Makefile.postamble 4.8 KB

  1. ###############################################################################
  2. # NeXT Makefile.postamble Template
  3. # Copyright 1993, NeXT Computer, Inc.
  4. #
  5. # This Makefile is used for configuring the standard app makefiles associated
  6. # with ProjectBuilder.
  7. #
  8. # Use this template to set attributes for a project, sub-project, bundle, or
  9. # palette. Each node in the project's tree of sub-projects and bundles
  10. # should have it's own Makefile.preamble and Makefile.postamble. Additional
  11. # rules (e.g., after_install) that are defined by the developer should be
  12. # defined in this file.
  13. #
  14. ###############################################################################
  15. #
  16. # Here are the variables exported by the common "app" makefiles that can be
  17. # used in any customizations you make to the template below:
  18. #
  19. # PRODUCT_ROOT - Name of top-level app-wrapper (e.g.,
  20. # OFILE_DIR - Directory into which .o object files are generated.
  21. # (Note that this name is calculated based on the target
  22. # architectures specified in Project Builder).
  23. # DERIVED_SRC_DIR - Directory used for all other derived files
  24. # ALL_CFLAGS - All the flags passed to the cc(1) driver for compilations
  25. #
  26. # NAME - name of application, bundle, subproject, palette, etc.
  27. # LANGUAGE - langage in which the project is written (default "English")
  28. # ENGLISH - boolean flag set iff $(LANGUAGE) = "English"
  29. # JAPANESE - boolean flag set iff $(LANGUAGE) = "Japanese"
  30. # LOCAL_RESOURCES - localized resources (e.g. nib's, images) of project
  31. # GLOBAL_RESOURCES - non-localized resources of project
  32. # PROJECTVERSION - version of ProjectBuilder that output Makefile
  33. # APPICON - application icon file
  34. # DOCICONS - dock icon files
  35. # ICONSECTIONS - Specifies icon sections when linking executable
  36. #
  37. # CLASSES - Class implementation files in project.
  38. # HFILES - Header files in project.
  39. # MFILES - Other Objective-C source files in project.
  40. # CFILES - Other C source files in project.
  41. # PSWFILES - .psw files in the project
  42. # PSWMFILES - .pswm files in the project
  43. # SUBPROJECTS - Subprojects of this project
  44. # BUNDLES - Bundle subprojects of this project
  45. # OTHERSRCS - Other miscellaneous sources of this project
  46. # OTHERLINKED - Source files not matching a standard source extention
  47. #
  48. # LIBS - Libraries to link with when making app target
  49. # DEBUG_LIBS - Libraries to link with when making debug target
  50. # PROF_LIBS - Libraries to link with when making profile target
  51. # OTHERLINKEDOFILES - Other relocatable files to (always) link in.
  52. #
  53. # APP_MAKEFILE_DIR - Directory in which to find generic set of Makefiles
  54. # MAKEFILEDIR - Directory in which to find $(MAKEFILE)
  55. # MAKEFILE - Top level mechanism Makefile (e.g., app.make, bundle.make)
  56. # INSTALLDIR - Directory app will be installed into by 'install' target
  57. # Change defaults assumed by the standard app makefiles here. Edit the
  58. # following default values as appropriate. (Note that if no Makefile.postamble
  59. # exists, these values will have defaults set in common.make).
  60. # Add Makefile.preamble, Makefile.postamble, and Makefile.dependencies here if
  61. # you would like changes to them to invalidate previous builds. The project
  62. # depends on $(MAKEFILES) so that changes to Makefiles will trigger a re-build.
  63. #MAKEFILES = Makefile
  64. # Optimization flag passed to compiler:
  66. # Flags always passed to compiler:
  68. # Flags passed to compiler in normal 'app' compiles:
  70. # Flags passed to compiler in 'debug' compiles:
  72. # Flags passed to compiler in 'profile' compiles
  74. # Flags passed to yacc
  75. #YFLAGS = -d
  76. # Ownership and permissions of files installed by 'install' target
  77. #INSTALL_AS_USER = root # User to chown app to
  78. #INSTALL_AS_GROUP = wheel # Group to chgrp app to
  79. #INSTALL_PERMISSIONS = # If set, 'install' chmod's executable to this
  80. # Options to strip for bundles, apps with bundles, and apps without bundles,
  81. # respectively.
  83. #DYLD_APP_STRIP_OPTS = -A -n
  86. #LIBRARY_STRIP_OPTS = -x -S # Note: -S strips debugging symbols
  87. # (Note: APP_STRIP_OPTS and TOOL_STRIP_OPTS default to empty, but
  88. # developers doing their own dynamic loading should set this to
  89. # $(DYLD_APP_STRIP_OPTS)).
  90. #########################################################################
  91. # Put rules to extend the behavior of the standard Makefiles here. Typical
  92. # user-defined rules are before_install and after_install (please don't
  93. # redefine things like install or app, as they are owned by the top-level
  94. # Makefile API), which are rules that get invoked before and after the install
  95. # target runs. Such rules should be specified with the '::' syntax rather than
  96. # a single colon.