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FreeGILE ( Free Games Installer, Launcher, Explorer ) is an application for finding, installing and launching Free Software games. It built upon the LBRY protocol which means that we cannot control whether somebody uploads a proprietary game. The only thing we can do is to filter the results based on your settings. Proprietary games and games on "Ethical licenses" that are actually unethical, will be turned off by default. They are opt-in. We doing this partially since proprietary software tends to be malware.

The criteria for a rating of the games is:

Rating for the Freedom of the software:

Rating for the Freedom of the Assets in the game ( Game Art ):

User rating ( Fire and Slime ) like on And the User Support for the Software in LBC. combining them together we can find what games to recommend and what less to recommend

Progress Checklist ( Please don't hesitate to hack on it an contribute back )

  • Get images of 10 random Free Software games. And put them into a new folder inside the project.
  • Make it load the images as clickable items in the main window. Similar to how I make projects appear in the project manager.
  • When you click the image it should select it.
  • Make a bigger, banner thingy in the top of the list,
  • Add a shadow to the banner
  • Make it show the selected image.
  • Put the tiles in the middle of the screen
  • Add buttons (Install, Source Code, Support, Stars)
  • Update the banner ONLY after the scaling process has stopped
  • Add error.ogg sound effect when you get an error p.s. it's in themes


(C) FreeGILE developers and contributors 2021-

Under the GNU General Public License Version 3 ( see ) or any later version.

List of known contributors:

We are publishing the list of those contributors that do not mind being added to this list. Some may want to keep their identity private. We gonna respect this decision.

  • Blender Dumbass ( J.Y.Amihud )
  • Troler Jeans
  • Matt Madness
  • NodeSpaghetti

Based on

FreeGILE is a fork of VCStudio.

Contact information

You can follow this project here on or: