.bookmarks.el 5.4 KB

  1. ;;;; Emacs Bookmark Format Version 1 ;;;; -*- coding: utf-8-emacs -*-
  2. ;;; This format is meant to be slightly human-readable;
  3. ;;; nevertheless, you probably don't want to edit it.
  4. ;;; -*- End Of Bookmark File Format Version Stamp -*-
  5. (("generate-income.org"
  6. (filename . "~/prog/org/projects/generate-income/generate-income.org")
  7. (front-context-string . "** PROJECT sell ")
  8. (rear-context-string . " Business\n:END:\n")
  9. (position . 8158))
  10. ("SICP Homework"
  11. (front-context-string . " *Exercise 1")
  12. (rear-context-string . "ative process.\n\n")
  13. (position . 129549)
  14. (filename . "/home/joshua/.guix-profile/share/info/sicp")
  15. (info-node . "1.2.2")
  16. (handler . Info-bookmark-jump))
  17. ("org-mode fontification error."
  18. (filename . "~/prog/org/projects/become-an-awesome-hacker.org")
  19. (front-context-string . "#+BEGIN_SRC c\n ")
  20. (rear-context-string . "d you type this\n")
  21. (position . 118666))
  22. ("org-capture-last-stored"
  23. (filename . "~/prog/org/projects/become-an-awesome-hacker.org")
  24. (front-context-string . "**** helm-mode i")
  25. (rear-context-string . "e849737][helm]]\n")
  26. (position . 98413))
  27. ("azuma-child wordpress functions.php"
  28. (filename .
  29. #("/ssh:joshua@rahl|sudo:root@rahl:/var/lib/wordpress/wp-content/themes/azuma-child/functions.php" 1 17
  30. (helm-ff-file t)
  31. 17 21
  32. (helm-ff-file t)
  33. 22 26
  34. (helm-ff-file t)
  35. 27 31
  36. (helm-ff-file t)))
  37. (front-context-string . "<?php\nfunction m")
  38. (rear-context-string)
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  40. ("/var/log/messages"
  41. (filename .
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  43. (helm-ff-file t)
  44. 6 10
  45. (helm-ff-file t)
  46. 11 16
  47. (helm-ff-file t)))
  48. (front-context-string)
  49. (rear-context-string . "(?))) # ?) ?). \n")
  50. (position . 156458))
  51. ("myift.com wordpress functions.php twentyseventeen-child"
  52. (filename .
  53. #("/ssh:joshua@rahl|sudo:root@rahl:/var/lib/wordpress/wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen-child/functions.php" 1 17
  54. (helm-ff-file t)
  55. 17 21
  56. (helm-ff-file t)
  57. 22 26
  58. (helm-ff-file t)
  59. 27 31
  60. (helm-ff-file t)))
  61. (front-context-string)
  62. (rear-context-string . "style.css' );\n\n}")
  63. (position . 194))
  64. ("wordpress linode README.debian.gz"
  65. (filename .
  66. #("/ssh:joshua@rahl|sudo:root@rahl:/usr/share/doc/wordpress/README.Debian.gz" 1 17
  67. (helm-ff-file t)
  68. 17 21
  69. (helm-ff-file t)
  70. 22 26
  71. (helm-ff-file t)
  72. 27 31
  73. (helm-ff-file t)))
  74. (front-context-string . "#### Quick setup")
  75. (rear-context-string)
  76. (position . 1))
  77. ("linode myift wordpress default config"
  78. (filename .
  79. #("/ssh:joshua@rahl|sudo:root@rahl:/etc/wordpress/config-default.php" 1 17
  80. (helm-ff-file t)
  81. 17 21
  82. (helm-ff-file t)
  83. 22 26
  84. (helm-ff-file t)
  85. 27 31
  86. (helm-ff-file t)))
  87. (front-context-string . "\ndefine('DB_NAME")
  88. (rear-context-string . "ll...Apparently.")
  89. (position . 98))
  90. ("gnucode.me index.html"
  91. (filename .
  92. #("/ssh:joshua@rahl|sudo:root@rahl:/var/www/html/gnucode.me/public_html/index.html" 1 17
  93. (helm-ff-file t)
  94. 17 21
  95. (helm-ff-file t)
  96. 22 26
  97. (helm-ff-file t)
  98. 27 31
  99. (helm-ff-file t)))
  100. (front-context-string . "m.html\" type=\"bu")
  101. (rear-context-string . "imary\" href=\"for")
  102. (position . 1651))
  103. ("gnucode.me nginx config"
  104. (filename .
  105. #("/ssh:joshua@rahl|sudo:root@rahl:/etc/nginx/sites-available/gnucode.me" 1 17
  106. (helm-ff-file t)
  107. 17 21
  108. (helm-ff-file t)
  109. 22 26
  110. (helm-ff-file t)
  111. 27 31
  112. (helm-ff-file t)))
  113. (front-context-string . "gnucode.me www.g")
  114. (rear-context-string . " server_name ")
  115. (position . 406))
  116. ("myift.com nginx config"
  117. (filename .
  118. #("/ssh:joshua@rahl|sudo:root@rahl:/etc/nginx/sites-available/myift.com" 1 17
  119. (helm-ff-file t)
  120. 17 21
  121. (helm-ff-file t)
  122. 22 26
  123. (helm-ff-file t)
  124. 27 31
  125. (helm-ff-file t)))
  126. (front-context-string . "e myift.com www.")
  127. (rear-context-string . ";\n server_nam")
  128. (position . 41))
  129. ("gnu-hurd.com nginx config"
  130. (filename .
  131. #("/ssh:joshua@rahl|sudo:root@rahl:/etc/nginx/sites-available/gnu-hurd.com" 1 17
  132. (helm-ff-file t)
  133. 17 21
  134. (helm-ff-file t)
  135. 22 26
  136. (helm-ff-file t)
  137. 27 31
  138. (helm-ff-file t)))
  139. (front-context-string . "server {\n lis")
  140. (rear-context-string)
  141. (position . 1))
  142. ("linode myift.com"
  143. (filename .
  144. #("/ssh:joshua@rahl|sudo:root@rahl:/var/www/html/myift.com/public_html/index.html" 1 17
  145. (helm-ff-file t)
  146. 17 21
  147. (helm-ff-file t)
  148. 22 26
  149. (helm-ff-file t)
  150. 27 31
  151. (helm-ff-file t)))
  152. (front-context-string)
  153. (rear-context-string)
  154. (position . 1))
  155. ("linode gnucode.me"
  156. (filename .
  157. #("/ssh:joshua@rahl|sudo:root@rahl:/var/www/html/gnucode.me/public_html/index.html" 1 17
  158. (helm-ff-file t)
  159. 17 21
  160. (helm-ff-file t)
  161. 22 26
  162. (helm-ff-file t)
  163. 27 31
  164. (helm-ff-file t)))
  165. (front-context-string . "<!DOCTYPE html>\n")
  166. (rear-context-string)
  167. (position . 1))
  168. )