#36 [REQUEST] Comments need a Refresh, Reload, F5 button.

2 سال پیش باز شده توسط JuanPC2018 · 1 دیدگاه

when i make a comment on LBRY, FastLBRY-GTK detects the comment Ok, BUT... if i Edit the comment a few times, FastLBRY-GTK does Not detect the changes.

i have the Listen Switch (ON).

when i make a comment on LBRY, FastLBRY-GTK detects the comment Ok, BUT... if i Edit the comment a few times, FastLBRY-GTK does Not detect the changes. i have the Listen Switch (ON).

Yeah. It needs to re-read the edited comments. It's not a bug. It's just not implemented yet. But I agree it needs to be implemented.

Yeah. It needs to re-read the edited comments. It's not a bug. It's just not implemented yet. But I agree it needs to be implemented.
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