urlparse_win.dat 1.8 KB

  1. # Any blank lines and those beginning with # are comments and
  2. # ignored. To add additional test cases that could potentially
  3. # break URL parsing in mozilla add the input URL on a new line
  4. # and follow it with the expected output for the standard URL
  5. # parser and one line for the case when the URL is really
  6. # created. Then run urltest with the -std option and without it
  7. # on this file and hopefully the expected output should match
  8. # the one from the program.
  9. # - Gagan Saksena 03/28/00
  10. #
  11. # This version is specifically for PC platforms like Windows or OS/2.
  12. # It has testcases for the file protocol targeting typical
  13. # drive:/path filesystems
  14. #
  15. # testing different versions of file urls
  16. file:c:
  17. file,,,,-1,/,c:,,,,,file:///c%3A
  18. file,,,,-1,/c:/,,,,,,file:///c:/
  19. file:c:/
  20. file,,,,-1,/c:/,,,,,,file:///c:/
  21. file,,,,-1,/c:/,,,,,,file:///c:/
  22. file:/c:/
  23. file,,,,-1,/c:/,,,,,,file:///c:/
  24. file,,,,-1,/c:/,,,,,,file:///c:/
  25. file://c:/
  26. file,,,,-1,/c:/,,,,,,file:///c:/
  27. file,,,,-1,/c:/,,,,,,file:///c:/
  28. file:///c:/
  29. file,,,,-1,/c:/,,,,,,file:///c:/
  30. file,,,,-1,/c:/,,,,,,file:///c:/
  31. # testing UNC filepaths
  32. file:server/path
  33. file,,,server,-1,/,path,,,,,file://server/path
  34. file,,,,-1,///server/,path,,,,,file://///server/path
  35. file:/server/path
  36. file,,,,-1,/server/,path,,,,,file:///server/path
  37. file,,,,-1,///server/,path,,,,,file://///server/path
  38. file://server/path
  39. file,,,server,-1,/,path,,,,,file://server/path
  40. file,,,server,-1,///,path,,,,,file://server///path
  41. file:///server/path
  42. file,,,,-1,/server/,path,,,,,file:///server/path
  43. file,,,,-1,///server/,path,,,,,file://///server/path
  44. file:////server/path
  45. file,,,,-1,//server/,path,,,,,file:////server/path
  46. file,,,,-1,///server/,path,,,,,file://///server/path
  47. file://///server/path
  48. file,,,,-1,///server/,path,,,,,file://///server/path
  49. file,,,,-1,///server/,path,,,,,file://///server/path