init-github.el 589 B

  1. (require 'init-git)
  2. ;;(require-package 'yagist)
  3. ;; this lets you browse the current file on github with your browser...
  4. ;; currently it is trying to open the file in firefox, but I use firefox it's not working.
  5. ;;(require-package 'github-browse-file)
  6. ;; I don't know what this is or how to use it
  7. ;;(require-package 'bug-reference-github)
  8. ;;(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'bug-reference-prog-mode)
  9. ;; clone a package on github
  10. ;;(maybe-require-package 'github-clone)
  11. ;;this lets you send a pull request on github
  12. ;;(maybe-require-package 'magit-gh-pulls)
  13. (provide 'init-github)