exe_main.py 676 B

  1. import os
  2. import sys
  3. from lvc import settings
  4. from lvc.windows import autoupdate
  5. from lvc.widgets import app
  6. from lvc.widgets import initialize
  7. from lvc.ui.widgets import Application
  8. # before anything else, settup logging
  9. from lvc.windows import exelogging
  10. exelogging.setup_logging()
  11. # add the directories for ffmpeg and avconv to our search path
  12. exe_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
  13. settings.add_to_search_path(os.path.join(exe_dir, 'ffmpeg'))
  14. settings.add_to_search_path(os.path.join(exe_dir, 'avconv'))
  15. # run the app
  16. app.widgetapp = Application()
  17. app.widgetapp.connect("window-shown", lambda w: autoupdate.startup())
  18. initialize(app.widgetapp)
  19. autoupdate.shutdown()