123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # Copyright (c) 2002-2005 ActiveState
- # See LICENSE.txt for license details.
- """
- which.py dev build script
- Usage:
- python build.py [<options>...] [<targets>...]
- Options:
- --help, -h Print this help and exit.
- --targets, -t List all available targets.
- This is the primary build script for the which.py project. It exists
- to assist in building, maintaining, and distributing this project.
- It is intended to have Makefile semantics. I.e. 'python build.py'
- will build execute the default target, 'python build.py foo' will
- build target foo, etc. However, there is no intelligent target
- interdependency tracking (I suppose I could do that with function
- attributes).
- """
- import os
- from os.path import basename, dirname, splitext, isfile, isdir, exists, \
- join, abspath, normpath
- import sys
- import getopt
- import types
- import getpass
- import shutil
- import glob
- import logging
- import re
- #---- exceptions
- class Error(Exception):
- pass
- #---- globals
- log = logging.getLogger("build")
- #---- globals
- _project_name_ = "which"
- #---- internal support routines
- def _get_trentm_com_dir():
- """Return the path to the local trentm.com source tree."""
- d = normpath(join(dirname(__file__), os.pardir, "trentm.com"))
- if not isdir(d):
- raise Error("could not find 'trentm.com' src dir at '%s'" % d)
- return d
- def _get_local_bits_dir():
- import imp
- info = imp.find_module("tmconfig", [_get_trentm_com_dir()])
- tmconfig = imp.load_module("tmconfig", *info)
- return tmconfig.bitsDir
- def _get_project_bits_dir():
- d = normpath(join(dirname(__file__), "bits"))
- return d
- def _get_project_version():
- import imp, os
- data = imp.find_module(_project_name_, [os.path.dirname(__file__)])
- mod = imp.load_module(_project_name_, *data)
- return mod.__version__
- # Recipe: run (0.5.1) in /Users/trentm/tm/recipes/cookbook
- def __run_log(logstream, msg, *args, **kwargs):
- if not logstream:
- pass
- elif logstream is _RUN_DEFAULT_LOGSTREAM:
- try:
- log.debug(msg, *args, **kwargs)
- except NameError:
- pass
- else:
- logstream(msg, *args, **kwargs)
- def _run(cmd, logstream=_RUN_DEFAULT_LOGSTREAM):
- """Run the given command.
- "cmd" is the command to run
- "logstream" is an optional logging stream on which to log the command.
- If None, no logging is done. If unspecifed, this looks for a Logger
- instance named 'log' and logs the command on log.debug().
- Raises OSError is the command returns a non-zero exit status.
- """
- __run_log(logstream, "running '%s'", cmd)
- retval = os.system(cmd)
- if hasattr(os, "WEXITSTATUS"):
- status = os.WEXITSTATUS(retval)
- else:
- status = retval
- if status:
- #TODO: add std OSError attributes or pick more approp. exception
- raise OSError("error running '%s': %r" % (cmd, status))
- def _run_in_dir(cmd, cwd, logstream=_RUN_DEFAULT_LOGSTREAM):
- old_dir = os.getcwd()
- try:
- os.chdir(cwd)
- __run_log(logstream, "running '%s' in '%s'", cmd, cwd)
- _run(cmd, logstream=None)
- finally:
- os.chdir(old_dir)
- # Recipe: rmtree (0.5) in /Users/trentm/tm/recipes/cookbook
- def _rmtree_OnError(rmFunction, filePath, excInfo):
- if excInfo[0] == OSError:
- # presuming because file is read-only
- os.chmod(filePath, 0777)
- rmFunction(filePath)
- def _rmtree(dirname):
- import shutil
- shutil.rmtree(dirname, 0, _rmtree_OnError)
- # Recipe: pretty_logging (0.1) in /Users/trentm/tm/recipes/cookbook
- class _PerLevelFormatter(logging.Formatter):
- """Allow multiple format string -- depending on the log level.
- A "fmtFromLevel" optional arg is added to the constructor. It can be
- a dictionary mapping a log record level to a format string. The
- usual "fmt" argument acts as the default.
- """
- def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None, fmtFromLevel=None):
- logging.Formatter.__init__(self, fmt, datefmt)
- if fmtFromLevel is None:
- self.fmtFromLevel = {}
- else:
- self.fmtFromLevel = fmtFromLevel
- def format(self, record):
- record.levelname = record.levelname.lower()
- if record.levelno in self.fmtFromLevel:
- #XXX This is a non-threadsafe HACK. Really the base Formatter
- # class should provide a hook accessor for the _fmt
- # attribute. *Could* add a lock guard here (overkill?).
- _saved_fmt = self._fmt
- self._fmt = self.fmtFromLevel[record.levelno]
- try:
- return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
- finally:
- self._fmt = _saved_fmt
- else:
- return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
- def _setup_logging():
- hdlr = logging.StreamHandler()
- defaultFmt = "%(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
- infoFmt = "%(name)s: %(message)s"
- fmtr = _PerLevelFormatter(fmt=defaultFmt,
- fmtFromLevel={logging.INFO: infoFmt})
- hdlr.setFormatter(fmtr)
- logging.root.addHandler(hdlr)
- log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- def _getTargets():
- """Find all targets and return a dict of targetName:targetFunc items."""
- targets = {}
- for name, attr in sys.modules[__name__].__dict__.items():
- if name.startswith('target_'):
- targets[ name[len('target_'):] ] = attr
- return targets
- def _listTargets(targets):
- """Pretty print a list of targets."""
- width = 77
- nameWidth = 15 # min width
- for name in targets.keys():
- nameWidth = max(nameWidth, len(name))
- nameWidth += 2 # space btwn name and doc
- format = "%%-%ds%%s" % nameWidth
- print format % ("TARGET", "DESCRIPTION")
- for name, func in sorted(targets.items()):
- doc = _first_paragraph(func.__doc__ or "", True)
- if len(doc) > (width - nameWidth):
- doc = doc[:(width-nameWidth-3)] + "..."
- print format % (name, doc)
- # Recipe: first_paragraph (1.0.1) in /Users/trentm/tm/recipes/cookbook
- def _first_paragraph(text, join_lines=False):
- """Return the first paragraph of the given text."""
- para = text.lstrip().split('\n\n', 1)[0]
- if join_lines:
- lines = [line.strip() for line in para.splitlines(0)]
- para = ' '.join(lines)
- return para
- #---- build targets
- def target_default():
- target_all()
- def target_all():
- """Build all release packages."""
- log.info("target: default")
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- target_launcher()
- target_sdist()
- target_webdist()
- def target_clean():
- """remove all build/generated bits"""
- log.info("target: clean")
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- _run("nmake -f Makefile.win clean")
- ver = _get_project_version()
- dirs = ["dist", "build", "%s-%s" % (_project_name_, ver)]
- for d in dirs:
- print "removing '%s'" % d
- if os.path.isdir(d): _rmtree(d)
- patterns = ["*.pyc", "*~", "MANIFEST",
- os.path.join("test", "*~"),
- os.path.join("test", "*.pyc"),
- ]
- for pattern in patterns:
- for file in glob.glob(pattern):
- print "removing '%s'" % file
- os.unlink(file)
- def target_launcher():
- """Build the Windows launcher executable."""
- log.info("target: launcher")
- assert sys.platform == "win32", "'launcher' target only supported on Windows"
- _run("nmake -f Makefile.win")
- def target_docs():
- """Regenerate some doc bits from project-info.xml."""
- log.info("target: docs")
- _run("projinfo -f project-info.xml -R -o README.txt --force")
- _run("projinfo -f project-info.xml --index-markdown -o index.markdown --force")
- def target_sdist():
- """Build a source distribution."""
- log.info("target: sdist")
- target_docs()
- bitsDir = _get_project_bits_dir()
- _run("python setup.py sdist -f --formats zip -d %s" % bitsDir,
- log.info)
- def target_webdist():
- """Build a web dist package.
- "Web dist" packages are zip files with '.web' package. All files in
- the zip must be under a dir named after the project. There must be a
- webinfo.xml file at <projname>/webinfo.xml. This file is "defined"
- by the parsing in trentm.com/build.py.
- """
- assert sys.platform != "win32", "'webdist' not implemented for win32"
- log.info("target: webdist")
- bitsDir = _get_project_bits_dir()
- buildDir = join("build", "webdist")
- distDir = join(buildDir, _project_name_)
- if exists(buildDir):
- _rmtree(buildDir)
- os.makedirs(distDir)
- target_docs()
- # Copy the webdist bits to the build tree.
- manifest = [
- "project-info.xml",
- "index.markdown",
- "LICENSE.txt",
- "which.py",
- "logo.jpg",
- ]
- for src in manifest:
- if dirname(src):
- dst = join(distDir, dirname(src))
- os.makedirs(dst)
- else:
- dst = distDir
- _run("cp %s %s" % (src, dst))
- # Zip up the webdist contents.
- ver = _get_project_version()
- bit = abspath(join(bitsDir, "%s-%s.web" % (_project_name_, ver)))
- if exists(bit):
- os.remove(bit)
- _run_in_dir("zip -r %s %s" % (bit, _project_name_), buildDir, log.info)
- def target_install():
- """Use the setup.py script to install."""
- log.info("target: install")
- _run("python setup.py install")
- def target_upload_local():
- """Update release bits to *local* trentm.com bits-dir location.
- This is different from the "upload" target, which uploads release
- bits remotely to trentm.com.
- """
- log.info("target: upload_local")
- assert sys.platform != "win32", "'upload_local' not implemented for win32"
- ver = _get_project_version()
- localBitsDir = _get_local_bits_dir()
- uploadDir = join(localBitsDir, _project_name_, ver)
- bitsPattern = join(_get_project_bits_dir(),
- "%s-*%s*" % (_project_name_, ver))
- bits = glob.glob(bitsPattern)
- if not bits:
- log.info("no bits matching '%s' to upload", bitsPattern)
- else:
- if not exists(uploadDir):
- os.makedirs(uploadDir)
- for bit in bits:
- _run("cp %s %s" % (bit, uploadDir), log.info)
- def target_upload():
- """Upload binary and source distribution to trentm.com bits
- directory.
- """
- log.info("target: upload")
- ver = _get_project_version()
- bitsDir = _get_project_bits_dir()
- bitsPattern = join(bitsDir, "%s-*%s*" % (_project_name_, ver))
- bits = glob.glob(bitsPattern)
- if not bits:
- log.info("no bits matching '%s' to upload", bitsPattern)
- return
- # Ensure have all the expected bits.
- expectedBits = [
- re.compile("%s-.*\.zip$" % _project_name_),
- re.compile("%s-.*\.web$" % _project_name_)
- ]
- for expectedBit in expectedBits:
- for bit in bits:
- if expectedBit.search(bit):
- break
- else:
- raise Error("can't find expected bit matching '%s' in '%s' dir"
- % (expectedBit.pattern, bitsDir))
- # Upload the bits.
- user = "trentm"
- host = "trentm.com"
- remoteBitsBaseDir = "~/data/bits"
- remoteBitsDir = join(remoteBitsBaseDir, _project_name_, ver)
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- ssh = "plink"
- scp = "pscp -unsafe"
- else:
- ssh = "ssh"
- scp = "scp"
- _run("%s %s@%s 'mkdir -p %s'" % (ssh, user, host, remoteBitsDir), log.info)
- for bit in bits:
- _run("%s %s %s@%s:%s" % (scp, bit, user, host, remoteBitsDir),
- log.info)
- def target_check_version():
- """grep for version strings in source code
- List all things that look like version strings in the source code.
- Used for checking that versioning is updated across the board.
- """
- sources = [
- "which.py",
- "project-info.xml",
- ]
- pattern = r'[0-9]\+\(\.\|, \)[0-9]\+\(\.\|, \)[0-9]\+'
- _run('grep -n "%s" %s' % (pattern, ' '.join(sources)), None)
- #---- mainline
- def build(targets=[]):
- log.debug("build(targets=%r)" % targets)
- available = _getTargets()
- if not targets:
- if available.has_key('default'):
- return available['default']()
- else:
- log.warn("No default target available. Doing nothing.")
- else:
- for target in targets:
- if available.has_key(target):
- retval = available[target]()
- if retval:
- raise Error("Error running '%s' target: retval=%s"\
- % (target, retval))
- else:
- raise Error("Unknown target: '%s'" % target)
- def main(argv):
- _setup_logging()
- # Process options.
- optlist, targets = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'ht', ['help', 'targets'])
- for opt, optarg in optlist:
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- sys.stdout.write(__doc__ + '\n')
- return 0
- elif opt in ('-t', '--targets'):
- return _listTargets(_getTargets())
- return build(targets)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit( main(sys.argv) )