hey hyperbola people! I just installed openBSD! I'm glad that you guys are working on another alternate kernel! [16:44] (from Emulatorman) jab: thank you for supporting Hyperbola! :) [16:46] Emulatorman: how can I support you guys? I have a background in simple front end web dev. Can I help you spot which bits of source code need re-written? [16:48] I can a basic basic basic C program, but I'm not a great C developer. though I was fairly proud when I wrote a real basic cipher [16:49] https://notabug.org/jbranso/programming/src/master/c/caesar.c (from Emulatorman) jab: yes, it could be good if you will begin help us write code in the kernel. Currently, we are planning to complete the v0.4 version to get a stable version while our HyperbolaBSD still under development. That version will be useful since we are removing all Linux framework and it will work as house in the middle for HyperbolaBSD [16:53] Emulatorman: I'm a guix system user. Have you guys considered bring Nix-ish stuff to hyperbolaBSD? Maybe that's too crazy. [16:54] (from Emulatorman) jab: it is our current TODO for v0.4 -> https://git.hyperbola.info:50100/~team/documentation/todo.git/about/packages.md https://git.hyperbola.info:50100/~team/documentation/todo.git/about/packages_not-included.md Emulatorman: I'm terrified that you just asked me to write C code. hahaaha! but I'd be happy to give it a try. Emulatorman: hyperbolaBSD is going to be a BSD kernel and a BSD userland, but relicensed to the GPL correct? [16:55] (from Emulatorman) jab: the best idea now, is trying to read the non-GPL compatible code from the OpenBSD 6.6 kernel and get the pseudo-code to write our compatible one. Could you do it? [16:56] (from Emulatorman) jab: i suggest create them from the MIT's Scratch app Emulatorman: that's a tall order...I'll be honest with you, I'm probably not the guy that's gonna be able to help out. :( [16:57] (from Emulatorman) we need create pseudo-code from those code files, then develop our expression of idea from there I will at least take a look. I can't hurt to look, but long term, I'm interested more in helping GNU Guix System. :) (from Emulatorman) jab: ok, anyway, you could help us in the packaging for v0.4. It is just shell scripting (from Emulatorman) ok jab :) (from Emulatorman) thank you anyway for supporting us [16:58] what does it mean to packaging for v0.4 ? Also, may I ask...are you guys the first to re-license the BSD and corresponding userland to the GPL? also, how much code do you suppose that you all will have to write? [16:59] also where are your guys mailing lists? I'm not certain how I can subscribe. also, you guys may be interested in using libseat: https://git.sr.ht/~kennylevinsen/seatd [17:00] It's an alternative to elogind (from rachad) thanks jab for your suggestions we will take a look at it [17:14] you're welcome! [17:15] (from rachad) well Packaging means making PKG-Builds for softwares to be add to hyperbola [17:16] (from rachad) idk if we are the first ones or not to re-license the BSD kernel and userland [17:17] (from rachad) not much code just a few years of writing :p [17:18] (from rachad) jab here is an example of PKG-Builds scripts [17:20] (from rachad) https://git.hyperbola.info:50100/~team/packages/extra.git/tree/ (from rachad) here is the maillists https://lists.hyperbola.info:50200//mailman/listinfo/ [17:21] so when I try to go to your mailing lists firefox tells me "Did not connect" potential security issue. [17:36] (from rachad) it needs to be fixed than i get the same thing here [17:49] (from rachad) jab can you report that in here https://issues.hyperbola.info/ [17:50] (from rachad) Emulatorman: i will be pushing wireguard-tools to the repo later and wait for throgh to find out the best way forward for i3status [17:52] rachad I will report it... [18:03] (from rachad) okay thanks jab :) [18:04] rachad: ok I can't figure out how to report it... [18:08] I'm logged in... C-shift-A is not letting me add a new task. (from rachad) try manualy by clicking in the right places [18:09] (from rachad) jab ^ [18:10] rachad where should I click? [18:11] (from rachad) jab click on overview [18:12] (from rachad) than services (from rachad) after you scroll down (from rachad) you should now see add new task up there [18:13] (from rachad) jab ^ rachad: I do not see a add new task button. :( [18:14] searching for "task" only shows "task type", "tasklist", "export tasklist", [18:15] (from rachad) it should be on the same ligne of overview now ! (from rachad) are you in here https://issues.hyperbola.info/index.php?project=5 [18:16] just visted that site. I'm happy to show you a picture. I do not see the add new task button. Maybe because I just registered. (from rachad) oh yeah maybe cause you just registred right :) [18:17] (from rachad) thanks for trying jab ;) anytime! (from rachad) i will add it my self now [18:18] ERC>
These are all of the files in openBSD that may need to be thrown out. https://notabug.org/LibertyBSD/libertybsd-scripts/issues/41
List of things that I can package for hyperbola GNU/Linux https://git.hyperbola.info:50100/~team/documentation/todo.git/about/packages.md
List of things that I will NOT package for hyperbola GNU/Linux https://git.hyperbola.info:50100/~team/documentation/todo.git/about/packages_not-included.md
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