123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526 |
- #
- #
- # Nim's Runtime Library
- # (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
- #
- # See the file "copying.txt", included in this
- # distribution, for details about the copyright.
- #
- ## This module implements efficient computations of hash values for diverse
- ## Nim types. All the procs are based on these two building blocks:
- ## - `!& proc <#!&,Hash,int>`_ used to start or mix a hash value, and
- ## - `!$ proc <#!$,Hash>`_ used to *finish* the hash value.
- ##
- ## If you want to implement hash procs for your custom types,
- ## you will end up writing the following kind of skeleton of code:
- ##
- ## .. code-block:: Nim
- ## proc hash(x: Something): Hash =
- ## ## Computes a Hash from `x`.
- ## var h: Hash = 0
- ## # Iterate over parts of `x`.
- ## for xAtom in x:
- ## # Mix the atom with the partial hash.
- ## h = h !& xAtom
- ## # Finish the hash.
- ## result = !$h
- ##
- ## If your custom types contain fields for which there already is a hash proc,
- ## like for example objects made up of ``strings``, you can simply hash
- ## together the hash value of the individual fields:
- ##
- ## .. code-block:: Nim
- ## proc hash(x: Something): Hash =
- ## ## Computes a Hash from `x`.
- ## var h: Hash = 0
- ## h = h !& hash(x.foo)
- ## h = h !& hash(x.bar)
- ## result = !$h
- ##
- ## **See also:**
- ## * `md5 module <md5.html>`_ for MD5 checksum algorithm
- ## * `base64 module <base64.html>`_ for a base64 encoder and decoder
- ## * `std/sha1 module <sha1.html>`_ for a sha1 encoder and decoder
- ## * `tables module <tables.html>`_ for hash tables
- import std/private/since
- type
- Hash* = int ## A hash value. Hash tables using these values should
- ## always have a size of a power of two and can use the ``and``
- ## operator instead of ``mod`` for truncation of the hash value.
- proc `!&`*(h: Hash, val: int): Hash {.inline.} =
- ## Mixes a hash value `h` with `val` to produce a new hash value.
- ##
- ## This is only needed if you need to implement a hash proc for a new datatype.
- let h = cast[uint](h)
- let val = cast[uint](val)
- var res = h + val
- res = res + res shl 10
- res = res xor (res shr 6)
- result = cast[Hash](res)
- proc `!$`*(h: Hash): Hash {.inline.} =
- ## Finishes the computation of the hash value.
- ##
- ## This is only needed if you need to implement a hash proc for a new datatype.
- let h = cast[uint](h) # Hash is practically unsigned.
- var res = h + h shl 3
- res = res xor (res shr 11)
- res = res + res shl 15
- result = cast[Hash](res)
- proc hiXorLoFallback64(a, b: uint64): uint64 {.inline.} =
- let # Fall back in 64-bit arithmetic
- aH = a shr 32
- aL = a and 0xFFFFFFFF'u64
- bH = b shr 32
- bL = b and 0xFFFFFFFF'u64
- rHH = aH * bH
- rHL = aH * bL
- rLH = aL * bH
- rLL = aL * bL
- t = rLL + (rHL shl 32)
- var c = if t < rLL: 1'u64 else: 0'u64
- let lo = t + (rLH shl 32)
- c += (if lo < t: 1'u64 else: 0'u64)
- let hi = rHH + (rHL shr 32) + (rLH shr 32) + c
- return hi xor lo
- proc hiXorLo(a, b: uint64): uint64 {.inline.} =
- # Xor of high & low 8B of full 16B product
- when nimvm:
- result = hiXorLoFallback64(a, b) # `result =` is necessary here.
- else:
- when Hash.sizeof < 8:
- result = hiXorLoFallback64(a, b)
- elif defined(gcc) or defined(llvm_gcc) or defined(clang):
- {.emit: """__uint128_t r = `a`; r *= `b`; `result` = (r >> 64) ^ r;""".}
- elif defined(windows) and not defined(tcc):
- proc umul128(a, b: uint64, c: ptr uint64): uint64 {.importc: "_umul128", header: "intrin.h".}
- var b = b
- let c = umul128(a, b, addr b)
- result = c xor b
- else:
- result = hiXorLoFallback64(a, b)
- proc hashWangYi1*(x: int64|uint64|Hash): Hash {.inline.} =
- ## Wang Yi's hash_v1 for 8B int. https://github.com/rurban/smhasher has more
- ## details. This passed all scrambling tests in Spring 2019 and is simple.
- ## NOTE: It's ok to define ``proc(x: int16): Hash = hashWangYi1(Hash(x))``.
- const P0 = 0xa0761d6478bd642f'u64
- const P1 = 0xe7037ed1a0b428db'u64
- const P58 = 0xeb44accab455d165'u64 xor 8'u64
- when nimvm:
- cast[Hash](hiXorLo(hiXorLo(P0, uint64(x) xor P1), P58))
- else:
- when defined(js):
- asm """
- if (typeof BigInt == 'undefined') {
- `result` = `x`; // For Node < 10.4, etc. we do the old identity hash
- } else { // Otherwise we match the low 32-bits of C/C++ hash
- function hi_xor_lo_js(a, b) {
- const prod = BigInt(a) * BigInt(b);
- const mask = (BigInt(1) << BigInt(64)) - BigInt(1);
- return (prod >> BigInt(64)) ^ (prod & mask);
- }
- const P0 = BigInt(0xa0761d64)<<BigInt(32)|BigInt(0x78bd642f);
- const P1 = BigInt(0xe7037ed1)<<BigInt(32)|BigInt(0xa0b428db);
- const P58 = BigInt(0xeb44acca)<<BigInt(32)|BigInt(0xb455d165)^BigInt(8);
- var res = hi_xor_lo_js(hi_xor_lo_js(P0, BigInt(`x`) ^ P1), P58);
- `result` = Number(res & ((BigInt(1) << BigInt(53)) - BigInt(1)));
- }"""
- else:
- cast[Hash](hiXorLo(hiXorLo(P0, uint64(x) xor P1), P58))
- proc hashData*(data: pointer, size: int): Hash =
- ## Hashes an array of bytes of size `size`.
- var h: Hash = 0
- when defined(js):
- var p: cstring
- asm """`p` = `Data`;"""
- else:
- var p = cast[cstring](data)
- var i = 0
- var s = size
- while s > 0:
- h = h !& ord(p[i])
- inc(i)
- dec(s)
- result = !$h
- when defined(js):
- var objectID = 0
- proc hash*(x: pointer): Hash {.inline.} =
- ## Efficient hashing of pointers.
- when defined(js):
- asm """
- if (typeof `x` == "object") {
- if ("_NimID" in `x`)
- `result` = `x`["_NimID"];
- else {
- `result` = ++`objectID`;
- `x`["_NimID"] = `result`;
- }
- }
- """
- else:
- result = cast[Hash](cast[uint](x) shr 3) # skip the alignment
- proc hash*[T: proc](x: T): Hash {.inline.} =
- ## Efficient hashing of proc vars. Closures are supported too.
- when T is "closure":
- result = hash(rawProc(x)) !& hash(rawEnv(x))
- else:
- result = hash(pointer(x))
- proc hashIdentity*[T: Ordinal|enum](x: T): Hash {.inline, since: (1, 3).} =
- ## The identity hash. I.e. ``hashIdentity(x) = x``.
- cast[Hash](ord(x))
- when defined(nimIntHash1):
- proc hash*[T: Ordinal|enum](x: T): Hash {.inline.} =
- ## Efficient hashing of integers.
- cast[Hash](ord(x))
- else:
- proc hash*[T: Ordinal|enum](x: T): Hash {.inline.} =
- ## Efficient hashing of integers.
- hashWangYi1(uint64(ord(x)))
- proc hash*(x: float): Hash {.inline.} =
- ## Efficient hashing of floats.
- var y = x + 0.0 # for denormalization
- result = hash(cast[ptr Hash](addr(y))[])
- # Forward declarations before methods that hash containers. This allows
- # containers to contain other containers
- proc hash*[A](x: openArray[A]): Hash
- proc hash*[A](x: set[A]): Hash
- when defined(js):
- proc imul(a, b: uint32): uint32 =
- # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/imul
- let mask = 0xffff'u32
- var
- aHi = (a shr 16) and mask
- aLo = a and mask
- bHi = (b shr 16) and mask
- bLo = b and mask
- result = (aLo * bLo) + (aHi * bLo + aLo * bHi) shl 16
- else:
- template imul(a, b: uint32): untyped = a * b
- proc rotl32(x: uint32, r: int): uint32 {.inline.} =
- (x shl r) or (x shr (32 - r))
- proc murmurHash(x: openArray[byte]): Hash =
- # https://github.com/PeterScott/murmur3/blob/master/murmur3.c
- const
- c1 = 0xcc9e2d51'u32
- c2 = 0x1b873593'u32
- n1 = 0xe6546b64'u32
- m1 = 0x85ebca6b'u32
- m2 = 0xc2b2ae35'u32
- let
- size = len(x)
- stepSize = 4 # 32-bit
- n = size div stepSize
- var
- h1: uint32
- i = 0
- # body
- while i < n * stepSize:
- var k1: uint32
- when defined(js) or defined(sparc) or defined(sparc64):
- var j = stepSize
- while j > 0:
- dec j
- k1 = (k1 shl 8) or (ord(x[i+j])).uint32
- else:
- k1 = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr x[i])[]
- inc i, stepSize
- k1 = imul(k1, c1)
- k1 = rotl32(k1, 15)
- k1 = imul(k1, c2)
- h1 = h1 xor k1
- h1 = rotl32(h1, 13)
- h1 = h1*5 + n1
- # tail
- var k1: uint32
- var rem = size mod stepSize
- while rem > 0:
- dec rem
- k1 = (k1 shl 8) or (ord(x[i+rem])).uint32
- k1 = imul(k1, c1)
- k1 = rotl32(k1, 15)
- k1 = imul(k1, c2)
- h1 = h1 xor k1
- # finalization
- h1 = h1 xor size.uint32
- h1 = h1 xor (h1 shr 16)
- h1 = imul(h1, m1)
- h1 = h1 xor (h1 shr 13)
- h1 = imul(h1, m2)
- h1 = h1 xor (h1 shr 16)
- return cast[Hash](h1)
- proc hashVmImpl(x: string, sPos, ePos: int): Hash =
- doAssert false, "implementation override in compiler/vmops.nim"
- proc hashVmImplChar(x: openArray[char], sPos, ePos: int): Hash =
- doAssert false, "implementation override in compiler/vmops.nim"
- proc hashVmImplByte(x: openArray[byte], sPos, ePos: int): Hash =
- doAssert false, "implementation override in compiler/vmops.nim"
- proc hash*(x: string): Hash =
- ## Efficient hashing of strings.
- ##
- ## See also:
- ## * `hashIgnoreStyle <#hashIgnoreStyle,string>`_
- ## * `hashIgnoreCase <#hashIgnoreCase,string>`_
- runnableExamples:
- doAssert hash("abracadabra") != hash("AbracadabrA")
- when not defined(nimToOpenArrayCString):
- result = 0
- for c in x:
- result = result !& ord(c)
- result = !$result
- else:
- when nimvm:
- result = hashVmImpl(x, 0, high(x))
- else:
- result = murmurHash(toOpenArrayByte(x, 0, high(x)))
- proc hash*(x: cstring): Hash =
- ## Efficient hashing of null-terminated strings.
- runnableExamples:
- doAssert hash(cstring"abracadabra") == hash("abracadabra")
- doAssert hash(cstring"AbracadabrA") == hash("AbracadabrA")
- doAssert hash(cstring"abracadabra") != hash(cstring"AbracadabrA")
- when not defined(nimToOpenArrayCString):
- result = 0
- var i = 0
- while x[i] != '\0':
- result = result !& ord(x[i])
- inc i
- result = !$result
- else:
- when not defined(js) and defined(nimToOpenArrayCString):
- murmurHash(toOpenArrayByte(x, 0, x.high))
- else:
- let xx = $x
- murmurHash(toOpenArrayByte(xx, 0, high(xx)))
- proc hash*(sBuf: string, sPos, ePos: int): Hash =
- ## Efficient hashing of a string buffer, from starting
- ## position `sPos` to ending position `ePos` (included).
- ##
- ## ``hash(myStr, 0, myStr.high)`` is equivalent to ``hash(myStr)``.
- runnableExamples:
- var a = "abracadabra"
- doAssert hash(a, 0, 3) == hash(a, 7, 10)
- when not defined(nimToOpenArrayCString):
- result = 0
- for i in sPos..ePos:
- result = result !& ord(sBuf[i])
- result = !$result
- else:
- murmurHash(toOpenArrayByte(sBuf, sPos, ePos))
- proc hashIgnoreStyle*(x: string): Hash =
- ## Efficient hashing of strings; style is ignored.
- ##
- ## **Note:** This uses different hashing algorithm than `hash(string)`.
- ##
- ## See also:
- ## * `hashIgnoreCase <#hashIgnoreCase,string>`_
- runnableExamples:
- doAssert hashIgnoreStyle("aBr_aCa_dAB_ra") == hashIgnoreStyle("abracadabra")
- doAssert hashIgnoreStyle("abcdefghi") != hash("abcdefghi")
- var h: Hash = 0
- var i = 0
- let xLen = x.len
- while i < xLen:
- var c = x[i]
- if c == '_':
- inc(i)
- else:
- if c in {'A'..'Z'}:
- c = chr(ord(c) + (ord('a') - ord('A'))) # toLower()
- h = h !& ord(c)
- inc(i)
- result = !$h
- proc hashIgnoreStyle*(sBuf: string, sPos, ePos: int): Hash =
- ## Efficient hashing of a string buffer, from starting
- ## position `sPos` to ending position `ePos` (included); style is ignored.
- ##
- ## **Note:** This uses different hashing algorithm than `hash(string)`.
- ##
- ## ``hashIgnoreStyle(myBuf, 0, myBuf.high)`` is equivalent
- ## to ``hashIgnoreStyle(myBuf)``.
- runnableExamples:
- var a = "ABracada_b_r_a"
- doAssert hashIgnoreStyle(a, 0, 3) == hashIgnoreStyle(a, 7, a.high)
- var h: Hash = 0
- var i = sPos
- while i <= ePos:
- var c = sBuf[i]
- if c == '_':
- inc(i)
- else:
- if c in {'A'..'Z'}:
- c = chr(ord(c) + (ord('a') - ord('A'))) # toLower()
- h = h !& ord(c)
- inc(i)
- result = !$h
- proc hashIgnoreCase*(x: string): Hash =
- ## Efficient hashing of strings; case is ignored.
- ##
- ## **Note:** This uses different hashing algorithm than `hash(string)`.
- ##
- ## See also:
- ## * `hashIgnoreStyle <#hashIgnoreStyle,string>`_
- runnableExamples:
- doAssert hashIgnoreCase("ABRAcaDABRA") == hashIgnoreCase("abRACAdabra")
- doAssert hashIgnoreCase("abcdefghi") != hash("abcdefghi")
- var h: Hash = 0
- for i in 0..x.len-1:
- var c = x[i]
- if c in {'A'..'Z'}:
- c = chr(ord(c) + (ord('a') - ord('A'))) # toLower()
- h = h !& ord(c)
- result = !$h
- proc hashIgnoreCase*(sBuf: string, sPos, ePos: int): Hash =
- ## Efficient hashing of a string buffer, from starting
- ## position `sPos` to ending position `ePos` (included); case is ignored.
- ##
- ## **Note:** This uses different hashing algorithm than `hash(string)`.
- ##
- ## ``hashIgnoreCase(myBuf, 0, myBuf.high)`` is equivalent
- ## to ``hashIgnoreCase(myBuf)``.
- runnableExamples:
- var a = "ABracadabRA"
- doAssert hashIgnoreCase(a, 0, 3) == hashIgnoreCase(a, 7, 10)
- var h: Hash = 0
- for i in sPos..ePos:
- var c = sBuf[i]
- if c in {'A'..'Z'}:
- c = chr(ord(c) + (ord('a') - ord('A'))) # toLower()
- h = h !& ord(c)
- result = !$h
- proc hash*[T: tuple](x: T): Hash =
- ## Efficient hashing of tuples.
- for f in fields(x):
- result = result !& hash(f)
- result = !$result
- proc hash*[A](x: openArray[A]): Hash =
- ## Efficient hashing of arrays and sequences.
- when A is byte:
- result = murmurHash(x)
- elif A is char:
- when nimvm:
- result = hashVmImplChar(x, 0, x.high)
- else:
- result = murmurHash(toOpenArrayByte(x, 0, x.high))
- else:
- for a in x:
- result = result !& hash(a)
- result = !$result
- proc hash*[A](aBuf: openArray[A], sPos, ePos: int): Hash =
- ## Efficient hashing of portions of arrays and sequences, from starting
- ## position `sPos` to ending position `ePos` (included).
- ##
- ## ``hash(myBuf, 0, myBuf.high)`` is equivalent to ``hash(myBuf)``.
- runnableExamples:
- let a = [1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 6]
- doAssert hash(a, 0, 1) == hash(a, 3, 4)
- when A is byte:
- when nimvm:
- result = hashVmImplByte(aBuf, sPos, ePos)
- else:
- result = murmurHash(toOpenArray(aBuf, sPos, ePos))
- elif A is char:
- when nimvm:
- result = hashVmImplChar(aBuf, sPos, ePos)
- else:
- result = murmurHash(toOpenArrayByte(aBuf, sPos, ePos))
- else:
- for i in sPos .. ePos:
- result = result !& hash(aBuf[i])
- result = !$result
- proc hash*[A](x: set[A]): Hash =
- ## Efficient hashing of sets.
- for it in items(x):
- result = result !& hash(it)
- result = !$result
- when isMainModule:
- block empty:
- var
- a = ""
- b = newSeq[char]()
- c = newSeq[int]()
- d = cstring""
- e = "abcd"
- doAssert hash(a) == 0
- doAssert hash(b) == 0
- doAssert hash(c) == 0
- doAssert hash(d) == 0
- doAssert hashIgnoreCase(a) == 0
- doAssert hashIgnoreStyle(a) == 0
- doAssert hash(e, 3, 2) == 0
- block sameButDifferent:
- doAssert hash("aa bb aaaa1234") == hash("aa bb aaaa1234", 0, 13)
- doAssert hash("aa bb aaaa1234") == hash(cstring"aa bb aaaa1234")
- doAssert hashIgnoreCase("aA bb aAAa1234") == hashIgnoreCase("aa bb aaaa1234")
- doAssert hashIgnoreStyle("aa_bb_AAaa1234") == hashIgnoreCase("aaBBAAAa1234")
- block smallSize: # no multibyte hashing
- let
- xx = @['H', 'i']
- ii = @[72'u8, 105]
- ss = "Hi"
- doAssert hash(xx) == hash(ii)
- doAssert hash(xx) == hash(ss)
- doAssert hash(xx) == hash(xx, 0, xx.high)
- doAssert hash(ss) == hash(ss, 0, ss.high)
- block largeSize: # longer than 4 characters
- let
- xx = @['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
- xxl = @['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 'w', 'e', 'e', 'n', 's']
- ssl = "Helloweens"
- doAssert hash(xxl) == hash(ssl)
- doAssert hash(xxl) == hash(xxl, 0, xxl.high)
- doAssert hash(ssl) == hash(ssl, 0, ssl.high)
- doAssert hash(xx) == hash(xxl, 0, 4)
- doAssert hash(xx) == hash(ssl, 0, 4)
- doAssert hash(xx, 0, 3) == hash(xxl, 0, 3)
- doAssert hash(xx, 0, 3) == hash(ssl, 0, 3)