background-image-zoom-2.html 588 B

  1. <html reftest-zoom="1.8">
  2. <style>
  3. a{
  4. background-repeat: inherit;
  5. background-position: inherit;
  6. /* this image has a red pixel at the bottom to
  7. prevent image lib from optimizing it into a
  8. solid color fill */
  9. background-image:url("nearly-white.png");
  10. line-height: 20px; /* set the line height so that the red pixel is not drawn */
  11. }
  12. </style>
  13. <div style="background-repeat: no-repeat">
  14. <a>&nbsp;</a><a>&nbsp;</a>
  15. </div>
  16. <p>
  17. <div style="background-position: right top">
  18. <a>&nbsp;</a><a>&nbsp;</a>
  19. </div>
  20. <p>
  21. <div>
  22. <a>&nbsp;</a><a>&nbsp;</a>
  23. </div>