s-collide.yaml 3.9 KB

  1. Album: '[S] Collide.'
  2. Date: April 6, 2016
  3. Date Added: November 15, 2019
  4. URLs:
  5. - https://homestuck.bandcamp.com/album/homestuck-vol-9-10-with-s-collide-and-act-7
  6. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcwqP0pMxGE
  7. - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnVpmehyaOFaNcNe2AtQUyDcLSJrzSQbe
  8. Cover Artists:
  9. - Homestuck
  10. Default Track Cover Artists:
  11. - Homestuck
  12. Art Tags:
  13. - Earth
  14. Cover Art File Extension: png
  15. Track Art File Extension: png
  16. Color: '#cc3322'
  17. Groups:
  18. - group:official
  19. Wallpaper Artists:
  20. - Rah-Bop
  21. Additional Files:
  22. - Title: Full album piano score by EuniverseCat
  23. Files:
  24. - '[S] Collide. - EuniverseCat (piano score).pdf'
  25. - Title: Full album MIDI by Unknown
  26. Files:
  27. - '[S] Collide. - Unknown.mid'
  28. ---
  29. Track: Creata (Canon Edit)
  30. Artists:
  31. - Seth Peelle
  32. Art Tags:
  33. - Skaia
  34. - Prospit
  35. - LoHaC
  36. - LoPaN
  37. Duration: '1:56'
  38. URLs:
  39. - https://homestuck.bandcamp.com/track/creata-canon-edit-2
  40. - https://youtu.be/43XGeVEiihM
  41. Referenced Tracks:
  42. - Creata
  43. Sheet Music Files:
  44. - Title: Sheet music by EuniverseCat
  45. Files:
  46. - 'Creata (Canon Edit) - EuniverseCat.pdf'
  47. MIDI Project Files:
  48. - Title: MIDI by Unknown
  49. Files:
  50. - 'Creata (Canon Edit) - Unknown.mid'
  51. ---
  52. Track: Oppa Toby Style
  53. Artists:
  54. - Toby Fox
  55. Art Tags:
  56. - The Condesce
  57. - John
  58. - Rose
  59. - Roxy
  60. - John's nanna
  61. - Derse
  62. Contributors:
  63. - James Roach (editing, cheers)
  64. Duration: '5:39'
  65. URLs:
  66. - https://homestuck.bandcamp.com/track/oppa-toby-style-2
  67. - https://youtu.be/bjAK8D5ytiU
  68. Referenced Tracks:
  69. - Ham And Steak
  70. - Cascade (Beta)
  71. - track:doctor
  72. - Crystalanthemums
  73. - track:crustacean
  74. - Liquid Negrocity
  75. MIDI Project Files:
  76. - Title: MIDI by TirantBacon
  77. Files:
  78. - 'Oppa Toby Style - TirantBacon.mid'
  79. Commentary: |-
  80. <i>James Roach:</i>
  81. i love cheers in songs (i edited the cheers into tobys song for [s] collide, and have written them into a few things) so the sword/shield gym theme really does it for me
  82. I JUST VERY SELFISHLY ADDED <a href="https://youtu.be/bjAK8D5ytiU?t=82">THESE CHEERS</a> TO AN ALREADY GOOD SONG LMAO
  83. toby had written a really cool song but i wanted to give andrew some hits that were less on the downbeat for the animation so while i was editing the tracks down for length and extending bits here and there i ended up adding them in because i wanted the section to feel hype
  84. ---
  85. Track: Eternity, Served Cold (Canon Edit)
  86. Artists:
  87. - Malcolm Brown
  88. Art Tags:
  89. - Lord English
  90. - Aradia
  91. - Kanaya
  92. - Eridan
  93. - Equius
  94. - Rufioh
  95. - Mituna
  96. - Kankri
  97. - Latula
  98. - Horuss
  99. - Cronus
  100. Duration: '3:34'
  101. URLs:
  102. - https://homestuck.bandcamp.com/track/eternity-served-cold-canon-edit-2
  103. - https://youtu.be/Ow8PeoCrfcg
  104. Referenced Tracks:
  105. - Eternity Served Cold
  106. - Typheus
  107. ---
  108. Track: Heir of Grief
  109. Directory: heir-of-grief-collide
  110. Artists:
  111. - Tensei
  112. Contributors:
  113. - James Roach (editing)
  114. Art Tags:
  115. - Dave
  116. - Dirk
  117. - Terezi
  118. - Jack Noir
  119. - LoTaK
  120. Duration: '6:12'
  121. URLs:
  122. - https://homestuck.bandcamp.com/track/heir-of-grief-2
  123. - https://youtu.be/Es5mh7pBeec
  124. Referenced Tracks:
  125. - track:heir-of-grief
  126. - Typheus
  127. Sheet Music Files:
  128. - Title: Guitar tabs by EuniverseCat
  129. Files:
  130. - 'Heir of Grief - EuniverseCat (tabs).pdf'
  131. - Title: Piano score by Do The Musicy Thing
  132. Files:
  133. - 'Heir of Grief - Do The Musicy Thing (piano score).pdf'
  134. - Title: Piano score by EuniverseCat
  135. Files:
  136. - 'Heir of Grief - EuniverseCat (tabs).pdf'
  137. MIDI Project Files:
  138. - Title: MIDI by Unknown
  139. Files:
  140. - 'Heir of Grief - Unknown A.mid'
  141. - Title: MIDI by Unknown
  142. Files:
  143. - 'Heir of Grief - Unknown B.mid'
  144. Commentary: |-
  145. <i>James Roach:</i>
  146. the rest of the edits i did for collide were like... timing things. theres a part at the end where we needed one more bar of hits during heir of grief because one extra thing happens (the part where the condesce gets stabbed is the previous 4 bars copied and edited in)
  147. you might notice this if you're music savvy to the point where you're like wait why is there a 12 bar phrase in an otherwise 16 bar pattern. its because that part wasnt long enough for the animation and andrew suggested asking to re-record it and i was like thatll take too long