123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904 |
- /*
- ===========================================================================
- Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
- Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
- This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
- Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
- If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
- ===========================================================================
- */
- #pragma hdrstop
- #include "../idlib/precompiled.h"
- #include "sys_session_local.h"
- idCVar saveGame_verbose( "saveGame_verbose", "0", CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "debug spam" );
- idCVar saveGame_checksum( "saveGame_checksum", "1", CVAR_BOOL, "data integrity check" );
- idCVar saveGame_enable( "saveGame_enable", "1", CVAR_BOOL, "are savegames enabled" );
- void Sys_ExecuteSavegameCommandAsyncImpl( idSaveLoadParms * savegameParms );
- /*
- ========================
- Sys_ExecuteSavegameCommandAsync
- ========================
- */
- void Sys_ExecuteSavegameCommandAsync( idSaveLoadParms * savegameParms ) {
- if ( savegameParms == NULL ) {
- idLib::Error( "Programming Error with [%s]", __FUNCTION__ );
- return;
- }
- if ( !saveGame_enable.GetBool() ) {
- idLib::Warning( "Savegames are disabled (saveGame_enable = 0). Skipping physical save to media." );
- savegameParms->errorCode = SAVEGAME_E_CANCELLED;
- savegameParms->callbackSignal.Raise();
- return;
- }
- Sys_ExecuteSavegameCommandAsyncImpl( savegameParms );
- }
- #define ASSERT_ENUM_STRING_BITFIELD( string, index ) ( 1 / (int)!( string - ( 1 << index ) ) ) ? #string : ""
- const char * saveGameErrorStrings[ SAVEGAME_E_NUM ] = {
- };
- CONSOLE_COMMAND( savegamePrintErrors, "Prints error code corresponding to each bit", 0 ) {
- idLib::Printf( "Bit Description\n"
- "--- -----------\n" );
- for ( int i = 0; i < SAVEGAME_E_BITS_USED; i++ ) {
- idLib::Printf( "%03d %s\n", i, saveGameErrorStrings[i] );
- }
- }
- /*
- ========================
- GetSaveGameErrorString
- This returns a comma delimited string of all the errors within the bitfield. We don't ever expect more than one error,
- the errors are bitfields so that they can be used to mask which errors we want to handle in the engine or leave up to the
- game.
- Example:
- ========================
- */
- idStr GetSaveGameErrorString( int errorMask ) {
- idStr errorString;
- bool continueProcessing = errorMask > 0;
- int localError = errorMask;
- for ( int i = 0; i < SAVEGAME_E_NUM && continueProcessing; ++i ) {
- int mask = ( 1 << i );
- if ( localError & mask ) {
- localError ^= mask; // turn off this error so we can quickly see if we are done
- continueProcessing = localError > 0;
- errorString.Append( saveGameErrorStrings[i] );
- if ( continueProcessing ) {
- errorString.Append( ", " );
- }
- }
- }
- return errorString;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- GetSaveFolder
- Prefixes help the PS3 filter what to show in lists
- Files using the hidden prefix are not shown in the load game screen
- Directory name for savegames, slot number or user-defined name appended to it
- TRC R116 - PS3 folder must start with the product code
- ========================
- */
- const idStr & GetSaveFolder( idSaveGameManager::packageType_t type ) {
- static bool initialized = false;
- static idStrStatic<MAX_FOLDER_NAME_LENGTH> saveFolder[idSaveGameManager::PACKAGE_NUM];
- if ( !initialized ) {
- initialized = true;
- idStr ps3Header = "";
- saveFolder[idSaveGameManager::PACKAGE_GAME].Format( "%s%s", ps3Header.c_str(), SAVEGAME_GAME_DIRECTORY_PREFIX );
- saveFolder[idSaveGameManager::PACKAGE_PROFILE].Format( "%s%s", ps3Header.c_str(), SAVEGAME_PROFILE_DIRECTORY_PREFIX );
- saveFolder[idSaveGameManager::PACKAGE_RAW].Format( "%s%s", ps3Header.c_str(), SAVEGAME_RAW_DIRECTORY_PREFIX );
- }
- return saveFolder[type];
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idStr AddSaveFolderPrefix
- input = RAGE_0
- output = GAMES-RAGE_0
- ========================
- */
- idStr AddSaveFolderPrefix( const char * folder, idSaveGameManager::packageType_t type ) {
- idStr dir = GetSaveFolder( type );
- dir.Append( folder );
- return dir;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- RemoveSaveFolderPrefix
- input = GAMES-RAGE_0
- output = RAGE_0
- ========================
- */
- idStr RemoveSaveFolderPrefix( const char * folder, idSaveGameManager::packageType_t type ) {
- idStr dir = folder;
- idStr prefix = GetSaveFolder( type );
- dir.StripLeading( prefix );
- return dir;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- bool SavegameReadDetailsFromFile
- returns false when catastrophic error occurs, not when damaged
- ========================
- */
- bool SavegameReadDetailsFromFile( idFile * file, idSaveGameDetails & details ) {
- details.damaged = false;
- // Read the DETAIL file for the enumerated data
- if ( !details.descriptors.ReadFromIniFile( file ) ) {
- details.damaged = true;
- }
- bool ignoreChecksum = details.descriptors.GetBool( "ignore_checksum", false );
- if ( !ignoreChecksum ) {
- // Get the checksum from the dict
- int readChecksum = details.descriptors.GetInt( SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_CHECKSUM, 0 );
- // Calculate checksum
- details.descriptors.Delete( SAVEGAME_DETAIL_FIELD_CHECKSUM );
- int checksum = (int)details.descriptors.Checksum();
- if ( readChecksum == 0 || checksum != readChecksum ) {
- details.damaged = true;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameDetails::idSaveGameDetails
- ========================
- */
- idSaveGameDetails::idSaveGameDetails() {
- Clear();
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameDetails::Clear
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameDetails::Clear() {
- descriptors.Clear();
- damaged = false;
- date = 0;
- slotName[0] = NULL;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveLoadParms::idSaveLoadParms
- ========================
- */
- idSaveLoadParms::idSaveLoadParms() {
- // These are not done when we set defaults because SetDefaults is called internally within the execution of the processor and
- // these are set once and shouldn't be touched until the processor is re-initialized
- cancelled = false;
- Init();
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveLoadParms::~idSaveLoadParms
- ========================
- */
- idSaveLoadParms::~idSaveLoadParms() {
- for ( int i = 0; i < files.Num(); ++i ) {
- if ( files[i]->type & SAVEGAMEFILE_AUTO_DELETE ) {
- delete files[i];
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveLoadParms::ResetCancelled
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveLoadParms::ResetCancelled() {
- cancelled = false;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveLoadParms::Init
- This should not touch anything statically created outside this class!
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveLoadParms::Init() {
- files.Clear();
- directory = "";
- pattern = "";
- postPattern = "";
- requiredSpaceInBytes = 0;
- description.Clear();
- detailList.Clear();
- callbackSignal.Clear();
- errorCode = SAVEGAME_E_NONE;
- inputDeviceId = -1;
- skipErrorDialogMask = 0;
- // These are not done when we set defaults because SetDefaults is called internally within the execution of the processor and
- // these are set once and shouldn't be touched until the processor is re-initialized
- // cancelled = false;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveLoadParms::SetDefaults
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveLoadParms::SetDefaults( int newInputDevice ) {
- // These are pulled out so SetDefaults() isn't called during global instantiation of objects that have savegame processors
- // in them that then require a session reference.
- Init();
- // fill in the user information (inputDeviceId & userId) from the master user
- idLocalUser * user = NULL;
- if ( newInputDevice != -1 ) {
- user = session->GetSignInManager().GetLocalUserByInputDevice( newInputDevice );
- } else if ( session != NULL ) {
- user = session->GetSignInManager().GetMasterLocalUser();
- }
- if ( user != NULL ) {
- idLocalUserWin * userWin = static_cast< idLocalUserWin * >( user );
- userId = idStr::Hash( userWin->GetGamerTag() );
- idLib::PrintfIf( saveGame_verbose.GetBool(), "profile userId/gamertag: %s (%d)\n", userWin->GetGamerTag(), userId );
- inputDeviceId = user->GetInputDevice();
- }
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveLoadParms::CancelSaveGameFilePipelines
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveLoadParms::CancelSaveGameFilePipelines() {
- for ( int i = 0; i < files.Num(); i++ ) {
- if ( ( files[i]->type & SAVEGAMEFILE_PIPELINED ) != 0 ) {
- idFile_SaveGamePipelined * file = dynamic_cast< idFile_SaveGamePipelined * >( files[i] );
- assert( file != NULL );
- if ( file->GetMode() == idFile_SaveGamePipelined::WRITE ) {
- // Notify the save game file that all writes failed which will cause all
- // writes on the other end of the pipeline to drop on the floor.
- file->NextWriteBlock( NULL );
- } else if ( file->GetMode() == idFile_SaveGamePipelined::READ ) {
- // Notify end-of-file to the save game file which will cause all
- // reads on the other end of the pipeline to return zero bytes.
- file->NextReadBlock( NULL, 0 );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveLoadParms::AbortSaveGameFilePipeline
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveLoadParms::AbortSaveGameFilePipeline() {
- for ( int i = 0; i < files.Num(); i++ ) {
- if ( ( files[i]->type & SAVEGAMEFILE_PIPELINED ) != 0 ) {
- idFile_SaveGamePipelined * file = dynamic_cast< idFile_SaveGamePipelined * >( files[i] );
- assert( file != NULL );
- file->Abort();
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- ================================================================================================
- idSaveGameProcessor
- ================================================================================================
- */
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameProcessor::idSaveGameProcessor
- ========================
- */
- idSaveGameProcessor::idSaveGameProcessor() : working( false ), init( false ) {
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameProcessor::Init
- ========================
- */
- bool idSaveGameProcessor::Init() {
- if ( !verify( !IsWorking() ) ) {
- idLib::Warning( "[%s] Someone is trying to execute this processor twice, this is really bad!", this->Name() );
- return false;
- }
- parms.ResetCancelled();
- parms.SetDefaults();
- savegameLogicTestIterator = 0;
- working = false;
- init = true;
- completedCallbacks.Clear();
- return true;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameProcessor::IsThreadFinished
- ========================
- */
- bool idSaveGameProcessor::IsThreadFinished() {
- return parms.callbackSignal.Wait( 0 );
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameProcessor::AddCompletedCallback
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameProcessor::AddCompletedCallback( const idCallback & callback ) {
- completedCallbacks.Append( callback.Clone() );
- }
- /*
- ================================================================================================
- idSaveGameManager
- ================================================================================================
- */
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::idSaveGameManager
- ========================
- */
- idSaveGameManager::idSaveGameManager() :
- processor( NULL ),
- cancel( false ),
- startTime( 0 ),
- continueProcessing( false ),
- submittedProcessorHandle( 0 ),
- executingProcessorHandle( 0 ),
- lastExecutedProcessorHandle( 0 ),
- storageAvailable( true ),
- retryFolder( NULL ) {
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::~idSaveGameManager
- ========================
- */
- idSaveGameManager::~idSaveGameManager() {
- processor = NULL;
- enumeratedSaveGames.Clear();
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::ExecuteProcessor
- ========================
- */
- saveGameHandle_t idSaveGameManager::ExecuteProcessor( idSaveGameProcessor * processor ) {
- idLib::PrintfIf( saveGame_verbose.GetBool(), "[%s] : %s\n", __FUNCTION__, processor->Name() );
- // may not be running yet, but if we've init'd successfuly, the IsWorking() call should return true if this
- // method has been called. You have problems when callees are asking if the processor is done working by using IsWorking()
- // the next frame after they've executed the processor.
- processor->working = true;
- if ( this->processor != NULL ) {
- if ( !verify( this->processor != processor ) ) {
- idLib::Warning( "[idSaveGameManager::ExecuteProcessor]:1 Someone is trying to execute this processor twice, this is really bad, learn patience padawan!" );
- return processor->GetHandle();
- } else {
- idSaveGameProcessor ** localProcessor = processorQueue.Find( processor );
- if ( !verify( localProcessor == NULL ) ) {
- idLib::Warning( "[idSaveGameManager::ExecuteProcessor]:2 Someone is trying to execute this processor twice, this is really bad, learn patience padawan!" );
- return (*localProcessor)->GetHandle();
- }
- }
- }
- processorQueue.Append( processor );
- // Don't allow processors to start sub-processors.
- // They need to manage their own internal state.
- assert( idLib::IsMainThread() );
- Sys_InterlockedIncrement( submittedProcessorHandle );
- processor->parms.handle = submittedProcessorHandle;
- return submittedProcessorHandle;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::ExecuteProcessorAndWait
- ========================
- */
- saveGameHandle_t idSaveGameManager::ExecuteProcessorAndWait( idSaveGameProcessor * processor ) {
- saveGameHandle_t handle = ExecuteProcessor( processor );
- if ( handle == 0 ) {
- return 0;
- }
- while ( !IsSaveGameCompletedFromHandle( handle ) ) {
- Pump();
- Sys_Sleep( 10 );
- }
- // One more pump to get the completed callback
- //Pump();
- return handle;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::WaitForAllProcessors
- Since the load & nextMap processors calls execute map change, we can't wait if they are the only ones in the queue
- If there are only resettable processors in the queue or no items in the queue, don't wait.
- We would need to overrideSimpleProcessorCheck if we were sure we had done something that would cause the processors
- to bail out nicely. Something like canceling a disc swap during a loading disc swap dialog...
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameManager::WaitForAllProcessors( bool overrideSimpleProcessorCheck ) {
- assert( idLib::IsMainThread() );
- while ( IsWorking() || ( processorQueue.Num() > 0 ) ) {
- if ( !overrideSimpleProcessorCheck ) {
- // BEFORE WE WAIT, and potentially hang everything, make sure processors about to be executed won't sit and
- // wait for themselves to complete.
- // Since we pull off simple processors first, we can stop waiting when the processor being executed is not simple
- if ( processor != NULL ) {
- if ( !processor->IsSimpleProcessor() ) {
- break;
- }
- } else if ( !processorQueue[0]->IsSimpleProcessor() ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- saveThread.WaitForThread();
- Pump();
- }
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::CancelAllProcessors
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameManager::CancelAllProcessors( const bool forceCancelInFlightProcessor ) {
- assert( idLib::IsMainThread() );
- cancel = true;
- if ( forceCancelInFlightProcessor ) {
- if ( processor != NULL ) {
- processor->GetSignal().Raise();
- }
- }
- Pump(); // must be called from the main thread
- Clear();
- cancel = false;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::CancelToTerminate
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameManager::CancelToTerminate() {
- if ( processor != NULL ) {
- processor->parms.cancelled = true;
- processor->GetSignal().Raise();
- saveThread.WaitForThread();
- }
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::DeviceSelectorWaitingOnSaveRetry
- ========================
- */
- bool idSaveGameManager::DeviceSelectorWaitingOnSaveRetry() {
- if ( retryFolder == NULL ) {
- return false;
- }
- return ( idStr::Icmp( retryFolder, "GAME-autosave" ) == 0 );
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::Set360RetrySaveAfterDeviceSelected
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameManager::Set360RetrySaveAfterDeviceSelected( const char * folder, const int64 bytes ) {
- retryFolder = folder;
- retryBytes = bytes;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::ClearRetryInfo
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameManager::ClearRetryInfo() {
- retryFolder = NULL;
- retryBytes = 0;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::RetrySave
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameManager::RetrySave() {
- if ( DeviceSelectorWaitingOnSaveRetry() && !common->Dialog().HasDialogMsg( GDM_WARNING_FOR_NEW_DEVICE_ABOUT_TO_LOSE_PROGRESS, false ) ) {
- cmdSystem->AppendCommandText( "savegame autosave\n" );
- }
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::ShowRetySaveDialog
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameManager::ShowRetySaveDialog() {
- ShowRetySaveDialog( retryFolder, retryBytes );
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::ShowRetySaveDialog
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameManager::ShowRetySaveDialog( const char * folder, const int64 bytes ) {
- idStaticList< idSWFScriptFunction *, 4 > callbacks;
- idStaticList< idStrId, 4 > optionText;
- class idSWFScriptFunction_Continue : public idSWFScriptFunction_RefCounted {
- public:
- idSWFScriptVar Call( idSWFScriptObject * thisObject, const idSWFParmList & parms ) {
- common->Dialog().ClearDialog( GDM_INSUFFICENT_STORAGE_SPACE );
- session->GetSaveGameManager().ClearRetryInfo();
- return idSWFScriptVar();
- }
- };
- callbacks.Append( new (TAG_SWF) idSWFScriptFunction_Continue() );
- optionText.Append( idStrId( "#str_dlg_continue_without_saving" ) );
- // build custom space required string
- // #str_dlg_space_required ~= "There is insufficient storage available. Please free %s and try again."
- idStr format = idStrId( "#str_dlg_space_required" ).GetLocalizedString();
- idStr size;
- if ( bytes > ( 1024 * 1024 ) ) {
- const float roundUp = ( ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f / 10.0f )- 1.0f );
- size = va( "%.1f MB", ( roundUp + (float) bytes ) / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) );
- } else {
- const float roundUp = 1024.0f - 1.0f;
- size = va( "%.0f KB", ( roundUp + (float) bytes ) / 1024.0f );
- }
- idStr msg = va( format.c_str(), size.c_str() );
- common->Dialog().AddDynamicDialog( GDM_INSUFFICENT_STORAGE_SPACE, callbacks, optionText, true, msg, true );
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::CancelWithHandle
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameManager::CancelWithHandle( const saveGameHandle_t & handle ) {
- if ( handle == 0 || IsSaveGameCompletedFromHandle( handle ) ) {
- return;
- }
- // check processor in flight first
- if ( processor != NULL ) {
- if ( processor->GetHandle() == handle ) {
- processor->Cancel();
- return;
- }
- }
- // remove from queue
- for ( int i = 0; i < processorQueue.Num(); ++i ) {
- if ( processorQueue[i]->GetHandle() == handle ) {
- processorQueue[i]->Cancel();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::StartNextProcessor
- Get the next not-reset-capable processor. If there aren't any left, just get what's next.
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameManager::StartNextProcessor() {
- if ( cancel ) {
- return;
- }
- idSaveGameProcessor * nextProcessor = NULL;
- int index = 0;
- // pick off the first simple processor
- for ( int i = 0; i < processorQueue.Num(); ++i ) {
- if ( processorQueue[i]->IsSimpleProcessor() ) {
- index = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( processorQueue.Num() > 0 ) {
- nextProcessor = processorQueue[index];
- Sys_InterlockedIncrement( executingProcessorHandle );
- processorQueue.RemoveIndex( index );
- processor = nextProcessor;
- processor->parms.callbackSignal.Raise(); // signal that the thread is ready for work
- startTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
- }
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::FinishProcessor
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameManager::FinishProcessor( idSaveGameProcessor * localProcessor ) {
- assert( localProcessor != NULL );
- idLib::PrintfIf( saveGame_verbose.GetBool(), "[%s] : %s, %d ms\n", __FUNCTION__, localProcessor->Name(), Sys_Milliseconds() - startTime );
- // This will delete from the files set for auto-deletion
- // Don't remove files not set for auto-deletion, they may be used outside of the savegame manager by game-side callbacks for example
- for ( int i = ( localProcessor->parms.files.Num() - 1 ); i >= 0; --i ) {
- if ( localProcessor->parms.files[i]->type & SAVEGAMEFILE_AUTO_DELETE ) {
- delete localProcessor->parms.files[i];
- localProcessor->parms.files.RemoveIndexFast( i );
- }
- }
- localProcessor->init = false;
- localProcessor = NULL;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::Clear
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameManager::Clear() {
- processorQueue.Clear();
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::IsWorking
- ========================
- */
- bool idSaveGameManager::IsWorking() const {
- return processor != NULL;
- }
- /*
- ========================
- idSaveGameManager::Pump
- Important sections called out with -- EXTRA LARGE -- comments!
- ========================
- */
- void idSaveGameManager::Pump() {
- // After a processor is done, the next is pulled off the queue so the only way the manager isn't working is if
- // there isn't something executing or in the queue.
- if ( !IsWorking() ) {
- // Unified start to initialize system on PS3 and do appropriate checks for system combination issues
- // ------------------------------------
- // START
- // ------------------------------------
- StartNextProcessor();
- if ( !IsWorking() ) {
- return;
- }
- continueProcessing = true;
- }
- if ( cancel ) {
- processor->parms.AbortSaveGameFilePipeline();
- }
- // Quickly checks to see if the savegame thread is done, otherwise, exit and continue frame commands
- if ( processor->IsThreadFinished() ) {
- idLib::PrintfIf( saveGame_verbose.GetBool(), "%s waited on processor [%s], error = 0x%08X, %s\n", __FUNCTION__, processor->Name(), processor->GetError(), GetSaveGameErrorString( processor->GetError() ).c_str() );
- if ( !cancel && continueProcessing ) {
- // Check for available storage unit
- if ( session->GetSignInManager().GetMasterLocalUser() != NULL ) {
- if ( !session->GetSignInManager().GetMasterLocalUser()->IsStorageDeviceAvailable() ) {
- // this will not allow further processing
- processor->parms.errorCode = SAVEGAME_E_UNABLE_TO_SELECT_STORAGE_DEVICE;
- }
- }
- // Execute Process() on the processor, if there was an error in a previous Process() call, give the
- // processor the chance to validate that error and either clean itself up or convert it to another error or none.
- if ( processor->GetError() == SAVEGAME_E_NONE || processor->ValidateLastError() ) {
- idLib::PrintfIf( saveGame_verbose.GetBool(), "%s calling %s::Process(), error = 0x%08X, %s\n", __FUNCTION__, processor->Name(), processor->GetError(), GetSaveGameErrorString( processor->GetError() ).c_str() );
- // ------------------------------------
- // ------------------------------------
- continueProcessing = processor->Process();
- // If we don't return here, the completedCallback will be executed before it's done with it's async operation
- // during it's last process stage.
- return;
- } else {
- continueProcessing = false;
- }
- }
- // This section does specific post-processing for each of the save commands
- if ( !continueProcessing ) {
- // Clear out details if we detect corruption but keep directory/slot information
- for ( int i = 0; i < processor->parms.detailList.Num(); ++i ) {
- idSaveGameDetails & details = processor->parms.detailList[i];
- if ( details.damaged ) {
- details.descriptors.Clear();
- }
- }
- idLib::PrintfIf( saveGame_verbose.GetBool(), "%s calling %s::CompletedCallback()\n", __FUNCTION__, processor->Name() );
- processor->working = false;
- // This ensures that the savegame manager will believe the processor is done when there is a potentially
- // catastrophic thing that will happen within CompletedCallback which might try to sync all threads
- // The most common case of this is executing a map change (which we no longer do).
- // We flush the heap and wait for all background processes to finish. After all this is called, we will
- // cleanup the old processor within FinishProcessor()
- idSaveGameProcessor * localProcessor = processor;
- processor = NULL;
- // ------------------------------------
- // At this point, the handle will be completed
- // ------------------------------------
- Sys_InterlockedIncrement( lastExecutedProcessorHandle );
- for ( int i = 0; i < localProcessor->completedCallbacks.Num(); i++ ) {
- localProcessor->completedCallbacks[i]->Call();
- }
- localProcessor->completedCallbacks.DeleteContents( true );
- // ------------------------------------
- // ------------------------------------
- FinishProcessor( localProcessor );
- }
- } else if ( processor->ShouldTimeout() ) {
- // Hack for the PS3 threading hang
- idLib::PrintfIf( saveGame_verbose.GetBool(), "----- PROCESSOR TIMEOUT ----- (%s)\n", processor->Name() );
- idSaveGameProcessor * tempProcessor = processor;
- CancelAllProcessors( true );
- class idSWFScriptFunction_TryAgain : public idSWFScriptFunction_RefCounted {
- public:
- idSWFScriptFunction_TryAgain( idSaveGameManager * manager, idSaveGameProcessor * processor ) {
- this->manager = manager;
- this->processor = processor;
- }
- idSWFScriptVar Call ( idSWFScriptObject * thisObject, const idSWFParmList & parms ) {
- common->Dialog().ClearDialog( GDM_ERROR_SAVING_SAVEGAME );
- manager->ExecuteProcessor( processor );
- return idSWFScriptVar();
- }
- private:
- idSaveGameManager * manager;
- idSaveGameProcessor * processor;
- };
- idStaticList< idSWFScriptFunction *, 4 > callbacks;
- idStaticList< idStrId, 4 > optionText;
- callbacks.Append( new (TAG_SWF) idSWFScriptFunction_TryAgain( this, tempProcessor ) );
- optionText.Append( idStrId( "#STR_SWF_RETRY" ) );
- common->Dialog().AddDynamicDialog( GDM_ERROR_SAVING_SAVEGAME, callbacks, optionText, true, "" );
- }
- }