123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264 |
- /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
- #ifndef nsNSSIOLayer_h
- #define nsNSSIOLayer_h
- #include "TransportSecurityInfo.h"
- #include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
- #include "nsCOMPtr.h"
- #include "nsDataHashtable.h"
- #include "nsIClientAuthDialogs.h"
- #include "nsIProxyInfo.h"
- #include "nsISSLSocketControl.h"
- #include "nsNSSCertificate.h"
- #include "nsTHashtable.h"
- #include "sslt.h"
- namespace mozilla {
- class NeckoOriginAttributes;
- namespace psm {
- class SharedSSLState;
- } // namespace psm
- } // namespace mozilla
- using mozilla::NeckoOriginAttributes;
- class nsIObserver;
- class nsNSSSocketInfo final : public mozilla::psm::TransportSecurityInfo,
- public nsISSLSocketControl,
- public nsIClientAuthUserDecision
- {
- public:
- nsNSSSocketInfo(mozilla::psm::SharedSSLState& aState, uint32_t providerFlags);
- void SetForSTARTTLS(bool aForSTARTTLS);
- bool GetForSTARTTLS();
- nsresult GetFileDescPtr(PRFileDesc** aFilePtr);
- nsresult SetFileDescPtr(PRFileDesc* aFilePtr);
- bool IsHandshakePending() const { return mHandshakePending; }
- void SetHandshakeNotPending() { mHandshakePending = false; }
- void SetTLSVersionRange(SSLVersionRange range) { mTLSVersionRange = range; }
- SSLVersionRange GetTLSVersionRange() const { return mTLSVersionRange; };
- PRStatus CloseSocketAndDestroy(
- const nsNSSShutDownPreventionLock& proofOfLock);
- void SetNegotiatedNPN(const char* value, uint32_t length);
- void SetEarlyDataAccepted(bool aAccepted);
- void SetHandshakeCompleted();
- void NoteTimeUntilReady();
- void SetFalseStartCallbackCalled() { mFalseStartCallbackCalled = true; }
- void SetFalseStarted() { mFalseStarted = true; }
- // Note that this is only valid *during* a handshake; at the end of the handshake,
- // it gets reset back to false.
- void SetFullHandshake() { mIsFullHandshake = true; }
- bool IsFullHandshake() const { return mIsFullHandshake; }
- bool GetJoined() { return mJoined; }
- void SetSentClientCert() { mSentClientCert = true; }
- uint32_t GetProviderFlags() const { return mProviderFlags; }
- mozilla::psm::SharedSSLState& SharedState();
- // XXX: These are only used on for diagnostic purposes
- enum CertVerificationState {
- before_cert_verification,
- waiting_for_cert_verification,
- after_cert_verification
- };
- void SetCertVerificationWaiting();
- // Use errorCode == 0 to indicate success; in that case, errorMessageType is
- // ignored.
- void SetCertVerificationResult(PRErrorCode errorCode,
- ::mozilla::psm::SSLErrorMessageType errorMessageType);
- // for logging only
- PRBool IsWaitingForCertVerification() const
- {
- return mCertVerificationState == waiting_for_cert_verification;
- }
- void AddPlaintextBytesRead(uint64_t val) { mPlaintextBytesRead += val; }
- bool IsPreliminaryHandshakeDone() const { return mPreliminaryHandshakeDone; }
- void SetPreliminaryHandshakeDone() { mPreliminaryHandshakeDone = true; }
- void SetKEAUsed(uint16_t kea) { mKEAUsed = kea; }
- void SetKEAKeyBits(uint32_t keaBits) { mKEAKeyBits = keaBits; }
- void SetBypassAuthentication(bool val)
- {
- if (!mHandshakeCompleted) {
- mBypassAuthentication = val;
- }
- }
- void SetSSLVersionUsed(int16_t version)
- {
- mSSLVersionUsed = version;
- }
- void SetMACAlgorithmUsed(int16_t mac) { mMACAlgorithmUsed = mac; }
- protected:
- virtual ~nsNSSSocketInfo();
- private:
- PRFileDesc* mFd;
- CertVerificationState mCertVerificationState;
- mozilla::psm::SharedSSLState& mSharedState;
- bool mForSTARTTLS;
- SSLVersionRange mTLSVersionRange;
- bool mHandshakePending;
- bool mRememberClientAuthCertificate;
- bool mPreliminaryHandshakeDone; // after false start items are complete
- nsresult ActivateSSL();
- nsCString mNegotiatedNPN;
- bool mNPNCompleted;
- bool mEarlyDataAccepted;
- bool mFalseStartCallbackCalled;
- bool mFalseStarted;
- bool mIsFullHandshake;
- bool mHandshakeCompleted;
- bool mJoined;
- bool mSentClientCert;
- bool mNotedTimeUntilReady;
- bool mFailedVerification;
- // mKEA* are used in false start and http/2 detetermination
- // Values are from nsISSLSocketControl
- int16_t mKEAUsed;
- uint32_t mKEAKeyBits;
- int16_t mSSLVersionUsed;
- int16_t mMACAlgorithmUsed;
- bool mBypassAuthentication;
- uint32_t mProviderFlags;
- mozilla::TimeStamp mSocketCreationTimestamp;
- uint64_t mPlaintextBytesRead;
- nsCOMPtr<nsIX509Cert> mClientCert;
- };
- enum StrongCipherStatus {
- StrongCipherStatusUnknown,
- StrongCiphersWorked,
- StrongCiphersFailed
- };
- class nsSSLIOLayerHelpers
- {
- public:
- nsSSLIOLayerHelpers();
- ~nsSSLIOLayerHelpers();
- nsresult Init();
- void Cleanup();
- static bool nsSSLIOLayerInitialized;
- static PRDescIdentity nsSSLIOLayerIdentity;
- static PRDescIdentity nsSSLPlaintextLayerIdentity;
- static PRIOMethods nsSSLIOLayerMethods;
- static PRIOMethods nsSSLPlaintextLayerMethods;
- bool mTreatUnsafeNegotiationAsBroken;
- void setTreatUnsafeNegotiationAsBroken(bool broken);
- bool treatUnsafeNegotiationAsBroken();
- private:
- struct IntoleranceEntry
- {
- uint16_t tolerant;
- uint16_t intolerant;
- PRErrorCode intoleranceReason;
- StrongCipherStatus strongCipherStatus;
- void AssertInvariant() const
- {
- MOZ_ASSERT(intolerant == 0 || tolerant < intolerant);
- }
- };
- nsDataHashtable<nsCStringHashKey, IntoleranceEntry> mTLSIntoleranceInfo;
- // Sites that require insecure fallback to TLS 1.0, set by the pref
- // security.tls.insecure_fallback_hosts, which is a comma-delimited
- // list of domain names.
- nsTHashtable<nsCStringHashKey> mInsecureFallbackSites;
- public:
- void rememberTolerantAtVersion(const nsACString& hostname, int16_t port,
- uint16_t tolerant);
- bool fallbackLimitReached(const nsACString& hostname, uint16_t intolerant);
- bool rememberIntolerantAtVersion(const nsACString& hostname, int16_t port,
- uint16_t intolerant, uint16_t minVersion,
- PRErrorCode intoleranceReason);
- bool rememberStrongCiphersFailed(const nsACString& hostName, int16_t port,
- PRErrorCode intoleranceReason);
- void forgetIntolerance(const nsACString& hostname, int16_t port);
- void adjustForTLSIntolerance(const nsACString& hostname, int16_t port,
- /*in/out*/ SSLVersionRange& range,
- /*out*/ StrongCipherStatus& strongCipherStatus);
- PRErrorCode getIntoleranceReason(const nsACString& hostname, int16_t port);
- void clearStoredData();
- void loadVersionFallbackLimit();
- void setInsecureFallbackSites(const nsCString& str);
- void initInsecureFallbackSites();
- bool isPublic() const;
- void addInsecureFallbackSite(const nsCString& hostname, bool temporary);
- void removeInsecureFallbackSite(const nsACString& hostname, uint16_t port);
- bool isInsecureFallbackSite(const nsACString& hostname);
- bool mFalseStartRequireNPN;
- bool mUnrestrictedRC4Fallback;
- uint16_t mVersionFallbackLimit;
- private:
- mozilla::Mutex mutex;
- nsCOMPtr<nsIObserver> mPrefObserver;
- };
- nsresult nsSSLIOLayerNewSocket(int32_t family,
- const char* host,
- int32_t port,
- nsIProxyInfo *proxy,
- const NeckoOriginAttributes& originAttributes,
- PRFileDesc** fd,
- nsISupports** securityInfo,
- bool forSTARTTLS,
- uint32_t flags);
- nsresult nsSSLIOLayerAddToSocket(int32_t family,
- const char* host,
- int32_t port,
- nsIProxyInfo *proxy,
- const NeckoOriginAttributes& originAttributes,
- PRFileDesc* fd,
- nsISupports** securityInfo,
- bool forSTARTTLS,
- uint32_t flags);
- nsresult nsSSLIOLayerFreeTLSIntolerantSites();
- nsresult displayUnknownCertErrorAlert(nsNSSSocketInfo* infoObject, int error);
- #endif // nsNSSIOLayer_h