pegs.idx 11 KB

  1. nimTitle pegs pegs.html module std/pegs 0
  2. nim MaxSubpatterns pegs.html#MaxSubpatterns const MaxSubpatterns 34
  3. nim pkEmpty pegs.html#pkEmpty PegKind.pkEmpty 38
  4. nim pkAny pegs.html#pkAny PegKind.pkAny 38
  5. nim pkAnyRune pegs.html#pkAnyRune PegKind.pkAnyRune 38
  6. nim pkNewLine pegs.html#pkNewLine PegKind.pkNewLine 38
  7. nim pkLetter pegs.html#pkLetter PegKind.pkLetter 38
  8. nim pkLower pegs.html#pkLower PegKind.pkLower 38
  9. nim pkUpper pegs.html#pkUpper PegKind.pkUpper 38
  10. nim pkTitle pegs.html#pkTitle PegKind.pkTitle 38
  11. nim pkWhitespace pegs.html#pkWhitespace PegKind.pkWhitespace 38
  12. nim pkTerminal pegs.html#pkTerminal PegKind.pkTerminal 38
  13. nim pkTerminalIgnoreCase pegs.html#pkTerminalIgnoreCase PegKind.pkTerminalIgnoreCase 38
  14. nim pkTerminalIgnoreStyle pegs.html#pkTerminalIgnoreStyle PegKind.pkTerminalIgnoreStyle 38
  15. nim pkChar pegs.html#pkChar PegKind.pkChar 38
  16. nim pkCharChoice pegs.html#pkCharChoice PegKind.pkCharChoice 38
  17. nim pkNonTerminal pegs.html#pkNonTerminal PegKind.pkNonTerminal 38
  18. nim pkSequence pegs.html#pkSequence PegKind.pkSequence 38
  19. nim pkOrderedChoice pegs.html#pkOrderedChoice PegKind.pkOrderedChoice 38
  20. nim pkGreedyRep pegs.html#pkGreedyRep PegKind.pkGreedyRep 38
  21. nim pkGreedyRepChar pegs.html#pkGreedyRepChar PegKind.pkGreedyRepChar 38
  22. nim pkGreedyRepSet pegs.html#pkGreedyRepSet PegKind.pkGreedyRepSet 38
  23. nim pkGreedyAny pegs.html#pkGreedyAny PegKind.pkGreedyAny 38
  24. nim pkOption pegs.html#pkOption PegKind.pkOption 38
  25. nim pkAndPredicate pegs.html#pkAndPredicate PegKind.pkAndPredicate 38
  26. nim pkNotPredicate pegs.html#pkNotPredicate PegKind.pkNotPredicate 38
  27. nim pkCapture pegs.html#pkCapture PegKind.pkCapture 38
  28. nim pkBackRef pegs.html#pkBackRef PegKind.pkBackRef 38
  29. nim pkBackRefIgnoreCase pegs.html#pkBackRefIgnoreCase PegKind.pkBackRefIgnoreCase 38
  30. nim pkBackRefIgnoreStyle pegs.html#pkBackRefIgnoreStyle PegKind.pkBackRefIgnoreStyle 38
  31. nim pkSearch pegs.html#pkSearch PegKind.pkSearch 38
  32. nim pkCapturedSearch pegs.html#pkCapturedSearch PegKind.pkCapturedSearch 38
  33. nim pkRule pegs.html#pkRule PegKind.pkRule 38
  34. nim pkList pegs.html#pkList PegKind.pkList 38
  35. nim pkStartAnchor pegs.html#pkStartAnchor PegKind.pkStartAnchor 38
  36. nim PegKind pegs.html#PegKind enum PegKind 38
  37. nim ntDeclared pegs.html#ntDeclared NonTerminalFlag.ntDeclared 73
  38. nim ntUsed pegs.html#ntUsed NonTerminalFlag.ntUsed 73
  39. nim NonTerminalFlag pegs.html#NonTerminalFlag enum NonTerminalFlag 73
  40. nim Peg pegs.html#Peg object Peg 81
  41. nim NonTerminal pegs.html#NonTerminal type NonTerminal 90
  42. nim kind pegs.html#kind,Peg proc kind(p: Peg): PegKind 92
  43. nim term pegs.html#term,Peg proc term(p: Peg): string 95
  44. nim ch pegs.html#ch,Peg proc ch(p: Peg): char 99
  45. nim charChoice pegs.html#charChoice,Peg proc charChoice(p: Peg): ref set[char] 103
  46. nim nt pegs.html#nt,Peg proc nt(p: Peg): NonTerminal 107
  47. nim index pegs.html#index,Peg proc index(p: Peg): range[-20 .. 20 - 1] 111
  48. nim items pegs.html#items.i,Peg iterator items(p: Peg): Peg 115
  49. nim pairs pegs.html#pairs.i,Peg iterator pairs(p: Peg): (int, Peg) 120
  50. nim name pegs.html#name,NonTerminal proc name(nt: NonTerminal): string 125
  51. nim line pegs.html#line,NonTerminal proc line(nt: NonTerminal): int 129
  52. nim col pegs.html#col,NonTerminal proc col(nt: NonTerminal): int 133
  53. nim flags pegs.html#flags,NonTerminal proc flags(nt: NonTerminal): set[NonTerminalFlag] 137
  54. nim rule pegs.html#rule,NonTerminal proc rule(nt: NonTerminal): Peg 141
  55. nim term pegs.html#term,string proc term(t: string): Peg 145
  56. nim termIgnoreCase pegs.html#termIgnoreCase,string proc termIgnoreCase(t: string): Peg 152
  57. nim termIgnoreStyle pegs.html#termIgnoreStyle,string proc termIgnoreStyle(t: string): Peg 157
  58. nim term pegs.html#term,char proc term(t: char): Peg 162
  59. nim charSet pegs.html#charSet,set[char] proc charSet(s: set[char]): Peg 167
  60. nim `/` pegs.html#/,varargs[Peg] proc `/`(a: varargs[Peg]): Peg 201
  61. nim sequence pegs.html#sequence,varargs[Peg] proc sequence(a: varargs[Peg]): Peg 218
  62. nim `?` pegs.html#?,Peg proc `?`(a: Peg): Peg 223
  63. nim `*` pegs.html#*,Peg proc `*`(a: Peg): Peg 233
  64. nim `!*` pegs.html#!*,Peg proc `!*`(a: Peg): Peg 247
  65. nim `!*\` pegs.html#!*\,Peg proc `!*\`(a: Peg): Peg 251
  66. nim `+` pegs.html#+,Peg proc `+`(a: Peg): Peg 256
  67. nim `&` pegs.html#&,Peg proc `&`(a: Peg): Peg 260
  68. nim `!` pegs.html#!,Peg proc `!`(a: Peg): Peg 264
  69. nim any pegs.html#any proc any(): Peg 268
  70. nim anyRune pegs.html#anyRune proc anyRune(): Peg 272
  71. nim newLine pegs.html#newLine proc newLine(): Peg 276
  72. nim unicodeLetter pegs.html#unicodeLetter proc unicodeLetter(): Peg 280
  73. nim unicodeLower pegs.html#unicodeLower proc unicodeLower(): Peg 284
  74. nim unicodeUpper pegs.html#unicodeUpper proc unicodeUpper(): Peg 288
  75. nim unicodeTitle pegs.html#unicodeTitle proc unicodeTitle(): Peg 292
  76. nim unicodeWhitespace pegs.html#unicodeWhitespace proc unicodeWhitespace(): Peg 296
  77. nim startAnchor pegs.html#startAnchor proc startAnchor(): Peg 301
  78. nim endAnchor pegs.html#endAnchor proc endAnchor(): Peg 305
  79. nim capture pegs.html#capture,Peg proc capture(a: Peg = Peg(kind: pkEmpty)): Peg 309
  80. nim backref pegs.html#backref,range[],bool proc backref(index: range[1 .. MaxSubpatterns]; reverse: bool = false): Peg 313
  81. nim backrefIgnoreCase pegs.html#backrefIgnoreCase,range[],bool proc backrefIgnoreCase(index: range[1 .. MaxSubpatterns]; reverse: bool = false): Peg 320
  82. nim backrefIgnoreStyle pegs.html#backrefIgnoreStyle,range[],bool proc backrefIgnoreStyle(index: range[1 .. MaxSubpatterns]; reverse: bool = false): Peg 327
  83. nim nonterminal pegs.html#nonterminal,NonTerminal proc nonterminal(n: NonTerminal): Peg 350
  84. nim newNonTerminal pegs.html#newNonTerminal,string,int,int proc newNonTerminal(name: string; line, column: int): NonTerminal 360
  85. nim letters pegs.html#letters.t template letters(): Peg 365
  86. nim digits pegs.html#digits.t template digits(): Peg 369
  87. nim whitespace pegs.html#whitespace.t template whitespace(): Peg 373
  88. nim identChars pegs.html#identChars.t template identChars(): Peg 377
  89. nim identStartChars pegs.html#identStartChars.t template identStartChars(): Peg 381
  90. nim ident pegs.html#ident.t template ident(): Peg 385
  91. nim natural pegs.html#natural.t template natural(): Peg 390
  92. nim `$` pegs.html#$,Peg proc `$`(r: Peg): string 528
  93. nim Captures pegs.html#Captures object Captures 536
  94. nim bounds pegs.html#bounds,Captures,range[] proc bounds(c: Captures; i: range[0 .. 20 - 1]): tuple[first, last: int] 541
  95. nim rawMatch pegs.html#rawMatch,string,Peg,int,Captures proc rawMatch(s: string; p: Peg; start: int; c: var Captures): int 871
  96. nim eventParser pegs.html#eventParser.t,untyped,untyped template eventParser(pegAst, handlers: untyped): (proc (s: string): int) 957
  97. nim matchLen pegs.html#matchLen,string,Peg,openArray[string],int proc matchLen(s: string; pattern: Peg; matches: var openArray[string]; start = 0): int 1086
  98. nim matchLen pegs.html#matchLen,string,Peg,int proc matchLen(s: string; pattern: Peg; start = 0): int 1096
  99. nim match pegs.html#match,string,Peg,openArray[string],int proc match(s: string; pattern: Peg; matches: var openArray[string]; start = 0): bool 1105
  100. nim match pegs.html#match,string,Peg,int proc match(s: string; pattern: Peg; start = 0): bool 1113
  101. nim find pegs.html#find,string,Peg,openArray[string],int proc find(s: string; pattern: Peg; matches: var openArray[string]; start = 0): int 1119
  102. nim findBounds pegs.html#findBounds,string,Peg,openArray[string],int proc findBounds(s: string; pattern: Peg; matches: var openArray[string]; start = 0): tuple[\n first, last: int] 1133
  103. nim find pegs.html#find,string,Peg,int proc find(s: string; pattern: Peg; start = 0): int 1149
  104. nim findAll pegs.html#findAll.i,string,Peg,int iterator findAll(s: string; pattern: Peg; start = 0): string 1158
  105. nim findAll pegs.html#findAll,string,Peg,int proc findAll(s: string; pattern: Peg; start = 0): seq[string] 1171
  106. nim `=~` pegs.html#=~.t,string,Peg template `=~`(s: string; pattern: Peg): bool 1178
  107. nim contains pegs.html#contains,string,Peg,int proc contains(s: string; pattern: Peg; start = 0): bool 1202
  108. nim contains pegs.html#contains,string,Peg,openArray[string],int proc contains(s: string; pattern: Peg; matches: var openArray[string]; start = 0): bool 1207
  109. nim startsWith pegs.html#startsWith,string,Peg,int proc startsWith(s: string; prefix: Peg; start = 0): bool 1212
  110. nim endsWith pegs.html#endsWith,string,Peg,int proc endsWith(s: string; suffix: Peg; start = 0): bool 1217
  111. nim replacef pegs.html#replacef,string,Peg,string proc replacef(s: string; sub: Peg; by: string): string 1225
  112. nim replace pegs.html#replace,string,Peg,string proc replace(s: string; sub: Peg; by = ""): string 1255
  113. nim parallelReplace pegs.html#parallelReplace,string,varargs[tuple[Peg,string]] proc parallelReplace(s: string; subs: varargs[tuple[pattern: Peg, repl: string]]): string 1272
  114. nim replace pegs.html#replace,string,Peg,proc(int,int,openArray[string]) proc replace(s: string; sub: Peg;\n cb: proc (match: int; cnt: int; caps: openArray[string]): string): string 1299
  115. nim transformFile pegs.html#transformFile,string,string,varargs[tuple[Peg,string]] proc transformFile(infile, outfile: string;\n subs: varargs[tuple[pattern: Peg, repl: string]]) 1344
  116. nim split pegs.html#split.i,string,Peg iterator split(s: string; sep: Peg): string 1356
  117. nim split pegs.html#split,string,Peg proc split(s: string; sep: Peg): seq[string] 1392
  118. nim EInvalidPeg pegs.html#EInvalidPeg object EInvalidPeg 1815
  119. nim parsePeg pegs.html#parsePeg,string,string,int,int proc parsePeg(pattern: string; filename = "pattern"; line = 1; col = 0): Peg 2045
  120. nim peg pegs.html#peg,string proc peg(pattern: string): Peg 2060
  121. nim escapePeg pegs.html#escapePeg,string proc escapePeg(s: string): string 2067
  122. heading PEG syntax and semantics pegs.html#peg-syntax-and-semantics PEG syntax and semantics 0
  123. heading Built-in macros pegs.html#peg-syntax-and-semantics-builtminusin-macros Built-in macros 0
  124. heading Supported PEG grammar pegs.html#peg-syntax-and-semantics-supported-peg-grammar Supported PEG grammar 0
  125. heading Examples pegs.html#peg-syntax-and-semantics-examples Examples 0
  126. heading PEG vs regular expression pegs.html#peg-syntax-and-semantics-peg-vs-regular-expression PEG vs regular expression 0
  127. heading PEG construction pegs.html#peg-syntax-and-semantics-peg-construction PEG construction 0
  128. idx any rune pegs.html#any-rune_1 PEG construction 0
  129. idx newline pegs.html#newline_1 PEG construction 0
  130. idx any character pegs.html#any-character_1 PEG construction 0
  131. nimgrp replace pegs.html#replace-procs-all proc 1255
  132. nimgrp match pegs.html#match-procs-all proc 1105
  133. nimgrp find pegs.html#find-procs-all proc 1119
  134. nimgrp contains pegs.html#contains-procs-all proc 1202
  135. nimgrp term pegs.html#term-procs-all proc 95
  136. nimgrp matchlen pegs.html#matchLen-procs-all proc 1086