A command-line random password generator using just the commonly available Unix utilities. Can create several passwords at once.

Klaus Zimmermann 22639e6c27 Created passman, a password manager to go with quickpass, inspired by alimiracle 8 роки тому
LICENSE 6ab6948b17 Init commit 9 роки тому
README.md b365ae5cfd Introduced the -p flag, added some tips on how you could use quickpass in a script a little more securely. 8 роки тому
passman 22639e6c27 Created passman, a password manager to go with quickpass, inspired by alimiracle 8 роки тому
pm 22639e6c27 Created passman, a password manager to go with quickpass, inspired by alimiracle 8 роки тому
quickpass b365ae5cfd Introduced the -p flag, added some tips on how you could use quickpass in a script a little more securely. 8 роки тому


Quickly generate strong random passwords

With quickpass, you can quickly and easily generate strong passwords from the comfort of your terminal using nothing more than just a few common Unix command line utilities and device blocks. Here's how to use it:

To generate a single, 32-character random password, just type:

$ ./quickpass
# Password gets copied to clipboard e.g.: !RM*U<AN#YI:%yQiR<L<:&q+?:Luq@6'

To generate a random password specifically with 42 characters in length, type:

$ ./quickpass -l 42
# Password gets copied to clipboard, e.g.: Y{@u&EzY\,@SOi^w,0r=gTr3V_-H|3Hk=)9g!aRfJL

If you want to use quickpass to create passwords on-the-fly along another script, pass the -p flag, which forces the script to print the output to stdout, where you can pipe or store it as needed:

# naive usage, prints to terminal where everyone can read
$ ./quickpass -p

# encrypt the password as soon as you generate it:
$ ./quickpass -l 40 -p | gpg --armor --encrypt -r somebody@example.com

# store the password in a variable in memory:
$ key=$(./quickpass -p)

Technical explanation and a note about security

quickpass is a very simple implementation of translating a sampling of random bytes from the /dev/urandom device with tr turning them into something that is human-readable and therefore applicable to be used as a password.

The reliability of this script lays mostly on the quality of the randomness obtained from the urandom file: it should be noted that, despite its name, it's actually a pseudorandom generator (although it samples hardware noise to compensate).

This means that from a strict security standpoint, this is not a true random generator, although it's pretty good regardless. OpenSSL certs and PGP keys are also generated using those bits, so I guess it should be pretty reliable.

Finally, remember that this is not a password manager - i.e. no support for securely storing and retrieving the random password. You could do something like this to produce a plausibly-deniable zero-knowledge storage that you can read later on:

$ ./quickpass -p | gpg --armor --encrypt -r yourkey@example.com > password.asc

Remember, though, that I'm not a security expert and therefore this implementation could have its own weaknesses as well.

Entropy analysis and password strength

This excellent article by Aaron Toponce gives a good basis from which password strength can be measured: information entropy. Entropy for a password can be calculated like this:

H = L * log(N)/log(2)

Where L is the length in characters and N is the number of possibilities that a single character can be in the password. quickpass generates passwords with all printable ASCII characters (95) with roughly the same probability of appearing (about 1.05%), which gives us a per-character entropy of 6.57 bits, but how much do we need?

Aaron gives us the answer again: any password with less than 72 bits of entropy can be brute-forced by the Bitcoin Blockchain in less than a minute, making his recommendation of 80 or more bits. The standard 32-character password generated by quickpass has an entropy of 210 bits, so you should be pretty safe.

Remember, however, that for some weird reason a few online services put a cap on how long a password can be, forcing you to use less secure passwords. Although you can easily change that using the -l option, remember to stay above the 80 bit threshold, which for quickpass would be 14 characters. Anything less, and you're as vulnerable as picking passwords like monkey.


  • v0.1 - first usable version: uses base64 to produce printable characters
  • v0.2 - from a suggestion by @cmd it now uses tr to produce all printable ASCII characters for a much stronger password!
  • v0.3 - from a suggestion by @muja the script now uses the xsel command (if available) to copy the password to the clipboard instead of printing it out.
  • v0.4 - enabled the -p flag which overrides the copying to clipboard. quickpass should be much more useful to deploy in shell scripts now. Also, password list creation has been removed, since passwords gets piped away from stdout by default.