times.idx 20 KB

  1. nimTitle times times.html module std/times 0
  2. nim mJan times.html#mJan Month.mJan 270
  3. nim mFeb times.html#mFeb Month.mFeb 270
  4. nim mMar times.html#mMar Month.mMar 270
  5. nim mApr times.html#mApr Month.mApr 270
  6. nim mMay times.html#mMay Month.mMay 270
  7. nim mJun times.html#mJun Month.mJun 270
  8. nim mJul times.html#mJul Month.mJul 270
  9. nim mAug times.html#mAug Month.mAug 270
  10. nim mSep times.html#mSep Month.mSep 270
  11. nim mOct times.html#mOct Month.mOct 270
  12. nim mNov times.html#mNov Month.mNov 270
  13. nim mDec times.html#mDec Month.mDec 270
  14. nim Month times.html#Month enum Month 270
  15. nim dMon times.html#dMon WeekDay.dMon 286
  16. nim dTue times.html#dTue WeekDay.dTue 286
  17. nim dWed times.html#dWed WeekDay.dWed 286
  18. nim dThu times.html#dThu WeekDay.dThu 286
  19. nim dFri times.html#dFri WeekDay.dFri 286
  20. nim dSat times.html#dSat WeekDay.dSat 286
  21. nim dSun times.html#dSun WeekDay.dSun 286
  22. nim WeekDay times.html#WeekDay enum WeekDay 286
  23. nim MonthdayRange times.html#MonthdayRange type MonthdayRange 296
  24. nim HourRange times.html#HourRange type HourRange 297
  25. nim MinuteRange times.html#MinuteRange type MinuteRange 298
  26. nim SecondRange times.html#SecondRange type SecondRange 299
  27. nim YeardayRange times.html#YeardayRange type YeardayRange 302
  28. nim NanosecondRange times.html#NanosecondRange type NanosecondRange 303
  29. nim IsoWeekRange times.html#IsoWeekRange type IsoWeekRange 305
  30. nim IsoYear times.html#IsoYear type IsoYear 307
  31. nim Time times.html#Time object Time 312
  32. nim DateTime times.html#DateTime object DateTime 316
  33. nim Duration times.html#Duration object Duration 334
  34. nim Nanoseconds times.html#Nanoseconds TimeUnit.Nanoseconds 345
  35. nim Microseconds times.html#Microseconds TimeUnit.Microseconds 345
  36. nim Milliseconds times.html#Milliseconds TimeUnit.Milliseconds 345
  37. nim Seconds times.html#Seconds TimeUnit.Seconds 345
  38. nim Minutes times.html#Minutes TimeUnit.Minutes 345
  39. nim Hours times.html#Hours TimeUnit.Hours 345
  40. nim Days times.html#Days TimeUnit.Days 345
  41. nim Weeks times.html#Weeks TimeUnit.Weeks 345
  42. nim Months times.html#Months TimeUnit.Months 345
  43. nim Years times.html#Years TimeUnit.Years 345
  44. nim TimeUnit times.html#TimeUnit enum TimeUnit 345
  45. nim FixedTimeUnit times.html#FixedTimeUnit type FixedTimeUnit 349
  46. nim TimeInterval times.html#TimeInterval object TimeInterval 353
  47. nim Timezone times.html#Timezone type Timezone 380
  48. nim ZonedTime times.html#ZonedTime object ZonedTime 390
  49. nim DurationParts times.html#DurationParts type DurationParts 398
  50. nim TimeIntervalParts times.html#TimeIntervalParts type TimeIntervalParts 399
  51. nim convert times.html#convert,FixedTimeUnit,FixedTimeUnit,T proc convert[T: SomeInteger](unitFrom, unitTo: FixedTimeUnit; quantity: T): T 437
  52. nim isLeapYear times.html#isLeapYear,int proc isLeapYear(year: int): bool 462
  53. nim getDaysInMonth times.html#getDaysInMonth,Month,int proc getDaysInMonth(month: Month; year: int): int 469
  54. nim getDayOfYear times.html#getDayOfYear,MonthdayRange,Month,int proc getDayOfYear(monthday: MonthdayRange; month: Month; year: int): YeardayRange 520
  55. nim getDayOfWeek times.html#getDayOfWeek,MonthdayRange,Month,int proc getDayOfWeek(monthday: MonthdayRange; month: Month; year: int): WeekDay 540
  56. nim getDaysInYear times.html#getDaysInYear,int proc getDaysInYear(year: int): int 557
  57. nim `==` times.html#==,IsoYear,IsoYear proc `==`(a, b: IsoYear): bool 564
  58. nim `$` times.html#$,IsoYear proc `$`(p: IsoYear): string 565
  59. nim getWeeksInIsoYear times.html#getWeeksInIsoYear,IsoYear proc getWeeksInIsoYear(y: IsoYear): IsoWeekRange 567
  60. nim getIsoWeekAndYear times.html#getIsoWeekAndYear,DateTime proc getIsoWeekAndYear(dt: DateTime): tuple[isoweek: IsoWeekRange, isoyear: IsoYear] 585
  61. nim DurationZero times.html#DurationZero const DurationZero 658
  62. nim initDuration times.html#initDuration,int64,int64,int64,int64,int64,int64,int64,int64 proc initDuration(nanoseconds, microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours,\n days, weeks: int64 = 0): Duration 665
  63. nim inWeeks times.html#inWeeks,Duration proc inWeeks(dur: Duration): int64 706
  64. nim inDays times.html#inDays,Duration proc inDays(dur: Duration): int64 713
  65. nim inHours times.html#inHours,Duration proc inHours(dur: Duration): int64 720
  66. nim inMinutes times.html#inMinutes,Duration proc inMinutes(dur: Duration): int64 727
  67. nim inSeconds times.html#inSeconds,Duration proc inSeconds(dur: Duration): int64 734
  68. nim inMilliseconds times.html#inMilliseconds,Duration proc inMilliseconds(dur: Duration): int64 741
  69. nim inMicroseconds times.html#inMicroseconds,Duration proc inMicroseconds(dur: Duration): int64 748
  70. nim inNanoseconds times.html#inNanoseconds,Duration proc inNanoseconds(dur: Duration): int64 755
  71. nim toParts times.html#toParts,Duration proc toParts(dur: Duration): DurationParts 762
  72. nim `$` times.html#$,Duration proc `$`(dur: Duration): string 797
  73. nim `+` times.html#+,Duration,Duration proc `+`(a, b: Duration): Duration 816
  74. nim `-` times.html#-,Duration,Duration proc `-`(a, b: Duration): Duration 823
  75. nim `-` times.html#-,Duration proc `-`(a: Duration): Duration 830
  76. nim `<` times.html#<,Duration,Duration proc `<`(a, b: Duration): bool 836
  77. nim `<=` times.html#<=,Duration,Duration proc `<=`(a, b: Duration): bool 848
  78. nim `==` times.html#==,Duration,Duration proc `==`(a, b: Duration): bool 851
  79. nim `*` times.html#*,int64,Duration proc `*`(a: int64; b: Duration): Duration 859
  80. nim `*` times.html#*,Duration,int64 proc `*`(a: Duration; b: int64): Duration 867
  81. nim `+=` times.html#+=,Duration,Duration proc `+=`(d1: var Duration; d2: Duration) 875
  82. nim `-=` times.html#-=,Duration,Duration proc `-=`(dt: var Duration; ti: Duration) 878
  83. nim `*=` times.html#*=,Duration,int proc `*=`(a: var Duration; b: int) 881
  84. nim `div` times.html#div,Duration,int64 proc `div`(a: Duration; b: int64): Duration 884
  85. nim high times.html#high,typedesc[Duration] proc high(typ: typedesc[Duration]): Duration 897
  86. nim low times.html#low,typedesc[Duration] proc low(typ: typedesc[Duration]): Duration 901
  87. nim abs times.html#abs,Duration proc abs(a: Duration): Duration 905
  88. nim initTime times.html#initTime,int64,NanosecondRange proc initTime(unix: int64; nanosecond: NanosecondRange): Time 915
  89. nim nanosecond times.html#nanosecond,Time proc nanosecond(time: Time): NanosecondRange 919
  90. nim fromUnix times.html#fromUnix,int64 proc fromUnix(unix: int64): Time 924
  91. nim toUnix times.html#toUnix,Time proc toUnix(t: Time): int64 932
  92. nim fromUnixFloat times.html#fromUnixFloat,float proc fromUnixFloat(seconds: float): Time 939
  93. nim toUnixFloat times.html#toUnixFloat,Time proc toUnixFloat(t: Time): float 949
  94. nim fromWinTime times.html#fromWinTime,int64 proc fromWinTime(win: int64): Time 962
  95. nim toWinTime times.html#toWinTime,Time proc toWinTime(t: Time): int64 970
  96. nim getTime times.html#getTime proc getTime(): Time 978
  97. nim `-` times.html#-,Time,Time proc `-`(a, b: Time): Duration 1003
  98. nim `+` times.html#+,Time,Duration proc `+`(a: Time; b: Duration): Time 1010
  99. nim `-` times.html#-,Time,Duration proc `-`(a: Time; b: Duration): Time 1016
  100. nim `<` times.html#<,Time,Time proc `<`(a, b: Time): bool 1022
  101. nim `<=` times.html#<=,Time,Time proc `<=`(a, b: Time): bool 1028
  102. nim `==` times.html#==,Time,Time proc `==`(a, b: Time): bool 1032
  103. nim `+=` times.html#+=,Time,Duration proc `+=`(t: var Time; b: Duration) 1036
  104. nim `-=` times.html#-=,Time,Duration proc `-=`(t: var Time; b: Duration) 1039
  105. nim high times.html#high,typedesc[Time] proc high(typ: typedesc[Time]): Time 1042
  106. nim low times.html#low,typedesc[Time] proc low(typ: typedesc[Time]): Time 1045
  107. nim nanosecond times.html#nanosecond,DateTime proc nanosecond(dt: DateTime): NanosecondRange 1055
  108. nim second times.html#second,DateTime proc second(dt: DateTime): SecondRange 1061
  109. nim minute times.html#minute,DateTime proc minute(dt: DateTime): MinuteRange 1067
  110. nim hour times.html#hour,DateTime proc hour(dt: DateTime): HourRange 1073
  111. nim monthday times.html#monthday,DateTime proc monthday(dt: DateTime): MonthdayRange 1079
  112. nim month times.html#month,DateTime proc month(dt: DateTime): Month 1085
  113. nim year times.html#year,DateTime proc year(dt: DateTime): int 1092
  114. nim weekday times.html#weekday,DateTime proc weekday(dt: DateTime): WeekDay 1099
  115. nim yearday times.html#yearday,DateTime proc yearday(dt: DateTime): YeardayRange 1105
  116. nim isDst times.html#isDst,DateTime proc isDst(dt: DateTime): bool 1111
  117. nim timezone times.html#timezone,DateTime proc timezone(dt: DateTime): Timezone 1117
  118. nim utcOffset times.html#utcOffset,DateTime proc utcOffset(dt: DateTime): int 1123
  119. nim isInitialized times.html#isInitialized,DateTime proc isInitialized(dt: DateTime): bool 1133
  120. nim isLeapDay times.html#isLeapDay,DateTime proc isLeapDay(dt: DateTime): bool 1143
  121. nim toTime times.html#toTime,DateTime proc toTime(dt: DateTime): Time 1157
  122. nim newTimezone times.html#newTimezone,string,proc(Time),proc(Time) proc newTimezone(name: string; zonedTimeFromTimeImpl: proc (time: Time): ZonedTime {.\n tags: [], raises: [], gcsafe.}; zonedTimeFromAdjTimeImpl: proc (\n adjTime: Time): ZonedTime {.tags: [], raises: [], gcsafe.}): owned Timezone 1197
  123. nim name times.html#name,Timezone proc name(zone: Timezone): string 1225
  124. nim zonedTimeFromTime times.html#zonedTimeFromTime,Timezone,Time proc zonedTimeFromTime(zone: Timezone; time: Time): ZonedTime 1237
  125. nim zonedTimeFromAdjTime times.html#zonedTimeFromAdjTime,Timezone,Time proc zonedTimeFromAdjTime(zone: Timezone; adjTime: Time): ZonedTime 1241
  126. nim `$` times.html#$,Timezone proc `$`(zone: Timezone): string 1249
  127. nim `==` times.html#==,Timezone,Timezone proc `==`(zone1, zone2: Timezone): bool 1254
  128. nim inZone times.html#inZone,Time,Timezone proc inZone(time: Time; zone: Timezone): DateTime 1265
  129. nim inZone times.html#inZone,DateTime,Timezone proc inZone(dt: DateTime; zone: Timezone): DateTime 1270
  130. nim utc times.html#utc proc utc(): Timezone 1376
  131. nim local times.html#local proc local(): Timezone 1385
  132. nim utc times.html#utc,DateTime proc utc(dt: DateTime): DateTime 1395
  133. nim local times.html#local,DateTime proc local(dt: DateTime): DateTime 1399
  134. nim utc times.html#utc,Time proc utc(t: Time): DateTime 1403
  135. nim local times.html#local,Time proc local(t: Time): DateTime 1407
  136. nim now times.html#now proc now(): DateTime 1411
  137. nim dateTime times.html#dateTime,int,Month,MonthdayRange,HourRange,MinuteRange,SecondRange,NanosecondRange,Timezone proc dateTime(year: int; month: Month; monthday: MonthdayRange; hour: HourRange = 0;\n minute: MinuteRange = 0; second: SecondRange = 0;\n nanosecond: NanosecondRange = 0; zone: Timezone = local()): DateTime 1419
  138. nim initDateTime times.html#initDateTime,MonthdayRange,Month,int,HourRange,MinuteRange,SecondRange,NanosecondRange,Timezone proc initDateTime(monthday: MonthdayRange; month: Month; year: int; hour: HourRange;\n minute: MinuteRange; second: SecondRange;\n nanosecond: NanosecondRange; zone: Timezone = local()): DateTime 1439
  139. nim initDateTime times.html#initDateTime,MonthdayRange,Month,int,HourRange,MinuteRange,SecondRange,Timezone proc initDateTime(monthday: MonthdayRange; month: Month; year: int; hour: HourRange;\n minute: MinuteRange; second: SecondRange; zone: Timezone = local()): DateTime 1448
  140. nim `+` times.html#+,DateTime,Duration proc `+`(dt: DateTime; dur: Duration): DateTime 1456
  141. nim `-` times.html#-,DateTime,Duration proc `-`(dt: DateTime; dur: Duration): DateTime 1464
  142. nim `-` times.html#-,DateTime,DateTime proc `-`(dt1, dt2: DateTime): Duration 1472
  143. nim `<` times.html#<,DateTime,DateTime proc `<`(a, b: DateTime): bool 1482
  144. nim `<=` times.html#<=,DateTime,DateTime proc `<=`(a, b: DateTime): bool 1486
  145. nim `==` times.html#==,DateTime,DateTime proc `==`(a, b: DateTime): bool 1490
  146. nim `+=` times.html#+=,DateTime,Duration proc `+=`(a: var DateTime; b: Duration) 1496
  147. nim `-=` times.html#-=,DateTime,Duration proc `-=`(a: var DateTime; b: Duration) 1499
  148. nim getDateStr times.html#getDateStr proc getDateStr(dt = now()): string 1502
  149. nim getClockStr times.html#getClockStr proc getClockStr(dt = now()): string 1514
  150. nim initDateTime times.html#initDateTime,WeekDay,IsoWeekRange,IsoYear,HourRange,MinuteRange,SecondRange,NanosecondRange,Timezone proc initDateTime(weekday: WeekDay; isoweek: IsoWeekRange; isoyear: IsoYear;\n hour: HourRange; minute: MinuteRange; second: SecondRange;\n nanosecond: NanosecondRange; zone: Timezone = local()): DateTime 1531
  151. nim initDateTime times.html#initDateTime,WeekDay,IsoWeekRange,IsoYear,HourRange,MinuteRange,SecondRange,Timezone proc initDateTime(weekday: WeekDay; isoweek: IsoWeekRange; isoyear: IsoYear;\n hour: HourRange; minute: MinuteRange; second: SecondRange;\n zone: Timezone = local()): DateTime 1536
  152. nim DateTimeLocale times.html#DateTimeLocale object DateTimeLocale 1548
  153. nim TimeFormat times.html#TimeFormat object TimeFormat 1606
  154. nim TimeParseError times.html#TimeParseError object TimeParseError 1619
  155. nim TimeFormatParseError times.html#TimeFormatParseError object TimeFormatParseError 1622
  156. nim DefaultLocale times.html#DefaultLocale const DefaultLocale 1626
  157. nim `$` times.html#$,TimeFormat proc `$`(f: TimeFormat): string 1638
  158. nim initTimeFormat times.html#initTimeFormat,string proc initTimeFormat(format: string): TimeFormat 1764
  159. nim format times.html#format,DateTime,TimeFormat,DateTimeLocale proc format(dt: DateTime; f: TimeFormat; loc: DateTimeLocale = DefaultLocale): string 2182
  160. nim format times.html#format,DateTime,string,DateTimeLocale proc format(dt: DateTime; f: string; loc: DateTimeLocale = DefaultLocale): string 2205
  161. nim format times.html#format,DateTime,static[string] proc format(dt: DateTime; f: static[string]): string 2217
  162. nim formatValue times.html#formatValue,string,,string proc formatValue(result: var string; value: DateTime | Time; specifier: string) 2222
  163. nim format times.html#format,Time,string,Timezone proc format(time: Time; f: string; zone: Timezone = local()): string 2227
  164. nim format times.html#format,Time,static[string],Timezone proc format(time: Time; f: static[string]; zone: Timezone = local()): string 2240
  165. nim parse times.html#parse,string,TimeFormat,Timezone,DateTimeLocale proc parse(input: string; f: TimeFormat; zone: Timezone = local();\n loc: DateTimeLocale = DefaultLocale): DateTime 2246
  166. nim parse times.html#parse,string,string,Timezone,DateTimeLocale proc parse(input, f: string; tz: Timezone = local();\n loc: DateTimeLocale = DefaultLocale): DateTime 2295
  167. nim parse times.html#parse,string,static[string],Timezone,DateTimeLocale proc parse(input: string; f: static[string]; zone: Timezone = local();\n loc: DateTimeLocale = DefaultLocale): DateTime 2308
  168. nim parseTime times.html#parseTime,string,string,Timezone proc parseTime(input, f: string; zone: Timezone): Time 2314
  169. nim parseTime times.html#parseTime,string,static[string],Timezone proc parseTime(input: string; f: static[string]; zone: Timezone): Time 2325
  170. nim `$` times.html#$,DateTime proc `$`(dt: DateTime): string 2331
  171. nim `$` times.html#$,Time proc `$`(time: Time): string 2343
  172. nim initTimeInterval times.html#initTimeInterval,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int proc initTimeInterval(nanoseconds = 0; microseconds = 0; milliseconds = 0;\n seconds = 0; minutes = 0; hours = 0; days = 0; weeks = 0;\n months = 0; years = 0): TimeInterval 2356
  173. nim `+` times.html#+,TimeInterval,TimeInterval proc `+`(ti1, ti2: TimeInterval): TimeInterval 2385
  174. nim `-` times.html#-,TimeInterval proc `-`(ti: TimeInterval): TimeInterval 2400
  175. nim `-` times.html#-,TimeInterval,TimeInterval proc `-`(ti1, ti2: TimeInterval): TimeInterval 2419
  176. nim `+=` times.html#+=,TimeInterval,TimeInterval proc `+=`(a: var TimeInterval; b: TimeInterval) 2430
  177. nim `-=` times.html#-=,TimeInterval,TimeInterval proc `-=`(a: var TimeInterval; b: TimeInterval) 2433
  178. nim between times.html#between,DateTime,DateTime proc between(startDt, endDt: DateTime): TimeInterval 2449
  179. nim toParts times.html#toParts,TimeInterval proc toParts(ti: TimeInterval): TimeIntervalParts 2555
  180. nim `$` times.html#$,TimeInterval proc `$`(ti: TimeInterval): string 2571
  181. nim nanoseconds times.html#nanoseconds,int proc nanoseconds(nanos: int): TimeInterval 2586
  182. nim microseconds times.html#microseconds,int proc microseconds(micros: int): TimeInterval 2590
  183. nim milliseconds times.html#milliseconds,int proc milliseconds(ms: int): TimeInterval 2594
  184. nim seconds times.html#seconds,int proc seconds(s: int): TimeInterval 2598
  185. nim minutes times.html#minutes,int proc minutes(m: int): TimeInterval 2604
  186. nim hours times.html#hours,int proc hours(h: int): TimeInterval 2610
  187. nim days times.html#days,int proc days(d: int): TimeInterval 2616
  188. nim weeks times.html#weeks,int proc weeks(w: int): TimeInterval 2622
  189. nim months times.html#months,int proc months(m: int): TimeInterval 2628
  190. nim years times.html#years,int proc years(y: int): TimeInterval 2634
  191. nim `+` times.html#+,DateTime,TimeInterval proc `+`(dt: DateTime; interval: TimeInterval): DateTime 2681
  192. nim `-` times.html#-,DateTime,TimeInterval proc `-`(dt: DateTime; interval: TimeInterval): DateTime 2710
  193. nim `+` times.html#+,Time,TimeInterval proc `+`(time: Time; interval: TimeInterval): Time 2721
  194. nim `-` times.html#-,Time,TimeInterval proc `-`(time: Time; interval: TimeInterval): Time 2734
  195. nim `+=` times.html#+=,DateTime,TimeInterval proc `+=`(a: var DateTime; b: TimeInterval) 2747
  196. nim `-=` times.html#-=,DateTime,TimeInterval proc `-=`(a: var DateTime; b: TimeInterval) 2750
  197. nim `+=` times.html#+=,Time,TimeInterval proc `+=`(t: var Time; b: TimeInterval) 2753
  198. nim `-=` times.html#-=,Time,TimeInterval proc `-=`(t: var Time; b: TimeInterval) 2756
  199. nim epochTime times.html#epochTime proc epochTime(): float 2790
  200. nim cpuTime times.html#cpuTime proc cpuTime(): float 2831
  201. nim nanosecond= times.html#nanosecond=,DateTime,NanosecondRange proc nanosecond=(dt: var DateTime; value: NanosecondRange) 2863
  202. nim second= times.html#second=,DateTime,SecondRange proc second=(dt: var DateTime; value: SecondRange) 2866
  203. nim minute= times.html#minute=,DateTime,MinuteRange proc minute=(dt: var DateTime; value: MinuteRange) 2869
  204. nim hour= times.html#hour=,DateTime,HourRange proc hour=(dt: var DateTime; value: HourRange) 2872
  205. nim monthdayZero= times.html#monthdayZero=,DateTime,int proc monthdayZero=(dt: var DateTime; value: int) 2875
  206. nim monthZero= times.html#monthZero=,DateTime,int proc monthZero=(dt: var DateTime; value: int) 2878
  207. nim year= times.html#year=,DateTime,int proc year=(dt: var DateTime; value: int) 2881
  208. nim weekday= times.html#weekday=,DateTime,WeekDay proc weekday=(dt: var DateTime; value: WeekDay) 2884
  209. nim yearday= times.html#yearday=,DateTime,YeardayRange proc yearday=(dt: var DateTime; value: YeardayRange) 2887
  210. nim isDst= times.html#isDst=,DateTime,bool proc isDst=(dt: var DateTime; value: bool) 2890
  211. nim timezone= times.html#timezone=,DateTime,Timezone proc timezone=(dt: var DateTime; value: Timezone) 2893
  212. nim utcOffset= times.html#utcOffset=,DateTime,int proc utcOffset=(dt: var DateTime; value: int) 2896
  213. heading Examples times.html#examples Examples 0
  214. heading Parsing and Formatting Dates times.html#parsing-and-formatting-dates Parsing and Formatting Dates 0
  215. heading Duration vs TimeInterval times.html#duration-vs-timeinterval Duration vs TimeInterval 0
  216. heading Duration times.html#duration-vs-timeinterval-duration Duration 0
  217. heading TimeInterval times.html#duration-vs-timeinterval-timeinterval TimeInterval 0
  218. heading How long is a day? times.html#duration-vs-timeinterval-how-long-is-a-dayqmark How long is a day? 0
  219. heading See also times.html#see-also See also 0
  220. nimgrp - times.html#--procs-all proc 823
  221. nimgrp < times.html#<-procs-all proc 836
  222. nimgrp parse times.html#parse-procs-all proc 2246
  223. nimgrp initdatetime times.html#initDateTime-procs-all proc 1439
  224. nimgrp == times.html#==-procs-all proc 564
  225. nimgrp format times.html#format-procs-all proc 2182
  226. nimgrp * times.html#*-procs-all proc 859
  227. nimgrp += times.html#+=-procs-all proc 875
  228. nimgrp parsetime times.html#parseTime-procs-all proc 2314
  229. nimgrp -= times.html#-=-procs-all proc 878
  230. nimgrp high times.html#high-procs-all proc 897
  231. nimgrp <= times.html#<=-procs-all proc 848
  232. nimgrp nanosecond times.html#nanosecond-procs-all proc 919
  233. nimgrp low times.html#low-procs-all proc 901
  234. nimgrp + times.html#+-procs-all proc 816
  235. nimgrp $ times.html#$-procs-all proc 565
  236. nimgrp inzone times.html#inZone-procs-all proc 1265
  237. nimgrp local times.html#local-procs-all proc 1385
  238. nimgrp toparts times.html#toParts-procs-all proc 762
  239. nimgrp utc times.html#utc-procs-all proc 1376