2.6 KB


Build from source

git clone
cd p2
mvn package

Manual Install

cp target/p2-0.3.jar /opt
mkdir /etc/p2
cp p2.conf.example /etc/p2/config.json
mkdir /var/lib/p2
useradd -d /var/lib/p2 -r p2
chown -R p2:p2 /var/lib/p2
cp dist/p2.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable p2.service
systemctl start p2.service

There is currently no way to reload the configuration file at runtime but you can always restart the service with systemctl restart p2.service.


Since version 0.3 the Conversations Push Proxy requires a database (drivers for MariaDB are included by default but you can easily change pom.xml to include other drivers as well.)

The necessary tables will be created automatically on first use so you just have to create a database and a user. You can do this by starting mysql and typing:

create user 'p2'@'localhost' identified by 'secret';
grant all privileges on p2.* to 'p2'@'localhost';

Configuration of FCM, XMPP Server, and Conversations

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

Navigate to the Firebase Console, create a project, add cloud messaging to the project and create an Android app.

You will then need to copy three things from the console:

  1. the service account JSON file and reference it in p2.conf as fcm/serviceAccountFile.
  2. the sender-id and use it for push.xml as gcm_defaultSenderId.
  3. the app-id and use it for push.xml as google_app_id.

XMPP Server

You need to configue your xmpp-server to incorporate the push app server p2 as an external component. Example for ejabberd given below:

  ## ejabberd_service: Interact with external components (transports, ...)
    port: 5347
    module: ejabberd_service
    access: all
    shaper_rule: fast
    ip: ""
        password: "verysecure"

Building Conversations

Create a file src/conversationsPlaystore/res/values/push.xml with the following contents and execute ./gradlew assembleConversationsPlaystoreDebug

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <string name="app_server">p2.yourserver.tld</string>
  <string name="gcm_defaultSenderId" translatable="false">copyfromapiconsole</string>
  <string name="google_app_id">1:copyfromapiconsole:android:copyfromapiconsole</string>
  <string name="project_id" translatable="false">copyfromapiconsole</string>
  <string name="google_api_key" translatable="false">copyfromapiconsole</string>