123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345 |
- /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
- /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
- #include "CompositionTransaction.h"
- #include "mozilla/EditorBase.h" // mEditorBase
- #include "mozilla/SelectionState.h" // RangeUpdater
- #include "mozilla/dom/Selection.h" // local var
- #include "mozilla/dom/Text.h" // mTextNode
- #include "nsAString.h" // params
- #include "nsDebug.h" // for NS_ASSERTION, etc
- #include "nsError.h" // for NS_SUCCEEDED, NS_FAILED, etc
- #include "nsIPresShell.h" // nsISelectionController constants
- #include "nsRange.h" // local var
- #include "nsQueryObject.h" // for do_QueryObject
- namespace mozilla {
- using namespace dom;
- CompositionTransaction::CompositionTransaction(
- Text& aTextNode,
- uint32_t aOffset,
- uint32_t aReplaceLength,
- TextRangeArray* aTextRangeArray,
- const nsAString& aStringToInsert,
- EditorBase& aEditorBase,
- RangeUpdater* aRangeUpdater)
- : mTextNode(&aTextNode)
- , mOffset(aOffset)
- , mReplaceLength(aReplaceLength)
- , mRanges(aTextRangeArray)
- , mStringToInsert(aStringToInsert)
- , mEditorBase(&aEditorBase)
- , mRangeUpdater(aRangeUpdater)
- , mFixed(false)
- {
- MOZ_ASSERT(mTextNode->TextLength() >= mOffset);
- }
- CompositionTransaction::~CompositionTransaction()
- {
- }
- NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(CompositionTransaction, EditTransactionBase,
- mEditorBase,
- mTextNode)
- // mRangeList can't lead to cycles
- if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(CompositionTransaction))) {
- foundInterface = static_cast<nsITransaction*>(this);
- } else
- NS_IMPL_ADDREF_INHERITED(CompositionTransaction, EditTransactionBase)
- NS_IMPL_RELEASE_INHERITED(CompositionTransaction, EditTransactionBase)
- CompositionTransaction::DoTransaction()
- {
- if (NS_WARN_IF(!mEditorBase)) {
- }
- // Fail before making any changes if there's no selection controller
- nsCOMPtr<nsISelectionController> selCon;
- mEditorBase->GetSelectionController(getter_AddRefs(selCon));
- // Advance caret: This requires the presentation shell to get the selection.
- if (mReplaceLength == 0) {
- nsresult rv = mTextNode->InsertData(mOffset, mStringToInsert);
- if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
- return rv;
- }
- mRangeUpdater->SelAdjInsertText(*mTextNode, mOffset, mStringToInsert);
- } else {
- uint32_t replaceableLength = mTextNode->TextLength() - mOffset;
- nsresult rv =
- mTextNode->ReplaceData(mOffset, mReplaceLength, mStringToInsert);
- if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
- return rv;
- }
- mRangeUpdater->SelAdjDeleteText(mTextNode, mOffset, mReplaceLength);
- mRangeUpdater->SelAdjInsertText(*mTextNode, mOffset, mStringToInsert);
- // If IME text node is multiple node, ReplaceData doesn't remove all IME
- // text. So we need remove remained text into other text node.
- if (replaceableLength < mReplaceLength) {
- int32_t remainLength = mReplaceLength - replaceableLength;
- nsCOMPtr<nsINode> node = mTextNode->GetNextSibling();
- while (node && node->IsNodeOfType(nsINode::eTEXT) &&
- remainLength > 0) {
- Text* text = static_cast<Text*>(node.get());
- uint32_t textLength = text->TextLength();
- text->DeleteData(0, remainLength);
- mRangeUpdater->SelAdjDeleteText(text, 0, remainLength);
- remainLength -= textLength;
- node = node->GetNextSibling();
- }
- }
- }
- nsresult rv = SetSelectionForRanges();
- return NS_OK;
- }
- CompositionTransaction::UndoTransaction()
- {
- if (NS_WARN_IF(!mEditorBase)) {
- }
- // Get the selection first so we'll fail before making any changes if we
- // can't get it
- RefPtr<Selection> selection = mEditorBase->GetSelection();
- nsresult rv = mTextNode->DeleteData(mOffset, mStringToInsert.Length());
- // set the selection to the insertion point where the string was removed
- rv = selection->Collapse(mTextNode, mOffset);
- "Selection could not be collapsed after undo of IME insert.");
- return NS_OK;
- }
- CompositionTransaction::Merge(nsITransaction* aTransaction,
- bool* aDidMerge)
- {
- NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aTransaction && aDidMerge);
- // Check to make sure we aren't fixed, if we are then nothing gets absorbed
- if (mFixed) {
- *aDidMerge = false;
- return NS_OK;
- }
- // If aTransaction is another CompositionTransaction then absorb it
- RefPtr<CompositionTransaction> otherTransaction =
- do_QueryObject(aTransaction);
- if (otherTransaction) {
- // We absorb the next IME transaction by adopting its insert string
- mStringToInsert = otherTransaction->mStringToInsert;
- mRanges = otherTransaction->mRanges;
- *aDidMerge = true;
- return NS_OK;
- }
- *aDidMerge = false;
- return NS_OK;
- }
- void
- CompositionTransaction::MarkFixed()
- {
- mFixed = true;
- }
- CompositionTransaction::GetTxnDescription(nsAString& aString)
- {
- aString.AssignLiteral("CompositionTransaction: ");
- aString += mStringToInsert;
- return NS_OK;
- }
- /* ============ private methods ================== */
- nsresult
- CompositionTransaction::SetSelectionForRanges()
- {
- if (NS_WARN_IF(!mEditorBase)) {
- }
- return SetIMESelection(*mEditorBase, mTextNode, mOffset,
- mStringToInsert.Length(), mRanges);
- }
- // static
- nsresult
- CompositionTransaction::SetIMESelection(EditorBase& aEditorBase,
- Text* aTextNode,
- uint32_t aOffsetInNode,
- uint32_t aLengthOfCompositionString,
- const TextRangeArray* aRanges)
- {
- RefPtr<Selection> selection = aEditorBase.GetSelection();
- nsresult rv = selection->StartBatchChanges();
- // First, remove all selections of IME composition.
- static const RawSelectionType kIMESelections[] = {
- nsISelectionController::SELECTION_IME_RAWINPUT,
- };
- nsCOMPtr<nsISelectionController> selCon;
- aEditorBase.GetSelectionController(getter_AddRefs(selCon));
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(kIMESelections); ++i) {
- nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> selectionOfIME;
- if (NS_FAILED(selCon->GetSelection(kIMESelections[i],
- getter_AddRefs(selectionOfIME)))) {
- continue;
- }
- rv = selectionOfIME->RemoveAllRanges();
- "Failed to remove all ranges of IME selection");
- }
- // Set caret position and selection of IME composition with TextRangeArray.
- bool setCaret = false;
- uint32_t countOfRanges = aRanges ? aRanges->Length() : 0;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- // Bounds-checking on debug builds
- uint32_t maxOffset = aTextNode->Length();
- #endif
- // NOTE: composition string may be truncated when it's committed and
- // maxlength attribute value doesn't allow input of all text of this
- // composition.
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < countOfRanges; ++i) {
- const TextRange& textRange = aRanges->ElementAt(i);
- // Caret needs special handling since its length may be 0 and if it's not
- // specified explicitly, we need to handle it ourselves later.
- if (textRange.mRangeType == TextRangeType::eCaret) {
- NS_ASSERTION(!setCaret, "The ranges already has caret position");
- NS_ASSERTION(!textRange.Length(),
- "EditorBase doesn't support wide caret");
- int32_t caretOffset = static_cast<int32_t>(
- aOffsetInNode +
- std::min(textRange.mStartOffset, aLengthOfCompositionString));
- MOZ_ASSERT(caretOffset >= 0 &&
- static_cast<uint32_t>(caretOffset) <= maxOffset);
- rv = selection->Collapse(aTextNode, caretOffset);
- setCaret = setCaret || NS_SUCCEEDED(rv);
- if (NS_WARN_IF(!setCaret)) {
- continue;
- }
- // If caret range is specified explicitly, we should show the caret if
- // it should be so.
- aEditorBase.HideCaret(false);
- continue;
- }
- // If the clause length is 0, it should be a bug.
- if (!textRange.Length()) {
- NS_WARNING("Any clauses must not be empty");
- continue;
- }
- RefPtr<nsRange> clauseRange;
- int32_t startOffset = static_cast<int32_t>(
- aOffsetInNode +
- std::min(textRange.mStartOffset, aLengthOfCompositionString));
- MOZ_ASSERT(startOffset >= 0 &&
- static_cast<uint32_t>(startOffset) <= maxOffset);
- int32_t endOffset = static_cast<int32_t>(
- aOffsetInNode +
- std::min(textRange.mEndOffset, aLengthOfCompositionString));
- MOZ_ASSERT(endOffset >= startOffset &&
- static_cast<uint32_t>(endOffset) <= maxOffset);
- rv = nsRange::CreateRange(aTextNode, startOffset,
- aTextNode, endOffset,
- getter_AddRefs(clauseRange));
- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
- NS_WARNING("Failed to create a DOM range for a clause of composition");
- break;
- }
- // Set the range of the clause to selection.
- nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> selectionOfIME;
- rv = selCon->GetSelection(ToRawSelectionType(textRange.mRangeType),
- getter_AddRefs(selectionOfIME));
- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
- NS_WARNING("Failed to get IME selection");
- break;
- }
- rv = selectionOfIME->AddRange(clauseRange);
- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
- NS_WARNING("Failed to add selection range for a clause of composition");
- break;
- }
- // Set the style of the clause.
- nsCOMPtr<nsISelectionPrivate> selectionOfIMEPriv =
- do_QueryInterface(selectionOfIME);
- if (!selectionOfIMEPriv) {
- NS_WARNING("Failed to get nsISelectionPrivate interface from selection");
- continue; // Since this is additional feature, we can continue this job.
- }
- rv = selectionOfIMEPriv->SetTextRangeStyle(clauseRange,
- textRange.mRangeStyle);
- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
- NS_WARNING("Failed to set selection style");
- break; // but this is unexpected...
- }
- }
- // If the ranges doesn't include explicit caret position, let's set the
- // caret to the end of composition string.
- if (!setCaret) {
- int32_t caretOffset =
- static_cast<int32_t>(aOffsetInNode + aLengthOfCompositionString);
- MOZ_ASSERT(caretOffset >= 0 &&
- static_cast<uint32_t>(caretOffset) <= maxOffset);
- rv = selection->Collapse(aTextNode, caretOffset);
- "Failed to set caret at the end of composition string");
- // If caret range isn't specified explicitly, we should hide the caret.
- // Hiding the caret benefits a Windows build (see bug 555642 comment #6).
- // However, when there is no range, we should keep showing caret.
- if (countOfRanges) {
- aEditorBase.HideCaret(true);
- }
- }
- rv = selection->EndBatchChangesInternal();
- NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Failed to end batch changes");
- return rv;
- }
- } // namespace mozilla