123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292 |
- // This is a list of all interfaces that are exposed to workers.
- // Please only add things to this list with great care and proper review
- // from the associated module peers.
- // This file lists global interfaces we want exposed and verifies they
- // are what we intend. Each entry in the arrays below can either be a
- // simple string with the interface name, or an object with a 'name'
- // property giving the interface name as a string, and additional
- // properties which qualify the exposure of that interface. For example:
- //
- // [
- // "AGlobalInterface",
- // { name: "ExperimentalThing", release: false },
- // { name: "ReallyExperimentalThing", nightly: true },
- // { name: "DesktopOnlyThing", desktop: true },
- // { name: "FancyControl", xbl: true },
- // { name: "DisabledEverywhere", disabled: true },
- // ];
- //
- // See createInterfaceMap() below for a complete list of properties.
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from
- // a JavaScript Engine peer!
- var ecmaGlobals =
- [
- "Array",
- "ArrayBuffer",
- "Boolean",
- "DataView",
- "Date",
- "Error",
- "EvalError",
- "Float32Array",
- "Float64Array",
- "Function",
- "Infinity",
- "Int16Array",
- "Int32Array",
- "Int8Array",
- "InternalError",
- "Intl",
- "Iterator",
- "JSON",
- "Map",
- "Math",
- "NaN",
- "Number",
- "Object",
- "Promise",
- "Proxy",
- "RangeError",
- "ReferenceError",
- "Reflect",
- "RegExp",
- "Set",
- {name: "SharedArrayBuffer", release: false},
- {name: "SIMD", nightly: true},
- {name: "Atomics", release: false},
- "StopIteration",
- "String",
- "Symbol",
- "SyntaxError",
- {name: "TypedObject", nightly: true},
- "TypeError",
- "Uint16Array",
- "Uint32Array",
- "Uint8Array",
- "Uint8ClampedArray",
- "URIError",
- "WeakMap",
- "WeakSet",
- ];
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change the list above without review from
- // a JavaScript Engine peer!
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change the list below without review from a DOM peer!
- var interfaceNamesInGlobalScope =
- [
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "Blob",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "BroadcastChannel",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "Cache",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "CacheStorage",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "Crypto",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "CustomEvent",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "Directory",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "DOMCursor",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "DOMError",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "DOMException",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "DOMRequest",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "DOMStringList",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "Event",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "EventTarget",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "File",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "FileReader",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "FileReaderSync",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "FormData",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "Headers",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "IDBCursor",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "IDBCursorWithValue",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "IDBDatabase",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "IDBFactory",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "IDBIndex",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "IDBKeyRange",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "IDBObjectStore",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "IDBOpenDBRequest",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "IDBRequest",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "IDBTransaction",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "IDBVersionChangeEvent",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "ImageBitmap",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "ImageBitmapRenderingContext",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "ImageData",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "MessageChannel",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "MessageEvent",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "MessagePort",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "Notification",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- { name: "OffscreenCanvas", disabled: true },
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "Performance",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "PerformanceEntry",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "PerformanceMark",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "PerformanceMeasure",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "PerformanceObserver",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "PerformanceObserverEntryList",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "Request",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "Response",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- {name: "StorageManager", nightly: true},
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "SubtleCrypto",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "TextDecoder",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "TextEncoder",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "XMLHttpRequest",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "XMLHttpRequestEventTarget",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "XMLHttpRequestUpload",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "URL",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "URLSearchParams",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- { name: "WebGLActiveInfo", disabled: true },
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- { name: "WebGLBuffer", disabled: true },
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- { name: "WebGLContextEvent", disabled: true },
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- { name: "WebGLFramebuffer", disabled: true },
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- { name: "WebGLProgram", disabled: true },
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- { name: "WebGLRenderbuffer", disabled: true },
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- { name: "WebGLRenderingContext", disabled: true },
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- { name: "WebGLShader", disabled: true },
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- { name: "WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat", disabled: true },
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- { name: "WebGLTexture", disabled: true },
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- { name: "WebGLUniformLocation", disabled: true },
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "WebSocket",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "Worker",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "WorkerGlobalScope",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "WorkerLocation",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- "WorkerNavigator",
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer!
- ];
- // IMPORTANT: Do not change the list above without review from a DOM peer!
- function createInterfaceMap(version, userAgent) {
- var isNightly = version.endsWith("a1");
- var isRelease = !version.includes("a");
- var isDesktop = !/Mobile|Tablet/.test(userAgent);
- var isAndroid = !!navigator.userAgent.includes("Android");
- var interfaceMap = {};
- function addInterfaces(interfaces)
- {
- for (var entry of interfaces) {
- if (typeof(entry) === "string") {
- interfaceMap[entry] = true;
- } else {
- ok(!("pref" in entry), "Bogus pref annotation for " + entry.name);
- if ((entry.nightly === !isNightly) ||
- (entry.nightlyAndroid === !(isAndroid && isNightly) && isAndroid) ||
- (entry.desktop === !isDesktop) ||
- (entry.android === !isAndroid && !entry.nightlyAndroid) ||
- (entry.release === !isRelease) ||
- entry.disabled) {
- interfaceMap[entry.name] = false;
- } else {
- interfaceMap[entry.name] = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- addInterfaces(ecmaGlobals);
- addInterfaces(interfaceNamesInGlobalScope);
- return interfaceMap;
- }
- function runTest(version, userAgent) {
- var interfaceMap = createInterfaceMap(version, userAgent);
- for (var name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self)) {
- // An interface name should start with an upper case character.
- if (!/^[A-Z]/.test(name)) {
- continue;
- }
- ok(interfaceMap[name],
- "If this is failing: DANGER, are you sure you want to expose the new interface " + name +
- " to all webpages as a property on the worker? Do not make a change to this file without a " +
- " review from a DOM peer for that specific change!!! (or a JS peer for changes to ecmaGlobals)");
- delete interfaceMap[name];
- }
- for (var name of Object.keys(interfaceMap)) {
- ok(name in self === interfaceMap[name],
- name + " should " + (interfaceMap[name] ? "" : " NOT") + " be defined on the global scope");
- if (!interfaceMap[name]) {
- delete interfaceMap[name];
- }
- }
- is(Object.keys(interfaceMap).length, 0,
- "The following interface(s) are not enumerated: " + Object.keys(interfaceMap).join(", "));
- }
- workerTestGetVersion(function(version) {
- workerTestGetUserAgent(function(userAgent) {
- runTest(version, userAgent);
- workerTestDone();
- });
- });