12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 |
- discard """
- cmd: "nim check --hints:off --warnings:off $file"
- action: "reject"
- nimout:'''
- tinheritgenericparameter.nim(36, 15) Error: Cannot inherit from: 'MyObject'
- tinheritgenericparameter.nim(36, 15) Error: Cannot inherit from: 'MyObject'
- tinheritgenericparameter.nim(36, 23) Error: object constructor needs an object type [proxy]
- tinheritgenericparameter.nim(36, 23) Error: expression '' has no type (or is ambiguous)
- tinheritgenericparameter.nim(37, 15) Error: Cannot inherit from: 'int'
- tinheritgenericparameter.nim(37, 15) Error: Cannot inherit from: 'int'
- tinheritgenericparameter.nim(37, 23) Error: object constructor needs an object type [proxy]
- tinheritgenericparameter.nim(37, 23) Error: expression '' has no type (or is ambiguous)
- '''
- """
- type
- MyObject = object
- HorzLayout[Base, T] = ref object of Base
- data: seq[T]
- VertLayout[T, Base] = ref object of Base
- data: seq[T]
- UiElement = ref object of RootObj
- a: int
- MyType[T] = ref object of RootObj
- data: seq[T]
- OtherElement[T] = ref object of T
- Child[T] = ref object of HorzLayout[UiElement, T]
- Child2[T] = ref object of VertLayout[T, UiElement]
- Child3[T] = ref object of HorzLayout[MyObject, T]
- Child4[T] = ref object of HorzLayout[int, T]
- static:
- var a = Child[int](a: 300, data: @[100, 200, 300])
- assert a.a == 300
- assert a.data == @[100, 200, 300]
- discard Child2[string]()
- discard Child3[string]()
- discard Child4[string]()
- discard OtherElement[MyType[int]]()