123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2012 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
- * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
- * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
- * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
- * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
- */
- #include <immintrin.h> // AVX2
- #include "./vpx_dsp_rtcd.h"
- void vpx_get16x16var_avx2(const unsigned char *src_ptr,
- int source_stride,
- const unsigned char *ref_ptr,
- int recon_stride,
- unsigned int *SSE,
- int *Sum) {
- __m256i src, src_expand_low, src_expand_high, ref, ref_expand_low;
- __m256i ref_expand_high, madd_low, madd_high;
- unsigned int i, src_2strides, ref_2strides;
- __m256i zero_reg = _mm256_set1_epi16(0);
- __m256i sum_ref_src = _mm256_set1_epi16(0);
- __m256i madd_ref_src = _mm256_set1_epi16(0);
- // processing two strides in a 256 bit register reducing the number
- // of loop stride by half (comparing to the sse2 code)
- src_2strides = source_stride << 1;
- ref_2strides = recon_stride << 1;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- src = _mm256_castsi128_si256(
- _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const *) (src_ptr)));
- src = _mm256_inserti128_si256(src,
- _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const *)(src_ptr+source_stride)), 1);
- ref =_mm256_castsi128_si256(
- _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const *) (ref_ptr)));
- ref = _mm256_inserti128_si256(ref,
- _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const *)(ref_ptr+recon_stride)), 1);
- // expanding to 16 bit each lane
- src_expand_low = _mm256_unpacklo_epi8(src, zero_reg);
- src_expand_high = _mm256_unpackhi_epi8(src, zero_reg);
- ref_expand_low = _mm256_unpacklo_epi8(ref, zero_reg);
- ref_expand_high = _mm256_unpackhi_epi8(ref, zero_reg);
- // src-ref
- src_expand_low = _mm256_sub_epi16(src_expand_low, ref_expand_low);
- src_expand_high = _mm256_sub_epi16(src_expand_high, ref_expand_high);
- // madd low (src - ref)
- madd_low = _mm256_madd_epi16(src_expand_low, src_expand_low);
- // add high to low
- src_expand_low = _mm256_add_epi16(src_expand_low, src_expand_high);
- // madd high (src - ref)
- madd_high = _mm256_madd_epi16(src_expand_high, src_expand_high);
- sum_ref_src = _mm256_add_epi16(sum_ref_src, src_expand_low);
- // add high to low
- madd_ref_src = _mm256_add_epi32(madd_ref_src,
- _mm256_add_epi32(madd_low, madd_high));
- src_ptr+= src_2strides;
- ref_ptr+= ref_2strides;
- }
- {
- __m128i sum_res, madd_res;
- __m128i expand_sum_low, expand_sum_high, expand_sum;
- __m128i expand_madd_low, expand_madd_high, expand_madd;
- __m128i ex_expand_sum_low, ex_expand_sum_high, ex_expand_sum;
- // extract the low lane and add it to the high lane
- sum_res = _mm_add_epi16(_mm256_castsi256_si128(sum_ref_src),
- _mm256_extractf128_si256(sum_ref_src, 1));
- madd_res = _mm_add_epi32(_mm256_castsi256_si128(madd_ref_src),
- _mm256_extractf128_si256(madd_ref_src, 1));
- // padding each 2 bytes with another 2 zeroed bytes
- expand_sum_low = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(_mm256_castsi256_si128(zero_reg),
- sum_res);
- expand_sum_high = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(_mm256_castsi256_si128(zero_reg),
- sum_res);
- // shifting the sign 16 bits right
- expand_sum_low = _mm_srai_epi32(expand_sum_low, 16);
- expand_sum_high = _mm_srai_epi32(expand_sum_high, 16);
- expand_sum = _mm_add_epi32(expand_sum_low, expand_sum_high);
- // expand each 32 bits of the madd result to 64 bits
- expand_madd_low = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(madd_res,
- _mm256_castsi256_si128(zero_reg));
- expand_madd_high = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(madd_res,
- _mm256_castsi256_si128(zero_reg));
- expand_madd = _mm_add_epi32(expand_madd_low, expand_madd_high);
- ex_expand_sum_low = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(expand_sum,
- _mm256_castsi256_si128(zero_reg));
- ex_expand_sum_high = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(expand_sum,
- _mm256_castsi256_si128(zero_reg));
- ex_expand_sum = _mm_add_epi32(ex_expand_sum_low, ex_expand_sum_high);
- // shift 8 bytes eight
- madd_res = _mm_srli_si128(expand_madd, 8);
- sum_res = _mm_srli_si128(ex_expand_sum, 8);
- madd_res = _mm_add_epi32(madd_res, expand_madd);
- sum_res = _mm_add_epi32(sum_res, ex_expand_sum);
- *((int*)SSE)= _mm_cvtsi128_si32(madd_res);
- *((int*)Sum)= _mm_cvtsi128_si32(sum_res);
- }
- }
- void vpx_get32x32var_avx2(const unsigned char *src_ptr,
- int source_stride,
- const unsigned char *ref_ptr,
- int recon_stride,
- unsigned int *SSE,
- int *Sum) {
- __m256i src, src_expand_low, src_expand_high, ref, ref_expand_low;
- __m256i ref_expand_high, madd_low, madd_high;
- unsigned int i;
- __m256i zero_reg = _mm256_set1_epi16(0);
- __m256i sum_ref_src = _mm256_set1_epi16(0);
- __m256i madd_ref_src = _mm256_set1_epi16(0);
- // processing 32 elements in parallel
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- src = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i const *) (src_ptr));
- ref = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i const *) (ref_ptr));
- // expanding to 16 bit each lane
- src_expand_low = _mm256_unpacklo_epi8(src, zero_reg);
- src_expand_high = _mm256_unpackhi_epi8(src, zero_reg);
- ref_expand_low = _mm256_unpacklo_epi8(ref, zero_reg);
- ref_expand_high = _mm256_unpackhi_epi8(ref, zero_reg);
- // src-ref
- src_expand_low = _mm256_sub_epi16(src_expand_low, ref_expand_low);
- src_expand_high = _mm256_sub_epi16(src_expand_high, ref_expand_high);
- // madd low (src - ref)
- madd_low = _mm256_madd_epi16(src_expand_low, src_expand_low);
- // add high to low
- src_expand_low = _mm256_add_epi16(src_expand_low, src_expand_high);
- // madd high (src - ref)
- madd_high = _mm256_madd_epi16(src_expand_high, src_expand_high);
- sum_ref_src = _mm256_add_epi16(sum_ref_src, src_expand_low);
- // add high to low
- madd_ref_src = _mm256_add_epi32(madd_ref_src,
- _mm256_add_epi32(madd_low, madd_high));
- src_ptr+= source_stride;
- ref_ptr+= recon_stride;
- }
- {
- __m256i expand_sum_low, expand_sum_high, expand_sum;
- __m256i expand_madd_low, expand_madd_high, expand_madd;
- __m256i ex_expand_sum_low, ex_expand_sum_high, ex_expand_sum;
- // padding each 2 bytes with another 2 zeroed bytes
- expand_sum_low = _mm256_unpacklo_epi16(zero_reg, sum_ref_src);
- expand_sum_high = _mm256_unpackhi_epi16(zero_reg, sum_ref_src);
- // shifting the sign 16 bits right
- expand_sum_low = _mm256_srai_epi32(expand_sum_low, 16);
- expand_sum_high = _mm256_srai_epi32(expand_sum_high, 16);
- expand_sum = _mm256_add_epi32(expand_sum_low, expand_sum_high);
- // expand each 32 bits of the madd result to 64 bits
- expand_madd_low = _mm256_unpacklo_epi32(madd_ref_src, zero_reg);
- expand_madd_high = _mm256_unpackhi_epi32(madd_ref_src, zero_reg);
- expand_madd = _mm256_add_epi32(expand_madd_low, expand_madd_high);
- ex_expand_sum_low = _mm256_unpacklo_epi32(expand_sum, zero_reg);
- ex_expand_sum_high = _mm256_unpackhi_epi32(expand_sum, zero_reg);
- ex_expand_sum = _mm256_add_epi32(ex_expand_sum_low, ex_expand_sum_high);
- // shift 8 bytes eight
- madd_ref_src = _mm256_srli_si256(expand_madd, 8);
- sum_ref_src = _mm256_srli_si256(ex_expand_sum, 8);
- madd_ref_src = _mm256_add_epi32(madd_ref_src, expand_madd);
- sum_ref_src = _mm256_add_epi32(sum_ref_src, ex_expand_sum);
- // extract the low lane and the high lane and add the results
- *((int*)SSE)= _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm256_castsi256_si128(madd_ref_src)) +
- _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm256_extractf128_si256(madd_ref_src, 1));
- *((int*)Sum)= _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm256_castsi256_si128(sum_ref_src)) +
- _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm256_extractf128_si256(sum_ref_src, 1));
- }
- }