9.3 KB

  1. # GPL3 or any later version
  2. import os
  3. import json
  4. import time
  5. import gi
  6. import threading
  7. gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
  8. from gi.repository import Gtk
  9. from gi.repository import Gdk
  10. from gi.repository import GLib
  11. from modules import wallet
  12. from modules import items
  13. from modules import merchants
  14. from modules import ui
  15. from modules import totals
  16. def add(win):
  17. # This is a transaction adder
  18. the_wallet = win.wallet
  19. folder = wallet.save_folder()+"wallets/"+the_wallet+"/transactions/"
  20. try:
  21. os.makedirs(folder)
  22. except:
  23. pass
  24. name = str(int(time.time()))+".json"
  25. editor(win, name)
  26. def editor(win, name):
  27. # This is a transaction editor
  28. the_wallet = win.wallet
  29. folder = wallet.save_folder()+"wallets/"+the_wallet+"/transactions/"
  30. tfile = folder+name
  31. dialogWindow = Gtk.Dialog("Transaction",
  32. buttons=(Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
  33. Gtk.STOCK_OK, Gtk.ResponseType.OK),
  34. )
  35. dialogWindow.set_size_request(400, 400)
  36. box = dialogWindow.get_content_area()
  37. # Loading transaction data
  38. try:
  39. with open(tfile) as json_file:
  40. data = json.load(json_file)
  41. except:
  42. data = {}
  43. scrl = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
  44. scrl.set_vexpand(0)
  45. box.pack_start(scrl, 1,1,1)
  46. pack = Gtk.VBox()
  47. scrl.add(pack)
  48. refresh_editor(win, pack, data)
  49. box.show_all()
  50. response =
  51. if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
  52. data["total"] = 0
  53. for i in data.get("items", []):
  54. data["total"] = data["total"] + (i.get("amount",0)*i.get("price"))
  55. with open(tfile, "w") as fp:
  56. json.dump(data, fp, indent=4)
  57. update_transactions(win)
  58. totals.update_totals(win)
  59. dialogWindow.destroy()
  60. def refresh_editor(win, pack, data):
  61. for i in pack.get_children():
  62. i.destroy()
  63. totals = wallet.get_totals(win.wallet)
  64. currancy = totals.get("currancy", "$")
  65. if not data.get("merchant"):
  66. def do_add_merchant(w):
  67. merchant = merchants.select_dialogue(win,mode="transaction_add")
  68. data["merchant"] = merchant
  69. refresh_editor(win, pack, data)
  70. add_merchant = Gtk.Button()
  71. add_merchant.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE)
  72. add_box = Gtk.HBox()
  73. add_merchant.add(add_box)
  74. add_box.pack_start(ui.icon(win,"list-add"),0,0,0)
  75. add_box.pack_start(Gtk.Label("Add Merchant"),1,1,1)
  76. add_merchant.connect("clicked", do_add_merchant)
  77. pack.pack_start(add_merchant, 0,0,0)
  78. else:
  79. folder = wallet.save_folder()+"merchants/"
  80. mfile = folder+str(data.get("merchant"))
  81. with open(mfile) as json_file:
  82. mdata = json.load(json_file)
  83. merchant_box = Gtk.HBox()
  84. pack.pack_start(merchant_box, 0,1,1)
  85. save_as = mdata.get("image", "")
  86. if os.path.exists(save_as):
  87. image = ui.load(win, ui.net_image_calculation, ui.net_image_render, "", 100 , save_as, False)
  88. else:
  89. image = ui.icon(win, "go-home")
  90. merchant_box.pack_start(image, 0,0,0)
  91. mtext_box = Gtk.VBox()
  92. merchant_box.pack_start(mtext_box, 1,1,1)
  93. def on_delete(w):
  94. try:
  95. del data["merchant"]
  96. except:
  97. pass
  98. refresh_editor(win, pack, data)
  99. delete_button = Gtk.Button()
  100. delete_button.connect("clicked", on_delete)
  101. delete_button.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE)
  102. delete_button.add(ui.icon(win, "process-stop", size=Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR))
  103. delete_box = Gtk.HBox()
  104. delete_box.pack_end(delete_button, 0,0,0)
  105. mtext_box.pack_start(delete_box, 0,0,0)
  106. mtext_box.pack_start(Gtk.Label(str(mdata.get("name"))), 0,0,0)
  107. mtext_box.pack_start(Gtk.Label(str(mdata.get("address"))), 0,0,0)
  108. # Items
  109. flowbox = Gtk.FlowBox()
  110. flowbox.set_valign(Gtk.Align.START)
  111. flowbox.set_max_children_per_line(30)
  112. flowbox.set_selection_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.NONE)
  113. def do_add_item(w):
  114. item = items.select_dialogue(win, mode="transaction_add")
  115. if "items" not in data:
  116. data["items"] = []
  117. if type(item) == dict:
  118. data["items"].append(item)
  119. refresh_editor(win, pack, data)
  120. add_item = Gtk.Button()
  121. add_item.add(ui.icon(win,"list-add"))
  122. add_item.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE)
  123. flowbox.add(add_item)
  124. add_item.connect("clicked", do_add_item)
  125. folder = wallet.save_folder()+"items/"
  126. total = 0
  127. for n, i in enumerate(data.get("items", [])):
  128. try:
  129. with open(folder+i.get("item")+".json") as json_file:
  130. idata = json.load(json_file)
  131. except:
  132. idata = {}
  133. item_box = Gtk.VBox()
  134. flowbox.add(item_box)
  135. save_as = idata.get("image", "")
  136. if os.path.exists(save_as):
  137. image = ui.load(win, ui.net_image_calculation, ui.net_image_render, "", 100 , save_as, False)
  138. else:
  139. image = ui.icon(win, "package-x-generic")
  140. image_box = Gtk.HBox()
  141. image_box.pack_start(image, 1,1,1)
  142. def on_delete(w, n):
  143. try:
  144. del data["items"][n]
  145. except:
  146. pass
  147. refresh_editor(win, pack, data)
  148. delete_button = Gtk.Button()
  149. delete_button.connect("clicked", on_delete, n)
  150. delete_button.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE)
  151. delete_button.add(ui.icon(win, "process-stop", size=Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR))
  152. delete_box = Gtk.VBox()
  153. delete_box.pack_start(delete_button, 0,0,0)
  154. image_box.pack_end(delete_box, 0,0,0)
  155. item_box.pack_start(image_box, 0,0,0)
  156. item_box.pack_start(Gtk.Label(str(idata.get("name", ""))), 0,0,0)
  157. item_box.pack_start(Gtk.Label(str(i.get("amount", ""))+" x "+currancy+str(i.get("price", ""))), 0,0,0)
  158. total = total + (i.get("amount", 0) * i.get("price", 0))
  159. pack.pack_start(flowbox, 1,1,1)
  160. # Description
  161. def on_comment(w):
  162. tb = detext.get_buffer()
  163. data["comment"] = tb.get_text(tb.get_start_iter(), tb.get_end_iter(), True)
  164. descrl = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
  165. descrl.set_size_request(200,200)
  166. detext = Gtk.TextView()
  167. detext.get_buffer().connect("changed", on_comment)
  168. detext.set_wrap_mode(Gtk.WrapMode.WORD)
  169. detext.get_buffer().set_text(data.get("comment", ""))
  170. descrl.add(detext)
  171. pack.pack_end(descrl, 0,0,5)
  172. pack.pack_end(Gtk.Label("Comment:"), 0,0,5)
  173. # Flip
  174. def do_flip(w):
  175. for i in data.get("items", []):
  176. try:
  177. i["price"] = i["price"] * -1
  178. except:
  179. pass
  180. refresh_editor(win, pack, data)
  181. flip = Gtk.Button()
  182. flip.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE)
  183. flip_box = Gtk.HBox()
  184. flip_box.pack_start(ui.icon(win, "go-jump"), 0,0,0)
  185. flip_box.pack_start(Gtk.Label("Flip Transaction"), 1,1,5)
  186. flip.add(flip_box)
  187. flip.connect("clicked", do_flip)
  188. pack.pack_end(flip, 0,0,0)
  189. # TOTAL
  190. total_label = Gtk.Label()
  191. total_label.set_line_wrap_mode( Gtk.WrapMode.WORD )
  192. total_label.set_line_wrap(True)
  193. total_label.set_markup('<span size="x-large"> '+currancy+str(round(total, 2))+'</span> ')
  194. total_label.set_selectable(True)
  195. total_label.set_css_name("")
  196. pack.pack_end(total_label, 1,1,10)
  197. pack.show_all()
  198. def update_transactions(win):
  199. t = wallet.get_totals(win.wallet)
  200. box = win.transactions_box
  201. folder = wallet.save_folder()+"wallets/"+win.wallet+"/transactions/"
  202. for i in box.get_children():
  203. i.destroy()
  204. try:
  205. transactions = list(os.walk(folder))[0][2]
  206. transactions = sorted(transactions)
  207. transactions = reversed(transactions)
  208. except:
  209. transactions = []
  210. for i in transactions:
  211. with open(folder+i) as json_file:
  212. tdata = json.load(json_file)
  213. def on_tbutton(w, name):
  214. editor(win, name)
  215. tbutton = Gtk.Button()
  216. tbutton.set_tooltip_text(tdata.get("comment", ""))
  217. tbutton.connect("clicked", on_tbutton, i)
  218. tbutton.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE)
  219. tbox = Gtk.HBox()
  220. tbutton.add(tbox)
  221. tbox.pack_start(ui.icon(win,"task-past-due"), 0,0,0)
  222. try:
  223. tdate = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(i.replace(".json", ""))))
  224. except Exception as e:
  225. print( e )
  226. tdate = "[Date Unknown]"
  227. try:
  228. mfolder = wallet.save_folder()+"merchants/"
  229. mfile = mfolder+str(tdata.get("merchant"))
  230. with open(mfile) as json_file:
  231. mdata = json.load(json_file)
  232. merchant = mdata.get("name", "")+" "+mdata.get("address", "")
  233. except Exception as e:
  234. print( e )
  235. merchant = "[Private]"
  236. tbox.pack_start(Gtk.Label(tdate), 0,0,10)
  237. tbox.pack_start(Gtk.Label(merchant), 1,1,10)
  238. tbox.pack_end(Gtk.Label(t.get("currancy", "$")+" "+str(round(tdata.get("total", 0), 2))), 0,0,5)
  239. box.pack_start(tbutton, 0,0,0)
  240. box.show_all()