123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230 |
- /*
- * @File : alipansou.js
- * @Author : jade
- * @Date : 2024/1/18 13:20
- * @Email : jadehh@1ive.com
- * @Software : Samples
- * @Desc : 猫狸盘搜
- */
- import {_, load} from "../lib/cat.js";
- import {Spider} from "./spider.js";
- import {detailContent, initAli, playContent} from "../lib/ali.js";
- import {VodDetail, VodShort} from "../lib/vod.js";
- import * as Utils from "../lib/utils.js";
- class GitCafeSpider extends Spider {
- constructor() {
- super();
- this.siteUrl = "https://www.alipansou.com"
- }
- getSearchHeader(id) {
- let headers = this.getHeader()
- headers["Referer"] = id
- headers["Postman-Token"] = "5f1bb291-ce30-44c7-8885-6db1f3a50785"
- headers["Host"] = "www.alipansou.com"
- return headers
- }
- getName() {
- return "😸┃阿里猫狸┃😸"
- }
- getAppName() {
- return "阿里猫狸"
- }
- getJSName() {
- return "alipansou"
- }
- getType() {
- return 3
- }
- getHeader() {
- return {
- "User-Agent":Utils.CHROME,
- "Connection": "keep-alive",
- "Cookie":"_ga=GA1.1.1506025676.1708225506;FCNEC=%5B%5B%22AKsRol9sCpH4JteOAAMprJLQxCHddrtkOFinxqt1cs8x3fKzbBZ5Ll76VvjATz1Ejf6NoayGSONFl2gfn6PbVAG97MlHjhp6cY5NFLQtLIUy0TuzI1_ThHnANe8fW03fHdU2-cx5yM3MftaHt4awEGBWhgtE9H_P5w%3D%3D%22%5D%5D;_cc_id=cc82bd83ea8936df45fe63c887a6f221;mysession=MTcwOTYyMjMxMHxEdi1CQkFFQ180SUFBUkFCRUFBQU1fLUNBQUVHYzNSeWFXNW5EQXdBQ25ObFlYSmphRjlyWlhrR2MzUnlhVzVuREJFQUQtV1JxT1draE9tWnBPUzRpZVd1c3c9PXyjHmLCdFvUlsW_gilBojjCq1ak-ffOud6aZKm3kxzJ4w==;Hm_lvt_02f69e0ba673e328ef49b5fb98dd4601=1708225506,1709622301,1710414091;_bid=28d3966abb8cf873ea912b715552f587;cf_clearance=6LuYs83fWIZlcwwzZkgRyYyFrP6Hndxe_CgByMe.pMs-1710414092-;cto_bundle=-WbYyl9VWGZjQkhzZ0gyQjE4VXNlcTJnYTNaV3dMaTdVV0xST3p5RkVnUTNxVWpxYVElMkZtNnVsaWtQSzdQU3JJY0slMkYxc3R5SXdyQlRzbkp1clVNZk84OElTR2MlMkJPeGx0bGtsUHk2VzhGdk1yYyUyRnB5eUNNblhKbWpzcjY1SVI1ODlWRGZXemgzUU51bGF5UWxFNVljcUZpd252bnVZZ1R1d0VXRmJ3S1FXQ1RCMXhVNCUzRA;Hm_lpvt_02f69e0ba673e328ef49b5fb98dd4601=1710416656;_ga_NYNC791BP2=GS1.1.1710414091.2.1.1710416656.0.0.0;_ga_0B2NFC7Z09=GS1.1.1710414091.2.1.1710416656.60.0.0;_egg=16a87a4666714be885e814217b225d50e"}
- }
- async getContentHtml() {
- let html = await this.fetch(this.siteUrl, null, this.getHeader())
- if (!_.isEmpty(html)) {
- return load(html)
- }
- }
- async spiderInit() {
- this.content_html = await this.getContentHtml()
- }
- async init(cfg) {
- await this.spiderInit()
- await super.init(cfg);
- await initAli(this.cfgObj["token"]);
- }
- async parseClassFromDoc($) {
- let tap_elemets = $($("[id=\"app\"]")[0]).find("van-tab")
- let index = 0
- for (const tap_element of tap_elemets) {
- let type_name = tap_element.attribs["title"]
- if (type_name.indexOf("热搜") === -1 && type_name !== "游戏" && type_name !== "小说") {
- this.classes.push({"type_name": type_name, "type_id": index})
- }
- index = index + 1
- }
- }
- async parseVodShortListFromDoc(doc) {
- let vod_list = []
- let elements = this.content_html(doc).find("a")
- for (const element of elements) {
- let vodShort = new VodShort()
- vodShort.vod_id = element.attribs["href"]
- vodShort.vod_name = this.content_html(element).text().split(".").slice(-1)[0]
- vod_list.push(vodShort)
- }
- return vod_list
- }
- async getAliUrl(id) {
- let url = this.siteUrl + id.replace("/s/", "/cv/")
- let headers = this.getSearchHeader(url)
- let content = await req(url,{postType:"get",headers:headers,redirect:2})
- await this.jadeLog.debug(`回复内容为:${JSON.stringify(content)}`)
- // let url = await this.fetch(this.siteUrl + id.replace("/s/", "/cv/"), null, headers, true)
- return content.headers.location
- }
- async parseVodDetailfromJson(obj) {
- let vodDetail = new VodDetail();
- vodDetail.vod_name = obj["name"]
- vodDetail.vod_remarks = obj["remarks"]
- let ali_url = await this.getAliUrl(obj["id"])
- await this.jadeLog.debug(`阿里分享链接为:${ali_url}`)
- if (!_.isEmpty(ali_url)) {
- let aliVodDetail = await detailContent([ali_url])
- vodDetail.vod_play_url = aliVodDetail.vod_play_url
- vodDetail.vod_play_from = aliVodDetail.vod_play_from
- }
- return vodDetail
- }
- async parseVodShortListFromDocBySearch($) {
- let elements = $($($("[id=\"app\"]")[0]).find("van-row")).find("a")
- let vod_list = []
- for (const element of elements) {
- let id = element.attribs["href"]
- let matches = id.match(/(\/s\/[^"])/);
- if (!_.isEmpty(matches) && id.indexOf("https") === -1) {
- let text = $(element).text().replaceAll("\n", "").replaceAll(" ", "")
- if (text.indexOf("时间") > -1 && text.indexOf("文件夹") > -1) {
- let textList = text.split("时间")
- let vodShort = new VodShort()
- vodShort.vod_name = textList[0]
- vodShort.vod_remarks = textList[1].split("格式")[0].replaceAll(":", "").replaceAll(" ", "").replaceAll("", "").replaceAll(" ", "")
- vodShort.vod_id = JSON.stringify({
- "name": vodShort.vod_name, "remarks": vodShort.vod_remarks, "id": id
- })
- vod_list.push(vodShort)
- }
- }
- }
- return vod_list
- }
- async setClasses() {
- await this.parseClassFromDoc(this.content_html)
- }
- async setHomeVod() {
- let tap_elemets = this.content_html(this.content_html("[id=\"app\"]")[0]).find("van-tab")
- this.homeVodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDoc(tap_elemets[0])
- }
- async setDetail(id) {
- if (id.indexOf("search") > -1) {
- let url = this.siteUrl + "/search"
- let params = {"k":decodeURIComponent(id.split("search?k=").slice(-1)[0]) }
- let html = await this.fetch(url, params, this.getHeader())
- if (!_.isEmpty(html)) {
- let $ = load(html)
- let vod_list = await this.parseVodShortListFromDocBySearch($)
- if (vod_list.length > 0) {
- id = vod_list[0]["vod_id"]
- } else {
- id = ""
- }
- }
- }
- if (!_.isEmpty(id)) {
- let json_content = JSON.parse(id)
- this.vodDetail = await this.parseVodDetailfromJson(json_content)
- }
- }
- async setCategory(tid, pg, filter, extend) {
- let tap_elemets = this.content_html(this.content_html("[id=\"app\"]")[0]).find("van-tab")
- this.vodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDoc(tap_elemets[parseInt(tid)])
- }
- async setSearch(wd, quick) {
- let url = this.siteUrl + "/search"
- let params = {"k": wd}
- let html = await this.fetch(url, params, this.getHeader())
- if (!_.isEmpty(html)) {
- let $ = load(html)
- this.vodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDocBySearch($)
- }
- }
- async setPlay(flag, id, flags) {
- let playObjStr = await playContent(flag, id, flags);
- this.playUrl = JSON.parse(playObjStr)["url"]
- }
- }
- let spider = new GitCafeSpider()
- async function init(cfg) {
- await spider.init(cfg)
- }
- async function home(filter) {
- return await spider.home(filter)
- }
- async function homeVod() {
- return await spider.homeVod()
- }
- async function category(tid, pg, filter, extend) {
- return await spider.category(tid, pg, filter, extend)
- }
- async function detail(id) {
- return await spider.detail(id)
- }
- async function play(flag, id, flags) {
- return await spider.play(flag, id, flags)
- }
- async function search(wd, quick) {
- return await spider.search(wd, quick)
- }
- export function __jsEvalReturn() {
- return {
- init: init, home: home, homeVod: homeVod, category: category, detail: detail, play: play, search: search,
- };
- }
- export {spider}