6.2 KB

  1. # -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
  2. # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  3. # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  4. # file, You can obtain one at
  5. with Files('**'):
  6. BUG_COMPONENT = ('Core', 'CSS Parsing and Computation')
  7. with Files('nsComputedDOMStyle.*'):
  8. BUG_COMPONENT = ('Core', 'DOM: CSS Object Model')
  9. with Files('nsROCSSPrimitiveValue.*'):
  10. BUG_COMPONENT = ('Core', 'DOM: CSS Object Model')
  11. with Files('CSSRuleList.*'):
  12. BUG_COMPONENT = ('Core', 'DOM: CSS Object Model')
  13. with Files('nsDOM*'):
  14. BUG_COMPONENT = ('Core', 'DOM: CSS Object Model')
  15. TEST_DIRS += ['test']
  16. XPIDL_SOURCES += [
  17. 'nsICSSUnprefixingService.idl',
  18. ]
  19. XPIDL_MODULE = 'layout_base'
  20. EXPORTS += [
  21. '!nsStyleStructList.h',
  22. 'AnimationCommon.h',
  23. 'CounterStyleManager.h',
  24. 'nsAnimationManager.h',
  25. 'nsComputedDOMStylePropertyList.h',
  26. 'nsCSSAnonBoxes.h',
  27. 'nsCSSAnonBoxList.h',
  28. 'nsCSSCounterDescList.h',
  29. 'nsCSSFontDescList.h',
  30. 'nsCSSKeywordList.h',
  31. 'nsCSSKeywords.h',
  32. 'nsCSSParser.h',
  33. 'nsCSSPropAliasList.h',
  34. 'nsCSSPropertyID.h',
  35. 'nsCSSPropertyIDSet.h',
  36. 'nsCSSPropList.h',
  37. 'nsCSSPropLogicalGroupList.h',
  38. 'nsCSSProps.h',
  39. 'nsCSSPseudoClasses.h',
  40. 'nsCSSPseudoClassList.h',
  41. 'nsCSSPseudoElementList.h',
  42. 'nsCSSPseudoElements.h',
  43. 'nsCSSRuleProcessor.h',
  44. 'nsCSSScanner.h',
  45. 'nsCSSValue.h',
  46. 'nsDOMCSSAttrDeclaration.h',
  47. 'nsDOMCSSDeclaration.h',
  48. 'nsDOMCSSRGBColor.h',
  49. 'nsICSSDeclaration.h',
  50. 'nsICSSLoaderObserver.h',
  51. 'nsICSSPseudoComparator.h',
  52. 'nsICSSStyleRuleDOMWrapper.h',
  53. 'nsIStyleRule.h',
  54. 'nsIStyleRuleProcessor.h',
  55. 'nsLayoutStylesheetCache.h',
  56. 'nsRuleData.h',
  57. 'nsRuleNode.h',
  58. 'nsRuleProcessorData.h',
  59. 'nsRuleWalker.h',
  60. 'nsStyleConsts.h',
  61. 'nsStyleContext.h',
  62. 'nsStyleCoord.h',
  63. 'nsStyleSet.h',
  64. 'nsStyleStruct.h',
  65. 'nsStyleStructFwd.h',
  66. 'nsStyleStructInlines.h',
  67. 'nsStyleTransformMatrix.h',
  68. 'nsStyleUtil.h',
  69. ]
  70. EXPORTS.mozilla += [
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  72. 'CSSEnabledState.h',
  73. 'CSSStyleSheet.h',
  74. 'CSSVariableDeclarations.h',
  75. 'CSSVariableResolver.h',
  76. 'CSSVariableValues.h',
  77. 'DeclarationBlock.h',
  78. 'DeclarationBlockInlines.h',
  79. 'DocumentStyleRootIterator.h',
  80. 'HandleRefPtr.h',
  81. 'IncrementalClearCOMRuleArray.h',
  82. 'LayerAnimationInfo.h',
  83. 'RuleNodeCacheConditions.h',
  84. 'RuleProcessorCache.h',
  85. 'ServoBindingList.h',
  86. 'ServoBindings.h',
  87. 'ServoBindingTypes.h',
  88. 'ServoDeclarationBlock.h',
  89. 'ServoElementSnapshot.h',
  90. 'ServoStyleSet.h',
  91. 'ServoStyleSheet.h',
  92. 'ServoTypes.h',
  93. 'ServoUtils.h',
  94. 'SheetType.h',
  95. 'StyleAnimationValue.h',
  96. 'StyleBackendType.h',
  97. 'StyleComplexColor.h',
  98. 'StyleContextSource.h',
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  100. 'StyleSetHandleInlines.h',
  101. 'StyleSheet.h',
  102. 'StyleSheetInfo.h',
  103. 'StyleSheetInlines.h',
  104. 'StyleStructContext.h',
  105. ]
  106. EXPORTS.mozilla.dom += [
  107. 'CSS.h',
  108. 'CSSLexer.h',
  109. 'CSSRuleList.h',
  110. 'CSSValue.h',
  111. 'FontFace.h',
  112. 'FontFaceSet.h',
  113. 'FontFaceSetIterator.h',
  114. 'MediaQueryList.h',
  115. ]
  116. EXPORTS.mozilla.css += [
  117. 'Declaration.h',
  118. 'ErrorReporter.h',
  119. 'GroupRule.h',
  120. 'ImageLoader.h',
  121. 'ImportRule.h',
  122. 'Loader.h',
  123. 'NameSpaceRule.h',
  124. 'Rule.h',
  125. 'SheetParsingMode.h',
  126. 'StyleRule.h',
  127. ]
  128. SOURCES += [
  129. 'AnimationCollection.cpp',
  130. 'AnimationCommon.cpp',
  131. 'CounterStyleManager.cpp',
  132. 'CSS.cpp',
  133. 'CSSLexer.cpp',
  134. 'CSSRuleList.cpp',
  135. 'CSSStyleSheet.cpp',
  136. 'CSSVariableDeclarations.cpp',
  137. 'CSSVariableResolver.cpp',
  138. 'CSSVariableValues.cpp',
  139. 'Declaration.cpp',
  140. 'DocumentStyleRootIterator.cpp',
  141. 'ErrorReporter.cpp',
  142. 'FontFace.cpp',
  143. 'FontFaceSet.cpp',
  144. 'FontFaceSetIterator.cpp',
  145. 'ImageLoader.cpp',
  146. 'IncrementalClearCOMRuleArray.cpp',
  147. 'LayerAnimationInfo.cpp',
  148. 'Loader.cpp',
  149. 'MediaQueryList.cpp',
  150. 'nsAnimationManager.cpp',
  151. 'nsComputedDOMStyle.cpp',
  152. 'nsCSSAnonBoxes.cpp',
  153. 'nsCSSDataBlock.cpp',
  154. 'nsCSSKeywords.cpp',
  155. 'nsCSSParser.cpp',
  156. 'nsCSSProps.cpp',
  157. 'nsCSSPseudoClasses.cpp',
  158. 'nsCSSPseudoElements.cpp',
  159. 'nsCSSRuleProcessor.cpp',
  160. 'nsCSSRules.cpp',
  161. 'nsCSSScanner.cpp',
  162. 'nsCSSValue.cpp',
  163. 'nsDOMCSSAttrDeclaration.cpp',
  164. 'nsDOMCSSDeclaration.cpp',
  165. 'nsDOMCSSRect.cpp',
  166. 'nsDOMCSSRGBColor.cpp',
  167. 'nsDOMCSSValueList.cpp',
  168. 'nsFontFaceLoader.cpp',
  169. 'nsFontFaceUtils.cpp',
  170. 'nsHTMLCSSStyleSheet.cpp',
  171. 'nsHTMLStyleSheet.cpp',
  172. 'nsLayoutStylesheetCache.cpp',
  173. 'nsMediaFeatures.cpp',
  174. 'nsNthIndexCache.cpp',
  175. 'nsROCSSPrimitiveValue.cpp',
  176. 'nsRuleData.cpp',
  177. 'nsRuleNode.cpp',
  178. 'nsStyleContext.cpp',
  179. 'nsStyleCoord.cpp',
  180. 'nsStyleSet.cpp',
  181. 'nsStyleStruct.cpp',
  182. 'nsStyleTransformMatrix.cpp',
  183. 'nsStyleUtil.cpp',
  184. 'nsTransitionManager.cpp',
  185. 'RuleNodeCacheConditions.cpp',
  186. 'RuleProcessorCache.cpp',
  187. 'ServoBindings.cpp',
  188. 'ServoDeclarationBlock.cpp',
  189. 'ServoElementSnapshot.cpp',
  190. 'ServoStyleSet.cpp',
  191. 'ServoStyleSheet.cpp',
  192. 'StyleAnimationValue.cpp',
  193. 'StyleRule.cpp',
  194. 'StyleSheet.cpp',
  195. 'SVGAttrAnimationRuleProcessor.cpp',
  196. ]
  198. 'CSSUnprefixingService.js',
  199. 'CSSUnprefixingService.manifest',
  200. ]
  201. include('/ipc/chromium/chromium-config.mozbuild')
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  203. LOCAL_INCLUDES += [
  204. '../base',
  205. '../generic',
  206. '../svg',
  207. '../xul',
  208. '/dom/base',
  209. '/dom/html',
  210. '/dom/xbl',
  211. '/dom/xul',
  212. '/image',
  213. ]
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  215. RESOURCE_FILES += [
  216. 'contenteditable.css',
  217. 'designmode.css',
  218. 'ImageDocument.css',
  219. 'TopLevelImageDocument.css',
  220. 'TopLevelVideoDocument.css',
  221. ]
  223. 'nsStyleStructList.h',
  224. ]
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  226. style_struct_list.script = ''
  229. '',
  230. ]
  231. css_props = GENERATED_FILES['']
  232. css_props.script = ''
  233. css_props.inputs = [
  234. '',
  235. 'PythonCSSProps.h',
  236. ]