524 B

  1. print('Wellcome to BMI Calculator')
  2. weight = int(input('Enter your weight in kg here: '))
  3. height = float(input('Enter your height in m here: '))
  4. bmi = round(weight / height ** 2)
  5. if bmi < 18.5:
  6. print(f'Your bmi is {bmi} and you are underweight')
  7. elif bmi < 25:
  8. print(f'Your bmi is {bmi} and you are normal weight')
  9. elif bmi < 30:
  10. print(f'Your bmi is {bmi} and you are overweight')
  11. elif bmi < 35:
  12. print(f'Your bmi is {bmi} and you are obese')
  13. else:
  14. print(f'Your bmi is {bmi} and youare clinicaly obese')