#117 Mobile first ?

öppnade 4 år sedan av raphj · 1 kommentarer
raphj kommenterad 4 år sedan

I just discovered Halcyon and I find this interface awesome, compared to the standard Mastodon Theme.

I am really surprised, though, that Mobile layout is not supported ! Am I missing something ? Don't you use some mobile-first CSS framework ?

I just discovered Halcyon and I find this interface awesome, compared to the standard Mastodon Theme. I am really surprised, though, that Mobile layout is not supported ! Am I missing something ? Don't you use some mobile-first CSS framework ?
lunota kommenterad 3 år sedan

This problem does not only affect the mobile view. I use both microblogging and messenger (Pidgin) docked to the side on the wide desktop. To use this with Halcyon in a meaningful way, it would be necessary that the left bar folds away when the page is narrowed. It would be great if this could still be implemented. I also prefer Halcyon, because the standard view is much too cluttered for me.

This problem does not only affect the mobile view. I use both microblogging and messenger (Pidgin) docked to the side on the wide desktop. To use this with Halcyon in a meaningful way, it would be necessary that the left bar folds away when the page is narrowed. It would be great if this could still be implemented. I also prefer Halcyon, because the standard view is much too cluttered for me.
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