123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132 |
- open Base
- type ('a, 'l) tree =
- | Arm of 'a * ('a, 'l) tree list
- | Leaf of 'l
- type ('a, 'l) t = ('a, 'l) tree
- module type SHOW_EQ = sig
- type t
- val to_string : t -> string
- val equal : t -> t -> bool
- end
- module Make_show_eq(A: SHOW_EQ)(L: SHOW_EQ) = struct
- let rec to_string = function
- | Arm(a, ts) ->
- Printf.sprintf "%s[%s]"
- (A.to_string a)
- (String.concat ~sep:"; "
- (List.map ts ~f:to_string))
- | Leaf(l) ->
- L.to_string l
- let rec equal a b = match a, b with
- | Arm(a1, [t1]), Arm(a2, [t2]) -> A.equal a1 a2 && equal t1 t2
- | Arm(a1, ts1), Arm(a2, ts2) -> A.equal a1 a2 && List.equal ts1 ts2 ~equal
- | Leaf(l1), Leaf(l2) -> L.equal l1 l2
- | _, _ -> false
- end
- (*** zipper ***)
- type path = int list
- module Zipper = struct
- type ('a, 'l) t =
- { ctx : ('a, 'l) arm_ctx list
- ; foc : ('a, 'l) tree }
- and ('a, 'l) arm_ctx =
- { tag : 'a
- ; left_rev : ('a, 'l) tree list
- ; right : ('a, 'l) tree list }
- module Error = struct
- type t = Bad_index | Not_arm | No_parent
- let to_string = function
- | Bad_index -> "node index out of range"
- | Not_arm -> "cannot navigate to node"
- | No_parent -> "trying to navigate above root"
- let or_fail v = match v with
- | Ok(x) -> x
- | Error(e) -> failwith (to_string e)
- [@@ocaml.inline always]
- end
- (*** basics ***)
- let of_tree foc = { ctx = [] ; foc } [@@ocaml.inline always]
- let get {foc; _} = foc [@@ocaml.inline always]
- let set foc z = { z with foc } [@@ocaml.inline always]
- (*** movement ***)
- let up = function
- | { ctx = [] ; _ } -> Error(Error.No_parent)
- | { ctx = {tag;left_rev;right}::ctx ; foc } ->
- let foc = Arm(tag, List.rev_append left_rev (foc::right)) in
- Ok {ctx;foc}
- let down i = function
- | { ctx ; foc = Arm(tag, ts) } ->
- let rec split left_rev = function
- | (_, []) -> Error(Error.Bad_index)
- | (0, foc::right) -> Ok { foc ; ctx = {tag;left_rev;right}::ctx }
- | (i, t::ts) -> split (t::left_rev) (i - 1, ts)
- in
- if i < 0 then Error(Error.Bad_index)
- else split [] (i, ts)
- | _ ->
- Error(Error.Not_arm)
- let side amt = function
- | { ctx = [] ; _ } -> Error(Error.No_parent)
- | { ctx = {tag;left_rev;right}::ctx ; foc } ->
- let rec move = function
- | 0, left_rev, right, foc ->
- Ok { ctx = {tag;left_rev;right}::ctx ; foc }
- | i, t::left, right, foc when i < 0 ->
- move (i + 1, left, foc::right, t)
- | i, left, t::right, foc when i > 0 ->
- move (i - 1, foc::left, right, t)
- | _, _, _, _ ->
- Error(Error.Bad_index)
- in
- move (amt, left_rev, right, foc)
- let nav ?(prev=[]) ~targ z =
- let open Result.Monad_infix in
- (* move up the tree according to [p_up] then move down according to [p_down]. *)
- let ladder p_up p_down =
- List.fold_result p_up ~init:z ~f:(fun z _ -> up z) >>= fun z ->
- List.fold_result p_down ~init:z ~f:(fun z i -> down i z)
- in
- (* skip prefixes of the paths that are the same; move horizontally if the paths are
- the same up until the last index *)
- let rec elim_prefix = function
- | [i], [j] ->
- side (j - i) z
- | i::p1, j::p2 when Int.(i = j) ->
- elim_prefix (p1, p2)
- | p1, p2 ->
- ladder p1 p2
- in
- elim_prefix (prev, targ)
- let rec to_tree z =
- match up z with
- | Ok(z) -> to_tree z
- | Error(_) -> z.foc
- (*** "_exn" variants ***)
- let up_exn z = Error.or_fail (up z)
- let down_exn i z = Error.or_fail (down i z)
- let side_exn amt z = Error.or_fail (side amt z)
- let nav_exn ?prev ~targ z = Error.or_fail (nav ?prev ~targ z)
- end