryTree[T], n: BinaryTree[T]) =
- # insert a node into the tree
- if root == nil:
- root = n
- else:
- var it = root
- while it != nil:
- # compare the data items; uses the generic `cmp` proc
- # that works for any type that has a `==` and `<` operator
- var c = cmp(it.data, n.data)
- if c < 0:
- if it.le == nil:
- it.le = n
- return
- it = it.le
- else:
- if it.ri == nil:
- it.ri = n
- return
- it = it.ri
- proc add*[T](root: var BinaryTree[T], data: T) =
- # convenience proc:
- add(root, newNode(data))
- iterator preorder*[T](root: BinaryTree[T]): T =
- # Preorder traversal of a binary tree.
- # This uses an explicit stack (which is more efficient than
- # a recursive iterator factory).
- var stack: seq[BinaryTree[T]] = @[root]
- while stack.len > 0:
- var n = stack.pop()
- while n != nil:
- yield n.data
- add(stack, n.ri) # push right subtree onto the stack
- n = n.le # and follow the left pointer
- var
- root: BinaryTree[string] # instantiate a BinaryTree with `string`
- add(root, newNode("hello")) # instantiates `newNode` and `add`
- add(root, "world") # instantiates the second `add` proc
- for str in preorder(root):
- stdout.writeLine(str)
- The example shows a generic binary tree. Depending on context, the brackets are
- used either to introduce type parameters or to instantiate a generic proc,
- iterator or type. As the example shows, generics work with overloading: the
- best match of `add` is used. The built-in `add` procedure for sequences
- is not hidden and is used in the `preorder` iterator.
- There is a special `[:T]` syntax when using generics with the method call syntax:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- proc foo[T](i: T) =
- discard
- var i: int
- # i.foo[int]() # Error: expression 'foo(i)' has no type (or is ambiguous)
- i.foo[:int]() # Success
- Templates
- =========
- Templates are a simple substitution mechanism that operates on Nim's
- abstract syntax trees. Templates are processed in the semantic pass of the
- compiler. They integrate well with the rest of the language and share none
- of C's preprocessor macros flaws.
- To *invoke* a template, call it like a procedure.
- Example:
- .. code-block:: nim
- template `!=` (a, b: untyped): untyped =
- # this definition exists in the System module
- not (a == b)
- assert(5 != 6) # the compiler rewrites that to: assert(not (5 == 6))
- The `!=`, `>`, `>=`, `in`, `notin`, `isnot` operators are in fact
- templates: this has the benefit that if you overload the `==` operator,
- the `!=` operator is available automatically and does the right thing. (Except
- for IEEE floating point numbers - NaN breaks basic boolean logic.)
- `a > b` is transformed into `b < a`.
- `a in b` is transformed into `contains(b, a)`.
- `notin` and `isnot` have the obvious meanings.
- Templates are especially useful for lazy evaluation purposes. Consider a
- simple proc for logging:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- const
- debug = true
- proc log(msg: string) {.inline.} =
- if debug: stdout.writeLine(msg)
- var
- x = 4
- log("x has the value: " & $x)
- This code has a shortcoming: if `debug` is set to false someday, the quite
- expensive `$` and `&` operations are still performed! (The argument
- evaluation for procedures is *eager*).
- Turning the `log` proc into a template solves this problem:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- const
- debug = true
- template log(msg: string) =
- if debug: stdout.writeLine(msg)
- var
- x = 4
- log("x has the value: " & $x)
- The parameters' types can be ordinary types or the meta types `untyped`,
- `typed`, or `type`. `type` suggests that only a type symbol may be given
- as an argument, and `untyped` means symbol lookups and type resolution is not
- performed before the expression is passed to the template.
- If the template has no explicit return type,
- `void` is used for consistency with procs and methods.
- To pass a block of statements to a template, use `untyped` for the last parameter:
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- template withFile(f: untyped, filename: string, mode: FileMode,
- body: untyped) =
- let fn = filename
- var f: File
- if open(f, fn, mode):
- try:
- body
- finally:
- close(f)
- else:
- quit("cannot open: " & fn)
- withFile(txt, "ttempl3.txt", fmWrite):
- txt.writeLine("line 1")
- txt.writeLine("line 2")
- In the example the two `writeLine` statements are bound to the `body`
- parameter. The `withFile` template contains boilerplate code and helps to
- avoid a common bug: to forget to close the file. Note how the
- `let fn = filename` statement ensures that `filename` is evaluated only
- once.
- Example: Lifting Procs
- ----------------------
- .. code-block:: nim
- :test: "nim c $1"
- import std/math
- template liftScalarProc(fname) =
- ## Lift a proc taking one scalar parameter and returning a
- ## scalar value (eg `proc sssss[T](x: T): float`),
- ## to provide templated procs that can handle a single
- ## parameter of seq[T] or nested seq[seq[]] or the same type
- ##
- ## .. code-block:: Nim
- ## liftScalarProc(abs)
- ## # now abs(@[@[1,-2], @[-2,-3]]) == @[@[1,2], @[2,3]]
- proc fname[T](x: openarray[T]): auto =
- var temp: T
- type outType = typeof(fname(temp))
- result = newSeq[outType](x.len)
- for i in 0..<x.len:
- result[i] = fname(x[i])
- liftScalarProc(sqrt) # make sqrt() work for sequences
- echo sqrt(@[4.0, 16.0, 25.0, 36.0]) # => @[2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]
- Compilation to JavaScript
- =========================
- Nim code can be compiled to JavaScript. However in order to write
- JavaScript-compatible code you should remember the following:
- - `addr` and `ptr` have slightly different semantic meaning in JavaScript.
- It is recommended to avoid those if you're not sure how they are translated
- to JavaScript.
- - `cast[T](x)` in JavaScript is translated to `(x)`, except for casting
- between signed/unsigned ints, in which case it behaves as static cast in
- C language.
- - `cstring` in JavaScript means JavaScript string. It is a good practice to
- use `cstring` only when it is semantically appropriate. E.g. don't use
- `cstring` as a binary data buffer.
- Part 3
- ======
- The next part is entirely about metaprogramming via macros: `Part III <tut3.html>`_