lp.h 6.1 KB

  1. #ifndef _LINUX_LP_H
  2. #define _LINUX_LP_H
  3. /*
  4. * usr/include/linux/lp.h c.1991-1992 James Wiegand
  5. * many modifications copyright (C) 1992 Michael K. Johnson
  6. * Interrupt support added 1993 Nigel Gamble
  7. * Removed 8255 status defines from inside __KERNEL__ Marcelo Tosatti
  8. */
  9. /*
  10. * Per POSIX guidelines, this module reserves the LP and lp prefixes
  11. * These are the lp_table[minor].flags flags...
  12. */
  13. #define LP_EXIST 0x0001
  14. #define LP_SELEC 0x0002
  15. #define LP_BUSY 0x0004
  16. #define LP_BUSY_BIT_POS 2
  17. #define LP_OFFL 0x0008
  18. #define LP_NOPA 0x0010
  19. #define LP_ERR 0x0020
  20. #define LP_ABORT 0x0040
  21. #define LP_CAREFUL 0x0080 /* obsoleted -arca */
  22. #define LP_ABORTOPEN 0x0100
  23. #define LP_TRUST_IRQ_ 0x0200 /* obsolete */
  24. #define LP_NO_REVERSE 0x0400 /* No reverse mode available. */
  25. #define LP_DATA_AVAIL 0x0800 /* Data is available. */
  26. /*
  27. * bit defines for 8255 status port
  28. * base + 1
  29. * accessed with LP_S(minor), which gets the byte...
  30. */
  31. #define LP_PBUSY 0x80 /* inverted input, active high */
  32. #define LP_PACK 0x40 /* unchanged input, active low */
  33. #define LP_POUTPA 0x20 /* unchanged input, active high */
  34. #define LP_PSELECD 0x10 /* unchanged input, active high */
  35. #define LP_PERRORP 0x08 /* unchanged input, active low */
  36. /* timeout for each character. This is relative to bus cycles -- it
  37. * is the count in a busy loop. THIS IS THE VALUE TO CHANGE if you
  38. * have extremely slow printing, or if the machine seems to slow down
  39. * a lot when you print. If you have slow printing, increase this
  40. * number and recompile, and if your system gets bogged down, decrease
  41. * this number. This can be changed with the tunelp(8) command as well.
  42. */
  43. #define LP_INIT_CHAR 1000
  44. /* The parallel port specs apparently say that there needs to be
  45. * a .5usec wait before and after the strobe.
  46. */
  47. #define LP_INIT_WAIT 1
  48. /* This is the amount of time that the driver waits for the printer to
  49. * catch up when the printer's buffer appears to be filled. If you
  50. * want to tune this and have a fast printer (i.e. HPIIIP), decrease
  51. * this number, and if you have a slow printer, increase this number.
  52. * This is in hundredths of a second, the default 2 being .05 second.
  53. * Or use the tunelp(8) command, which is especially nice if you want
  54. * change back and forth between character and graphics printing, which
  55. * are wildly different...
  56. */
  57. #define LP_INIT_TIME 2
  58. /* IOCTL numbers */
  59. #define LPCHAR 0x0601 /* corresponds to LP_INIT_CHAR */
  60. #define LPTIME 0x0602 /* corresponds to LP_INIT_TIME */
  61. #define LPABORT 0x0604 /* call with TRUE arg to abort on error,
  62. FALSE to retry. Default is retry. */
  63. #define LPSETIRQ 0x0605 /* call with new IRQ number,
  64. or 0 for polling (no IRQ) */
  65. #define LPGETIRQ 0x0606 /* get the current IRQ number */
  66. #define LPWAIT 0x0608 /* corresponds to LP_INIT_WAIT */
  67. /* NOTE: LPCAREFUL is obsoleted and it' s always the default right now -arca */
  68. #define LPCAREFUL 0x0609 /* call with TRUE arg to require out-of-paper, off-
  69. line, and error indicators good on all writes,
  70. FALSE to ignore them. Default is ignore. */
  71. #define LPABORTOPEN 0x060a /* call with TRUE arg to abort open() on error,
  72. FALSE to ignore error. Default is ignore. */
  73. #define LPGETSTATUS 0x060b /* return LP_S(minor) */
  74. #define LPRESET 0x060c /* reset printer */
  75. #ifdef LP_STATS
  76. #define LPGETSTATS 0x060d /* get statistics (struct lp_stats) */
  77. #endif
  78. #define LPGETFLAGS 0x060e /* get status flags */
  79. #define LPSETTIMEOUT 0x060f /* set parport timeout */
  80. /* timeout for printk'ing a timeout, in jiffies (100ths of a second).
  81. This is also used for re-checking error conditions if LP_ABORT is
  82. not set. This is the default behavior. */
  83. #define LP_TIMEOUT_INTERRUPT (60 * HZ)
  84. #define LP_TIMEOUT_POLLED (10 * HZ)
  85. #ifdef __KERNEL__
  86. #include <linux/wait.h>
  87. #include <linux/mutex.h>
  88. /* Magic numbers for defining port-device mappings */
  89. #define LP_PARPORT_UNSPEC -4
  90. #define LP_PARPORT_AUTO -3
  91. #define LP_PARPORT_OFF -2
  92. #define LP_PARPORT_NONE -1
  93. #define LP_F(minor) lp_table[(minor)].flags /* flags for busy, etc. */
  94. #define LP_CHAR(minor) lp_table[(minor)].chars /* busy timeout */
  95. #define LP_TIME(minor) lp_table[(minor)].time /* wait time */
  96. #define LP_WAIT(minor) lp_table[(minor)].wait /* strobe wait */
  97. #define LP_IRQ(minor) lp_table[(minor)].dev->port->irq /* interrupt # */
  98. /* PARPORT_IRQ_NONE means polled */
  99. #ifdef LP_STATS
  100. #define LP_STAT(minor) lp_table[(minor)].stats /* statistics area */
  101. #endif
  103. #define LP_BASE(x) lp_table[(x)].dev->port->base
  104. #ifdef LP_STATS
  105. struct lp_stats {
  106. unsigned long chars;
  107. unsigned long sleeps;
  108. unsigned int maxrun;
  109. unsigned int maxwait;
  110. unsigned int meanwait;
  111. unsigned int mdev;
  112. };
  113. #endif
  114. struct lp_struct {
  115. struct pardevice *dev;
  116. unsigned long flags;
  117. unsigned int chars;
  118. unsigned int time;
  119. unsigned int wait;
  120. char *lp_buffer;
  121. #ifdef LP_STATS
  122. unsigned int lastcall;
  123. unsigned int runchars;
  124. struct lp_stats stats;
  125. #endif
  126. wait_queue_head_t waitq;
  127. unsigned int last_error;
  128. struct mutex port_mutex;
  129. wait_queue_head_t dataq;
  130. long timeout;
  131. unsigned int best_mode;
  132. unsigned int current_mode;
  133. unsigned long bits;
  134. };
  135. /*
  136. * The following constants describe the various signals of the printer port
  137. * hardware. Note that the hardware inverts some signals and that some
  138. * signals are active low. An example is LP_STROBE, which must be programmed
  139. * with 1 for being active and 0 for being inactive, because the strobe signal
  140. * gets inverted, but it is also active low.
  141. */
  142. /*
  143. * defines for 8255 control port
  144. * base + 2
  145. * accessed with LP_C(minor)
  146. */
  147. #define LP_PINTEN 0x10 /* high to read data in or-ed with data out */
  148. #define LP_PSELECP 0x08 /* inverted output, active low */
  149. #define LP_PINITP 0x04 /* unchanged output, active low */
  150. #define LP_PAUTOLF 0x02 /* inverted output, active low */
  151. #define LP_PSTROBE 0x01 /* short high output on raising edge */
  152. /*
  153. * the value written to ports to test existence. PC-style ports will
  154. * return the value written. AT-style ports will return 0. so why not
  155. * make them the same ?
  156. */
  157. #define LP_DUMMY 0x00
  158. /*
  159. * This is the port delay time, in microseconds.
  160. * It is used only in the lp_init() and lp_reset() routine.
  161. */
  162. #define LP_DELAY 50
  163. #endif
  164. #endif