Araq 0233ae4c42 added basic simple test for --experimental:cyclicImports 3 anni fa
a 832b0a0232 fixes #12420 [backport] (#12456) 5 anni fa
b 832b0a0232 fixes #12420 [backport] (#12456) 5 anni fa
m9627 96647618c2 Fix compilation of test on linux and mac 6 anni fa
tnotuniquename_dir 0121dda9ba remove the restriction that module names need to be unique per Nimble… (#11064) 5 anni fa
UpperCased.nim b1b2dd606b fixes #5076 8 anni fa
definitions.nim cf13c5fba4 implement the export/except statement 6 anni fa
mcyclicimport1.nim 0233ae4c42 added basic simple test for --experimental:cyclicImports 3 anni fa
mexport2a.nim 9500dfcc2e fixes #1612 10 anni fa
mexport2b.nim 9500dfcc2e fixes #1612 10 anni fa
mexporta.nim 20b5f31c03 new tester; all tests categorized 11 anni fa
mexportb.nim 20b5f31c03 new tester; all tests categorized 11 anni fa
mforwarded_pure_enum.nim 979148e863 refactorings to prepare the compiler for IC (#15935) 4 anni fa
mforwarded_pure_enum2.nim 979148e863 refactorings to prepare the compiler for IC (#15935) 4 anni fa
mimport_in_config.nim b53327c92a fixes #9994 6 anni fa
mmodule_same_proc.nim 7e53c1c5c5 fixes #11188 (#11319) 5 anni fa
mmodule_same_proc_client.nim 7e53c1c5c5 fixes #11188 (#11319) 5 anni fa
mnamspc1.nim e80465dacf tests: Trim .nim files trailing whitespace 9 anni fa
mnamspc2.nim e80465dacf tests: Trim .nim files trailing whitespace 9 anni fa
mnotuniquename.nim 0121dda9ba remove the restriction that module names need to be unique per Nimble… (#11064) 5 anni fa
mopaque.nim e80465dacf tests: Trim .nim files trailing whitespace 9 anni fa
morder_depa.nim 39a3dbb16b fixes #11187 (#11315) 5 anni fa
morder_depb.nim 39a3dbb16b fixes #11187 (#11315) 5 anni fa
mrange.nim f3a895f043 fixes #6965 7 anni fa
mrecmod.nim e80465dacf tests: Trim .nim files trailing whitespace 9 anni fa
mrecmod2.nim e80465dacf tests: Trim .nim files trailing whitespace 9 anni fa
proxy_module.nim cf13c5fba4 implement the export/except statement 6 anni fa
seq.nim 0a9a639230 Add testcase for #4796 (#14784) 4 anni fa
t8665.nim 031bfdec6f make run the default action of a test in tester 6 anni fa
t9627.nim 96647618c2 Fix compilation of test on linux and mac 6 anni fa
tambig_range.nim 6dfde0e931 fix test expecting ambiguous-identifier error 5 anni fa
tcanimport.nim eeea000582 make the 'canimport' template work 6 anni fa
tcyclicimport1.nim 0233ae4c42 added basic simple test for --experimental:cyclicImports 3 anni fa
texplicit_system_import.nim fb677bf5c9 fix #17952: fix both false positives and false negatives for reInvalidSpec (#17956) 3 anni fa
texport.nim be991ed413 Rename rawsockets module to nativesockets 9 anni fa
texport2.nim 031bfdec6f make run the default action of a test in tester 6 anni fa
tfowarded_pure_enum.nim 979148e863 refactorings to prepare the compiler for IC (#15935) 4 anni fa
timport_in_config.nim b53327c92a fixes #9994 6 anni fa
timport_in_config.nim.cfg b53327c92a fixes #9994 6 anni fa
timportas.nim 77a0f3768b adopt tests 6 anni fa
timportexcept.nim 1105d03644 require errormsg to be specified before file. 6 anni fa
tincludeas.nim b68380f09b fixes #11872; include now gives a proper error message for all invalid infix operators (#11965) 5 anni fa
tmismatchedvisibility.nim cf09ef47b8 Remove duplicate line number from 'invalid forward declaration' error (#11966) 5 anni fa
tmodule_same_proc.nim 7e53c1c5c5 fixes #11188 (#11319) 5 anni fa
tnamspc.nim 1105d03644 require errormsg to be specified before file. 6 anni fa
tnotuniquename.nim 0121dda9ba remove the restriction that module names need to be unique per Nimble… (#11064) 5 anni fa
tnotuniquename2.nim 0121dda9ba remove the restriction that module names need to be unique per Nimble… (#11064) 5 anni fa
topaque.nim 1105d03644 require errormsg to be specified before file. 6 anni fa
torder_dep.nim 39a3dbb16b fixes #11187 (#11315) 5 anni fa
trecinca.nim 1105d03644 require errormsg to be specified before file. 6 anni fa
trecincb.nim 1105d03644 require errormsg to be specified before file. 6 anni fa
trecmod.nim 1105d03644 require errormsg to be specified before file. 6 anni fa
trecmod2.nim 01ae0d28d4 recursive modules are only detected to improve error messages 8 anni fa
treorder.nim 02306020b2 fix test 6 anni fa
tselfimport.nim b8f761b7e2 even lighter version of #17938: fix most issues with UnusedImport, XDeclaredButNotUsed, etc; fix #17511, #17510, #14246 (without realModule) (#18362) 3 anni fa
tseq.nim 0a9a639230 Add testcase for #4796 (#14784) 4 anni fa
tstrutils_insert_sep.nim e2b1491905 Fix #11352 strutil.insertSep() fails on negative numbers (#15087) 4 anni fa
tuppercased.nim b1b2dd606b fixes #5076 8 anni fa
tutils_ab.nim 832b0a0232 fixes #12420 [backport] (#12456) 5 anni fa