1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980 |
- open Base
- type t =
- | Arm of Draw_tree.dir * t list
- | Figure of fig_b
- | With_handler of Event.handler * t
- | With_fold of Source.value
- * (Event.t -> Source.value -> Source.value)
- * (Source.t -> t)
- and fig_b =
- Draw_tree.fig Behavior.t
- let arm dir ts =
- Arm(dir, ts)
- let rect b =
- let f (dim, c) = Draw_tree.Rect(dim, c) in
- Figure(Behavior.map b ~f)
- let callback ~f t =
- let handler e = f e ; Source.empty_map in
- With_handler(handler, t)
- let fold ~init ~f make_child =
- With_fold (init, f, fun src -> make_child (Behavior.of_source src))
- type sink = Draw_tree.Path.t * fig_b
- type callbacks =
- { sinks : sink list Source.map
- ; handlers : Event.handler Event.map
- }
- let empty_callbacks =
- { sinks = Source.empty_map
- ; handlers = Event.empty_map }
- let mount state t0 : Source.State.t * callbacks * Draw_tree.t =
- let state = ref state in
- let rec mount rev_path callbacks = function
- | Arm(dir, ts) ->
- let mount' i cbs t = mount (i::rev_path) cbs t in
- let callbacks, dts = List.fold_mapi ts ~init:callbacks ~f:mount' in
- callbacks, Draw_tree.arm dir dts
- | Figure(fb) ->
- let deps = Behavior.dependencies fb in
- let callbacks =
- if Sequence.is_empty deps then
- callbacks
- else
- let path = Draw_tree.Path.of_list_rev rev_path in
- let register cbs src =
- { cbs with
- sinks = Map.add_multi cbs.sinks
- ~key:src ~data:(path, fb) }
- in
- Sequence.fold deps ~init:callbacks ~f:register
- in
- callbacks, Draw_tree.figure (Behavior.sample fb !state)
- | With_handler(handler, child) ->
- mount_handler rev_path callbacks handler child
- | With_fold(init, f, make_child) ->
- let src = Source.create () in
- let () = state := Source.State.set src init !state in
- mount_handler rev_path callbacks
- (fun ev -> Map.singleton (module Source) src (f ev))
- (make_child src)
- and mount_handler rev_path callbacks handler child =
- let ev_id = Event.Id.gen () in
- let callbacks, dt = mount (0::rev_path) callbacks child in
- { callbacks with
- handlers = Map.add_exn callbacks.handlers
- ~key:ev_id ~data:handler },
- Draw_tree.capture ev_id dt
- in
- let cbs, dt = mount [] empty_callbacks t0 in
- !state, cbs, dt