test_image_clone_load.html 785 B

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <meta charset=utf-8>
  3. <title>Test for image clones doing their load</title>
  4. <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
  5. <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
  6. <div id="log"></div>
  7. <script>
  8. var t = async_test("The clone of an image should do the load of the same image, and do it synchronously");
  9. t.step(function() {
  10. var img = new Image();
  11. img.onload = t.step_func(function() {
  12. var clone = img.cloneNode();
  13. assert_not_equals(img.naturalWidth, 0, "Should have a width");
  14. assert_equals(clone.naturalWidth, img.naturalWidth,
  15. "Clone should have a width too");
  16. // And make sure the clone fires onload too, which happens async.
  17. clone.onload = function() { t.done() }
  18. });
  19. img.src = "image.png";
  20. });
  21. </script>