rappets-davekat-collection.yaml 1.6 KB

  1. Album: Rappets Davekat Collection
  2. Directory: rappets-davekat-collection
  3. Date: October 21, 2023
  4. Date Added: October 25, 2023
  5. URLs:
  6. - https://telesfnf.bandcamp.com/album/rappets-davekat-collection
  7. Groups:
  8. - Fandom
  9. Color: '#FE0000'
  10. Artists:
  11. - teles
  12. Cover Artists:
  13. - teles
  14. Wallpaper Artists:
  15. - teles
  16. - Niklink (edits for wiki)
  17. Cover Art File Extension: png
  18. Wallpaper File Extension: png
  19. Wallpaper Style: 'opacity: 0.85;'
  20. Commentary: |-
  21. <i>teles:</i>
  22. made in fruity loops studio 21
  23. <i>KawaiiMochiORA:</i>
  24. ...Note that the song is not based off a specific scene from Homestuck with little to no canonical reasons for why they are singing
  25. (if you really really really want canonical context for this, just imagine it taking place in the dream bubbles)
  26. ---
  27. Track: Davekat
  28. Directory: davekat-rappets
  29. Always Reference By Directory: true
  30. Contributors:
  31. - KawaiiMochiORA (voice acting)
  32. Duration: '1:57'
  33. URLs:
  34. - https://telesfnf.bandcamp.com/track/davekat
  35. - https://youtu.be/p8vJ8p5o06k
  36. Commentary: |-
  37. <i>teles:</i>
  38. john said that
  39. ---
  40. Track: Davekat ALT
  41. Contributors:
  42. - KawaiiMochiORA (voice acting)
  43. Duration: '1:55'
  44. Referenced Tracks:
  45. - track:davekat-rappets
  46. Sampled Tracks:
  47. - track:davekat-rappets
  48. URLs:
  49. - https://telesfnf.bandcamp.com/track/davekat-alt
  50. ---
  51. Track: Davekat [Instrumental]
  52. Duration: '1:57'
  53. URLs:
  54. - https://telesfnf.bandcamp.com/track/davekat-instrumental
  55. Referenced Tracks:
  56. - track:davekat-rappets
  57. ---
  58. Track: Davekat ALT [Instrumental]
  59. Duration: '1:55'
  60. Referenced Tracks:
  61. - Davekat ALT
  62. URLs:
  63. - https://telesfnf.bandcamp.com/track/davekat-alt-instrumental