123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925 |
- /*
- ===========================================================================
- Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
- Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
- This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
- Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
- If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
- ===========================================================================
- */
- #ifndef __GAME_PLAYER_H__
- #define __GAME_PLAYER_H__
- #include "PredictedValue.h"
- /*
- ===============================================================================
- Player entity.
- ===============================================================================
- */
- class idMenuHandler_PDA;
- class idMenuHandler_HUD;
- class idMenuScreen_HUD;
- class idTarget_SetPrimaryObjective;
- extern const idEventDef EV_Player_GetButtons;
- extern const idEventDef EV_Player_GetMove;
- extern const idEventDef EV_Player_GetViewAngles;
- extern const idEventDef EV_Player_EnableWeapon;
- extern const idEventDef EV_Player_DisableWeapon;
- extern const idEventDef EV_Player_ExitTeleporter;
- extern const idEventDef EV_Player_SelectWeapon;
- extern const idEventDef EV_SpectatorTouch;
- const float THIRD_PERSON_FOCUS_DISTANCE = 512.0f;
- const int LAND_DEFLECT_TIME = 150;
- const int LAND_RETURN_TIME = 300;
- const int FOCUS_TIME = 300;
- const int FOCUS_GUI_TIME = 500;
- const int NUM_QUICK_SLOTS = 4;
- const int MAX_WEAPONS = 32;
- const int DEAD_HEARTRATE = 0; // fall to as you die
- const int LOWHEALTH_HEARTRATE_ADJ = 20; //
- const int DYING_HEARTRATE = 30; // used for volumen calc when dying/dead
- const int BASE_HEARTRATE = 70; // default
- const int ZEROSTAMINA_HEARTRATE = 115; // no stamina
- const int MAX_HEARTRATE = 130; // maximum
- const int ZERO_VOLUME = -40; // volume at zero
- const int DMG_VOLUME = 5; // volume when taking damage
- const int DEATH_VOLUME = 15; // volume at death
- const int SAVING_THROW_TIME = 5000; // maximum one "saving throw" every five seconds
- const int ASYNC_PLAYER_INV_AMMO_BITS = idMath::BitsForInteger( 3000 );
- const int ASYNC_PLAYER_INV_CLIP_BITS = -7; // -7 bits to cover the range [-1, 60]
- enum gameExpansionType_t {
- };
- struct idObjectiveInfo {
- idStr title;
- idStr text;
- const idMaterial * screenshot;
- };
- struct idLevelTriggerInfo {
- idStr levelName;
- idStr triggerName;
- };
- // powerups - the "type" in item .def must match
- enum {
- BERSERK = 0,
- //HASTE,
- };
- // powerup modifiers
- enum {
- SPEED = 0,
- };
- // influence levels
- enum {
- INFLUENCE_NONE = 0, // none
- INFLUENCE_LEVEL1, // no gun or hud
- INFLUENCE_LEVEL2, // no gun, hud, movement
- INFLUENCE_LEVEL3, // slow player movement
- };
- typedef struct {
- int ammo;
- int rechargeTime;
- char ammoName[128];
- } RechargeAmmo_t;
- typedef struct {
- char name[64];
- idList<int, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_PLAYER> toggleList;
- int lastUsed;
- } WeaponToggle_t;
- class idInventory {
- public:
- int maxHealth;
- int weapons;
- int powerups;
- int armor;
- int maxarmor;
- int powerupEndTime[ MAX_POWERUPS ];
- RechargeAmmo_t rechargeAmmo[ AMMO_NUMTYPES ];
- // mp
- int ammoPredictTime; // Unused now but kept for save file compatibility.
- int deplete_armor;
- float deplete_rate;
- int deplete_ammount;
- int nextArmorDepleteTime;
- int pdasViewed[4]; // 128 bit flags for indicating if a pda has been viewed
- int selPDA;
- int selEMail;
- int selVideo;
- int selAudio;
- bool pdaOpened;
- idList<idDict *> items;
- idList<idStr> pdaSecurity;
- idList<const idDeclPDA *> pdas;
- idList<const idDeclVideo *> videos;
- idList<const idDeclEmail *> emails;
- bool ammoPulse;
- bool weaponPulse;
- bool armorPulse;
- int lastGiveTime;
- idList<idLevelTriggerInfo, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_PLAYER> levelTriggers;
- idInventory() { Clear(); }
- ~idInventory() { Clear(); }
- // save games
- void Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const; // archives object for save game file
- void Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ); // unarchives object from save game file
- void Clear();
- void GivePowerUp( idPlayer *player, int powerup, int msec );
- void ClearPowerUps();
- void GetPersistantData( idDict &dict );
- void RestoreInventory( idPlayer *owner, const idDict &dict );
- bool Give( idPlayer *owner, const idDict &spawnArgs, const char *statname, const char *value,
- idPredictedValue< int > * idealWeapon, bool updateHud, unsigned int giveFlags );
- void Drop( const idDict &spawnArgs, const char *weapon_classname, int weapon_index );
- ammo_t AmmoIndexForAmmoClass( const char *ammo_classname ) const;
- int MaxAmmoForAmmoClass( const idPlayer *owner, const char *ammo_classname ) const;
- int WeaponIndexForAmmoClass( const idDict & spawnArgs, const char *ammo_classname ) const;
- ammo_t AmmoIndexForWeaponClass( const char *weapon_classname, int *ammoRequired );
- const char * AmmoPickupNameForIndex( ammo_t ammonum ) const;
- void AddPickupName( const char * name, idPlayer * owner ); //_D3XP
- int HasAmmo( ammo_t type, int amount );
- bool UseAmmo( ammo_t type, int amount );
- int HasAmmo( const char *weapon_classname, bool includeClip = false, idPlayer* owner = NULL ); // _D3XP
- bool HasEmptyClipCannotRefill(const char *weapon_classname, idPlayer* owner);
- void UpdateArmor();
- void SetInventoryAmmoForType( const int ammoType, const int amount );
- void SetClipAmmoForWeapon( const int weapon, const int amount );
- int GetInventoryAmmoForType( const int ammoType ) const;
- int GetClipAmmoForWeapon( const int weapon ) const;
- void WriteAmmoToSnapshot( idBitMsg & msg ) const;
- void ReadAmmoFromSnapshot( const idBitMsg & msg, int ownerEntityNumber );
- void SetRemoteClientAmmo( const int ownerEntityNumber );
- int nextItemPickup;
- int nextItemNum;
- int onePickupTime;
- idList<idStr> pickupItemNames;
- idList<idObjectiveInfo> objectiveNames;
- void InitRechargeAmmo(idPlayer *owner);
- void RechargeAmmo(idPlayer *owner);
- bool CanGive( idPlayer *owner, const idDict &spawnArgs, const char *statname, const char *value );
- private:
- idArray< idPredictedValue< int >, AMMO_NUMTYPES > ammo;
- idArray< idPredictedValue< int >, MAX_WEAPONS > clip;
- };
- typedef struct {
- int time;
- idVec3 dir; // scaled larger for running
- } loggedAccel_t;
- typedef struct {
- int areaNum;
- idVec3 pos;
- } aasLocation_t;
- class idPlayer : public idActor {
- public:
- enum {
- };
- static const int MAX_PLAYER_PDA = 100;
- static const int MAX_PLAYER_VIDEO = 100;
- static const int MAX_PLAYER_AUDIO = 100;
- static const int MAX_PLAYER_AUDIO_ENTRIES = 2;
- usercmd_t oldCmd;
- usercmd_t usercmd;
- class idPlayerView playerView; // handles damage kicks and effects
- renderEntity_t laserSightRenderEntity; // replace crosshair for 3DTV
- qhandle_t laserSightHandle;
- bool noclip;
- bool godmode;
- bool spawnAnglesSet; // on first usercmd, we must set deltaAngles
- idAngles spawnAngles;
- idAngles viewAngles; // player view angles
- idAngles cmdAngles; // player cmd angles
- float independentWeaponPitchAngle; // viewAngles[PITCH} when head tracking is active
- // For interpolating angles between snapshots
- idQuat previousViewQuat;
- idQuat nextViewQuat;
- int buttonMask;
- int oldButtons;
- int oldImpulseSequence;
- int lastHitTime; // last time projectile fired by player hit target
- int lastSndHitTime; // MP hit sound - != lastHitTime because we throttle
- int lastSavingThrowTime; // for the "free miss" effect
- bool pdaHasBeenRead[ MAX_PLAYER_PDA ];
- bool videoHasBeenViewed[ MAX_PLAYER_VIDEO ];
- idScriptBool AI_FORWARD;
- idScriptBool AI_BACKWARD;
- idScriptBool AI_STRAFE_LEFT;
- idScriptBool AI_STRAFE_RIGHT;
- idScriptBool AI_ATTACK_HELD;
- idScriptBool AI_WEAPON_FIRED;
- idScriptBool AI_JUMP;
- idScriptBool AI_CROUCH;
- idScriptBool AI_ONGROUND;
- idScriptBool AI_ONLADDER;
- idScriptBool AI_DEAD;
- idScriptBool AI_RUN;
- idScriptBool AI_PAIN;
- idScriptBool AI_HARDLANDING;
- idScriptBool AI_SOFTLANDING;
- idScriptBool AI_RELOAD;
- idScriptBool AI_TELEPORT;
- idScriptBool AI_TURN_LEFT;
- idScriptBool AI_TURN_RIGHT;
- // inventory
- idInventory inventory;
- idTarget_SetPrimaryObjective * primaryObjective;
- int flashlightBattery;
- idEntityPtr<idWeapon> flashlight;
- idEntityPtr<idWeapon> weapon;
- idMenuHandler_HUD * hudManager;
- idMenuScreen_HUD * hud;
- idMenuHandler_PDA * pdaMenu;
- idSWF * mpMessages;
- bool objectiveSystemOpen;
- int quickSlot[ NUM_QUICK_SLOTS ];
- int weapon_soulcube;
- int weapon_pda;
- int weapon_fists;
- int weapon_flashlight;
- int weapon_chainsaw;
- int weapon_bloodstone;
- int weapon_bloodstone_active1;
- int weapon_bloodstone_active2;
- int weapon_bloodstone_active3;
- bool harvest_lock;
- int heartRate;
- idInterpolate<float> heartInfo;
- int lastHeartAdjust;
- int lastHeartBeat;
- int lastDmgTime;
- int deathClearContentsTime;
- bool doingDeathSkin;
- int lastArmorPulse; // lastDmgTime if we had armor at time of hit
- float stamina;
- float healthPool; // amount of health to give over time
- int nextHealthPulse;
- bool healthPulse;
- bool healthTake;
- int nextHealthTake;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- // controller shake parms
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- const static int MAX_SHAKE_BUFFER = 3;
- float controllerShakeHighMag[ MAX_SHAKE_BUFFER ]; // magnitude of the high frequency controller shake
- float controllerShakeLowMag[ MAX_SHAKE_BUFFER ]; // magnitude of the low frequency controller shake
- int controllerShakeHighTime[ MAX_SHAKE_BUFFER ]; // time the controller shake ends for high frequency.
- int controllerShakeLowTime[ MAX_SHAKE_BUFFER ]; // time the controller shake ends for low frequency.
- int controllerShakeTimeGroup;
- bool hiddenWeapon; // if the weapon is hidden ( in noWeapons maps )
- idEntityPtr<idProjectile> soulCubeProjectile;
- idAimAssist aimAssist;
- int spectator;
- bool forceScoreBoard;
- bool forceRespawn;
- bool spectating;
- int lastSpectateTeleport;
- bool lastHitToggle;
- bool wantSpectate; // from userInfo
- bool weaponGone; // force stop firing
- bool useInitialSpawns; // toggled by a map restart to be active for the first game spawn
- int tourneyRank; // for tourney cycling - the higher, the more likely to play next - server
- int tourneyLine; // client side - our spot in the wait line. 0 means no info.
- int spawnedTime; // when client first enters the game
- bool carryingFlag; // is the player carrying the flag?
- idEntityPtr<idEntity> teleportEntity; // while being teleported, this is set to the entity we'll use for exit
- int teleportKiller; // entity number of an entity killing us at teleporter exit
- bool lastManOver; // can't respawn in last man anymore (srv only)
- bool lastManPlayAgain; // play again when end game delay is cancelled out before expiring (srv only)
- bool lastManPresent; // true when player was in when game started (spectators can't join a running LMS)
- bool isLagged; // replicated from server, true if packets haven't been received from client.
- int isChatting; // replicated from server, true if the player is chatting.
- // timers
- int minRespawnTime; // can respawn when time > this, force after g_forcerespawn
- int maxRespawnTime; // force respawn after this time
- // the first person view values are always calculated, even
- // if a third person view is used
- idVec3 firstPersonViewOrigin;
- idMat3 firstPersonViewAxis;
- idDragEntity dragEntity;
- idFuncMountedObject * mountedObject;
- idEntityPtr<idLight> enviroSuitLight;
- bool healthRecharge;
- int lastHealthRechargeTime;
- int rechargeSpeed;
- float new_g_damageScale;
- bool bloomEnabled;
- float bloomSpeed;
- float bloomIntensity;
- public:
- CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idPlayer );
- idPlayer();
- virtual ~idPlayer();
- void Spawn();
- void Think();
- void UpdateLaserSight();
- // save games
- void Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const; // archives object for save game file
- void Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ); // unarchives object from save game file
- virtual void Hide();
- virtual void Show();
- void Init();
- void PrepareForRestart();
- virtual void Restart();
- void LinkScriptVariables();
- void SetupWeaponEntity();
- void SelectInitialSpawnPoint( idVec3 &origin, idAngles &angles );
- void SpawnFromSpawnSpot();
- void SpawnToPoint( const idVec3 &spawn_origin, const idAngles &spawn_angles );
- void SetClipModel(); // spectator mode uses a different bbox size
- void SavePersistantInfo();
- void RestorePersistantInfo();
- void SetLevelTrigger( const char *levelName, const char *triggerName );
- void CacheWeapons();
- void EnterCinematic();
- void ExitCinematic();
- void UpdateConditions();
- void SetViewAngles( const idAngles &angles );
- // Controller Shake
- void ControllerShakeFromDamage( int damage );
- void SetControllerShake( float highMagnitude, int highDuration, float lowMagnitude, int lowDuration );
- void ResetControllerShake();
- void GetControllerShake( int & highMagnitude, int & lowMagnitude ) const;
- idAimAssist * GetAimAssist() { return &aimAssist; }
- // delta view angles to allow movers to rotate the view of the player
- void UpdateDeltaViewAngles( const idAngles &angles );
- virtual bool Collide( const trace_t &collision, const idVec3 &velocity );
- virtual void GetAASLocation( idAAS *aas, idVec3 &pos, int &areaNum ) const;
- virtual void GetAIAimTargets( const idVec3 &lastSightPos, idVec3 &headPos, idVec3 &chestPos );
- virtual void DamageFeedback( idEntity *victim, idEntity *inflictor, int &damage );
- void CalcDamagePoints( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, const idDict *damageDef,
- const float damageScale, const int location, int *health, int *armor );
- virtual void Damage( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, const idVec3 &dir, const char *damageDefName, const float damageScale, const int location );
- // New damage path for instant client feedback.
- void ServerDealDamage( int damage, idEntity & inflictor, idEntity & attacker, const idVec3 & dir, const char * damageDefName, const int location ); // Actually updates the player's health independent of feedback.
- int AdjustDamageAmount( const int inputDamage );
- // use exitEntityNum to specify a teleport with private camera view and delayed exit
- virtual void Teleport( const idVec3 &origin, const idAngles &angles, idEntity *destination );
- void Kill( bool delayRespawn, bool nodamage );
- virtual void Killed( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, int damage, const idVec3 &dir, int location );
- void StartFxOnBone(const char *fx, const char *bone);
- renderView_t * GetRenderView();
- void CalculateRenderView(); // called every tic by player code
- void CalculateFirstPersonView();
- void AddChatMessage( int index, int alpha, const idStr & message );
- void UpdateSpectatingText();
- void ClearChatMessage( int index );
- void DrawHUD( idMenuHandler_HUD * hudManager );
- void WeaponFireFeedback( const idDict *weaponDef );
- float DefaultFov() const;
- float CalcFov( bool honorZoom );
- void CalculateViewWeaponPos( idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis );
- idVec3 GetEyePosition() const;
- void GetViewPos( idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis ) const;
- void OffsetThirdPersonView( float angle, float range, float height, bool clip );
- bool Give( const char *statname, const char *value, unsigned int giveFlags );
- bool GiveItem( idItem *item, unsigned int giveFlags );
- void GiveItem( const char *name );
- void GiveHealthPool( float amt );
- void SetPrimaryObjective( idTarget_SetPrimaryObjective * target ) { primaryObjective = target; }
- idTarget_SetPrimaryObjective * GetPrimaryObjective() { return primaryObjective; }
- idInventory & GetInventory() { return inventory; }
- bool GiveInventoryItem( idDict *item, unsigned int giveFlags );
- void RemoveInventoryItem( idDict *item );
- bool GiveInventoryItem( const char *name );
- void RemoveInventoryItem( const char *name );
- idDict * FindInventoryItem( const char *name );
- idDict * FindInventoryItem( int index );
- int GetNumInventoryItems();
- void PlayAudioLog( const idSoundShader * sound );
- void EndAudioLog();
- void PlayVideoDisk( const idDeclVideo * decl );
- void EndVideoDisk();
- const idMaterial * GetVideoMaterial() { return pdaVideoMat; }
- void SetQuickSlot( int index, int val );
- int GetQuickSlot( int index );
- void GivePDA( const idDeclPDA * pda, const char * securityItem );
- void GiveVideo( const idDeclVideo * video, const char * itemName );
- void GiveEmail( const idDeclEmail * email );
- void GiveSecurity( const char * security );
- void GiveObjective( const char * title, const char * text, const idMaterial * screenshot );
- void CompleteObjective( const char * title );
- bool GivePowerUp( int powerup, int time, unsigned int giveFlags );
- void ClearPowerUps();
- bool PowerUpActive( int powerup ) const;
- float PowerUpModifier( int type );
- int SlotForWeapon( const char *weaponName );
- void Reload();
- void NextWeapon();
- void NextBestWeapon();
- void PrevWeapon();
- void SetPreviousWeapon( int num ) { previousWeapon = num; }
- void SelectWeapon( int num, bool force );
- void DropWeapon( bool died ) ;
- void StealWeapon( idPlayer *player );
- void AddProjectilesFired( int count );
- void AddProjectileHits( int count );
- void SetLastHitTime( int time );
- void LowerWeapon();
- void RaiseWeapon();
- void WeaponLoweringCallback();
- void WeaponRisingCallback();
- void RemoveWeapon( const char *weap );
- void RemoveAllButEssentialWeapons();
- bool CanShowWeaponViewmodel() const;
- void AddAIKill();
- void SetSoulCubeProjectile( idProjectile *projectile );
- void AdjustHeartRate( int target, float timeInSecs, float delay, bool force );
- void SetCurrentHeartRate();
- int GetBaseHeartRate();
- void UpdateAir();
- void UpdatePowerupHud();
- virtual bool HandleSingleGuiCommand( idEntity *entityGui, idLexer *src );
- bool GuiActive() { return focusGUIent != NULL; }
- bool HandleGuiEvents( const sysEvent_t * ev );
- void PerformImpulse( int impulse );
- void Spectate( bool spectate, bool force = false );
- void TogglePDA();
- void RouteGuiMouse( idUserInterface *gui );
- void UpdateHud();
- const idDeclPDA * GetPDA() const;
- bool GetPDAOpen() const { return objectiveSystemOpen; }
- const idDeclVideo * GetVideo( int index );
- void SetInfluenceFov( float fov );
- void SetInfluenceView( const char *mtr, const char *skinname, float radius, idEntity *ent );
- void SetInfluenceLevel( int level );
- int GetInfluenceLevel() { return influenceActive; };
- void SetPrivateCameraView( idCamera *camView );
- idCamera * GetPrivateCameraView() const { return privateCameraView; }
- void StartFxFov( float duration );
- void UpdateHudWeapon( bool flashWeapon = true );
- void UpdateChattingHud();
- void UpdateHudStats( idMenuHandler_HUD * hudManager );
- void Event_StopAudioLog();
- bool IsSoundChannelPlaying( const s_channelType channel = SND_CHANNEL_ANY );
- void ShowTip( const char *title, const char *tip, bool autoHide );
- void HideTip();
- bool IsTipVisible() { return tipUp; };
- void HideObjective();
- virtual void ClientThink( const int curTime, const float fraction, const bool predict );
- virtual void WriteToSnapshot( idBitMsg &msg ) const;
- virtual void ReadFromSnapshot( const idBitMsg &msg );
- void WritePlayerStateToSnapshot( idBitMsg &msg ) const;
- void ReadPlayerStateFromSnapshot( const idBitMsg &msg );
- virtual bool ServerReceiveEvent( int event, int time, const idBitMsg &msg );
- virtual bool GetPhysicsToVisualTransform( idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis );
- virtual bool GetPhysicsToSoundTransform( idVec3 &origin, idMat3 &axis );
- virtual bool ClientReceiveEvent( int event, int time, const idBitMsg &msg );
- bool IsRespawning();
- bool IsInTeleport();
- int GetSkinIndex() const { return skinIndex; }
- idEntity *GetInfluenceEntity() { return influenceEntity; };
- const idMaterial *GetInfluenceMaterial() { return influenceMaterial; };
- float GetInfluenceRadius() { return influenceRadius; };
- // server side work for in/out of spectate. takes care of spawning it into the world as well
- void ServerSpectate( bool spectate );
- // for very specific usage. != GetPhysics()
- idPhysics *GetPlayerPhysics();
- void TeleportDeath( int killer );
- void SetLeader( bool lead );
- bool IsLeader();
- void UpdateSkinSetup();
- bool OnLadder() const;
- virtual void UpdatePlayerIcons();
- virtual void DrawPlayerIcons();
- virtual void HidePlayerIcons();
- bool NeedsIcon();
- void StartHealthRecharge(int speed);
- void StopHealthRecharge();
- idStr GetCurrentWeapon();
- int GetCurrentWeaponSlot() { return currentWeapon; }
- int GetIdealWeapon() { return idealWeapon.Get(); }
- idHashTable<WeaponToggle_t> GetWeaponToggles() const { return weaponToggles; }
- bool CanGive( const char *statname, const char *value );
- void StopHelltime( bool quick = true );
- void PlayHelltimeStopSound();
- void DropFlag(); // drop CTF item
- void ReturnFlag();
- virtual void FreeModelDef();
- bool SelfSmooth();
- void SetSelfSmooth( bool b );
- const idAngles & GetViewBobAngles() { return viewBobAngles; }
- const idVec3 & GetViewBob() { return viewBob; }
- idAchievementManager & GetAchievementManager() { return achievementManager; }
- const idAchievementManager & GetAchievementManager() const { return achievementManager; }
- int GetPlayedTime() const { return playedTimeSecs; }
- void HandleUserCmds( const usercmd_t & newcmd );
- int GetClientFireCount() const { return clientFireCount; }
- void IncrementFireCount() { ++clientFireCount; }
- void ShowRespawnHudMessage();
- void HideRespawnHudMessage();
- bool IsLocallyControlled() const { return entityNumber == gameLocal.GetLocalClientNum(); }
- gameExpansionType_t GetExpansionType() const;
- void AddProjectileKills() { numProjectileKills++; }
- int GetProjectileKills() const { return numProjectileKills; }
- void ResetProjectileKills() { numProjectileKills = 0; }
- private:
- // Stats & achievements
- idAchievementManager achievementManager;
- int playedTimeSecs;
- int playedTimeResidual;
- jointHandle_t hipJoint;
- jointHandle_t chestJoint;
- jointHandle_t headJoint;
- idPhysics_Player physicsObj; // player physics
- idList<aasLocation_t, TAG_IDLIB_LIST_PLAYER> aasLocation; // for AI tracking the player
- int bobFoot;
- float bobFrac;
- float bobfracsin;
- int bobCycle; // for view bobbing and footstep generation
- float xyspeed;
- int stepUpTime;
- float stepUpDelta;
- float idealLegsYaw;
- float legsYaw;
- bool legsForward;
- float oldViewYaw;
- idAngles viewBobAngles;
- idVec3 viewBob;
- int landChange;
- int landTime;
- int currentWeapon;
- idPredictedValue< int > idealWeapon;
- int previousWeapon;
- int weaponSwitchTime;
- bool weaponEnabled;
- int skinIndex;
- const idDeclSkin * skin;
- const idDeclSkin * powerUpSkin;
- int numProjectilesFired; // number of projectiles fired
- int numProjectileHits; // number of hits on mobs
- int numProjectileKills; // number of kills with a projectile.
- bool airless;
- int airMsec; // set to pm_airMsec at start, drops in vacuum
- int lastAirDamage;
- bool gibDeath;
- bool gibsLaunched;
- idVec3 gibsDir;
- idInterpolate<float> zoomFov;
- idInterpolate<float> centerView;
- bool fxFov;
- float influenceFov;
- int influenceActive; // level of influence.. 1 == no gun or hud .. 2 == 1 + no movement
- idEntity * influenceEntity;
- const idMaterial * influenceMaterial;
- float influenceRadius;
- const idDeclSkin * influenceSkin;
- idCamera * privateCameraView;
- static const int NUM_LOGGED_VIEW_ANGLES = 64; // for weapon turning angle offsets
- idAngles loggedViewAngles[NUM_LOGGED_VIEW_ANGLES]; // [gameLocal.framenum&(LOGGED_VIEW_ANGLES-1)]
- static const int NUM_LOGGED_ACCELS = 16; // for weapon turning angle offsets
- loggedAccel_t loggedAccel[NUM_LOGGED_ACCELS]; // [currentLoggedAccel & (NUM_LOGGED_ACCELS-1)]
- int currentLoggedAccel;
- // if there is a focusGUIent, the attack button will be changed into mouse clicks
- idEntity * focusGUIent;
- idUserInterface * focusUI; // focusGUIent->renderEntity.gui, gui2, or gui3
- idAI * focusCharacter;
- int talkCursor; // show the state of the focusCharacter (0 == can't talk/dead, 1 == ready to talk, 2 == busy talking)
- int focusTime;
- idAFEntity_Vehicle * focusVehicle;
- idUserInterface * cursor;
- // full screen guis track mouse movements directly
- int oldMouseX;
- int oldMouseY;
- const idMaterial * pdaVideoMat;
- bool tipUp;
- bool objectiveUp;
- int lastDamageDef;
- idVec3 lastDamageDir;
- int lastDamageLocation;
- int smoothedFrame;
- bool smoothedOriginUpdated;
- idVec3 smoothedOrigin;
- idAngles smoothedAngles;
- idHashTable<WeaponToggle_t> weaponToggles;
- int hudPowerup;
- int lastHudPowerup;
- int hudPowerupDuration;
- // mp
- bool respawning; // set to true while in SpawnToPoint for telefrag checks
- bool leader; // for sudden death situations
- int lastSpectateChange;
- int lastTeleFX;
- bool weaponCatchup; // raise up the weapon silently ( state catchups )
- int MPAim; // player num in aim
- int lastMPAim;
- int lastMPAimTime; // last time the aim changed
- int MPAimFadeTime; // for GUI fade
- bool MPAimHighlight;
- bool isTelefragged; // proper obituaries
- int serverOverridePositionTime;
- int clientFireCount;
- idPlayerIcon playerIcon;
- bool selfSmooth;
- netBoolEvent_t respawn_netEvent;
- void LookAtKiller( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker );
- void StopFiring();
- void FireWeapon();
- void Weapon_Combat();
- void Weapon_NPC();
- void Weapon_GUI();
- void UpdateWeapon();
- void UpdateFlashlight();
- void FlashlightOn();
- void FlashlightOff();
- void UpdateSpectating();
- void SpectateFreeFly( bool force ); // ignore the timeout to force when followed spec is no longer valid
- void SpectateCycle();
- idAngles GunTurningOffset();
- idVec3 GunAcceleratingOffset();
- void UseObjects();
- void CrashLand( const idVec3 &oldOrigin, const idVec3 &oldVelocity );
- void BobCycle( const idVec3 &pushVelocity );
- void UpdateViewAngles();
- void EvaluateControls();
- void AdjustSpeed();
- void AdjustBodyAngles();
- void InitAASLocation();
- void SetAASLocation();
- void Move();
- void Move_Interpolated( float fraction );
- void RunPhysics_RemoteClientCorrection();
- void UpdatePowerUps();
- void UpdateDeathSkin( bool state_hitch );
- void ClearPowerup( int i );
- void SetSpectateOrigin();
- bool AllowClientAuthPhysics();
- virtual int GetPhysicsTimeStep() const;
- void ClearFocus();
- void UpdateFocus();
- void UpdateLocation();
- idUserInterface * ActiveGui();
- // mp
- void Respawn_Shared();
- bool WeaponAvailable( const char* name );
- void UseVehicle();
- void Event_GetButtons();
- void Event_GetMove();
- void Event_GetViewAngles();
- void Event_StopFxFov();
- void Event_EnableWeapon();
- void Event_DisableWeapon();
- void Event_GetCurrentWeapon();
- void Event_GetPreviousWeapon();
- void Event_SelectWeapon( const char *weaponName );
- void Event_GetWeaponEntity();
- void Event_OpenPDA();
- void Event_PDAAvailable();
- void Event_InPDA();
- void Event_ExitTeleporter();
- void Event_HideTip();
- void Event_LevelTrigger();
- void Event_Gibbed();
- void Event_ForceOrigin( idVec3 & origin, idAngles & angles );
- void Event_GiveInventoryItem( const char* name );
- void Event_RemoveInventoryItem( const char* name );
- void Event_GetIdealWeapon();
- void Event_WeaponAvailable( const char* name );
- void Event_SetPowerupTime( int powerup, int time );
- void Event_IsPowerupActive( int powerup );
- void Event_StartWarp();
- void Event_StopHelltime( int mode );
- void Event_ToggleBloom( int on );
- void Event_SetBloomParms( float speed, float intensity );
- };
- ID_INLINE bool idPlayer::IsRespawning() {
- return respawning;
- }
- ID_INLINE idPhysics* idPlayer::GetPlayerPhysics() {
- return &physicsObj;
- }
- ID_INLINE bool idPlayer::IsInTeleport() {
- return ( teleportEntity.GetEntity() != NULL );
- }
- ID_INLINE void idPlayer::SetLeader( bool lead ) {
- leader = lead;
- }
- ID_INLINE bool idPlayer::IsLeader() {
- return leader;
- }
- ID_INLINE bool idPlayer::SelfSmooth() {
- return selfSmooth;
- }
- ID_INLINE void idPlayer::SetSelfSmooth( bool b ) {
- selfSmooth = b;
- }
- extern idCVar g_infiniteAmmo;
- #endif /* !__GAME_PLAYER_H__ */