business-ideas.sxml 1.6 KB

  1. `((section
  2. (article (@ (class "basic-section-padding"))
  3. (p "I'm trying to start one or more free software
  4. businesses, but I have too many business ideas. So I figured that I
  5. would mention a few here. Someone should try to start some of these
  6. business ideas, because I can't do all of them." )))
  7. (section (@ (class "section-background"))
  8. (article (@ (class "basic-section-padding"))
  9. (h3 "Business ideas")
  10. (ul
  11. (li (p "An automated web app to assign copyright
  12. to GNU. It would be a pay what you want service."))
  13. (li (p "A GNU/Hurd web hosting service. I own "
  14. (a (@ (href ""))
  15. "")
  16. ", so please let me know, if you would like to help make this a reality."))
  17. (li (p "Sell GNU/Linux distribution specific
  18. laptops. Every GNU/Linux distribution should have a laptop available
  19. for purchase."))
  20. (li "An open source dating web app.  The entire
  21. app is open source, but it has some premium features, like a video
  22. introduction or a video date option.")
  23. (li (p "An Emacs starter kit. "
  24. (a (@ (href ""))
  25. " Doom Emacs")
  26. " is quite possible the coolest starter kit
  27. that I know of. They should be trying to sell this or at least make
  28. it pay what you want.")))
  29. ))
  30. (br) (br))