123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129 |
- nimTitle net net.html module std/net 0
- nim Certificate net.html#Certificate type Certificate 119
- nim SslError net.html#SslError object SslError 121
- nim CVerifyNone net.html#CVerifyNone SslCVerifyMode.CVerifyNone 123
- nim CVerifyPeer net.html#CVerifyPeer SslCVerifyMode.CVerifyPeer 123
- nim CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars net.html#CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars SslCVerifyMode.CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars 123
- nim SslCVerifyMode net.html#SslCVerifyMode enum SslCVerifyMode 123
- nim protSSLv2 net.html#protSSLv2 SslProtVersion.protSSLv2 126
- nim protSSLv3 net.html#protSSLv3 SslProtVersion.protSSLv3 126
- nim protTLSv1 net.html#protTLSv1 SslProtVersion.protTLSv1 126
- nim protSSLv23 net.html#protSSLv23 SslProtVersion.protSSLv23 126
- nim SslProtVersion net.html#SslProtVersion enum SslProtVersion 126
- nim SslContext net.html#SslContext type SslContext 129
- nim AcceptNoClient net.html#AcceptNoClient SslAcceptResult.AcceptNoClient 134
- nim AcceptNoHandshake net.html#AcceptNoHandshake SslAcceptResult.AcceptNoHandshake 134
- nim AcceptSuccess net.html#AcceptSuccess SslAcceptResult.AcceptSuccess 134
- nim SslAcceptResult net.html#SslAcceptResult enum SslAcceptResult 134
- nim handshakeAsClient net.html#handshakeAsClient SslHandshakeType.handshakeAsClient 137
- nim handshakeAsServer net.html#handshakeAsServer SslHandshakeType.handshakeAsServer 137
- nim SslHandshakeType net.html#SslHandshakeType enum SslHandshakeType 137
- nim SslClientGetPskFunc net.html#SslClientGetPskFunc type SslClientGetPskFunc 140
- nim SslServerGetPskFunc net.html#SslServerGetPskFunc type SslServerGetPskFunc 142
- nim BufferSize net.html#BufferSize const BufferSize 153
- nim MaxLineLength net.html#MaxLineLength const MaxLineLength 154
- nim SocketImpl net.html#SocketImpl object SocketImpl 157
- nim Socket net.html#Socket type Socket 176
- nim OptAcceptConn net.html#OptAcceptConn SOBool.OptAcceptConn 178
- nim OptBroadcast net.html#OptBroadcast SOBool.OptBroadcast 178
- nim OptDebug net.html#OptDebug SOBool.OptDebug 178
- nim OptDontRoute net.html#OptDontRoute SOBool.OptDontRoute 178
- nim OptKeepAlive net.html#OptKeepAlive SOBool.OptKeepAlive 178
- nim OptOOBInline net.html#OptOOBInline SOBool.OptOOBInline 178
- nim OptReuseAddr net.html#OptReuseAddr SOBool.OptReuseAddr 178
- nim OptReusePort net.html#OptReusePort SOBool.OptReusePort 178
- nim OptNoDelay net.html#OptNoDelay SOBool.OptNoDelay 178
- nim SOBool net.html#SOBool enum SOBool 178
- nim ReadFullLine net.html#ReadFullLine ReadLineResult.ReadFullLine 182
- nim ReadPartialLine net.html#ReadPartialLine ReadLineResult.ReadPartialLine 182
- nim ReadDisconnected net.html#ReadDisconnected ReadLineResult.ReadDisconnected 182
- nim ReadNone net.html#ReadNone ReadLineResult.ReadNone 182
- nim ReadLineResult net.html#ReadLineResult enum ReadLineResult 182
- nim TimeoutError net.html#TimeoutError object TimeoutError 185
- nim SocketFlag net.html#SocketFlag enum SocketFlag 187
- nim IpAddressFamily net.html#IpAddressFamily enum IpAddressFamily 195
- nim IpAddress net.html#IpAddress object IpAddress 199
- nim socketError net.html#socketError,Socket,int,set[SocketFlag] proc socketError(socket: Socket; err: int = -1; async = false;\n lastError = -1.OSErrorCode; flags: set[SocketFlag] = {}) 234
- nim isDisconnectionError net.html#isDisconnectionError,set[SocketFlag],OSErrorCode proc isDisconnectionError(flags: set[SocketFlag]; lastError: OSErrorCode): bool 238
- nim toOSFlags net.html#toOSFlags,set[SocketFlag] proc toOSFlags(socketFlags: set[SocketFlag]): cint 256
- nim newSocket net.html#newSocket,SocketHandle,Domain,SockType,Protocol proc newSocket(fd: SocketHandle; domain: Domain = AF_INET;\n sockType: SockType = SOCK_STREAM; protocol: Protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;\n buffered = true): owned(Socket) 265
- nim newSocket net.html#newSocket,cint,cint,cint proc newSocket(domain, sockType, protocol: cint; buffered = true;\n inheritable = defined(nimInheritHandles)): owned(Socket) 283
- nim newSocket net.html#newSocket,Domain,SockType,Protocol proc newSocket(domain: Domain = AF_INET; sockType: SockType = SOCK_STREAM;\n protocol: Protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; buffered = true;\n inheritable = defined(nimInheritHandles)): owned(Socket) 298
- nim parseIpAddress net.html#parseIpAddress,string proc parseIpAddress(addressStr: string): IpAddress 482
- nim isIpAddress net.html#isIpAddress,string proc isIpAddress(addressStr: string): bool 497
- nim toSockAddr net.html#toSockAddr,IpAddress,Port,Sockaddr_storage,SockLen proc toSockAddr(address: IpAddress; port: Port; sa: var Sockaddr_storage;\n sl: var SockLen) 506
- nim fromSockAddr net.html#fromSockAddr,,SockLen,IpAddress,Port proc fromSockAddr(sa: Sockaddr_storage | SockAddr | Sockaddr_in | Sockaddr_in6;\n sl: SockLen; address: var IpAddress; port: var Port) 544
- nim sslHandle net.html#sslHandle,Socket proc sslHandle(self: Socket): SslPtr 559
- nim raiseSSLError net.html#raiseSSLError,string proc raiseSSLError(s = "") 564
- nim getExtraData net.html#getExtraData,SslContext,int proc getExtraData(ctx: SslContext; index: int): RootRef 580
- nim setExtraData net.html#setExtraData,SslContext,int,RootRef proc setExtraData(ctx: SslContext; index: int; data: RootRef) 589
- nim newContext net.html#newContext,string,string,string,string proc newContext(protVersion = protSSLv23; verifyMode = CVerifyPeer; certFile = "";\n keyFile = ""; cipherList = CiphersIntermediate; caDir = "";\n caFile = ""; ciphersuites = CiphersModern): SslContext 624
- nim destroyContext net.html#destroyContext,SslContext proc destroyContext(ctx: SslContext) 739
- nim pskIdentityHint= net.html#pskIdentityHint=,SslContext,string proc pskIdentityHint=(ctx: SslContext; hint: string) 749
- nim clientGetPskFunc net.html#clientGetPskFunc,SslContext proc clientGetPskFunc(ctx: SslContext): SslClientGetPskFunc 756
- nim clientGetPskFunc= net.html#clientGetPskFunc=,SslContext,SslClientGetPskFunc proc clientGetPskFunc=(ctx: SslContext; fun: SslClientGetPskFunc) 774
- nim serverGetPskFunc net.html#serverGetPskFunc,SslContext proc serverGetPskFunc(ctx: SslContext): SslServerGetPskFunc 783
- nim serverGetPskFunc= net.html#serverGetPskFunc=,SslContext,SslServerGetPskFunc proc serverGetPskFunc=(ctx: SslContext; fun: SslServerGetPskFunc) 796
- nim getPskIdentity net.html#getPskIdentity,Socket proc getPskIdentity(socket: Socket): string 804
- nim wrapSocket net.html#wrapSocket,SslContext,Socket proc wrapSocket(ctx: SslContext; socket: Socket) 809
- nim wrapConnectedSocket net.html#wrapConnectedSocket,SslContext,Socket,SslHandshakeType,string proc wrapConnectedSocket(ctx: SslContext; socket: Socket;\n handshake: SslHandshakeType; hostname: string = "") 856
- nim getPeerCertificates net.html#getPeerCertificates,SslPtr proc getPeerCertificates(sslHandle: SslPtr): seq[Certificate] 889
- nim getPeerCertificates net.html#getPeerCertificates,Socket proc getPeerCertificates(socket: Socket): seq[Certificate] 908
- nim sessionIdContext= net.html#sessionIdContext=,SslContext,string proc sessionIdContext=(ctx: SslContext; sidCtx: string) 919
- nim getSocketError net.html#getSocketError,Socket proc getSocketError(socket: Socket): OSErrorCode 935
- nim listen net.html#listen,Socket proc listen(socket: Socket; backlog = SOMAXCONN) 1009
- nim bindAddr net.html#bindAddr,Socket,string proc bindAddr(socket: Socket; port = Port(0); address = "") 1018
- nim acceptAddr net.html#acceptAddr,Socket,,string proc acceptAddr(server: Socket; client: var owned(Socket); address: var string;\n flags = {SafeDisconn}; inheritable = defined(nimInheritHandles)) 1040
- nim accept net.html#accept,Socket, proc accept(server: Socket; client: var owned(Socket); flags = {SafeDisconn};\n inheritable = defined(nimInheritHandles)) 1139
- nim close net.html#close,Socket proc close(socket: Socket; flags = {SafeDisconn}) 1215
- nim toCInt net.html#toCInt,SOBool proc toCInt(opt: SOBool): cint 1276
- nim getSockOpt net.html#getSockOpt,Socket,SOBool proc getSockOpt(socket: Socket; opt: SOBool; level = SOL_SOCKET): bool 1289
- nim getLocalAddr net.html#getLocalAddr,Socket proc getLocalAddr(socket: Socket): (string, Port) 1295
- nim getPeerAddr net.html#getPeerAddr,Socket proc getPeerAddr(socket: Socket): (string, Port) 1302
- nim setSockOpt net.html#setSockOpt,Socket,SOBool,bool proc setSockOpt(socket: Socket; opt: SOBool; value: bool; level = SOL_SOCKET) 1308
- nim connectUnix net.html#connectUnix,Socket,string proc connectUnix(socket: Socket; path: string) 1319
- nim bindUnix net.html#bindUnix,Socket,string proc bindUnix(socket: Socket; path: string) 1328
- nim gotHandshake net.html#gotHandshake,Socket proc gotHandshake(socket: Socket): bool 1338
- nim hasDataBuffered net.html#hasDataBuffered,Socket proc hasDataBuffered(s: Socket): bool 1348
- nim recv net.html#recv,Socket,pointer,int proc recv(socket: Socket; data: pointer; size: int): int 1397
- nim recv net.html#recv,Socket,pointer,int,int proc recv(socket: Socket; data: pointer; size: int; timeout: int): int 1479
- nim recv net.html#recv,Socket,string,int,int proc recv(socket: Socket; data: var string; size: int; timeout = -1;\n flags = {SafeDisconn}): int 1497
- nim recv net.html#recv,Socket,int,int proc recv(socket: Socket; size: int; timeout = -1; flags = {SafeDisconn}): string 1532
- nim readLine net.html#readLine,Socket,string,int proc readLine(socket: Socket; line: var string; timeout = -1; flags = {SafeDisconn};\n maxLength = MaxLineLength) 1577
- nim recvLine net.html#recvLine,Socket,int proc recvLine(socket: Socket; timeout = -1; flags = {SafeDisconn};\n maxLength = MaxLineLength): string 1634
- nim recvFrom net.html#recvFrom,Socket,string,int,T,Port,int32 proc recvFrom[T: string | IpAddress](socket: Socket; data: var string; length: int;\n address: var T; port: var Port; flags = 0'i32): int 1657
- nim skip net.html#skip,Socket,int,int proc skip(socket: Socket; size: int; timeout = -1) 1705
- nim send net.html#send,Socket,pointer,int proc send(socket: Socket; data: pointer; size: int): int 1720
- nim send net.html#send,Socket,string,int proc send(socket: Socket; data: string; flags = {SafeDisconn}; maxRetries = 100) 1739
- nim `&=` net.html#&=.t,Socket,typed template `&=`(socket: Socket; data: typed) 1771
- nim trySend net.html#trySend,Socket,string proc trySend(socket: Socket; data: string): bool 1775
- nim sendTo net.html#sendTo,Socket,string,Port,pointer,int,Domain,int32 proc sendTo(socket: Socket; address: string; port: Port; data: pointer; size: int;\n af: Domain = AF_INET; flags = 0'i32) 1780
- nim sendTo net.html#sendTo,Socket,string,Port,string proc sendTo(socket: Socket; address: string; port: Port; data: string) 1815
- nim sendTo net.html#sendTo,Socket,IpAddress,Port,string,int32 proc sendTo(socket: Socket; address: IpAddress; port: Port; data: string;\n flags = 0'i32): int 1828
- nim isSsl net.html#isSsl,Socket proc isSsl(socket: Socket): bool 1853
- nim getFd net.html#getFd,Socket proc getFd(socket: Socket): SocketHandle 1860
- nim IPv4_any net.html#IPv4_any proc IPv4_any(): IpAddress 1876
- nim IPv4_loopback net.html#IPv4_loopback proc IPv4_loopback(): IpAddress 1883
- nim IPv4_broadcast net.html#IPv4_broadcast proc IPv4_broadcast(): IpAddress 1889
- nim IPv6_any net.html#IPv6_any proc IPv6_any(): IpAddress 1895
- nim IPv6_loopback net.html#IPv6_loopback proc IPv6_loopback(): IpAddress 1902
- nim `==` net.html#==,IpAddress,IpAddress proc `==`(lhs, rhs: IpAddress): bool 1911
- nim `$` net.html#$,IpAddress proc `$`(address: IpAddress): string 1922
- nim dial net.html#dial,string,Port proc dial(address: string; port: Port; protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; buffered = true): owned(\n Socket) 1990
- nim connect net.html#connect,Socket,string proc connect(socket: Socket; address: string; port = Port(0)) 2051
- nim connect net.html#connect,Socket,string,int proc connect(socket: Socket; address: string; port = Port(0); timeout: int) 2126
- nim getPrimaryIPAddr net.html#getPrimaryIPAddr proc getPrimaryIPAddr(dest = parseIpAddress("")): IpAddress 2158
- heading SSL net.html#ssl SSL 0
- heading SSL on Windows net.html#ssl-on-windows SSL on Windows 0
- heading Examples net.html#examples Examples 0
- heading Connecting to a server net.html#examples-connecting-to-a-server Connecting to a server 0
- heading Creating a server net.html#examples-creating-a-server Creating a server 0
- idx getsockname net.html#getsockname_1 Creating a server 0
- idx getpeername net.html#getpeername_1 Creating a server 0
- nimgrp getpeercertificates net.html#getPeerCertificates-procs-all proc 889
- nimgrp sendto net.html#sendTo-procs-all proc 1780
- nimgrp connect net.html#connect-procs-all proc 2051
- nimgrp recv net.html#recv-procs-all proc 1397
- nimgrp send net.html#send-procs-all proc 1720
- nimgrp newsocket net.html#newSocket-procs-all proc 265