123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673 |
- #!/usr/bin/env perl
- use strict;
- use v5.10;
- # ====================[ creole.pl ]====================
- =head1 NAME
- creole - An Oddmuse module for marking up Oddmuse Wiki pages according to the
- Wiki Creole standard, a Wiki-agnostic syntax scheme.
- creole is easily installable; move this file into the B<wiki/modules/>
- directory for your Oddmuse Wiki.
- =cut
- AddModuleDescription('creole.pl', 'Creole Markup Extension');
- our ($q, $bol, %InterSite, $FullUrlPattern, $FreeLinkPattern, $FreeInterLinkPattern, $InterSitePattern, @MyRules, %RuleOrder, @MyInitVariables, @HtmlStack, @HtmlAttrStack);
- # ....................{ CONFIGURATION }....................
- creole is easily configurable; set these variables in the B<wiki/config.pl>
- file for your Oddmuse Wiki.
- =cut
- our ($CreoleLineBreaks,
- $CreoleTildeAlternative,
- $CreoleTableCellsContainBlockLevelElements,
- $CreoleDashStyleUnorderedLists);
- =head2 $CreoleLineBreaks
- A boolean that, if true, causes this extension to convert single newlines in
- page text to genuine linebreaks (i.e., the <br> tag) in the HTML for that
- page. (If false, this extension consumes single newlines without actually
- converting them into anything; they will be ignored, wherever found.)
- Irregardless of this booleans setting, this extension always converts two
- newlines to a paragraph break (i.e., the <p> tag).
- =cut
- $CreoleLineBreaks = 0;
- =head2 $CreoleTildeAlternative
- A boolean that, if true, prevents this extension from consuming the tilde ~
- character, when that character appears in front of an a-z, A-Z, or 0-9
- character. (If false, this extension consumes such tilde ~ characters.)
- =cut
- $CreoleTildeAlternative = 0;
- =head2 $CreoleTableCellsContainBlockLevelElements
- A boolean that, if true, permits table cell markup to embed block level
- elements in table cells. (By default, this boolean is false.)
- You are encouraged to enable this boolean, as it significantly improves the
- "stuff" you can do with Wiki Creole table syntax. For example, enabling this
- boolean permits you to embed nested lists in tables.
- Block level elements are such "high-level" entities as paragraphs, blockquotes,
- list items, and so on. Thus, enabling this boolean permits you to embed multiple
- paragraphs, blockquotes, and so on in individual table cells.
- Please note: enabling this boolean permits non-conformant syntax -- that is,
- syntax which no longer conforms to the Wiki Creole standard. (In general,
- unless you have significant amounts of Wiki Creole table markup strictly
- conforming to the Wiki Creole standard, this shouldn't be an issue.)
- Please note: enabling this boolean also requires you explicitly close the last
- table cell of a cell with a "|" character. (This character is optional under
- the Wiki Creole standard, but not under this non-conformant alteration.)
- =cut
- $CreoleTableCellsContainBlockLevelElements = 0;
- =head2 $CreoleDashStyleUnorderedLists
- A boolean that, if true, permits unordered list items to be prefixed with either
- a '-' dash or an '*' asterisk or, if false, requires unordered list items to be
- prefixed with an '*' asterisk, only. (By default, this boolean is false.)
- Please note: enabling this boolean permits non-conformant syntax -- that is,
- syntax which no longer conforms to the Wiki Creole standard. Unless your Wiki
- requires it, you are encouraged not to set this boolean.
- =cut
- $CreoleDashStyleUnorderedLists = 0;
- # ....................{ INITIALIZATION }....................
- push(@MyInitVariables, \&CreoleInit);
- # A boolean that is true if the "creoleaddition.pl" module is also installed.
- my $CreoleIsCreoleAddition;
- # A boolean set by CreoleRule() to true, if a new table cell has just been
- # started. This allows testing, elsewhere, of whether we are at the start of a
- # a new table cell. Why test that? Because. If we are indeed at the start of a
- # a new table cell, we should behave as if the "$bol" boolean is true: we should
- # allow block level elements at the start of this new table cell.
- #
- # Of course, we have to set this to false immediately after matching past the
- # start of that table cell. This is what RunMyRulesCreole() does.
- my $CreoleIsTableCellBol;
- # A regular expression matching Wiki Creole-style table cells.
- my $CreoleTableCellPattern = '[ \t]*(\|+)(=)?\n?([ \t]*)';
- # A regular expression matching Wiki Creole-style pipe delimiters in links.
- my $CreoleLinkPipePattern = '[ \t]*\|[ \t]*';
- # A regular expression matching Wiki Creole-style link text. This expression
- # takes into account the fact that such text is always optional.
- my $CreoleLinkTextPattern = "($CreoleLinkPipePattern(.+?))?";
- # The html tag and string of html tag attributes for the current Creole header.
- # This prevents an otherwise necessary, costly evaluation of test statements
- # resembling:
- #
- # if (InElement('h1') or InElement('h2') or InElement('h3') or
- # InElement('h4') or InElement('h5') or InElement('h6')) { ... }
- #
- # As Creole headers cannot span blocks or lines, this should be a safe caching.
- my ($CreoleHeaderHtmlTag, $CreoleHeaderHtmlTagAttr);
- sub CreoleInit {
- $CreoleIsCreoleAddition = defined &CreoleAdditionRule;
- $CreoleIsTableCellBol =
- $CreoleHeaderHtmlTag =
- $CreoleHeaderHtmlTagAttr = '';
- # This is the "code magic" enabling block-level elements in multi-line
- # table cells.
- if ($CreoleTableCellsContainBlockLevelElements) {
- SetHtmlEnvironmentContainer('td');
- SetHtmlEnvironmentContainer('th');
- }
- # FIXME: The following changes interfere with the bbcode extension.
- # To achieve something similar, we often see sites with an InterMap
- # entry called Self, eg. from http://emacswiki.org/InterMap: Self
- # /cgi-bin/emacs? -- which allows you to link to Self:action=index.
- # Permit page authors to link to URLs resembling:
- # "See [[/?action=index|the site map]]."
- #
- # Which Oddmuse converts to HTML resembling:
- # "See <a href="/?action=index">the site map</a>."
- #
- # When not using this extension, authors must add this Wiki's base URL:
- # "See [[http://www.oddmuse.com/cgi-bin/oddmuse?action=index|the site map]]."
- # my $UrlChars = '[-a-zA-Z0-9/@=+$_~*.,;:?!\'"()&#%]'; # see RFC 2396
- # $FullUrlPattern = "((?:$UrlProtocols:|/)$UrlChars+)";
- # Permit page authors to link to other pages having semicolons in their names.
- # my $LinkCharsSansZero = "-;,.()' _1-9A-Za-z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}";
- # my $LinkChars = $LinkCharsSansZero.'0';
- # $FreeLinkPattern = "([$LinkCharsSansZero]|[$LinkChars][$LinkChars]+)";
- }
- # ....................{ MARKUP }....................
- push(@MyRules,
- \&CreoleRule,
- \&CreoleHeadingRule,
- \&CreoleListAndNewLineRule);
- # Creole link rules conflict with Oddmuse's default LinkRule.
- $RuleOrder{\&CreoleRule} = -10;
- # Creole heading rules must come after the TocRule.
- $RuleOrder{\&CreoleHeadingRule} = 100;
- # List items must come later than MarkupRule because *foo* at the
- # beginning of a line should be bold, not the list item foo*. Also,
- # newlines must come after list items, otherwise this will add a lot
- # of useless "</br>" tags.
- $RuleOrder{\&CreoleListAndNewLineRule} = 180;
- # Oddmuse's built-in ListRule conflicts with above CreoleListAndNewLineRule.
- # Thus, we ensure the latter is applied before the former.
- $RuleOrder{\&ListRule} = 190;
- =head2 CreoleRule
- Handles the large part of Wiki Creole syntax.
- Technically, as Oddmuse's default C<LinkRules> function also conflicts with
- this extension's link rules and does not comply, in any case, with the Wiki
- Creole rules for links, we should also nullify Oddmuse's default C<LinkRules>
- function. Sadly, we don't. Why? Since existing Oddmuse Wikis using this
- extension depend on Oddmuse's default C<LinkRules> function, and as it's no
- terrible harm to let that function be, we have to let it be. Bah!
- =cut
- sub CreoleRule {
- # "$is_interlinking" is a boolean that, if true, indicates this rule should
- # make interlinks (i.e., links to Wiki pages on other, external Wikis) and,
- # and, if false, should not. (Typically, Oddmuse sets this to false when
- # including external HTML pages into local Wiki pages.)
- my ($is_interlinking, $is_intraanchoring) = @_;
- # horizontal rule
- # ----
- if ($bol && m/\G[ \t]*----[ \t]*(\n|$)/cg) {
- return CloseHtmlEnvironments().$q->hr().AddHtmlEnvironment('p');
- }
- # {{{
- # nowiki block
- # }}}
- elsif ($bol && m/\G\{\{\{[ \t]*\n(.*?)\n\}\}\}[ \t]*(\n|$)/cgs) {
- my $str = $1;
- return CloseHtmlEnvironments()
- .$q->pre({-class=> 'real'}, $str)
- .AddHtmlEnvironment('p');
- }
- # escape next char (and prevent // in URLs from enabling italics)
- # ~
- elsif (m/\G(~($FullUrlPattern|\S))/cg) {
- return
- ($CreoleTildeAlternative and
- .'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
- .'0123456789', $2) != -1)
- ? $1 # tilde stays
- : $2; # tilde disappears
- }
- # **bold**
- elsif (m/\G\*\*/cg) { return AddOrCloseHtmlEnvironment('strong'); }
- # //italic//
- elsif (m/\G\/\//cg) { return AddOrCloseHtmlEnvironment('em'); }
- # {{{preformatted code}}}
- elsif (m/\G\{\{\{(.*?}*)\}\}\}/cg) { return $q->code($1); }
- # download: {{pic}} and {{pic|text}}
- elsif (m/\G(\{\{$FreeLinkPattern$CreoleLinkTextPattern\}\})/cgs) {
- my $text = $4 || $2;
- return GetCreoleLinkHtml($1, GetDownloadLink(FreeToNormal($2), 1, undef, $text), $text);
- }
- # image link: {{url}} and {{url|text}}
- elsif (m/\G\{\{$FullUrlPattern$CreoleLinkTextPattern\}\}/cgs) {
- return GetCreoleImageHtml(
- $q->a({-href=> UnquoteHtml($1),
- -class=> 'image outside'},
- $q->img({-src=> UnquoteHtml($1),
- -alt=> UnquoteHtml($3),
- -title=> UnquoteHtml($3),
- -class=> 'url outside'})));
- }
- # image link: [[link|{{pic}}]] and [[link|{{pic|text}}]]
- elsif (m/\G(\[\[$FreeLinkPattern$CreoleLinkPipePattern
- \{\{$FreeLinkPattern$CreoleLinkTextPattern\}\}\]\])/cgsx) {
- my $text = $5 || $2;
- return GetCreoleLinkHtml($1, GetCreoleImageHtml(
- ScriptLink(UrlEncode(FreeToNormal($2)),
- $q->img({-src=> GetDownloadLink(FreeToNormal($3), 2),
- -alt=> UnquoteHtml($text),
- -title=> UnquoteHtml($text),
- -class=> 'upload'}), 'image')), $text);
- }
- # image link: [[link|{{url}}]] and [[link|{{url|text}}]]
- elsif (m/\G(\[\[$FreeLinkPattern$CreoleLinkPipePattern
- \{\{$FullUrlPattern$CreoleLinkTextPattern\}\}\]\])/cgsx) {
- my $text = $5 || $2;
- return GetCreoleLinkHtml($1, GetCreoleImageHtml(
- ScriptLink(UrlEncode(FreeToNormal($2)),
- $q->img({-src=> UnquoteHtml($3),
- -alt=> UnquoteHtml($text),
- -title=> UnquoteHtml($text),
- -class=> 'url outside'}), 'image')), $text);
- }
- # image link: [[url|{{pic}}]] and [[url|{{pic|text}}]]
- elsif (m/\G(\[\[$FullUrlPattern$CreoleLinkPipePattern
- \{\{$FreeLinkPattern$CreoleLinkTextPattern\}\}\]\])/cgsx) {
- my $text = $5 || $2;
- return GetCreoleLinkHtml($1, GetCreoleImageHtml(
- $q->a({-href=> UnquoteHtml($2), -class=> 'image outside'},
- $q->img({-src=> GetDownloadLink(FreeToNormal($3), 2),
- -alt=> UnquoteHtml($text),
- -title=> UnquoteHtml($text),
- -class=> 'upload'}))), $text);
- }
- # image link: [[url|{{url}}]] and [[url|{{url|text}}]]
- elsif (m/\G\[\[$FullUrlPattern$CreoleLinkPipePattern
- \{\{$FullUrlPattern$CreoleLinkTextPattern\}\}\]\]/cgsx) {
- return GetCreoleImageHtml(
- $q->a({-href=> UnquoteHtml($1), -class=> 'image outside'},
- $q->img({-src=> UnquoteHtml($2),
- -alt=> UnquoteHtml($4),
- -title=> UnquoteHtml($4),
- -class=> 'url outside'})));
- }
- # link: [[url]] and [[url|text]]
- elsif (m/\G\[\[$FullUrlPattern$CreoleLinkTextPattern\]\]/cgs) {
- # Permit embedding of Creole syntax within link text. (Rather complicated,
- # but it does the job remarkably.)
- my $link_url = $1;
- my $link_text = $3 ? CreoleRuleRecursive($3, @_) : $link_url;
- # GetUrl() takes parameters resembling:
- # ~ the link's URL.
- # ~ the link's text (to be displayed for that URL).
- # ~ a boolean (to be used Gods' know how).
- return GetUrl($link_url, $link_text, 1);
- }
- # link: [[page]] and [[page|text]]
- elsif (m/\G(\[\[$FreeLinkPattern$CreoleLinkTextPattern\]\])/cgs) {
- my $markup = $1;
- my $page_name = $2;
- my $link_text = $4 ? CreoleRuleRecursive($4, @_) : $page_name;
- return GetCreoleLinkHtml($markup,
- GetPageOrEditLink($page_name, $link_text, 0, 1), $link_text);
- }
- # interlink: [[Wiki:page]] and [[Wiki:page|text]]
- elsif ($is_interlinking and
- m/\G(\[\[$FreeInterLinkPattern$CreoleLinkTextPattern\]\])/cgs) {
- my $markup = $1;
- my $interlink = $2;
- my $interlink_text = $4;
- my ($site_name, $page_name) = $interlink =~ m~^($InterSitePattern):(.*)$~;
- # Permit embedding of Creole syntax within interlink text. We operate on
- # "$interlink_text", rather than "$4", since that ordinal has already been
- # overridden by the above regular expression match.
- $interlink_text = $interlink_text
- ? CreoleRuleRecursive($interlink_text, @_)
- : $q->span({-class=> 'site'}, $site_name)
- .$q->span({-class=> 'separator'}, ':')
- .$q->span({-class=> 'page'}, $page_name);
- # If the Wiki for this interlink is a registered Wiki (that is, it appears
- # in this Wiki's "$InterMap" page), then produce an interlink to it;
- # otherwise, produce a normal intralink to a page on this Wiki.
- return GetCreoleLinkHtml($markup,
- $InterSite{$site_name}
- ? GetInterLink ($interlink, $interlink_text, 0, 1)
- : GetPageOrEditLink($page_name, $interlink_text, 0, 1), $interlink_text);
- }
- #
- # Table syntax is matched last (or nearly last), so as to allow other Creole-
- # specific syntax within tables.
- #
- # tables using | -- end of the table (two newlines) or row (one newline)
- elsif (InElement('table')) {
- # We know that this is the end of this table row, if we match:
- # * an explicit "|" character followed by: a newline character and
- # another "|" character; or
- # * an explicit newline character followed by: a "|" character.
- #
- # That is to say, the "|" character terminating a table row is optional.
- #
- # In either case, the newline character signifies the end of this table
- # row and the "|" character that follows it signifies the start of a new
- # row. We avoid consuming the "|" character by matching it with a lookahead.
- if (m/\G([ \t]*\|)?[ \t]*\n(?=$CreoleTableCellPattern)/cg) {
- return CloseHtmlEnvironmentUntil('table').AddHtmlEnvironment('tr');
- }
- # If block level elements are allowed in table cells, we know that this is
- # the end of the table, if we match:
- # * an explicit "|" character followed by: a newline character not
- # followed by another "|" character, or an implicit end-of-page.
- #
- # Otherwise, we know that this is the end of the table, if we match:
- # * an explicit "|" character followed by: a newline character not
- # followed by another "|" character, or an implicit end-of-page; or
- # * two newline characters.
- #
- # This condition should appear after the end-of-row test, above.
- elsif (m/\G[ \t]*\|[ \t]*(\n|$)/cg or
- (!$CreoleTableCellsContainBlockLevelElements and m/\G[ \t]*\n\n/cg)) {
- # Note: we do not call "CloseHtmlEnvironmentsCreoleOld", as that function
- # refers to the Oddmuse built-in. If another module with name
- # lexically following "creole.pl" also redefines the built-in
- # "CloseHtmlEnvironments" function, then calling the
- # "CloseHtmlEnvironmentsCreoleOld" function causes that other
- # module's redefinition to not be called. (Yes; an entangling mess
- # we've made for ourselves, here. Clearly, this needs a rethink in
- # some later Oddmuse refactoring.)
- return CloseHtmlEnvironment('table').AddHtmlEnvironment('p');
- }
- # Lastly, we know this this is start of a new table cell (and possibly also
- # the end of the last table cell), if we match:
- # * an explicit "|" character.
- #
- # This condition should appear after the end-of-table test, above.
- elsif (m/\G$CreoleTableCellPattern/cg) {
- # This is the start of a new table cell. However, we only consider that
- # equivalent to the "$bol" variable when the
- # "$CreoleTableCellsContainBlockLevelElements" variable is enabled. (In
- # other words, we only declare that we may insert block level elements at
- # the start of this new table cell, when we allow block level elements in
- # table cells. Yum.)
- $CreoleIsTableCellBol = $CreoleTableCellsContainBlockLevelElements;
- my $tag = $2 ? 'th' : 'td';
- my $column_span = length($1);
- my $is_right_justified = $3;
- # Now that we've retrieved all numbered matches, match another lookahead.
- my $is_left_justified = m/\G(?=[^\n|]*?[ \t]+\|)/;
- my $attributes = $column_span == 1 ? '' : qq{colspan="$column_span"};
- if ($is_left_justified and
- $is_right_justified) { $attributes .= 'align="center"' }
- elsif ($is_right_justified) { $attributes .= 'align="right"' }
- elsif ($is_left_justified) { $attributes .= 'align="left"' }
- return
- (InElement('td') || InElement('th') ? CloseHtmlEnvironmentUntil('tr') : '')
- .AddHtmlEnvironment($tag, $attributes);
- }
- }
- # tables using | -- an ordinary table cell
- #
- # Please note that order is important, here; this should appear after all
- # markup dependent on being in a current table.
- #
- # Also, the "|" character also signifies the start of a new table cell. Thus,
- # we avoid consuming that character by matching it with a lookahead.
- elsif ($bol and m/\G(?=$CreoleTableCellPattern)/cg) {
- return OpenHtmlEnvironment('table', 1, 'user').AddHtmlEnvironment('tr');
- }
- return;
- }
- sub CreoleHeadingRule {
- # header opening: = to ====== for h1 to h6
- #
- # header opening and closing have been partitioned into two separate
- # conditional matches rather than congealed into one conditional match. Why?
- # Because, in so doing, we permit application of other markup rules,
- # elsewhere, to header text. This, in turn, permits insertion and
- # interpretation of complex markup in header text; e.g.,
- # == //This Is a **Level-2** Header %%Having Complex Markup%%.// ==
- if ($bol and m~\G(\s*\n)*(=+)[ \t]*~cg) {
- my $header_depth = length($2);
- ($CreoleHeaderHtmlTag, $CreoleHeaderHtmlTagAttr) = $header_depth <= 6
- ? ('h'.$header_depth, '')
- : ('h6', qq{class="h$header_depth"});
- return CloseHtmlEnvironments()
- . AddHtmlEnvironment($CreoleHeaderHtmlTag, $CreoleHeaderHtmlTagAttr);
- }
- # header closing: = to ======, newline, or EOF
- #
- # Note: partitioning this from the heading opening conditional, above,
- # typically causes Oddmuse to insert an extraneous space at the end of
- # header tags. This is non-dangerous, fortunately; and changes nothing.
- elsif ($CreoleHeaderHtmlTag and m~\G[ \t]*=*[ \t]*(\n|$)~cg) {
- my $header_html =
- CloseHtmlEnvironment($CreoleHeaderHtmlTag, '^'.$CreoleHeaderHtmlTagAttr.'$')
- .AddHtmlEnvironment('p');
- $CreoleHeaderHtmlTag = $CreoleHeaderHtmlTagAttr = '';
- return $header_html;
- }
- return;
- }
- sub CreoleListAndNewLineRule {
- my $is_in_list_item = InElement('li');
- # # numbered list
- # * bullet list (nestable; needs space when nested to disambiguate from bold)
- if (($bol and m/\G[ \t]*([#*])[ \t]*/cg) or
- ($is_in_list_item and m/\G[ \t]*\n+[ \t]*(#+)[ \t]*/cg) or
- ($is_in_list_item and m/\G[ \t]*\n+[ \t]*(\*+)[ \t]+/cg)) {
- # Note: the first line of this return statement is --not-- equivalent to:
- # "return CloseHtmlEnvironmentUntil('li')", as that line does not permit
- # modules overriding the CloseHtmlEnvironments() function to "have a say."
- return ($is_in_list_item ? CloseHtmlEnvironmentUntil('li') : CloseHtmlEnvironments())
- .OpenHtmlEnvironment(substr($1, 0, 1) eq '#' ? 'ol' : 'ul', length($1), '', 'ol|ul')
- .AddHtmlEnvironment('li');
- }
- # - bullet list (not nestable; always needs space)
- elsif ($CreoleDashStyleUnorderedLists and (
- ($bol and m/\G[ \t]*(-)[ \t]+/cg) or
- ($is_in_list_item and m/\G[ \t]*\n+[ \t]*(-)[ \t]+/cg))) {
- return ($is_in_list_item ? CloseHtmlEnvironmentUntil('li') : CloseHtmlEnvironments())
- .OpenHtmlEnvironment('ul', length($1))
- .AddHtmlEnvironment ('li');
- }
- # paragraphs: at least two newlines
- elsif (m/\G\s*\n(\s*\n)+/cg) {
- return CloseHtmlEnvironments().AddHtmlEnvironment('p');
- }
- # line break: one newline or explicit "\\"
- #
- # Note, single newlines not matched by this conditional will be converted into
- # a single space. (In general, this is what you want.)
- elsif (($CreoleLineBreaks and m/\G\s*\n/cg) or m/\G\\\\(\s*\n?)/cg) {
- return $q->br();
- }
- return;
- }
- # ....................{ HTML }....................
- =head2 GetCreoleImageHtml
- Returns the passed HTML image, conditionally wrapped within an HTML paragraph
- tag having an necessary image class when the passed HTML also represents such a
- new paragraph. Difficult to explain, isn't she?
- =cut
- sub GetCreoleImageHtml {
- my $image_html = shift;
- return
- ($bol ? CloseHtmlEnvironments().AddHtmlEnvironment('p', 'class="image"') : '')
- .$image_html;
- }
- =head2 GetCreoleLinkHtml
- Marks the passed HTML as a dirty block, unless this HTML belongs to an HTML
- header tag. Such tags may not contain dirty blocks! Most Oddmuse modules using
- header tags (e.g., "sidebar.pl", "toc.pl") require, as a caching efficiency,
- header text to be clean. This is a nearly necessary efficiency, since
- regeneration of markup for those modules is an often costly operation. (We
- certainly don't want to regenerate the Table of Contents for each page having at
- least one header having at least one dirty link whenever an external user browses
- to that page!)
- Thus, if in a header, this function cleans links out of the passed HTML and
- returns the resultant HTML (to the current clean block). Otherwise, this
- function appends the resultant HTML to a new dirty block, prints it, and returns
- it. (This does not print the resultant HTML when clean, since clean blocks are
- printed, automatically, by the next call to C<Dirty>.)
- This function, lastly, accepts three function parameters. These are:
- =over
- =item C<$markup>. (This is the Wiki markup string to be marked as dirty when it
- is not embedded in a Creole header.)
- =item C<$html>. (This is the HTML string to be marked as dirty when this HTML
- is not embedded in a Creole header.)
- =item C<$text>. (This is the text string to be marked as clean when this HTML
- is embedded within a Creole header.)
- =back
- Creole functions, above, should **not** call the C<Dirty> function directly.
- Rather, they should always call this function...with appropriate parameters.
- =cut
- sub GetCreoleLinkHtml {
- my ($markup, $html, $link_text) = @_;
- if ($CreoleHeaderHtmlTag) { return $link_text; }
- else {
- Dirty($markup);
- print $html;
- return '';
- }
- }
- # ....................{ FUNCTIONS }....................
- *RunMyRulesCreoleOld = \&RunMyRules;
- *RunMyRules = \&RunMyRulesCreole;
- =head2 RunMyRulesCreole
- Runs all markup rules for the current block of page markup. This redefinition
- ensures that the beginning of a table cell is considered the beginning of a
- block-level element -- that, in other words, the C<$bol> global be set to 1.
- If the C<$CreoleTableCellsContainBlockLevelElements> option is set to 0 (the
- default), then this function is, effectively, a no-op - and just calls the
- default C<RunMyRules> function.
- =cut
- sub RunMyRulesCreole {
- # See documentation for the "$CreoleIsTableCellBol" variable, above.
- my $creole_is_table_cell_bol_last = $CreoleIsTableCellBol;
- $bol = 1 if $CreoleIsTableCellBol;
- my $html = RunMyRulesCreoleOld(@_);
- $CreoleIsTableCellBol = '' if $creole_is_table_cell_bol_last;
- return $html;
- }
- =head2 CreoleRuleRecursive
- Calls C<CreoleRule> on the passed string, from within some existing call to
- C<CreoleRule>. This function ensures, among other safeties, that the
- C<CreoleRule> function is not recursed into more than once.
- =cut
- our $CreoleRuleRecursing; # must have a variable to localize below
- sub CreoleRuleRecursive {
- my $markup = shift;
- return $markup if $CreoleRuleRecursing; # avoid infinite loops
- local $CreoleRuleRecursing = 1; # use local for the mod_perl case
- local $bol = 0; # prevent block level element handling
- # Preserve global variables.
- my ($oldpos, $old_) = (pos, $_);
- my @oldHtmlStack = @HtmlStack;
- my @oldHtmlAttrStack = @HtmlAttrStack;
- # Reset global variables.
- $_ = $markup;
- @HtmlStack = @HtmlAttrStack = ();
- my ($html, $html_creole) = ('', '');
- # The contents of this loop are, in part, hacked from the guts of Oddmuse's
- # ApplyRules() function. We cannot simply call that function, as it "cleans"
- # the HTML converted from the text passed to it, rather than returns that
- # HTML.
- while (1) {
- if ($html_creole = CreoleRule(@_) or
- ($CreoleIsCreoleAddition and # try "creoleaddition.pl", too.
- $html_creole = CreoleAdditionRule(@_))) {
- $html .= $html_creole;
- }
- elsif (m/\G&([a-z]+|#[0-9]+|#x[a-fA-F0-9]+);/cg) { # entity references
- $html .= "&$1;";
- }
- elsif (m/\G\s+/cg) {
- $html .= ' ';
- }
- elsif ( m/\G([A-Za-z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}]+([ \t]+[a-z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}]+)*[ \t]+)/cg
- or m/\G([A-Za-z\x{0080}-\x{fffd}]+)/cg
- or m/\G(\S)/cg) {
- $html .= $1; # multiple words but do not match http://foo
- }
- else { last; }
- }
- # Restore global variables, in reverse order.
- @HtmlAttrStack = @oldHtmlAttrStack;
- @HtmlStack = @oldHtmlStack;
- ($_, pos) = ($old_, $oldpos);
- # Allow entrance into this function, again.
- $CreoleRuleRecursing = 0;
- return $html;
- }
- The information below applies to everything in this distribution,
- except where noted.
- Copyleft 2008 by Brian Curry <http://raiazome.com>.
- Copyright 2008 by Weakish Jiang <weakish@gmail.com>.
- Copyright 2006, 2007 by Alex Schroeder <alex@gnu.org>.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see L<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- =cut