12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243 |
- FROM alpine:3.20
- WORKDIR "/var/www/html"
- ADD "." "."
- # Docker metadata contains information about the maintainer, such as the name, repository, and support email
- # See more: https://docs.docker.com/config/labels-custom-metadata/
- LABEL name="LibreY" \
- description="Framework and javascript free privacy respecting meta search engine" \
- version="1.0" \
- vendor="Ahwx <ahwx.org>" \
- maintainer="Ahwx <ahwx.org>" \
- url="https://github.com/Ahwxorg/LibreY" \
- authors="https://github.com/Ahwxorg/LibreY/contributors"
- # Include arguments as temporary environment variables to be handled by Docker during the image build process
- # Change or add new arguments to customize the image generated by 'docker build' command
- # Set this argument during build time to indicate that the path is for php's www.conf
- ARG WWW_CONFIG="/etc/php83/php-fpm.d/www.conf"
- # Customize the environment during both execution and build time by modifying the environment variables added to the container's shell
- # When building your image, make sure to set the 'TZ' environment variable to your desired time zone location, for example 'America/Sao_Paulo'
- # See more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones#List
- ENV TZ="America/New_York"
- # Install required packages
- RUN apk add gettext php83 php83-fpm php83-dom php83-curl php83-json php83-pecl-apcu nginx --no-cache
- # Configure PHP-FPM to listen on a Unix socket instead of a TCP port, which is more secure and efficient
- RUN touch /run/php-fpm83.sock && chown nginx:nginx "/run/php-fpm83.sock"
- RUN sed -i 's/^\s*listen = = \/run\/php-fpm83.sock/' ${WWW_CONFIG} &&\
- sed -i 's/^\s*;\s*listen.owner = nobody/listen.owner = nginx/' ${WWW_CONFIG} &&\
- sed -i 's/^\s*;\s*listen.group = nobody/listen.group = nginx/' ${WWW_CONFIG} &&\
- sed -i 's/^\s*;\s*listen.mode = 0660/listen.mode = 0660/' ${WWW_CONFIG}
- # Configures the container to be run as an executable.
- ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "-c", "docker/entrypoint.sh"]