My Personal Emacs configuration

Jesús 2a76be1a87 Set web browser from environment file 2 سال پیش
modules 2a76be1a87 Set web browser from environment file 2 سال پیش
.env.example 2a76be1a87 Set web browser from environment file 2 سال پیش
.gitignore aba5e59b02 Add .env to custom configuration 3 سال پیش
LICENSE d172fb6e48 Initial commit 6 سال پیش d43f5f350a Set vscode like default theme 2 سال پیش
custom.el c4f5c73c0b Update custom to current packages 2 سال پیش
init.el d43f5f350a Set vscode like default theme 2 سال پیش
settings.el aba5e59b02 Add .env to custom configuration 3 سال پیش


Lightweight configuration of emacs with basic utilities plus personal configuration



First step:

M-x package-refresh-contents [RET]

Main mirror

  1. git clone ~/.emacs.d/
  2. cp -v ~/.emacs.d/.env.example ~/.emacs.d/.env
  3. emacs --batch --eval='(load-file "~/.emacs.d/init.el")'

Secundary mirror

  1. git clone ~/.emacs.d/
  2. cp -v ~/.emacs.d/.env.example ~/.emacs.d/.env
  3. emacs --batch --eval='(load-file "~/.emacs.d/init.el")'


  • ttf-hack
  • ttf-anonymous-pro
  • hyphen
  • hyphen-es
  • markdown
  • shellcheck
  • python-virtualenv
  • python-pylint


change the typography in the init-gui.el file


$ emacs --batch --eval="(progn (package-initialize)(package-install 'all-the-icons))"

Markdown Mode

Require installed markdown in distro GNU+Linux, example:

$ apt install markdown


$ pacman -S markdown

Flycheck Mode

  • Require installed the languages checking, example:

bash, sh

$ pacman -S shellcheck


$ pacman -S python-pylint


Neotree comes by default in combination with all-the-icons. So pressing [f8] will display (you must give "yes") a one-time screen to install all-the-icons fonts.


So pressing [f6] will display

Mode Python

  • Require installed virtualenv:

    $ pacman -S python-virtualenv
  • Enable or disable pyvenv-mode: M-x pyvenv-mode

  • To create virtualenv from emacs:

    $ pyvenv-create
  • To activate virtualenv from emacs:

    $ pyvenv-activate


Failed to verify signature archive-contents.sig:
No public key for 066DAFCB81E42C40 created at 2019-10-05T04:10:02-0500 using RSA
Command output:
gpg: Firmado el sáb 05 oct 2019 04:10:02 -05
gpg:                usando RSA clave C433554766D3DDC64221BFAA066DAFCB81E42C40
gpg: Imposible comprobar la firma: No public key

Method 0

$ gpg --homedir ~/.emacs.d/elpa/gnupg --receive-keys 066DAFCB81E42C40

Method 1

Disable temp signature key

$ sed -i "s|(setq package-check-signature 'allow-unsigned)|(setq package-check-signature nil)|g" "$HOME/.emacs.d/init.el"
M-x package-install RET gnu-elpa-keyring-update RET

and enable signature key

$ sed -i "s|(setq package-check-signature nil)|(setq package-check-signature 'allow-unsigned)|g" "$HOME/.emacs.d/init.el"

Evaluate in buffer

C-x + C-e