9.9 KB

  1. #coding=utf-8
  2. #!/usr/bin/python
  3. import sys
  4. import json
  5. import time
  6. from datetime import datetime
  7. from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
  8. sys.path.append('..')
  9. from base.spider import Spider
  10. class Spider(Spider): # 元类 默认的元类 type
  11. def getName(self):
  12. return "B站视频"
  13. def init(self, extend):
  14. try:
  15. self.extendDict = json.loads(extend)
  16. except:
  17. self.extendDict = {}
  18. def isVideoFormat(self, url):
  19. pass
  20. def manualVideoCheck(self):
  21. pass
  22. def homeContent(self, filter):
  23. result = {}
  24. result['filters'] = {}
  25. cookie = ''
  26. if 'cookie' in self.extendDict:
  27. cookie = self.extendDict['cookie']
  28. if 'json' in self.extendDict:
  29. r = self.fetch(self.extendDict['json'], timeout=10)
  30. if 'cookie' in r.json():
  31. cookie = r.json()['cookie']
  32. if cookie == '':
  33. cookie = '{}'
  34. elif type(cookie) == str and cookie.startswith('http'):
  35. cookie = self.fetch(cookie, timeout=10).text.strip()
  36. try:
  37. if type(cookie) == dict:
  38. cookie = json.dumps(cookie, ensure_ascii=False)
  39. except:
  40. pass
  41. _, _, _ = self.getCookie(cookie)
  42. bblogin = self.getCache('bblogin')
  43. if bblogin:
  44. result['class'] = [{"type_name": "动态", "type_id": "动态"}, {"type_name": "收藏夹", "type_id": "收藏夹"}, {"type_name": "历史记录", "type_id": "历史记录"}]
  45. else:
  46. result['class'] = []
  47. if 'json' in self.extendDict:
  48. r = self.fetch(self.extendDict['json'], timeout=10)
  49. params = r.json()
  50. if 'classes' in params:
  51. result['class'] = result['class'] + params['classes']
  52. if filter:
  53. if 'filter' in params:
  54. result['filters'] = params['filter']
  55. elif 'categories' in self.extendDict or 'type' in self.extendDict:
  56. if 'categories' in self.extendDict:
  57. cateList = self.extendDict['categories'].split('#')
  58. else:
  59. cateList = self.extendDict['type'].split('#')
  60. for cate in cateList:
  61. result['class'].append({'type_name': cate, 'type_id': cate})
  62. if not 'class' in result:
  63. result['class'] = {"type_name": "沙雕动漫", "type_id": "沙雕动漫"}
  64. return result
  65. def homeVideoContent(self):
  66. result = {}
  67. cookie = ''
  68. if 'cookie' in self.extendDict:
  69. cookie = self.extendDict['cookie']
  70. if 'json' in self.extendDict:
  71. r = self.fetch(self.extendDict['json'], timeout=10)
  72. if 'cookie' in r.json():
  73. cookie = r.json()['cookie']
  74. if cookie == '':
  75. cookie = '{}'
  76. elif type(cookie) == str and cookie.startswith('http'):
  77. cookie = self.fetch(cookie, timeout=10).text.strip()
  78. try:
  79. if type(cookie) == dict:
  80. cookie = json.dumps(cookie, ensure_ascii=False)
  81. except:
  82. pass
  83. cookie, imgKey, subKey = self.getCookie(cookie)
  84. url = ''
  85. r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5)
  86. data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text))
  87. try:
  88. vodList = data['data']['item']
  89. for vod in vodList:
  90. aid = str(vod['id']).strip()
  91. title = self.removeHtmlTags(vod['title']).strip()
  92. img = vod['pic'].strip()
  93. remark = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(vod['duration']))
  94. if remark.startswith('00:'):
  95. remark = remark[3:]
  96. if remark == '00:00':
  97. continue
  98. result['list'].append({
  99. 'vod_id': aid,
  100. 'vod_name': title,
  101. 'vod_pic': img,
  102. 'vod_remarks': remark
  103. })
  104. except:
  105. pass
  106. return result
  107. def categoryContent(self, cid, page, filter, ext):
  108. page = int(page)
  109. result = {}
  110. videos = []
  111. cookie = ''
  112. pagecount = page
  113. if 'cookie' in self.extendDict:
  114. cookie = self.extendDict['cookie']
  115. if 'json' in self.extendDict:
  116. r = self.fetch(self.extendDict['json'], timeout=10)
  117. if 'cookie' in r.json():
  118. cookie = r.json()['cookie']
  119. if cookie == '':
  120. cookie = '{}'
  121. elif type(cookie) == str and cookie.startswith('http'):
  122. cookie = self.fetch(cookie, timeout=10).text.strip()
  123. try:
  124. if type(cookie) == dict:
  125. cookie = json.dumps(cookie, ensure_ascii=False)
  126. except:
  127. pass
  128. cookie, imgKey, subKey = self.getCookie(cookie)
  129. if cid == '动态':
  130. if page > 1:
  131. offset = self.getCache('offset')
  132. if not offset:
  133. offset = ''
  134. url = f'{offset}&page={page}'
  135. else:
  136. url = f'{page}'
  137. r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5)
  138. data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text))
  139. self.setCache('offset', data['data']['offset'])
  140. vodList = data['data']['items']
  141. if data['data']['has_more']:
  142. pagecount = page + 1
  143. for vod in vodList:
  144. if vod['type'] != 'DYNAMIC_TYPE_AV':
  145. continue
  146. vid = str(vod['modules']['module_dynamic']['major']['archive']['aid']).strip()
  147. remark = vod['modules']['module_dynamic']['major']['archive']['duration_text'].strip()
  148. title = self.removeHtmlTags(vod['modules']['module_dynamic']['major']['archive']['title']).strip()
  149. img = vod['modules']['module_dynamic']['major']['archive']['cover']
  150. videos.append({
  151. "vod_id": vid,
  152. "vod_name": title,
  153. "vod_pic": img,
  154. "vod_remarks": remark
  155. })
  156. elif cid == "收藏夹":
  157. userid = self.getUserid(cookie)
  158. if userid is None:
  159. return {}, 1
  160. url = f'{userid}&jsonp=jsonp'
  161. r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5)
  162. data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text))
  163. vodList = data['data']['list']
  164. pagecount = page
  165. for vod in vodList:
  166. vid = vod['id']
  167. title = vod['title'].strip()
  168. remark = vod['media_count']
  169. img = ''
  170. videos.append({
  171. "vod_id": f'fav&&&{vid}',
  172. "vod_name": title,
  173. "vod_pic": img,
  174. "vod_tag": 'folder',
  175. "vod_remarks": remark
  176. })
  177. elif cid.startswith('fav&&&'):
  178. cid = cid[6:]
  179. url = f'{cid}&pn={page}&ps=20&platform=web&type=0'
  180. r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5)
  181. data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text))
  182. if data['data']['has_more']:
  183. pagecount = page + 1
  184. else:
  185. pagecount = page
  186. vodList = data['data']['medias']
  187. for vod in vodList:
  188. vid = str(vod['id']).strip()
  189. title = self.removeHtmlTags(vod['title']).replace(""", '"')
  190. img = vod['cover'].strip()
  191. remark = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(vod['duration']))
  192. if remark.startswith('00:'):
  193. remark = remark[3:]
  194. videos.append({
  195. "vod_id": vid,
  196. "vod_name": title,
  197. "vod_pic": img,
  198. "vod_remarks": remark
  199. })
  200. elif cid.startswith('UP主&&&'):
  201. cid = cid[6:]
  202. params = {'mid': cid, 'ps': 30, 'pn': page}
  203. # params = WBI().encWbi(params, imgKey, subKey)
  204. url = ''
  205. for key in params:
  206. url += f'&{key}={quote(params[key])}'
  207. r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5)
  208. data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text))
  209. if page < data['data']['page']['count']:
  210. pagecount = page + 1
  211. else:
  212. pagecount = page
  213. if page == 1:
  214. bizId = self.regStr(reg='play/(.*?)\?', src=data['data']['episodic_button']['uri'])
  215. videos = [{"vod_id": f'UP主&&&{bizId}', "vod_name": '播放列表'}]
  216. vodList = data['data']['list']['vlist']
  217. for vod in vodList:
  218. vid = str(vod['aid']).strip()
  219. title = self.removeHtmlTags(vod['title']).replace("&quot;", '"')
  220. img = vod['pic'].strip()
  221. remarkinfos = vod['length'].split(':')
  222. minutes = int(remarkinfos[0])
  223. if minutes >= 60:
  224. hours = str(minutes // 60)
  225. minutes = str(minutes % 60)
  226. if len(hours) == 1:
  227. hours = '0' + hours
  228. if len(minutes) == 1:
  229. minutes = '0' + minutes
  230. remark = hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + remarkinfos[1]
  231. else:
  232. remark = vod['length']
  233. videos.append({
  234. "vod_id": vid,
  235. "vod_name": title,
  236. "vod_pic": img,
  237. "vod_remarks": remark
  238. })
  239. elif cid == '历史记录':
  240. url = f'{page}'
  241. r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5)
  242. data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text))
  243. if len(data['data']) == 300:
  244. pagecount = page + 1
  245. else:
  246. pagecount = page
  247. vodList = data['data']
  248. for vod in vodList:
  249. if vod['duration'] <= 0:
  250. continue
  251. vid = str(vod["aid"]).strip()
  252. img = vod["pic"].strip()
  253. title = self.removeHtmlTags(vod["title"]).replace("&quot;", '"')
  254. if vod['progress'] != -1:
  255. process = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(vod['progress']))
  256. totalTime = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(vod['duration']))
  257. if process.startswith('00:'):
  258. process = process[3:]
  259. if totalTime.startswith('00:'):
  260. totalTime = totalTime[3:]
  261. remark = process + '|' + totalTime
  262. videos.append({
  263. "vod_id": vid,
  264. "vod_name": title,
  265. "vod_pic": img,
  266. "vod_remarks": remark
  267. })
  268. else:
  269. url = '{}&page={}'
  270. for key in ext:
  271. if key == 'tid':
  272. cid = ext[key]
  273. continue
  274. url += f'&{key}={ext[key]}'
  275. url = url.format(cid, page)
  276. r = self.fetch(url, cookies=cookie, headers=self.header, timeout=5)
  277. data = json.loads(self.cleanText(r.text))
  278. pagecount = data['data']['numPages']
  279. vodList = data['data']['result']
  280. for vod in vodList:
  281. if vod['type'] != 'video':
  282. continue
  283. vid = str(vod['aid']).strip()
  284. title = self.removeHtmlTags(self.cleanText(vod['title']))
  285. img = 'https:' + vod['pic'].strip()
  286. remarkinfo = vod['duration'].split(':')
  287. minutes = int(remarkinfo[0])
  288. seconds = remarkinfo[1]
  289. if len(seconds) == 1:
  290. seconds = '0' + seconds
  291. if minutes >= 60:
  292. hour = str(minutes // 60)
  293. minutes = str(minutes % 60)
  294. if len(hour) == 1:
  295. hour = '0' + hour
  296. if len(minutes) == 1:
  297. minutes = '0' + minutes
  298. remark = f'{hour}:{m